Beispiel #1
void CXmlItem::Copy(const CXmlItem& xi, BOOL bCopySiblings)
	// copy own name and value
	m_sName = xi.GetName();
	m_sValue = xi.GetValue();
	m_nType = xi.GetType();
	// copy siblings
	if (bCopySiblings)
		const CXmlItem* pXISibling = xi.GetSibling();
		if (pXISibling)
			m_pSibling = new CXmlItem(*pXISibling, m_pParent);
	// copy children
	POSITION pos = xi.GetFirstItemPos();
	while (pos)
		const CXmlItem* pXIChild = xi.GetNextItem(pos);
		ASSERT (pXIChild);
		AddItem(*pXIChild, TRUE);
Beispiel #2
CXmlItem* CXmlItem::GetItem(const CString& sItemName, int nIndex)
	CXmlItem* pXI = GetItem(sItemName);
	while (pXI && nIndex--)
		pXI = pXI->GetSibling();
	return pXI;
Beispiel #3
BOOL CXmlItem::RemoveItem(CXmlItem* pXI)
	if (!pXI)
		return FALSE;
	// lookup by name first
	const CString& sName = pXI->GetName();
	CXmlItem* pXIMatch = GetItem(sName);
	if (!pXIMatch)
		return FALSE;
	// now search the sibling chain looking for exact match
	CXmlItem* pXIPrevSibling = NULL;
	while (pXIMatch != pXI)
		pXIPrevSibling = pXIMatch;
		pXIMatch = pXIMatch->GetSibling();
	if (!pXIMatch) // no match
		return FALSE;
	// else
	ASSERT (pXIMatch == pXI);
	CXmlItem* pNextSibling = pXI->GetSibling();
	if (!pXIPrevSibling) // head of the chain
		POSITION pos = m_lstItems.Find(pXI);
		if (!pNextSibling)
			m_lstItems.SetAt(pos, pNextSibling);
	else // somewhere else in the chain
		pXIPrevSibling->m_pSibling = pNextSibling; // can be NULL
	// clear item's sibling
	pXI->m_pSibling = NULL;
	// and parent
	pXI->m_pParent = NULL;
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #4
BOOL CXmlFileEx::Decrypt(LPCTSTR szPassword)
	if (!IsEncrypted())
		return TRUE; // nothing to do
	// we don't try to decrypt if no encryption capabilities
	if (!CanEncrypt())
		return FALSE;
	// use existing password if required
	if (!szPassword)
		szPassword = m_sPassword;

	CXmlItem* pXI = GetEncryptedBlock();
	if (pXI && !pXI->GetSibling())
		// else keep getting password till success or user cancels
		while (TRUE)
			CString sPassword(szPassword);
			if (sPassword.IsEmpty())
				CString sExplanation(s_sPasswordExplanation);

				if (sExplanation.Find(_T("%s")) != -1)
					sExplanation.Format(s_sPasswordExplanation, GetFileName());
				if (!CPasswordDialog::RetrievePassword(FALSE, sPassword, sExplanation))
					// RB - Set m_nFileError to avoid "The selected task list could not be opened..." message when cancelling
					m_nFileError = XFL_CANCELLED;
					return FALSE;
			CString sFile;
			if (Decrypt(pXI->GetValue(), sFile, sPassword))
				m_sPassword = sPassword;
				sFile = _T("<ROOT>") + sFile + _T("</ROOT>");
				// delete the cdata item
					CXmlDocumentWrapper doc;
					// reparse decrypted xml
					if (doc.LoadXML(sFile))
						CXmlNodeWrapper node(doc.AsNode());
						return ParseItem(m_xiRoot, &node);
				catch (...)
					m_nFileError = XFL_BADMSXML;
				return FALSE;
			// RB - Added code to format the error message before calling AfxMessage
				CEnString sMessage(s_sDecryptFailed, GetFileName());

				if (IDNO == AfxMessageBox(sMessage, MB_YESNO))
					m_nFileError = XFL_CANCELLED;
					return FALSE;
				// else user will try again
	// else
	return FALSE;
Beispiel #5
void CXmlItem::SortItems(const CString& sItemName, const CString& sKeyName, XI_SORTKEY nKey, BOOL bAscending)
	if (!sItemName || !sKeyName)
	// 1. sort immediate children first
	CXmlItem* pXIItem = GetItem(sItemName);
	if (!pXIItem)
	// make sure item has key value
	if (!pXIItem->GetItem(sKeyName))
	// make sure at least one sibling exists
	BOOL bContinue = (pXIItem->GetSibling() != NULL);
	while (bContinue)
		CXmlItem* pXIPrev = NULL;
		CXmlItem* pXISibling = NULL;
		// get this again because we have to anyway 
		// for subsequent loops
		pXIItem = GetItem(sItemName);
		POSITION pos = m_lstItems.Find(pXIItem);
		// reset continue flag so that if there are no
		// switches then the sorting is done
		bContinue = FALSE;
		pXISibling = pXIItem->GetSibling();
		while (pXISibling)
			int nCompare = CompareItems(pXIItem, pXISibling, sKeyName, nKey);
			if (!bAscending)
				nCompare = -nCompare;
			if (nCompare > 0)
				// switch items
				if (pXIPrev)
					pXIPrev->m_pSibling = pXISibling;
				else // we're at the head of the chain
					m_lstItems.SetAt(pos, pXISibling);
					//	m_mapItems[sItemName] = pXISibling;
				pXIItem->m_pSibling = pXISibling->m_pSibling;
				pXISibling->m_pSibling = pXIItem;
				pXIPrev = pXISibling;
				bContinue = TRUE; // loop once more
				pXIPrev = pXIItem;
				pXIItem = pXISibling;
			pXISibling = pXIItem->GetSibling(); // next
	// 2. sort children's children
	pXIItem = GetItem(sItemName);
	while (pXIItem)
		pXIItem->SortItems(sItemName, sKeyName, nKey, bAscending);
		pXIItem = pXIItem->GetSibling();