CUtlString CUtlString::Slice( int32 nStart, int32 nEnd ) const
	int length = Length();
	if ( length == 0 )
		return CUtlString();

	if ( nStart < 0 )
		nStart = length - (-nStart % length);
	else if ( nStart >= length )
		nStart = length;

	if ( nEnd == INT32_MAX )
		nEnd = length;
	else if ( nEnd < 0 )
		nEnd = length - (-nEnd % length);
	else if ( nEnd >= length )
		nEnd = length;
	if ( nStart >= nEnd )
		return CUtlString();

	const char *pIn = String();

	CUtlString ret;
	ret.SetDirect( pIn + nStart, nEnd - nStart );
	return ret;
Beispiel #2
bool Unserialize( CUtlBuffer &buf, CUtlString &dest )
	int nLen = buf.PeekDelimitedStringLength( s_pConv );
	dest.SetLength( nLen - 1 );	// -1 because the length returned includes space for \0
	buf.GetDelimitedString( s_pConv, dest.Get(), nLen );
	return buf.IsValid();
void DownloadCampaign::OnCommand(const char *command)
	if ( Q_stricmp( command, "Continue" ) == 0 )
		CUtlString dest;

		if ( V_strnicmp( "http:", m_webSite.Get(), 4 ) != 0 || V_strnicmp( "https:", m_webSite.Get(), 4 ) != 0 )
			dest = "http://";
			dest += m_webSite;
			dest = m_webSite;

		system()->ShellExecute("open", dest.Get() );
	else if ( Q_stricmp( command, "Back" ) == 0 )
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_BACK );
		BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
Beispiel #4
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::PossibleMapChange( void )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
	//detect and copy map changes
	if ( Q_stricmp( m_PrevMapName.String(), STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) ) )

		CUtlString PrevMapBackup = m_PrevMapName;

		m_PrevMapName = STRING( gpGlobals->mapname );

		gamestats->Event_MapChange( PrevMapBackup.String(), STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) );

		if ( gamestats->UseOldFormat() )
			if( gamestats->AutoSave_OnMapChange() )

			if( gamestats->AutoUpload_OnMapChange() )
Beispiel #5
void C_HudMapInfo::LevelInitPostEntity()
    KeyValuesAD mapInfo("MapInfo");

    MapData *pData = g_pMapCache->GetCurrentMapData();
    if (pData)
        mapInfo->SetString("mapName", pData->m_szMapName);
        CUtlString authors;
        if (pData->GetCreditString(&authors, CREDIT_AUTHOR))
            mapInfo->SetString("authors", authors.Get());
            m_pMapAuthorLabel->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(m_wMapAuthors, (KeyValues*)mapInfo));
        mapInfo->SetInt("difficulty", pData->m_MainTrack.m_iDifficulty);
        m_pMapDifficultyLabel->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(m_wMapDifficulty, (KeyValues*)mapInfo));
        mapInfo->SetString("mapName", g_pGameRules->MapName());

    m_pMapNameLabel->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(m_wMapName, (KeyValues*)mapInfo));
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( const char *pszFrom, const char *pszTo ) const
	Assert( pszTo ); // Can be 0 length, but not null
	Assert( pszFrom && *pszFrom ); // Must be valid and have one character.
	const char *pos = V_strstr( String(), pszFrom );
	if ( !pos )
		return *this;

	const char *pFirstFound = pos;

	// count number of search string
	int nSearchCount = 0;
	int nSearchLength = V_strlen( pszFrom );
	while ( pos )
		int nSrcOffset = ( pos - String() ) + nSearchLength;
		pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom );

	// allocate the new string
	int nReplaceLength = V_strlen( pszTo );
	int nAllocOffset = nSearchCount * ( nReplaceLength - nSearchLength );
	size_t srcLength = Length();
	CUtlString strDest;
	size_t destLength = srcLength + nAllocOffset;
	strDest.SetLength( destLength );

	// find and replace the search string
	pos = pFirstFound;
	int nDestOffset = 0;
	int nSrcOffset = 0;
	while ( pos )
		// Found an instance
		int nCurrentSearchOffset = pos - String();
		int nCopyLength = nCurrentSearchOffset - nSrcOffset;
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, nCopyLength + 1 );
		nDestOffset += nCopyLength;
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, pszTo, nReplaceLength + 1 );
		nDestOffset += nReplaceLength;

		nSrcOffset = nCurrentSearchOffset + nSearchLength;
		pos = V_strstr( String() + nSrcOffset, pszFrom );

	// making sure that the left over string from the source is the same size as the left over dest buffer
	Assert( destLength - nDestOffset == srcLength - nSrcOffset );
	if ( destLength - nDestOffset > 0 )
		V_strncpy( strDest.GetForModify() + nDestOffset, String() + nSrcOffset, destLength - nDestOffset + 1 );

	return strDest;
CUtlString CUtlString::StripFilename() const
	const char *pFilename = V_UnqualifiedFileName( Get() ); // NOTE: returns 'Get()' on failure, never NULL
	int nCharsToCopy = pFilename - Get();
	CUtlString result;
	result.SetDirect( Get(), nCharsToCopy );
	return result;
Beispiel #8
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( char cFrom, char cTo )
	CUtlString ret = *this;
	int len = ret.Length();
	for ( int i=0; i < len; i++ )
		if ( ret.m_Storage[i] == cFrom )
			ret.m_Storage[i] = cTo;

	return ret;
Beispiel #9
bool GameModes::GetLastActiveNameId( char *pOutBuffer, int nOutBufferSize )
	if ( g_CurrentModeIdSave.IsEmpty() )
		return false;
	int nActive = NameIdToModeInfo( g_CurrentModeIdSave.String() );
	if ( nActive == -1 )
		return false;

	V_strncpy( pOutBuffer, g_CurrentModeIdSave.String(), nOutBufferSize );
	return true;
pfnConditionsMet CInstructor::GetBaseConditions(const CUtlString& sConditions)
	if (sConditions == "WhoCares")
		return WhoCaresConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "ValidPlayer")
		return ValidPlayerConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "PlayerAlive")
		return PlayerAliveConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "PlayerDead")
		return PlayerDeadConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "PlayerCanReload")
		return PlayerCanReloadConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "PlayerOutOfAmmoAndMultipleWeapons")
		return PlayerOutOfAmmoAndMultipleWeaponsConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "PlayerHasMultipleWeapons")
		return PlayerHasMultipleWeaponsConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "PlayerActiveWeaponHasAimIn")
		return PlayerActiveWeaponHasAimInConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "PlayerHasGrenades")
		return PlayerHasGrenadesConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "PlayerHasSlowMo")
		return PlayerHasSlowMoConditions;
	else if (sConditions == "PlayerInThirdPerson")
		return PlayerInThirdPersonConditions;

	Error(std::string("Couldn't find lesson condition '").append(sConditions.Get()).append("'\n").c_str());

	return NULL;
CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( char cFrom, char cTo ) const
	if (!m_pString)
		return CUtlString();

	CUtlString ret = *this;
	int len = ret.Length();
	for ( int i=0; i < len; i++ )
		if ( ret.m_pString[i] == cFrom )
			ret.m_pString[i] = cTo;

	return ret;
bool CAnimateSpecificTexture::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
	char const* pszAnimateOnTexture = pKeyValues->GetString( "onlyAnimateOnTexture" );
	if( !pszAnimateOnTexture )
		return false;

	m_OnlyAnimateOnTexture.Set( pszAnimateOnTexture );

	return CBaseAnimatedTextureProxy::Init( pMaterial, pKeyValues );
bool CUtlString::operator==( const CUtlString &src ) const
	if ( IsEmpty() )
		if ( src.IsEmpty() )
			return true;

		return false;
		if ( src.IsEmpty() )
			return false;

		return Q_strcmp( m_pString, src.m_pString ) == 0;
// Paints the overlay text
void CMiniViewportEngineRenderArea::PaintOverlayText( )
	if ( !m_OverlayText.Length() )

	int cw, ch;
	GetSize( cw, ch );

	int nTextWidth, nTextHeight;
	int nBufLen = m_OverlayText.Length()+1;
	wchar_t *pTemp = (wchar_t*)_alloca( nBufLen * sizeof(wchar_t) );
	::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, m_OverlayText.Get(), -1, pTemp, nBufLen );

	g_pMatSystemSurface->GetTextSize( m_OverlayTextFont, pTemp, nTextWidth, nTextHeight );
	int lx = (cw - nTextWidth) / 2;
	if ( lx < 10 )
		lx = 10;
	int ly = ch - 10 - nTextHeight;
	g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawColoredTextRect( m_OverlayTextFont, 
		lx, ly, cw - lx, ch - ly,
		255, 255, 255, 255, m_OverlayText.Get() );
Beispiel #15
	static HANDLE CreateTempFile( CUtlString &WritePath, CUtlString &FileName )
		char tempFileName[MAX_PATH];
		if ( WritePath.IsEmpty() )
			// use a safe name in the cwd
			char *pBuffer = tmpnam( NULL );
			if ( !pBuffer )
			if ( pBuffer[0] == '\\' )
			if ( pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] == '.' )
				pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] = '\0';
			V_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "_%s.tmp", pBuffer );
			// generate safe name at the desired prefix
			char uniqueFilename[MAX_PATH];
			SYSTEMTIME sysTime;                                                       \
			GetLocalTime( &sysTime );   
			sprintf( uniqueFilename, "%d_%d_%d_%d_%d.tmp", sysTime.wDay, sysTime.wHour, sysTime.wMinute, sysTime.wSecond, sysTime.wMilliseconds );                                                \
			V_ComposeFileName( WritePath.String(), uniqueFilename, tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ) );

		FileName = tempFileName;
		return hFile;
Beispiel #16
	static HANDLE CreateTempFile( CUtlString &WritePath, CUtlString &FileName )
		char tempFileName[MAX_PATH];
		if ( WritePath.IsEmpty() )
			// use a safe name in the cwd
			char *pBuffer = tmpnam( NULL );
			if ( !pBuffer )
			if ( pBuffer[0] == '\\' )
			if ( pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] == '.' )
				pBuffer[strlen( pBuffer )-1] = '\0';
			V_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "_%s.tmp", pBuffer );
			char uniqueFilename[MAX_PATH];
			static int counter = 0;
			time_t now = time( NULL );
			struct tm *tm = localtime( &now );
			sprintf( uniqueFilename, "%d_%d_%d_%d_%d.tmp", tm->tm_wday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, ++counter );                                                \
			V_ComposeFileName( WritePath.String(), uniqueFilename, tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ) );

		FileName = tempFileName;
		FILE *hFile = fopen( tempFileName, "rw+" );
		return (HANDLE)hFile;
void CInstructor::DisplayLesson(const CUtlString& sLesson)
	if (!lesson_enable.GetBool())

	if (!m_bActive)

	if (sLesson.Length() == 0 || m_apLessons.Find(sLesson) == -1)
		int iLesson = m_apLessons.Find(m_sCurrentLesson);
		if (m_apLessons[iLesson] && m_apLessons[iLesson]->m_bKillOnFinish)




	m_sCurrentLesson = sLesson;

	m_sLastLesson = m_sCurrentLesson;

	CLesson* pLesson = m_apLessons[m_apLessons.Find(sLesson)];

	C_SDKPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_SDKPlayer::GetLocalSDKPlayer();
	if (pLesson->m_iLearningMethod == CLesson::LEARN_DISPLAYING)


	int iLessonTrainings = pLocalPlayer->Instructor_GetLessonTrainings(sLesson);

	if (pLesson->m_sSideHintText.Length() && iLessonTrainings == 0)
		CHudElement* pLessonPanel = gHUD.FindElement("CHudSideHintPanel");
		m_bSideHintShowing = true;
		CHudElement* pLessonPanel = gHUD.FindElement("CHudLessonPanel");
	virtual void OnTick()

		double ultotal = 0.0;
		double ulnow = 0.0;
		if ( YouTube_GetUploadProgress( m_uploadHandle, ultotal, ulnow ) == false )
			ShowMessageBox( "#YouTube_Upload_Title", "#YouTube_Upload_Failure", "#GameUI_OK" );
		else if ( YouTube_IsUploadFinished( m_uploadHandle ) )
			bool bSuccess = true;
			CUtlString strURLToVideo;
			CUtlString strURLToVideoStats;
			if ( YouTube_GetUploadResults( m_uploadHandle, bSuccess, strURLToVideo, strURLToVideoStats ) && bSuccess )
				// mark movie uploaded
				m_pMovie->SetUploaded( true );
				m_pMovie->SetUploadURL( strURLToVideoStats.Get() );
				g_pReplayMovieManager->FlagMovieForFlush( m_pMovie, true );
				// update the UI
				CReplayDetailsPanel *pDetailsPanel = dynamic_cast< CReplayDetailsPanel *>( GetParent() );
				if ( pDetailsPanel )
					pDetailsPanel->InvalidateLayout( true, false );
				ShowMessageBox( "#YouTube_Upload_Title", "#YouTube_Upload_Success", "#GameUI_OK", NULL, GetParent() );

				// notify the GC
				uint64 uSessionId = g_pClientReplayContext->GetServerSessionId( m_pMovie->GetReplayHandle() );
				if ( uSessionId != 0 )
					GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg< CMsgReplayUploadedToYouTube > msg( k_EMsgGCReplay_UploadedToYouTube );
					msg.Body().set_youtube_url( strURLToVideoStats.Get() );
					msg.Body().set_youtube_account_name( YouTube_GetLoginName() );
					msg.Body().set_session_id( uSessionId );
					GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg );

				surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\youtube_uploadfinished.wav" );

				UploadOgsData( m_pMovie, true, "completed" );

				// share on Steam Community
				if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamRemoteStorage() )
					CUtlString strPreviewFileName;
					AppId_t nConsumerAppId = steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetAppID();
					ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility eVisibility = k_ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibilityPublic;
					SteamParamStringArray_t tags;
					tags.m_ppStrings = NULL;
					tags.m_nNumStrings = 0;

					// don't bother waiting for result
					SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall = steamapicontext->SteamRemoteStorage()->PublishVideo(
						k_EWorkshopVideoProviderNone, "", 
				ShowMessageBox( "#YouTube_Upload_Title", "#YouTube_Upload_Failure", "#GameUI_OK" );

				surface()->PlaySound( "replay\\youtube_uploadfailed.wav" );

				UploadOgsData( m_pMovie, true, "failed" );
			// close wait dialog
			YouTube_ClearUploadResults( m_uploadHandle );
			float flProgress = MIN( ulnow / MAX( ultotal, 1.0 ), 1.0f );
			int iProgress = int( 100.0 * flProgress );
			int ulnow_kb = uint32( ulnow / 1024 );
			int ultotal_kb = uint32( ultotal / 1024 );

			if ( ulnow_kb == ultotal_kb )
				// we tick at 500 ms, so this should be ok
				m_iTick = ( m_iTick + 1 ) % 4;
				switch ( m_iTick )
				case 0:	SetDialogVariable( "duration", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "YouTube_UploadFinishing1" ) ); break;
				case 1: SetDialogVariable( "duration", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "YouTube_UploadFinishing2" ) ); break;
				case 2: SetDialogVariable( "duration", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "YouTube_UploadFinishing3" ) ); break;
				case 3: SetDialogVariable( "duration", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "YouTube_UploadFinishing4" ) ); break;
				wchar_t wszProgress[1024];
				wchar_t wszPercentage[32];
				wchar_t wszNow[32];
				wchar_t wszTotal[32];
				_snwprintf( wszPercentage, ARRAYSIZE( wszPercentage ), L"%u", iProgress );
				_snwprintf( wszNow, ARRAYSIZE( wszNow ), L"%u", ulnow_kb );
				_snwprintf( wszTotal, ARRAYSIZE( wszTotal ), L"%u", ultotal_kb );
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wszProgress,sizeof( wszProgress ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#YouTube_UploadProgress" ), 3, 
												  wszTotal );

				SetDialogVariable( "duration", wszProgress );

			if ( m_pProgressBar )
				m_pProgressBar->SetProgress( flProgress );
Beispiel #19
qboolean GetToken (qboolean crossline)
	char    *token_p;

	if (tokenready)                         // is a token allready waiting?
		tokenready = false;
		return true;

	// printf("script_p %x (%x)\n", script->script_p, script->end_p ); fflush( stdout );

	if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
		return EndOfScript (crossline);

	tokenready = false;

	// skip space, ctrl chars
	while (*script->script_p <= 32)
		if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
			return EndOfScript (crossline);
		if (*(script->script_p++) == '\n')
			if (!crossline)
				Error ("Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline);
			scriptline = ++script->line;

	if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
		return EndOfScript (crossline);

	// strip single line comments
	if (*script->script_p == ';' || *script->script_p == '#' ||		 // semicolon and # is comment field
		(*script->script_p == '/' && *((script->script_p)+1) == '/')) // also make // a comment field
		if (!crossline)
			Error ("Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline);
		while (*script->script_p++ != '\n')
			if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
				return EndOfScript (crossline);
		scriptline = ++script->line;
		goto skipspace;

	//  strip out matching /* */ comments
	if (*script->script_p == '/' && *((script->script_p)+1) == '*')
		script->script_p += 2;
		while (*script->script_p != '*' || *((script->script_p)+1) != '/')
			if (*script->script_p++ != '\n')
				if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
					return EndOfScript (crossline);

				scriptline = ++script->line;
		script->script_p += 2;
		goto skipspace;

	// copy token to buffer
	token_p = token;

	if (*script->script_p == '"')
		// quoted token
		while (*script->script_p != '"')
			*token_p++ = *script->script_p++;
			if (script->script_p == script->end_p)
			if (token_p == &token[MAXTOKEN])
				Error ("Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline);
	else if ( g_bCheckSingleCharTokens && !g_sSingleCharTokens.IsEmpty() && strchr( g_sSingleCharTokens.String(), *script->script_p ) != NULL )
		*token_p++ = *script->script_p++;
	else	// regular token
	while ( *script->script_p > 32 && *script->script_p != ';')
		if ( !ExpandMacroToken( token_p ) )
			if ( !ExpandVariableToken( token_p ) )
				*token_p++ = *script->script_p++;
				if (script->script_p == script->end_p)
				if (token_p == &token[MAXTOKEN])
					Error ("Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline);


	// add null to end of token
	*token_p = 0;

	// check for other commands
	if ( !stricmp( token, "$include" ) )
		GetToken( false );

		bool bFallbackToToken = true;

		CUtlVector< CUtlString > expandedPathList;

		if ( CmdLib_ExpandWithBasePaths( expandedPathList, token ) > 0 )
			for ( int i = 0; i < expandedPathList.Count(); ++i )
				CUtlVector< CUtlString > findFileList;
				FindFileAbsoluteList( findFileList, expandedPathList[i].String() );

				if ( findFileList.Count() > 0 )
					bFallbackToToken = false;

					// Only add the first set of glob matches from the first base path
					for ( int j = 0; j < findFileList.Count(); ++j )
						AddScriptToStack( const_cast< char * >( findFileList[j].String() ) );


		if ( bFallbackToToken )
			AddScriptToStack( token );

		return GetToken( crossline );
	else if (!stricmp (token, "$definemacro"))
		GetToken (false);
		return GetToken (crossline);
	else if (!stricmp (token, "$definevariable"))
		GetToken (false);
		return GetToken (crossline);
	else if (AddMacroToStack( token ))
		return GetToken (crossline);

	return true;
Beispiel #20
void GameModes::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pInResourceData )
	BaseClass::ApplySettings( pInResourceData );

	vgui::HScheme hScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetScheme( "SwarmScheme" );
	vgui::IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( hScheme );
	if ( !pScheme )

	const char *pImageName = pInResourceData->GetString( "borderimage", "" );
	m_nBorderImageId = vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureId( pImageName );
	if ( m_nBorderImageId == -1 )
		m_nBorderImageId = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nBorderImageId, pImageName, true, false );	

	pImageName = pInResourceData->GetString( "leftarrow", "" );
	m_nLeftArrowId = vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureId( pImageName );
	if ( m_nLeftArrowId == -1 )
		m_nLeftArrowId = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nLeftArrowId, pImageName, true, false );	

	pImageName = pInResourceData->GetString( "rightarrow", "" );
	m_nRightArrowId = vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureId( pImageName );
	if ( m_nRightArrowId == -1 )
		m_nRightArrowId = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
		vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_nRightArrowId, pImageName, true, false );	

	m_nPicOffsetX = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "picoffsetx", 0 ) );
	m_nPicWidth = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "picwidth", 0 ) );
	m_nPicHeight = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "picheight", 0 ) );

	m_nMenuTitleX = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "menutitlex", 0 ) );
	m_nMenuTitleY = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "menutitley", 0 ) );
	m_nMenuTitleWide = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "menutitlewide", 0 ) );
	m_nMenuTitleTall = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "menutitletall", 0 ) );

	m_nSubPics = pInResourceData->GetInt( "subpics", 0 );
	m_nSubPicGap = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "subpicgap", 0 ) );
	m_nSubPicOffsetX = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "subpicoffsetx", 0 ) );
	m_nSubPicOffsetY = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "subpicoffsety", 0 ) );
	m_nSubPicWidth = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "subpicwidth", 0 ) );
	m_nSubPicHeight = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "subpicheight", 0 ) );
	m_bHideLabels = !!vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "hidelabels", 0 ) );

	m_nArrowWidth = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "arrowwidth", 0 ) );
	m_nArrowHeight = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "arrowheight", 0 ) );
	m_nArrowOffsetY = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "arrowoffsety", 0 ) );
	m_nRightArrowOffsetX = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( pInResourceData->GetInt( "rightarrowoffsetx", 0 ) );

	m_hNameFont = pScheme->GetFont( pInResourceData->GetString( "subpicnamefont", "" ), true );
	m_nNameFontHeight = vgui::surface()->GetFontTall( m_hNameFont );

	const char *pNavUp = pInResourceData->GetString( "navUp", "" );
	const char *pNavDown = pInResourceData->GetString( "navDown", "" );

	int wideAtOpen = pInResourceData->GetInt( "wideatopen", 0 );

	// need to reset due to video mode change, alt+tab, etc

	// find all modes
	for ( KeyValues *pModeKey = pInResourceData->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); pModeKey; pModeKey = pModeKey->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
		pImageName = pModeKey->GetString( "image", "" );
		int nImageId = vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureId( pImageName );
		if ( nImageId == -1 )
			nImageId = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( nImageId, pImageName, true, false );	

		int iIndex = m_GameModeInfos.AddToTail();

		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_NameId = pModeKey->GetString( "id", "" );
		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_NameText = pModeKey->GetString( "name", "" );
		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_CommandText = pModeKey->GetString( "command", "" );
		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_TitleText = pModeKey->GetString( "menutitle", "" );
		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_HintText = pModeKey->GetString( "menuhint", "" );
		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_HintTextDisabled = pModeKey->GetString( "menuhintdisabled", "" );
		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_nImageId = nImageId;
		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_bEnabled = pModeKey->GetBool( "enabled", true );

		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_pHybridButton = new BaseModHybridButton( 
					m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_CommandText );
		KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "BtnGameMode" );

		int buttonX = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalNormalizedValue( m_nMenuTitleX );
		int buttonY = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalNormalizedValue( m_nPicHeight + m_nMenuTitleY );
		int buttonW = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalNormalizedValue( m_nMenuTitleWide );
		int buttonH = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalNormalizedValue( m_nMenuTitleTall );

		pKV->SetInt( "xpos", buttonX );
		pKV->SetInt( "ypos", buttonY );
		pKV->SetInt( "wide", buttonW );
		pKV->SetInt( "tall", buttonH );
		pKV->SetInt( "autoResize", 1 );
		pKV->SetInt( "pinCorner", 0 );
		pKV->SetInt( "visible", 0 );
		pKV->SetInt( "enabled", m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_bEnabled );
		pKV->SetInt( "tabPosition", 0 );
		if ( IsX360() )
			pKV->SetString( "navUp", pNavUp );
			pKV->SetString( "navDown", pNavDown );
		pKV->SetString( "tooltiptext", m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_HintText );
		pKV->SetString( "disabled_tooltiptext", m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_HintTextDisabled );
		pKV->SetString( "style", "GameModeButton" );
		pKV->SetInt( "ActivationType", 1 );
		pKV->SetString( "EnableCondition", pModeKey->GetString( "EnableCondition", "" ) );
		pKV->SetInt( "wideatopen", wideAtOpen );

		m_GameModeInfos[iIndex].m_pHybridButton->ApplySettings( pKV );
	m_nMenuTitleActualTall = m_nMenuTitleTall;
	if ( m_GameModeInfos.Count() )
		// get the real size
		m_nMenuTitleActualTall = m_GameModeInfos[0].m_pHybridButton->GetTall();

		// fixup the number of subpics to what we actually have
		// one active plus any subpics can only show the modes with no repeat
		m_nSubPics = MIN( m_nSubPics, m_GameModeInfos.Count() - 1 );
		m_nSubPics = 0;

	// exact size fixup width to get hardware clipping on rhs
	int panelWidth, panelHeight;
	GetSize( panelWidth, panelHeight );
	panelWidth = m_nPicOffsetX + m_nPicWidth + m_nSubPicOffsetX + ( m_nSubPics + 1 ) * m_nSubPicWidth + m_nSubPics * m_nSubPicGap;
	panelHeight = m_nPicHeight + m_nMenuTitleY + ( m_nMenuTitleActualTall - m_nMenuTitleTall )/2 + m_nMenuTitleTall;
	SetSize( panelWidth, panelHeight );

	// calc the arrow position for drawing and hit testing
	m_nSubPicX = m_nPicOffsetX + m_nPicWidth + m_nSubPicOffsetX;
	m_nSubPicY = ( m_nPicHeight + m_nMenuTitleY + m_nMenuTitleTall - m_nSubPicHeight )/2 + m_nSubPicOffsetY;
	m_nLeftArrowX = m_nPicOffsetX - m_nSubPicGap - m_nArrowWidth;
	m_nLeftArrowY = m_nSubPicY + m_nSubPicHeight - m_nArrowHeight + m_nArrowOffsetY;

	if ( m_nRightArrowOffsetX )
		m_nRightArrowX = m_nPicOffsetX + m_nPicWidth + m_nSubPicGap + m_nRightArrowOffsetX;
		m_nRightArrowX = m_nSubPicX + m_nSubPics * ( m_nSubPicWidth + m_nSubPicGap );

	m_nRightArrowY = m_nLeftArrowY;

	// try to put back our last known game mode
	// this is to solve the navigation to children when the navigation has been lost
	// or alt+tab, video mode resize
	m_nActive = 0;
	if ( !g_CurrentModeIdSave.IsEmpty() )
		m_nActive = NameIdToModeInfo( g_CurrentModeIdSave.String() );
		if ( m_nActive == -1 )
			// no longer available
			g_CurrentModeIdSave = NULL;
			m_nActive = 0;

	SetActiveGameMode( m_nActive, true );
static bool ModelNamesLessFunc( CUtlString const &pLHS, CUtlString const &pRHS )
	return CaselessStringLessThan( pLHS.Get(), pRHS.Get() );
Beispiel #22
bool CUtlString::MatchesPattern( const CUtlString &Pattern, int nFlags )
	const char *pszSource = String();
	const char *pszPattern = Pattern.String();
	bool	bExact = true;

	while( 1 )
		if ( ( *pszPattern ) == 0 )
			return ( (*pszSource ) == 0 );

		if ( ( *pszPattern ) == '*' )

			if ( ( *pszPattern ) == 0 )
				return true;

			bExact = false;

		int nLength = 0;

		while( ( *pszPattern ) != '*' && ( *pszPattern ) != 0 )

		while( 1 )
			const char *pszStartPattern = pszPattern - nLength;
			const char *pszSearch = pszSource;

			for( int i = 0; i < nLength; i++, pszSearch++, pszStartPattern++ )
				if ( ( *pszSearch ) == 0 )
					return false;

				if ( ( *pszSearch ) != ( *pszStartPattern ) )

			if ( pszSearch - pszSource == nLength )

			if ( bExact == true )
				return false;

			if ( ( nFlags & PATTERN_DIRECTORY ) != 0 )
				if ( ( *pszPattern ) != '/' && ( *pszSource ) == '/' )
					return false;


		pszSource += nLength;
Beispiel #23
CUtlString::CUtlString( const CUtlString& string )
	Set( string.Get() );
Beispiel #24
// String attribute
bool Serialize( CUtlBuffer &buf, const CUtlString &src )
	buf.PutDelimitedString( s_pConv, src.Get() );
	return buf.IsValid();
void CDmxEditApp::PrintHelp( bool bWiki /* = false */ )
	const CDmxEditLua::LuaFunc_s *pLuaFuncs = CDmxEditLua::GetFunctionList();

	if ( bWiki && pLuaFuncs )
		lua_State *pLuaState = lua_open();
		if ( pLuaState )
			luaL_openlibs( pLuaState );

			CUtlString wikiString;

			for ( int i = 0; i < CDmxEditLua::FunctionCount(); ++i )
				if ( i != 0 )
					Msg( "\n" );
				Msg( ";%s( %s );\n", pLuaFuncs[ i ].m_pFuncName, pLuaFuncs[ i ].m_pFuncPrototype );
				Msg( ":%s\n", Wikize( pLuaState, pLuaFuncs[ i ].m_pFuncDesc ) );


	Msg( "\n" );
	Msg( "NAME\n" );
	Msg( "    dmxedit - Edit dmx files\n" );
	Msg( "\n" );
	Msg( "SYNOPSIS\n" );
	Msg( "    dmxedit [ -h | -help ] [ -game <$game> ] [ -set $var=val ] [ script.lua ]\n" );
	Msg( "\n" );
	Msg( "    -h | -help :           Prints this information\n" );
	Msg( "    -g | -game <$game> :   Sets the VPROJECT environment variable to the specified game.\n" );
	Msg( "    -s | -set <$var=val> : Sets the lua variable var to the specified val before the script is run.\n" );
	Msg( "\n" );
	Msg( "DESCRIPTION\n" );
	Msg( "    Edits dmx files by executing a lua script of dmx editing functions\n" );
	Msg( "\n" );

	if ( !pLuaFuncs )

	Msg( "FUNCTIONS\n" );

	const char *pWhitespace = " \t";

	for ( int i = 0; i < CDmxEditLua::FunctionCount(); ++i )
		Msg( "    %s( %s );\n", pLuaFuncs[ i ].m_pFuncName, pLuaFuncs[ i ].m_pFuncPrototype );
		Msg( "      * " );
		CUtlString tmpStr;

		const char *pWordBegin = pLuaFuncs[ i ].m_pFuncDesc + strspn( pLuaFuncs[ i ].m_pFuncDesc, pWhitespace );
		const char *pWhiteSpaceBegin = pWordBegin;
		const char *pWordEnd = pWordBegin + strcspn( pWordBegin, pWhitespace );

		bool bNewline = false;
		while ( *pWordBegin )
			if ( pWordEnd - pWhiteSpaceBegin + tmpStr.Length() > 70 )
				if ( bNewline )
					Msg( "        " );
					bNewline = true;
				Msg( "%s\n", tmpStr );
				tmpStr.Set( "" );

			if ( tmpStr.Length() )
				tmpStr += CUtlString( pWhiteSpaceBegin, pWordEnd - pWhiteSpaceBegin + 1);
				tmpStr += CUtlString( pWordBegin, pWordEnd - pWordBegin + 1 );

			pWhiteSpaceBegin = pWordEnd;
			pWordBegin = pWhiteSpaceBegin + strspn( pWhiteSpaceBegin, pWhitespace );
			pWordEnd = pWordBegin + strcspn( pWordBegin, pWhitespace );

		if ( tmpStr.Length() )
			if ( bNewline )
				Msg( "        " );
			Msg( "%s\n", tmpStr );
		Msg( "\n" );

	Msg( "CREDITS\n" );
	Msg( "    Lua Copyright © 1994-2006, PUC-Rio.\n ");

	Msg( "\n" );
static bool Str_LessFunc( CUtlString const &a, CUtlString const &b )
	return strcmp(a.Get(), b.Get()) < 0;
static bool ReslistLessFunc( CUtlString const &pLHS, CUtlString const &pRHS )
	return CaselessStringLessThan( pLHS.Get(), pRHS.Get() );
// add a binding to the list. Calls should be in the form:
//   AddBinding( "left", "button_press", "start", "+dota_camera_follow", "" );
// args:
//   hand_str = "left" or "right"
//   action_str = 'button_press' 'trigger_press' 'tilt_gesture' 'point_gesture' 'velocity_gesture' or 'joystick_move'
//   argument_str depends on action_str, see below for details
//   press_command_str is the concommand executed on start of the action (ie button press) and release_command_str on stop (ie button release)
//   release_command_str can be the empty string if no stop action is desired
//   if the press_command_str begins with "+", an equivalent "-" is set to the release_command automatically
void SixenseGestureBindings::AddBinding( CUtlString hand_str, CUtlString action_str, CUtlString argument_str, CUtlString press_command_str, CUtlString release_command_str ) 
	GestureBinding binding;

	// Convert from strings to enums
	sixenseUtils::IButtonStates::ActionType action;
	if( !ActionFromString( action_str, &action ) ) 

	binding.m_Action = action;

	int hand;
	if( !HandFromString( hand_str, &hand ) ) {

	binding.m_iHand = hand;

	// handle argument_str per-action type
	if( action == sixenseUtils::IButtonStates::ACTION_BUTTON_PRESS ) 

		// button_press takes a button argument
		unsigned short button_token;
		if( !ButtonMaskFromString( argument_str, &button_token ) )

		binding.m_iArgument = button_token;
	else if( action == sixenseUtils::IButtonStates::ACTION_TRIGGER_PRESS ) 
		// trigger press has no argument
		binding.m_iArgument = 0;
		// all other actions take a direction
		sixenseUtils::IButtonStates::Direction dir;
		if( !DirectionFromString( argument_str, &dir ) )

		binding.m_iArgument = dir;


	// copy the activate command
	binding.m_pActivateCommand = strdup( press_command_str.String() );

	binding.m_bAutoMirrored = false;

	// if there is an explicit release_command, use it
	if ( !release_command_str.IsEmpty() )
		binding.m_pDeactivateCommand = strdup( release_command_str.String() );
		// otherwise try to generate a release command

		// see if it starts with a +, if so, add an off command
		if( press_command_str[0] == '+' ) 
			binding.m_pDeactivateCommand = strdup( press_command_str.String() );
			binding.m_pDeactivateCommand[0] = '-';
			binding.m_bAutoMirrored = true;
			// Just leave release command null
			binding.m_pDeactivateCommand = NULL;

	// Try to keep a single binding per 'action' 'hand' 'arg' pair, ie one per button.
	// We may want to allow multiple if people think it would be useful...
	FOR_EACH_LL( m_GestureBindingList, it )
		GestureBinding existing_binding = m_GestureBindingList[it];

		if( binding.m_Action == existing_binding.m_Action &&
			binding.m_iArgument == existing_binding.m_iArgument &&
			binding.m_iHand == existing_binding.m_iHand ) 
			// Already the same binding active, delete it
			FreeStrings( existing_binding );
			m_GestureBindingList.Remove( it );
// The application object
int CDmxEditApp::Main()
	// This bit of hackery allows us to access files on the harddrive
	g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( "", "LOCAL", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD ); 

	if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-h" ) || CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-help" ) )
		return 0;

	if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-wiki" ) )
		PrintHelp( true );
		return 0;

	CUtlStringMap< CUtlString > setVars;
	CUtlString sGame;

	const int nParamCount = CommandLine()->ParmCount();
	for ( int i = 0; i < nParamCount - 1; ++i )
		const char *pCmd = CommandLine()->GetParm( i );
		const char *pArg = CommandLine()->GetParm( i + 1 );

		if ( StringHasPrefix( pCmd, "-s" ) )
			const char *const pEquals = strchr( pArg, '=' );
			if ( !pEquals )
				Warning( "Warning: Invalid command line args, no ='s in -set argument: %s %s\n", pCmd, pArg );

			char buf[ BUFSIZ ];
			Q_strncpy( buf, pArg, pEquals - pArg + 1 );

			const CUtlString sKey( buf );
			CUtlString sVal( pEquals + 1 );

			if ( !isdigit( *sVal.Get() ) && *sVal.Get() != '-' && *sVal.Get() != '"' )
				CUtlString sqVal( "\"" );
				sqVal += sVal;
				sqVal += "\"";
				sVal = sqVal;

			setVars[ sKey ] = sVal;

			if ( !Q_stricmp( sKey.Get(), "game" ) && sGame.IsEmpty() )
				sGame = sKey;

		else if ( StringHasPrefix( pCmd, "-g" ) )
			if ( *pArg == '"' )
				sGame = pArg;
				sGame = ( "\"" );
				sGame += pArg;
				sGame += "\"";
		else if ( StringHasPrefix( pCmd, "-nop4" ) )
			// Don't issue warning on -nop4
		else if ( StringHasPrefix( pCmd, "-" ) )
			Warning( "Warning: Unknown command line argument: %s\n", pCmd );

	// Do Perforce Stuff
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nop4" ) )
		g_p4factory->SetDummyMode( true );

	g_p4factory->SetOpenFileChangeList( "dmxedit" );

	for ( int i = CommandLine()->ParmCount() - 1; i >= 1; --i )
		const char *pParam = CommandLine()->GetParm( i );
		if ( _access( pParam, 04 ) == 0 )
			CDmxEditLua dmxEditLua;
			for ( int i = 0; i < setVars.GetNumStrings(); ++i )
				dmxEditLua.SetVar( setVars.String( i ), setVars[ i ] );

			if ( !sGame.IsEmpty() )
				dmxEditLua.SetGame( sGame );

			return dmxEditLua.DoIt( pParam );

	Error( "Cannot find any file to execute from passed command line arguments\n\n" );

	return -1;