Beispiel #1
	virtual void OnBuildExemptList(MessageType message_type, chanrec* chan, userrec* sender, char status, CUList &exempt_list)
		CUList *ulist;
		switch (status)
			case '@':
				ulist = chan->GetOppedUsers();
			case '%':
				ulist = chan->GetHalfoppedUsers();
			case '+':
				ulist = chan->GetVoicedUsers();
				ulist = chan->GetUsers();

		for (CUList::iterator i = ulist->begin(); i != ulist->end(); i++)
			if (IS_LOCAL(i->first))
				if (i->first->IsModeSet('d'))
					exempt_list[i->first] = i->first->nick;
Beispiel #2
	virtual void OnBuildExemptList(MessageType message_type, Channel* chan, User* sender, char status, CUList &exempt_list, const std::string &text)
		int public_silence = (message_type == MSG_PRIVMSG ? SILENCE_CHANNEL : SILENCE_CNOTICE);
		CUList *ulist;
		switch (status)
			case '@':
				ulist = chan->GetOppedUsers();
			case '%':
				ulist = chan->GetHalfoppedUsers();
			case '+':
				ulist = chan->GetVoicedUsers();
				ulist = chan->GetUsers();

		for (CUList::iterator i = ulist->begin(); i != ulist->end(); i++)
			if (IS_LOCAL(i->first))
				if (MatchPattern(i->first, sender, public_silence) == 1)
					exempt_list[i->first] = i->first->nick;
Beispiel #3
	void RemoveMode(chanrec* channel, char mc)
		unload_kludge = true;
		CUList* cl = channel->GetUsers();
		std::string item = extend + std::string(channel->name);
		const char* mode_junk[MAXMODES+2];
		userrec* n = new userrec(MyInstance);
		mode_junk[0] = channel->name;
		irc::modestacker modestack(false);
		std::deque<std::string> stackresult;				
		for (CUList::iterator i = cl->begin(); i != cl->end(); i++)
			if (i->first->GetExt(item, dummyptr))
				modestack.Push(mc, i->first->nick);

		while (modestack.GetStackedLine(stackresult))
			for (size_t j = 0; j < stackresult.size(); j++)
				mode_junk[j+1] = stackresult[j].c_str();
			MyInstance->SendMode(mode_junk, stackresult.size() + 1, n);
		delete n;
		unload_kludge = false;
Beispiel #4
    void RemoveMode(Channel* channel, char mc, irc::modestacker* stack)
        CUList* cl = channel->GetUsers();
        std::string item = extend + std::string(channel->name);
        std::vector<std::string> mode_junk;
        irc::modestacker modestack(MyInstance, false);
        std::deque<std::string> stackresult;

        for (CUList::iterator i = cl->begin(); i != cl->end(); i++)
            if (i->first->GetExt(item))
                if (stack)
                    stack->Push(mc, i->first->nick);
                    modestack.Push(mc, i->first->nick);

        if (stack)

        while (modestack.GetStackedLine(stackresult))
            mode_junk.insert(mode_junk.end(), stackresult.begin(), stackresult.end());
            MyInstance->SendMode(mode_junk, MyInstance->FakeClient);
            mode_junk.erase(mode_junk.begin() + 1, mode_junk.end());
Beispiel #5
/* returns a list of DIRECT servernames for a specific channel */
void SpanningTreeUtilities::GetListOfServersForChannel(Channel* c, TreeSocketSet& list, char status, const CUList& exempt_list)
	unsigned int minrank = 0;
	if (status)
		PrefixMode* mh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindPrefix(status);
		if (mh)
			minrank = mh->GetPrefixRank();

	const UserMembList *ulist = c->GetUsers();

	for (UserMembCIter i = ulist->begin(); i != ulist->end(); i++)
		if (IS_LOCAL(i->first))

		if (minrank && i->second->getRank() < minrank)

		if (exempt_list.find(i->first) == exempt_list.end())
			TreeServer* best = TreeServer::Get(i->first);
Beispiel #6
	virtual void OnSyncChannel(chanrec* chan, Module* proto, void* opaque)
		/* NOTE: If +qa prefix is on, this is propogated by the channel join,
		 * so we dont need to propogate it manually
		if (!QAPrefixes)
			// this is called when the server is linking into a net and wants to sync channel data.
			// we should send our mode changes for the channel here to ensure that other servers
			// know whos +q/+a on the channel.
			CUList* cl = chan->GetUsers();
			string_list commands;
			std::string founder = "cm_founder_"+std::string(chan->name);
			std::string protect = "cm_protect_"+std::string(chan->name);
			irc::modestacker modestack(true);
			std::deque<std::string> stackresult;
			for (CUList::iterator i = cl->begin(); i != cl->end(); i++)
				if (i->first->GetExt(founder,dummyptr))
				if (i->first->GetExt(protect,dummyptr))
			while (modestack.GetStackedLine(stackresult))
				irc::stringjoiner mode_join(" ", stackresult, 0, stackresult.size() - 1);
				std::string line = mode_join.GetJoined();
				proto->ProtoSendMode(opaque,TYPE_CHANNEL,chan, line);
Beispiel #7
	virtual void BuildDeafList(MessageType message_type, Channel* chan, User* sender, char status, const std::string &text, CUList &exempt_list)
		CUList *ulist = chan->GetUsers();
		bool is_a_uline;
		bool is_bypasschar, is_bypasschar_avail;
		bool is_bypasschar_uline, is_bypasschar_uline_avail;

		is_bypasschar = is_bypasschar_avail = is_bypasschar_uline = is_bypasschar_uline_avail = 0;
		if (!deaf_bypasschars.empty())
			is_bypasschar_avail = 1;
			if (deaf_bypasschars.find(text[0], 0) != std::string::npos)
				is_bypasschar = 1;
		if (!deaf_bypasschars_uline.empty())
			is_bypasschar_uline_avail = 1;
			if (deaf_bypasschars_uline.find(text[0], 0) != std::string::npos)
				is_bypasschar_uline = 1;

		 * If we have no bypasschars_uline in config, and this is a bypasschar (regular)
		 * Than it is obviously going to get through +d, no build required
		if (!is_bypasschar_uline_avail && is_bypasschar)

		for (CUList::iterator i = ulist->begin(); i != ulist->end(); i++)
			/* not +d ? */
			if (!i->first->IsModeSet('d'))
				continue; /* deliver message */
			/* matched both U-line only and regular bypasses */
			if (is_bypasschar && is_bypasschar_uline)
				continue; /* deliver message */

			is_a_uline = ServerInstance->ULine(i->first->server);
			/* matched a U-line only bypass */
			if (is_bypasschar_uline && is_a_uline)
				continue; /* deliver message */
			/* matched a regular bypass */
			if (is_bypasschar && !is_a_uline)
				continue; /* deliver message */

			if (status && !strchr(chan->GetAllPrefixChars(i->first), status))

			/* don't deliver message! */
			exempt_list[i->first] = i->first->nick;
Beispiel #8
	void DisplayList(userrec* user, chanrec* channel)
		CUList* cl = channel->GetUsers();
		std::string item = extend+std::string(channel->name);
		for (CUList::reverse_iterator i = cl->rbegin(); i != cl->rend(); ++i)
			if (i->first->GetExt(item, dummyptr))
				user->WriteServ("%d %s %s %s", list, user->nick, channel->name,i->first->nick);
		user->WriteServ("%d %s %s :End of channel %s list", end, user->nick, channel->name, type.c_str());
Beispiel #9
static void BuildExcept(Membership* memb, CUList& excepts)
	const UserMembList* users = memb->chan->GetUsers();
	for(UserMembCIter i = users->begin(); i != users->end(); i++)
		if (IS_LOCAL(i->first) && i->first->HasPrivPermission("invisible/see"))
Beispiel #10
static void populate(CUList& except, Membership* memb)
	const Channel::MemberMap& users = memb->chan->GetUsers();
	for (Channel::MemberMap::const_iterator i = users.begin(); i != users.end(); ++i)
		if (i->first == memb->user || !IS_LOCAL(i->first))
Beispiel #11
	void OnUserKick(User* source, Membership* memb, const std::string &reason, CUList& except_list) override
		if (badchan)
			const Channel::MemberMap& users = memb->chan->GetUsers();
			for (Channel::MemberMap::const_iterator i = users.begin(); i != users.end(); ++i)
				if (i->first != memb->user)
	/** Build CUList for showing this join/part/kick */
	void BuildExcept(Membership* memb, CUList& excepts)
		if (IsVisible(memb))

		const UserMembList* users = memb->chan->GetUsers();
		for(UserMembCIter i = users->begin(); i != users->end(); i++)
			if (IS_LOCAL(i->first) && !CanSee(i->first, memb))
Beispiel #13
	/** Build CUList for showing this join/part/kick */
	void BuildExcept(Membership* memb, CUList& excepts)
		if (IsVisible(memb))

		const Channel::MemberMap& users = memb->chan->GetUsers();
		for (Channel::MemberMap::const_iterator i = users.begin(); i != users.end(); ++i)
			if (IS_LOCAL(i->first) && !CanSee(i->first, memb))
Beispiel #14
	void OnBuildExemptList(MessageType message_type, Channel* chan, User* sender, char status, CUList &exempt_list, const std::string &text)
		int public_silence = (message_type == MSG_PRIVMSG ? SILENCE_CHANNEL : SILENCE_CNOTICE);
		const UserMembList *ulist = chan->GetUsers();

		for (UserMembCIter i = ulist->begin(); i != ulist->end(); i++)
			if (IS_LOCAL(i->first))
				if (MatchPattern(i->first, sender, public_silence) == MOD_RES_DENY)
Beispiel #15
	void BuildExemptList(MessageType message_type, Channel* chan, User* sender, CUList& exempt_list)
		int public_silence = (message_type == MSG_PRIVMSG ? SILENCE_CHANNEL : SILENCE_CNOTICE);

		const Channel::MemberMap& ulist = chan->GetUsers();
		for (Channel::MemberMap::const_iterator i = ulist.begin(); i != ulist.end(); ++i)
			if (IS_LOCAL(i->first))
				if (MatchPattern(i->first, sender, public_silence) == MOD_RES_DENY)
Beispiel #16
void ModeChannelVoice::RemoveMode(chanrec* channel)
	CUList* list = channel->GetVoicedUsers();
	CUList copy;
	char moderemove[MAXBUF];
	userrec* n = new userrec(ServerInstance);

	for (CUList::iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); i++)
		userrec* n = i->first;
	for (CUList::iterator i = copy.begin(); i != copy.end(); i++)
		const char* parameters[] = { channel->name, moderemove, i->first->nick };
		ServerInstance->SendMode(parameters, 3, n);
	delete n;
Beispiel #17
	void BuildDeafList(MessageType message_type, Channel* chan, User* sender, char status, const std::string &text, CUList &exempt_list)
		const UserMembList *ulist = chan->GetUsers();
		bool is_bypasschar = (deaf_bypasschars.find(text[0]) != std::string::npos);
		bool is_bypasschar_uline = (deaf_bypasschars_uline.find(text[0]) != std::string::npos);

		 * If we have no bypasschars_uline in config, and this is a bypasschar (regular)
		 * Than it is obviously going to get through +d, no build required
		if (!deaf_bypasschars_uline.empty() && is_bypasschar)

		for (UserMembCIter i = ulist->begin(); i != ulist->end(); i++)
			/* not +d ? */
			if (!i->first->IsModeSet(m1))
				continue; /* deliver message */
			/* matched both U-line only and regular bypasses */
			if (is_bypasschar && is_bypasschar_uline)
				continue; /* deliver message */

			bool is_a_uline = i->first->server->IsULine();
			/* matched a U-line only bypass */
			if (is_bypasschar_uline && is_a_uline)
				continue; /* deliver message */
			/* matched a regular bypass */
			if (is_bypasschar && !is_a_uline)
				continue; /* deliver message */

			if (status && !strchr(chan->GetAllPrefixChars(i->first), status))

			/* don't deliver message! */
Beispiel #18
void ModeChannelOp::RemoveMode(Channel* channel, irc::modestacker* stack)
	CUList* clist = channel->GetOppedUsers();
	CUList copy;

	for (CUList::iterator i = clist->begin(); i != clist->end(); i++)
		User* n = i->first;

	for (CUList::iterator i = copy.begin(); i != copy.end(); i++)
		if (stack)
			stack->Push(this->GetModeChar(), i->first->nick);
			std::vector<std::string> parameters; parameters.push_back(channel->name); parameters.push_back("-o"); parameters.push_back(i->first->nick);
			ServerInstance->SendMode(parameters, ServerInstance->FakeClient);
Beispiel #19
/** Handle nick changes from users.
 * NOTE: If you are used to ircds based on ircd2.8, and are looking
 * for the client introduction code in here, youre in the wrong place.
 * You need to look in the spanningtree module for this!
CmdResult CommandNick::Handle (const std::vector<std::string>& parameters, User *user)
	std::string oldnick;

	if (parameters[0].empty())
		/* We cant put blanks in the parameters, so for this (extremely rare) issue we just put '*' here. */
		user->WriteNumeric(432, "%s * :Erroneous Nickname", user->nick.empty() ? user->nick.c_str() : "*");
		return CMD_FAILURE;

	if (((!ServerInstance->IsNick(parameters[0].c_str(), ServerInstance->Config->Limits.NickMax))) && (IS_LOCAL(user)))
		if (!allowinvalid)
			if (parameters[0] == "0")
				// Special case, Fake a /nick UIDHERE. Useful for evading "ERR: NICK IN USE" on connect etc.
				std::vector<std::string> p2;
				std::deque<classbase*> dummy;
				this->HandleInternal(1, dummy);
				this->Handle(p2, user);
				this->HandleInternal(0, dummy);
				return CMD_SUCCESS;

			user->WriteNumeric(432, "%s %s :Erroneous Nickname", user->nick.c_str(),parameters[0].c_str());
			return CMD_FAILURE;

	if (assign(user->nick) == parameters[0])
		/* If its exactly the same, even case, dont do anything. */
		if (parameters[0] == user->nick)
			return CMD_SUCCESS;

		/* Its a change of case. People insisted that they should be
		 * able to do silly things like this even though the RFC says
		 * the nick AAA is the same as the nick aaa.
		oldnick.assign(user->nick, 0, IS_LOCAL(user) ? ServerInstance->Config->Limits.NickMax : MAXBUF);
		int MOD_RESULT = 0;
			return CMD_FAILURE;
		if (user->registered == REG_ALL)
			user->WriteCommon("NICK %s",parameters[0].c_str());
		user->nick.assign(parameters[0], 0, IS_LOCAL(user) ? ServerInstance->Config->Limits.NickMax : MAXBUF);
		return CMD_SUCCESS;
		 * Don't check Q:Lines if it's a server-enforced change, just on the off-chance some f*****g *moron*
		 * tries to Q:Line SIDs, also, this means we just get our way period, as it really should be.
		 * Thanks Kein for finding this. -- w00t
		 * Also don't check Q:Lines for remote nickchanges, they should have our Q:Lines anyway to enforce themselves.
		 *		-- w00t
		if (!allowinvalid || !IS_LOCAL(user))
			XLine* mq = ServerInstance->XLines->MatchesLine("Q",parameters[0]);
			if (mq)
				if (user->registered == REG_ALL)
					ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('x', "Q-Lined nickname %s from %s!%s@%s: %s", parameters[0].c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), user->ident.c_str(), user->host.c_str(), mq->reason);
				user->WriteNumeric(432, "%s %s :Invalid nickname: %s",user->nick.c_str(), parameters[0].c_str(), mq->reason);
				return CMD_FAILURE;

			if (ServerInstance->Config->RestrictBannedUsers)
				for (UCListIter i = user->chans.begin(); i != user->chans.end(); i++)
					Channel *chan = i->first;
					if (chan->GetStatus(user) < STATUS_VOICE && chan->IsBanned(user))
						user->WriteNumeric(404, "%s %s :Cannot send to channel (you're banned)", user->nick.c_str(), chan->name.c_str());
						return CMD_FAILURE;

		 * Uh oh.. if the nickname is in use, and it's not in use by the person using it (doh) --
		 * then we have a potential collide. Check whether someone else is camping on the nick
		 * (i.e. connect -> send NICK, don't send USER.) If they are camping, force-change the
		 * camper to their UID, and allow the incoming nick change.
		 * If the guy using the nick is already using it, tell the incoming nick change to gtfo,
		 * because the nick is already (rightfully) in use. -- w00t
		User* InUse = ServerInstance->FindNickOnly(parameters[0]);
		if (InUse && (InUse != user))
			if (InUse->registered != REG_ALL)
				/* force the camper to their UUID, and ask them to re-send a NICK. */
				InUse->WriteTo(InUse, "NICK %s", InUse->uuid.c_str());
				InUse->WriteNumeric(433, "%s %s :Nickname overruled.", InUse->nick.c_str(), InUse->nick.c_str());
				InUse->nick.assign(InUse->uuid, 0, IS_LOCAL(InUse) ? ServerInstance->Config->Limits.NickMax : MAXBUF);
				InUse->registered &= ~REG_NICK;
				/* No camping, tell the incoming user  to stop trying to change nick ;p */
				user->WriteNumeric(433, "%s %s :Nickname is already in use.", user->registered >= REG_NICK ? user->nick.c_str() : "*", parameters[0].c_str());
				return CMD_FAILURE;

	int MOD_RESULT = 0;
	FOREACH_RESULT(I_OnUserPreNick,OnUserPreNick(user, parameters[0]));
		// if a module returns true, the nick change is silently forbidden.
		return CMD_FAILURE;

	if (user->registered == REG_ALL)
		user->WriteCommon("NICK %s", parameters[0].c_str());

	oldnick.assign(user->nick, 0, IS_LOCAL(user) ? ServerInstance->Config->Limits.NickMax : MAXBUF);

	/* change the nick of the user in the users_hash */
	user = user->UpdateNickHash(parameters[0].c_str());

	/* actually change the nick within the record */
	if (!user)
		return CMD_FAILURE;

	user->nick.assign(parameters[0], 0, IS_LOCAL(user) ? ServerInstance->Config->Limits.NickMax : MAXBUF);

	/* Update display nicks */
	for (UCListIter v = user->chans.begin(); v != user->chans.end(); v++)
		CUList* ulist = v->first->GetUsers();
		CUList::iterator i = ulist->find(user);
		if (i != ulist->end())
			i->second = user->nick;

	if (user->registered < REG_NICKUSER)
		user->registered = (user->registered | REG_NICK);
		if (user->registered == REG_NICKUSER)
			/* user is registered now, bit 0 = USER command, bit 1 = sent a NICK command */
			MOD_RESULT = 0;
			if (MOD_RESULT > 0)
				return CMD_FAILURE;

			// return early to not penalize new users
			return CMD_SUCCESS;

	if (user->registered == REG_ALL)
		FOREACH_MOD(I_OnUserPostNick,OnUserPostNick(user, oldnick));

	return CMD_SUCCESS;

Beispiel #20
/** Send one or more FJOINs for a channel of users.
 * If the length of a single line is more than 480-NICKMAX
 * in length, it is split over multiple lines.
void TreeSocket::SendFJoins(TreeServer* Current, Channel* c)
	std::string buffer;
	char list[MAXBUF];

	size_t curlen, headlen;
	curlen = headlen = snprintf(list,MAXBUF,":%s FJOIN %s %lu +%s :",
		this->ServerInstance->Config->GetSID().c_str(), c->name.c_str(), (unsigned long)c->age, c->ChanModes(true));
	int numusers = 0;
	char* ptr = list + curlen;
	bool looped_once = false;

	CUList *ulist = c->GetUsers();
	std::string modes;
	std::string params;

	for (CUList::iterator i = ulist->begin(); i != ulist->end(); i++)
		size_t ptrlen = 0;
		std::string modestr = this->ServerInstance->Modes->ModeString(i->first, c, false);

		if ((curlen + modestr.length() + i->first->uuid.length() + 4) > 480)
			// remove the final space
			if (ptr[-1] == ' ')
				ptr[-1] = '\0';
			curlen = headlen;
			ptr = list + headlen;
			numusers = 0;

		ptrlen = snprintf(ptr, MAXBUF-curlen, "%s,%s ", modestr.c_str(), i->first->uuid.c_str());

		looped_once = true;

		curlen += ptrlen;
		ptr += ptrlen;


	// Okay, permanent channels will (of course) need this \r\n anyway, numusers check is if there
	// actually were people in the channel (looped_once == true)
	if (!looped_once || numusers > 0)
		// remove the final space
		if (ptr[-1] == ' ')
			ptr[-1] = '\0';

	int linesize = 1;
	for (BanList::iterator b = c->bans.begin(); b != c->bans.end(); b++)
		int size = b->data.length() + 2;
		int currsize = linesize + size;
		if (currsize <= 350)
			params.append(" ").append(b->data);
			linesize += size;
		if ((params.length() >= ServerInstance->Config->Limits.MaxModes) || (currsize > 350))
			/* Wrap at MAXMODES */
			buffer.append(":").append(this->ServerInstance->Config->GetSID()).append(" FMODE ").append(c->name).append(" ").append(ConvToStr(c->age)).append(" +").append(modes).append(params).append("\r\n");
			linesize = 1;

	/* Only send these if there are any */
	if (!modes.empty())
		buffer.append(":").append(this->ServerInstance->Config->GetSID()).append(" FMODE ").append(c->name).append(" ").append(ConvToStr(c->age)).append(" +").append(modes).append(params);
