void SphereObject::transform( void )
	// FIRST you need to match the Original Sphere on to the original Graphics Object
	// create temp matrices
		Matrix Trans( TRANS, this->extSphere.cntr[x], this->extSphere.cntr[y],this->extSphere.cntr[z]);

		float scale = 2.0f;
		// since the base model has a radius 0.5, so everything needs to multiplied by 2
		Matrix Scale( SCALE, this->extSphere.rad*scale, this->extSphere.rad*scale, this->extSphere.rad*scale);
	// Create the local to world matrix (ie Model)
		Matrix  MapSphere =  Scale * Trans;

	// Now apply the extern object so it moves and rotates the same
	this->World = MapSphere * this->extWorld;

	// Create the ModelView ( LocalToWorld * View)
	// Some pipelines have the project concatenated, others don't
	// Best to keep the separated, you can always join them with a quick multiply
	CameraObject *cam = CameraMan::GetCurrCamera();
	this->ModelView = this->World * cam->getViewMatrix();
