Beispiel #1
Metric CalcInterceptTime (const CVector &vTarget, const CVector &vTargetVel, Metric rMissileSpeed, Metric *retrRange)

//	CalcInterceptTime
//	Returns the time that it would take to intercept a target
//	at vTarget, moving with velocity vTargetVel, with
//	a missile of speed rMissileSpeed. Returns < 0.0 if the missile cannot
//	intercept the target.
//	The formula for interception is:
//			A +- B sqrt(C)
//	t	=	--------------
//				  D
//	Where	A = B rVi
//			B = 2 rRange
//			C = rMissileSpeed^2 - rVj^2
//			D = 2 (C - rVi^2)

	Metric rRange = vTarget.Length();
	CVector vPosNormal = vTarget / rRange;

	if (retrRange)
		*retrRange = rRange;

	//	Compute the orthogonals of the velocity along the position vector

	Metric rVi, rVj;
	vTargetVel.GenerateOrthogonals(vPosNormal, &rVi, &rVj);

	//	Figure out the inside of the square root. If this value is negative
	//	then we don't have an interception course.

	Metric C = rMissileSpeed * rMissileSpeed - rVj * rVj;
	if (C < 0.0)
		return -1.0;

	//	Figure out the denominator. If this value is 0 then we don't
	//	have an interception course.

	Metric D = 2 * (C - rVi * rVi);
	if (D == 0.0)
		return -1.0;

	//	Compute A and B

	Metric B = 2 * rRange;
	Metric A = B * rVi;

	//	Compute both roots

	Metric Z = B * sqrt(C);
	Metric R1 = (A + Z) / D;
	Metric R2 = (A - Z) / D;

	//	If the first root is positive then return it

	if (R1 > 0.0)
		return R1;

	//	Otherwise we return the second root, which may or may not
	//	be positive

	return R2;