Beispiel #1
CValue*	CValue::FindIdentifier(const STR_String& identifiername)

	CValue* result = NULL;

	int pos = 0;
	// if a dot exists, explode the name into pieces to get the subcontext
	if ((pos=identifiername.Find('.'))>=0)
		const STR_String rightstring = identifiername.Right(identifiername.Length() -1 - pos);
		const STR_String leftstring = identifiername.Left(pos);
		CValue* tempresult = GetProperty(leftstring);
		if (tempresult)
	} else
		result = GetProperty(identifiername);
		if (result)
			return result->AddRef();
	if (!result)
		// warning here !!!
		result = new CErrorValue(identifiername+" not found");
	return result;