Beispiel #1
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model kernel records.
vector<KernelRecord> KernelRecord::decomposeOutput(const CWallet *wallet, const CWalletTx &wtx)
    vector<KernelRecord> parts;
    ::int64_t nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash();
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;
    ::int64_t nDayWeight = (min((GetAdjustedTime() - nTime), (::int64_t)(nStakeMaxAge+nStakeMinAge)) - nStakeMinAge); // DayWeight * 86400, чтобы был
                                                                                                              // правильный расчёт CoinAge
    if (showTransaction(wtx))
        for (unsigned int nOut = 0; nOut < wtx.vout.size(); nOut++)
            CTxOut txOut = wtx.vout[nOut];
            if( wallet->IsMine(txOut) ) {
                CTxDestination address;
                std::string addrStr;

                ::uint64_t coinAge = max( (txOut.nValue * nDayWeight) / (COIN * 86400), (::int64_t)0);

                if (ExtractDestination(txOut.scriptPubKey, address))
                    // Sent to Bitcoin Address
                    addrStr = CBitcoinAddress(address).ToString();
                    // Sent to IP, or other non-address transaction like OP_EVAL
                    addrStr = mapValue["to"];

                parts.push_back(KernelRecord(hash, nTime, addrStr, txOut.nValue, wtx.IsSpent(nOut), coinAge));

    return parts;