InstancedStereoApp::InstancedStereoApp() : mLightWorldPosition( vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ) { CameraPersp host; host.setEyePoint( vec3( 0, 0, 1 ) ); host.lookAt( vec3( 0 ) ); mRift = hmd::OculusRift::create( hmd::OculusRift::Params().hostCamera( host ).screenPercentage( 1.25f ) ); try { mShader = gl::GlslProg::create( gl::GlslProg::Format().vertex( loadAsset( "phong.vert" ) ).fragment( loadAsset( "phong.frag" ) ) ); } catch( const std::exception& e ) { console() << e.what() << std::endl; quit(); } mTeapot = gl::Batch::create( geom::Teapot().subdivisions( 12 ), mShader ); gl::enableVerticalSync( false ); gl::disableAlphaBlending(); gl::enableDepthRead(); gl::enableDepthWrite(); gl::enable( GL_CLIP_DISTANCE0, true ); }
void CubeApp::setup() { mRenderDescriptor = mtl::RenderPassDescriptor::create(); mCam.lookAt( vec3( 3, 2, 4 ), vec3( 0 ) ); mTexture = mtl::TextureBuffer::create(loadImage(getAssetPath("texture.jpg")), mtl::TextureBuffer::Format().mipmapLevel(3).flipVertically()); mDepthEnabled = mtl::DepthState::create( mtl::DepthState::Format().depthWriteEnabled() ); mPipeline = mtl::RenderPipelineState::create("batch_vertex", "cube_fragment"); mBatchCube = mtl::Batch::create(geom::Cube(), mPipeline); }
void MemExploreApp::updateLayout() { int pixelSize = 4; mFbo = gl::Fbo(getWindowWidth() / pixelSize, getWindowHeight() / pixelSize); mCamera.setPerspective(60.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 0.01f, 100.0f); mCameraArcball.setCenter(getWindowCenter()); mCameraArcball.setRadius(mIsFullscreen ? 500.0f : Vec2f(getWindowSize()).length() * 10.0f); if(mIsFullscreen) hideCursor(); else showCursor(); }
void Day57App::update() { if (mLowerThresh > mHigherThresh) mHigherThresh = mLowerThresh; //mParticleController.applyForceToPredators(mZoneRadius, 0.4f, 0.7f); mParticleController.applyForceToParticles(mZoneRadius, mLowerThresh, mHigherThresh, mAttractStrength, mRepelStrength, mOrientStrength); if (mCentralGravity) mParticleController.pullToCenter(mCenter); mParticleController.update(mFlatten); mEye = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, mCameraDistance); mCam.lookAt(mEye, mCenter, mUp); gl::setMatrices(mCam); gl::rotate(mSceneRotation); }
void Day44App::setup() { mCam.lookAt(vec3(0,0,5), vec3(0)); mCam.setPerspective(45.f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 1.f, 1000.f); lightPos = vec3(0.f); theta = 0.0; setupGlsl(); mCamUi = CameraUi(&mCam, getWindow()); auto cube = geom::Icosahedron(); auto s = geom::Sphere().subdivisions(128); auto scal = geom::Scale(0.3,0.3,0.3); mBatchB = gl::Batch::create(s, mGlsl); mBatch = gl::Batch::create(cube >> scal, mGlsl); auto sphere = geom::Sphere(); auto scale = geom::Scale(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f); auto shader = gl::ShaderDef().color(); auto rotate = geom::Rotate(angleAxis(2.1f, vec3(1.0,0.,0.f))); mLight = gl::Batch::create(sphere >> scale >> rotate, gl::getStockShader(shader)); gl::enableDepthRead(); gl::enableDepthWrite(); for (int i=0; i < NUM_OBJS; i++) { mPositions.push_back(vec3(randFloat(-10.,10),randFloat(-10.,10),randFloat(-10.,10))); } setFrameRate(60); }
void Corrdinate_spacesApp::setup() { vector<Vec3f> positions; vector<uint32_t> indices; positions.push_back( Vec3f( -1, 1, 0) ); //0 positions.push_back( Vec3f( -1, -1, 0) ); //1 positions.push_back( Vec3f( 1, -1, 0) ); //2 positions.push_back( Vec3f( 1, 1, 0) ); //3 indices.push_back(1); indices.push_back(3); indices.push_back(0); indices.push_back(1); indices.push_back(2); indices.push_back(3); // mMesh.appendVertices(, positions.size()); // mMesh.appendIndices(, indices.size()); gl::VboMesh::Layout layout; layout.setStaticPositions(); layout.setStaticIndices(); mVboMesh = gl::VboMesh::create( 4, 6, layout, GL_TRIANGLES ); mVboMesh->bufferPositions(positions); mVboMesh->bufferIndices(indices); mVboMesh->unbindBuffers(); mCam.setPerspective(60, getWindowAspectRatio(), .1, 10000); mCam.lookAt( Vec3f(0,0,5), Vec3f(0,0,0), Vec3f::yAxis() ); }
void Day61App::setup() { mCam.lookAt(vec3(0,15,15), vec3(0)); mCam.setPerspective( 35.0f, 1.0f, 1.f, 1000.0f ); setupGlsl(); mUi = CameraUi(&mCam, getWindow()); setFrameRate(30); auto scale = geom::Scale(2.,2.,2.); auto sphere = geom::Sphere().subdivisions(64); auto rot = geom::Rotate(angleAxis(toRadians(90.f),vec3(1.,0.,0.))); mBatch = gl::Batch::create(sphere >> geom::Scale(0.7,0.7,0.7), mGlsl); //CREATE A BATCH WITH A DEFAULT SHADER THAT WILL ACT AS THE DESTINATION COLOUR auto phong = gl::ShaderDef().lambert().color(); auto shader = gl::getStockShader(phong); mSolidSphere = gl::Batch::create(sphere, shader); loadImage(); mPointLights = { vec3( 3.0f, 0.f, .0f), vec3( -3.f, 0.f, 3.0f), vec3( 0.f , 1.f, 2.), vec3( 0.0f, -3.0f, 0.f) }; mPos = vec3(0.); }
void ParamsBasicApp::setup() { ObjLoader loader( (DataSourceRef)loadResource( "Final_sculpture3.obj" ) ); loader.load( &mMesh ); a = 1; e = 1; c = 1; mVBO = gl::VboMesh( mMesh ); mMesh.recalculateNormals(); mCameraDistance = 25; receiver.setup(3000); mObjSize = 4; mEye = Vec3f(-1,0.8f,1); mLightDirection = Vec3f( -0.54f, -0.27f, -1.07f ); mColor = ColorA( 0.25f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); mCam.setPerspective( 60.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 0.1f, 30000.0f ); // setup our default camera, looking down the z-axis mCam.lookAt( mEye, Vec3f(0,0,0) ); // Setup the parameters mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( getWindow(), "App parameters", toPixels( Vec2i( 200, 400 ) ) ); mParams->addParam( "Cube Size", &mObjSize, "min=0.1 max=20.5 step=0.5 keyIncr=z keyDecr=Z" ); mParams->addParam( "Cube Rotation", &mObjOrientation ); //mParams->addParam( "Cube Color", &mColor, "" ); mParams->addSeparator(); mParams->addParam( "Light Direction", &mLightDirection, "" ); mParams->addButton( "Button!", std::bind( &ParamsBasicApp::button, this ) ); mParams->addText( "text", "label=`This is a label without a parameter.`" ); mParams->addParam( "String ", &mString, "" ); mParams->addParam( "Eye Distance", &mCameraDistance, "min=1.0 max=100.0 step=1.0 keyIncr=s keyDecr=w" ); }
void winBodiesApp::setup(){ // cam, lights material mCam = new CameraPersp(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight(), 45.0f); mCam->lookAt( Vec3f(100, 400, -400), Vec3f(0,0,0) ); mCam->setPerspective( 60.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 0.1f, 5000.0f ); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); mLight = new gl::Light(gl::Light::DIRECTIONAL, 0); mLight->setDirection( Vec3f(0,0.1,0.3)); mLight->setAmbient( Color( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f ) ); mLight->setDiffuse( Color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); mLight->update( *mCam ); mLight->enable(); mMaterial1.setSpecular( Color(0.5,0.5,0.5) ); mMaterial1.setDiffuse( Color( 0.33f, 0.24f, 1.0f ) ); mMaterial1.setAmbient( Color( 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f ) ); mMaterial1.setShininess( 20.0f ); mMaterial1.apply(); mMaterial2.setSpecular( Color(0,0,0) ); mMaterial2.setDiffuse( Color(1,0,0) ); mMaterial2.setAmbient( Color( 0.4f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); mMaterial2.setEmission(Color(1,0,0)); mMaterialG.setSpecular(Color(0,0,0)); mMaterialG.setDiffuse(Color(0,0,0.03)); mMaterialG.setAmbient(Color(0.1,0.1,0.1)); initPhysics(); lastTime = getElapsedSeconds(); }
void MarionetteZooApp::setupParams() { mndl::params::PInterfaceGl::load( "params.xml" ); mParams = mndl::params::PInterfaceGl( "Parameters", Vec2i( 230, 550 ), Vec2i( 50, 50 ) ); mParams.addPersistentSizeAndPosition(); mFps = 0; mParams.addParam( "Fps", &mFps, "", true ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addText( "Camera" ); mParams.addPersistentParam( "Lock camera (l)", &mCameraLock, false ); mParams.addPersistentParam( "Fov", &mCameraFov, 45.f, "min=20 max=180 step=.1" ); mParams.addPersistentParam( "Eye", &mCameraEyePoint, Vec3f( 0.0f, -20.0f, 0.0f ) ); mParams.addPersistentParam( "Center of Interest", &mCameraCenterOfInterestPoint, Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f ) ); mParams.addButton( "Reset camera", [ & ]() { mCameraCenterOfInterestPoint = Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f ); mCameraFov = 45.f; mCameraEyePoint = Vec3f( 0.0f, -20.0f, 0.0f ); CameraPersp cam = mMayaCam.getCamera(); cam.setPerspective( mCameraFov, getWindowAspectRatio(), 0.1f, 1000.0f ); cam.setEyePoint( mCameraEyePoint ); cam.setCenterOfInterestPoint( mCameraCenterOfInterestPoint ); mMayaCam.setCurrentCam( cam ); } ); mParams.addSeparator(); mModelTypes = ModelFileManager::getSingleton().getModelTypes(); mParams.addPersistentParam( "Model", mModelTypes, &mModelTypeId, 0 ); if ( mModelTypeId > mModelTypes.size() ) mModelTypeId = 0; mParams.addButton( "Test model", std::bind( &MarionetteZooApp::testModel, this ) ); }
void Day37bApp::update() { lightPos.x = 1.f * cos(theta); lightPos.y = 1.f * sin(theta); lightPos.z = 1.f * cos(sin(theta)*2.f); theta += 0.0523; eyePos = mCam.getEyePoint(); mGlsl->uniform("uLightPos", vec3( gl::getModelView() * lightPos)); cout << lightPos << endl; }
void kinectPointCloudApp::update() { if( mKinect.checkNewDepthFrame() ) mDepthTexture = mKinect.getDepthImage(); // This sample does not use the color data //if( mKinect.checkNewVideoFrame() ) // mColorTexture = mKinect.getVideoImage(); if( mKinectTilt != mKinect.getTilt() ) mKinect.setTilt( mKinectTilt ); mEye = Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, mCameraDistance ); mCam.lookAt( mEye, mCenter, mUp ); gl::setMatrices( mCam ); }
void RodSoundApp::mouseDrag(MouseEvent event) { if (!running) return; Vec2i mouse = event.getPos(); Vec2i windowSize = getWindowSize(); Ray r = cam.generateRay((real)mouse.x/windowSize.x, 1.0 - (real)mouse.y/windowSize.y, getWindowAspectRatio()); float t; if(!r.calcPlaneIntersection(targetPos, targetPos-eyePos, &t)) { std::cerr << "Mouse ray did not intersect plane!\n"; } mousePosition = r.calcPosition(t); }
void MatrixStudyApp::setup() { // SETUP CAMERA mCameraDistance = 1200.0f; mEye = Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, mCameraDistance ); mCenter = Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); mUp = Vec3f::yAxis(); mCam.setPerspective( 75.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 5.0f, 3000.0f ); // CAMERA ROTATION xAngle = 0.0f; yAngle = 0.0f; zAngle = 0.0f; //PARAMS mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Control Panel", Vec2i( 200, 160 ) ); mParams.addParam( "Scene Rotation", &mSceneRotation ); mParams.addParam( "Eye Distance", &mCameraDistance, "min=50.0 max=1500.0 step=50.0 keyIncr=s keyDecr=w" ); mParams.addParam( "X Angle", &xAngle, "min=0.0 max=360.0 step=5.0 keyIncr=r keyDecr=f" ); mParams.addParam( "Y Angle", &yAngle, "min=0.0 max=360.0 step=5.0 keyIncr=t keyDecr=g" ); mParams.addParam( "Z Angle", &zAngle, "min=0.0 max=360.0 step=5.0 keyIncr=y keyDecr=h" ); mDirectional = 1.0f; glClearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); gl::enableDepthWrite(); gl::enableDepthRead(); gl::enableAlphaBlending(); glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); // Set up coordinates mLocalStartPosition.set(100.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f); mLocalBasisRotation.set(20.0f, 30.0f, 45.0f); mLocalObjectRotation.set(0.0f, 30.0f, 60.0f); mLocalEndPosition.set( 0.0f, 300.0f, 0.0f); //I know what the local end position is because I'm drawing a cylinder of length 300. mWorldEndPosition = getWorldEndPosition( mLocalStartPosition, mLocalBasisRotation, mLocalObjectRotation, mLocalEndPosition ); mShowCube = true; }
void TweakBarApp::setup() { mObjSize = 4; mLightDirection = Vec3f( 0, 0, -1 ); mColor = ColorA( 0.25f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); // setup our default camera, looking down the z-axis mCam.lookAt( Vec3f( -20, 0, 0 ), Vec3f::zero() ); // Setup the parameters mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Parameters", Vec2i( 200, 400 ) ); mParams.addParam( "Cube Size", &mObjSize, "min=0.1 max=20.5 step=0.5 keyIncr=z keyDecr=Z" ); mParams.addParam( "Cube Rotation", &mObjOrientation ); mParams.addParam( "Cube Color", &mColor, "" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Light Direction", &mLightDirection, "" ); }
void ArcballTestApp::draw() { CameraPersp &cam = ( mUsingCameraUi ) ? mDebugCam : mCam; gl::clear( Color( 0, 0.0f, 0.15f ) ); gl::setMatrices( cam ); // draw the earth gl::enableDepthRead(); gl::enableDepthWrite(); gl::translate( mEarthSphere.getCenter() ); gl::rotate( mArcball.getQuat() ); mEarthTex->bind(); mEarth->draw(); // draw constraint axis if( mArcball.isUsingConstraint() ) { gl::setMatrices( cam ); gl::color( 1, 1, 0 ); gl::translate( mEarthSphere.getCenter() ); gl::rotate( glm::rotation( vec3( 0, 1, 0 ), mArcball.getConstraintAxis() ) ); mConstraintAxis->draw(); } gl::disableDepthRead(); // draw from vector marker gl::setMatrices( cam ); gl::color( 0, 1, 0.25f ); gl::translate( mEarthSphere.getCenter() + mArcball.getFromVector() * mEarthSphere.getRadius() ); mMarker->draw(); // draw to vector marker gl::setMatrices( cam ); gl::color( 1, 0.5f, 0.25f ); gl::translate( mEarthSphere.getCenter() + mArcball.getToVector() * mEarthSphere.getRadius() ); mMarker->draw(); // draw the elliptical axes gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowSize() ); gl::color( 1, 0, 0 ); vec2 center, axisA, axisB; mCam.calcScreenProjection( mEarthSphere, getWindowSize(), ¢er, &axisA, &axisB ); gl::drawLine( center - axisA, center + axisA ); gl::drawLine( center - axisB, center + axisB ); }
void TutorialApp::update() { // Stop repulsing for now. //mParticleController.repulseParticles(); // UPDATE CAMERA mEye = Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, mCameraDistance ); mCam.lookAt( mEye, mCenter, mUp ); gl::setMatrices( mCam ); gl::rotate( mSceneRotation ); // UPDATE PARTICLE CONTROLLER mParticleController.applyForce( mZoneRadius * mZoneRadius, mThresh ); if( mCentralGravity ) mParticleController.pullToCenter( mCenter ); mParticleController.update( mFlatten ); }
void TextureTestApp::setup() { // assetフォルダから画像を読み込む // 幅と高さは2のべき乗でなくてもよい image = loadImage(loadAsset("imagesFH4XK5GD.jpg")); // 平行光源を1つ用意 light = std::unique_ptr<gl::Light>(new gl::Light(gl::Light::DIRECTIONAL, 0)); light->setAmbient(Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); light->setDiffuse(Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); light->setDirection(Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); // カメラの準備 camera = CameraPersp(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight(), 35.0, 0.5, 1000.0); camera.lookAt(Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 700.0), Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); // テクスチャON gl::enable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // カリングON gl::enable(GL_CULL_FACE); // gl::color or 頂点カラーを対象にしてライティングの計算を行う gl::enable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); // ライティングON gl::enable(GL_LIGHTING); // 法線を正規化する gl::enable(GL_NORMALIZE); gl::enableDepthRead(); gl::enableDepthWrite(); // ブレンディングゆうこう gl::enableAlphaBlending(true); rx = ry = rz = 0.0; }
void cApp::setup(){ setWindowPos( 0, 0 ); setWindowSize( mW*0.5, mH*0.5 ); mExp.setup( mW*mScale, mH*mScale,0, 2999, GL_RGB, mt::getRenderPath() ); mPln.setOctaves(4); mPln.setSeed(1332); randSeed( mt::getSeed() ); int count = 0; for( int i=0; i<100; i++){ StrangeAgent sa; sa.setRandom(); mSAs.push_back( sa ); for(int j=0; j<sa.points.size(); j++){ mPlnPts.push_back( Vec3f(count*scale,0,0) ); count++; } } total = count; if( 1 ){ CameraPersp cam; cam.setNearClip(0.1); cam.setFarClip(1000000); cam.setFov(60); cam.setEyePoint( Vec3f(0,0,-30 ) ); cam.setCenterOfInterestPoint( Vec3f(0,0,0) ); cam.setAspectRatio( (float)mW/mH ); mCamUi.setCurrentCam(cam); }else{ ortho.setNearClip(0.1); ortho.setFarClip(1000000); ortho.setEyePoint( Vec3f(0,0,-7 ) ); ortho.setCenterOfInterestPoint( Vec3f(0,0,0) ); ortho.setAspectRatio( (float)mW/mH ); } #ifdef RENDER mExp.startRender(); #endif }
void FlockingApp::setup() { Rand::randomize(); mCenter = Vec3f( getWindowWidth() * 0.5f, getWindowHeight() * 0.5f, 0.0f ); mCentralGravity = true; mFlatten = false; mSaveFrames = false; mIsRenderingPrint = false; mZoneRadius = 80.0f; mLowerThresh = 0.5f; mHigherThresh = 0.8f; mAttractStrength = 0.004f; mRepelStrength = 0.01f; mOrientStrength = 0.01f; // SETUP CAMERA mCameraDistance = 350.0f; mEye = Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, mCameraDistance ); mCenter = Vec3f::zero(); mUp = Vec3f::yAxis(); mCam.setPerspective( 75.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 5.0f, 5000.0f ); // SETUP PARAMS mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Flocking", Vec2i( 200, 310 ) ); mParams.addParam( "Scene Rotation", &mSceneRotation, "opened=1" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Eye Distance", &mCameraDistance, "min=100.0 max=2000.0 step=50.0 keyIncr=s keyDecr=w" ); mParams.addParam( "Center Gravity", &mCentralGravity, "keyIncr=g" ); mParams.addParam( "Flatten", &mFlatten, "keyIncr=f" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Zone Radius", &mZoneRadius, "min=10.0 max=100.0 step=1.0 keyIncr=z keyDecr=Z" ); mParams.addParam( "Lower Thresh", &mLowerThresh, "min=0.025 max=1.0 step=0.025 keyIncr=l keyDecr=L" ); mParams.addParam( "Higher Thresh", &mHigherThresh, "min=0.025 max=1.0 step=0.025 keyIncr=h keyDecr=H" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Attract Strength", &mAttractStrength, "min=0.001 max=0.1 step=0.001 keyIncr=a keyDecr=A" ); mParams.addParam( "Repel Strength", &mRepelStrength, "min=0.001 max=0.1 step=0.001 keyIncr=r keyDecr=R" ); mParams.addParam( "Orient Strength", &mOrientStrength, "min=0.001 max=0.1 step=0.001 keyIncr=o keyDecr=O" ); // CREATE PARTICLE CONTROLLER mParticleController.addParticles( NUM_INITIAL_PARTICLES ); mParticleController.addPredators( NUM_INITIAL_PREDATORS ); }
void ObjLoaderApp::setup() { #if defined( CINDER_GL_ES ) mGlsl = gl::GlslProg::create( loadAsset( "shader_es2.vert" ), loadAsset( "shader_es2.frag" ) ); #else mGlsl = gl::GlslProg::create( loadAsset( "shader.vert" ), loadAsset( "shader.frag" ) ); #endif mGlsl->uniform( "uTex0", 0 ); mCam.setPerspective( 45.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 0.1, 10000 ); mCamUi = CameraUi( &mCam ); mCheckerTexture = gl::Texture::create( ip::checkerboard( 512, 512, 32 ) ); mCheckerTexture->bind( 0 ); loadObj( loadResource( RES_8LBS_OBJ ) ); mArcball = Arcball( &mCam, mBoundingSphere ); }
void PostProcessingAAApp::resize() { gl::Texture2d::Format tfmt; tfmt.setMinFilter( GL_NEAREST ); tfmt.setMagFilter( GL_NEAREST ); tfmt.setInternalFormat( GL_RGBA8 ); gl::Fbo::Format fmt; fmt.setColorTextureFormat( tfmt ); mFboScene = gl::Fbo::create( getWindowWidth() / mPixelSize, getWindowHeight() / mPixelSize, fmt ); mFboFinal = gl::Fbo::create( getWindowWidth() / mPixelSize, getWindowHeight() / mPixelSize, fmt ); // Update the camera's aspect ratio. mCamera.setAspectRatio( getWindowAspectRatio() ); // Resize the divider. mDividerWidth = getWindowWidth() / 4; }
void DeferredRenderingApp::drawOverlay() const { Vec3f camUp, camRight; mCam.getBillboardVectors(&camRight, &camUp); //create text labels TextLayout layout1; layout1.clear( ColorA( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) ); layout1.setFont( Font( "Arial", 34 ) ); layout1.setColor( ColorA( 255.0f/255.0f, 255.0f/255.0f, 8.0f/255.0f, 1.0f ) ); layout1.addLine( to_string(getAverageFps()) ); //to_string is a c++11 function for conversions Surface8u rendered1 = layout1.render( true, false ); gl::Texture fontTexture_FR = gl::Texture( rendered1 ); //draw framerate fontTexture_FR.bind(); gl::drawBillboard(Vec3f(-3.0f, 7.0f, 20.0f), Vec2f(fontTexture_FR.getWidth()/20.0f , fontTexture_FR.getHeight()/20.0f), 0, camRight, camUp); fontTexture_FR.unbind(); }
void InstancedTeapotsApp::setup() { mCam.lookAt( vec3( 0, CAMERA_Y_RANGE.first, 0 ), vec3( 0 ) ); mTexture = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( loadAsset( "texture.jpg" ) ), gl::Texture::Format().mipmap() ); #if ! defined( CINDER_GL_ES ) mGlsl = gl::GlslProg::create( loadAsset( "shader.vert" ), loadAsset( "shader.frag" ) ); #elif defined( CINDER_GL_ES_3 ) mGlsl = gl::GlslProg::create(loadAsset("shader_es3.vert"), loadAsset("shader_es3.frag")); #else mGlsl = gl::GlslProg::create( loadAsset( "shader_es2.vert" ), loadAsset( "shader_es2.frag" ) ); #endif gl::VboMeshRef mesh = gl::VboMesh::create( geom::Teapot().subdivisions( 4 ) ); // create an array of initial per-instance positions laid out in a 2D grid std::vector<vec3> positions; for( size_t potX = 0; potX < NUM_INSTANCES_X; ++potX ) { for( size_t potY = 0; potY < NUM_INSTANCES_Y; ++potY ) { float instanceX = potX / (float)NUM_INSTANCES_X - 0.5f; float instanceY = potY / (float)NUM_INSTANCES_Y - 0.5f; positions.push_back( vec3( instanceX * vec3( DRAW_SCALE, 0, 0 ) + instanceY * vec3( 0, 0, DRAW_SCALE ) ) ); } } // create the VBO which will contain per-instance (rather than per-vertex) data mInstanceDataVbo = gl::Vbo::create( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, positions.size() * sizeof(vec3),, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW ); // we need a geom::BufferLayout to describe this data as mapping to the CUSTOM_0 semantic, and the 1 (rather than 0) as the last param indicates per-instance (rather than per-vertex) geom::BufferLayout instanceDataLayout; instanceDataLayout.append( geom::Attrib::CUSTOM_0, 3, 0, 0, 1 /* per instance */ ); // now add it to the VboMesh we already made of the Teapot mesh->appendVbo( instanceDataLayout, mInstanceDataVbo ); // and finally, build our batch, mapping our CUSTOM_0 attribute to the "vInstancePosition" GLSL vertex attribute mBatch = gl::Batch::create( mesh, mGlsl, { { geom::Attrib::CUSTOM_0, "vInstancePosition" } } ); gl::enableDepthWrite(); gl::enableDepthRead(); mTexture->bind(); }
void GeoDeVisualizerApp::setup() { // read the initial world json initJSON; if (!debug) { string JSONBuff; if (, "localhost")) { while (!mServer.isReady(JSONBuff)) {}; } initJSON = json::parse(JSONBuff); } else { ifstream inputFile( "../../../resources/test_data.json" ); assert( inputFile.good() ); string JSONBuff(( istreambuf_iterator<char>( inputFile )), ( istreambuf_iterator<char>() )); initJSON = json::parse(JSONBuff); } if (!(isInitialJSON(initJSON) and validateInitialJSON(initJSON))) { cerr << "Initial JSON was not valid" << endl; exit(1); } // WRITE VERTICES AND FACES TO THE TRIMESH writeMesh(initJSON); mWorld.initialize(initJSON); setupColoniesList(); resourceColors = ResourceColorPicker().getColors(mWorld.numResources()); // SETUP CAMERA setupCamVars(mCamVars); mCam.setPerspective(75.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 0.5f, 2000.0f ); // SETUP PARAMS setupParamVars(mCurParams, mPrevParams, mWorld.numResources()); mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create("GeoDe", Vec2i(200, 400)); mParams->addParam("scene rotation", &mCamVars.sceneRotation, "opened=1"); mParams->addParam("eye distance", &mCamVars.cameraDistance, "min=1.0 max=1500.0 step=0.1 keyIncr=s keyDecr=k keyIncr=j"); mParams->addSeparator(); mParams->addParam("time", &mCurParams.timeStep); mParams->addParam("state", mDisplayModes, &mCurParams.displayMode); mParams->addSeparator(); }
void SplatTestApp::update() { if (spaceNav) { spaceNav->update(); } { const auto &ori = cameraBody.orientation; cameraBody.impulse = glm::rotate(ori, cameraTranslation * vec3(1, 1, -1)) * 0.000005f; cameraBody.angularImpulse = quat(cameraRotation * vec3(1, 1, -1) * 0.00000333f); } cameraBody.step(); cameraBody.applyTransform(camera); particleSys->update(getElapsedSeconds(), getElapsedFrames(), cameraBody.position, cameraBody.position - cameraBody.positionPrev, camera.getViewDirection()); updateGui(); }
void Day5App::setup() { auto lambert = gl::ShaderDef().lambert().color(); gl::GlslProgRef shader = gl::getStockShader(lambert); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SLICES; i++) { float rel = i / (float)NUM_SLICES; float sliceWidth = 2.0f / NUM_SLICES; auto slice = geom::Cube().size(sliceWidth,1,1); auto trans = geom::Translate(rel,0,0); auto color = geom::Constant(geom::COLOR, Color(CM_HSV, 0, 0, 1 )); mSlices[i] = gl::Batch::create( slice >> trans >> color, shader); } mCam.lookAt( vec3(2,3,2), vec3(0, 0, 0)); setFrameRate(30); }
void InstancedTeapotsApp::update() { // move the camera up and down on Y mCam.lookAt( vec3( 0, CAMERA_Y_RANGE.first + abs(sin( getElapsedSeconds() / 4)) * (CAMERA_Y_RANGE.second - CAMERA_Y_RANGE.first), 0 ), vec3( 0 ) ); // update our instance positions; map our instance data VBO, write new positions, unmap vec3 *positions = (vec3*)mInstanceDataVbo->mapWriteOnly( true ); for( size_t potX = 0; potX < NUM_INSTANCES_X; ++potX ) { for( size_t potY = 0; potY < NUM_INSTANCES_Y; ++potY ) { float instanceX = potX / (float)NUM_INSTANCES_X - 0.5f; float instanceY = potY / (float)NUM_INSTANCES_Y - 0.5f; // just some nonsense math to move the teapots in a wave vec3 newPos( instanceX * vec3( DRAW_SCALE, 0, 0 ) + instanceY * vec3( 0, 0, DRAW_SCALE ) + vec3( 0, 30, 0 ) * sinf( getElapsedSeconds() * 3 + instanceX * 3 + instanceY * 3 ) ); *positions++ = newPos; } } mInstanceDataVbo->unmap(); }
void TutorialApp::setup() { mCentralGravity = true; mFlatten = true; //makes it easy to see the effects in 2D...while we are experimenting mZoneRadius = 65.0f; mThresh = 0.65f; //define the camera mCameraDistance = 500.0f; mEye = Vec3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, mCameraDistance ); //position of the camera mCenter = Vec3f::zero(); //the location in 3D space that the camera points at mUp = Vec3f::yAxis(); //the camera's up direction // Takes four parameters: // (1) foV : the smaller the number the tighter the fustrum (usually between 60.0 and 90.0) // (2) aspect ratio of the application window // (3) near clipping plane // (4) far clipping plane mCam.setPerspective( 75.0f, getWindowAspectRatio(), 50.0f, 2000.0f ); // Initialize the Params object mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Flocking", Vec2i( 200, 240 ) ); // We tell Params that we want it control the mSceneRotation variable...during runtime! // It expects the addr in memory of the variable...that's what & is. // So, it will include an arc-ball in the scene. mParams.addParam( "Scene Rotation", &mSceneRotation, "opened=1" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Eye Distance", &mCameraDistance, "min=50.0 max=1500.0 step=50.0 keyIncr=s keyDecr=w" ); mParams.addParam( "Center Gravity", &mCentralGravity, "keyIncr=g" ); mParams.addParam( "Flatten", &mFlatten, "keyIncr=f" ); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam( "Zone Radius", &mZoneRadius, "min=10.0 max=100.0 step=1.0 keyIncr=z keyDecr=Z" ); mParams.addParam( "Thresh", &mThresh, "min=0.025 max=1.0 step=0.025 keyIncr=t keyDecr=T" ); // CREATE PARTICLE CONTROLLER mParticleController.addParticles( NUM_INITIAL_PARTICLES ); }
void VboSampleApp::setup() { mCamera.setAspectRatio(getWindowAspectRatio()); mTexture = bluegin::getTextureAsset("cinder_logo.png"); mTexture.setMinFilter(GL_LINEAR); mTexture.setMagFilter(GL_LINEAR); gl::VboMesh::Layout layout; layout.setStaticIndices(); layout.setStaticPositions(); layout.setStaticTexCoords2d(); const int vertexCount = 4; const int indexCount = 6; mVboMesh = gl::VboMesh( vertexCount, indexCount, layout, GL_TRIANGLES ); vector<Vec3f> positions; positions.push_back(Vec3f(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0)); positions.push_back(Vec3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0)); positions.push_back(Vec3f(1.0f, -1.0f, 0)); positions.push_back(Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0)); mVboMesh.bufferPositions(positions); vector<Vec2f> texcoords; texcoords.push_back(Vec2f(0, 0)); texcoords.push_back(Vec2f(0, 1.0f)); texcoords.push_back(Vec2f(1.0f, 1.0f)); texcoords.push_back(Vec2f(1.0f, 0)); mVboMesh.bufferTexCoords2d(0, texcoords); vector<index_t> indices; indices.push_back(index_t(0)); indices.push_back(index_t(1)); indices.push_back(index_t(2)); indices.push_back(index_t(2)); indices.push_back(index_t(3)); indices.push_back(index_t(0)); mVboMesh.bufferIndices(indices); }