Beispiel #1
void Boundary::buildLookupTables()

  const set<GlobalIndexType>* rankLocalCells = &_mesh->cellIDsInPartition();
  for (GlobalIndexType cellID : *rankLocalCells)
    CellPtr cell = _mesh->getTopology()->getCell(cellID);
    vector<unsigned> boundarySides = cell->boundarySides();
    for (int i=0; i<boundarySides.size(); i++)
      _boundaryElements.insert(make_pair(cellID, boundarySides[i]));
Beispiel #2
void Boundary::bcsToImpose( map<  GlobalIndexType, Scalar > &globalDofIndicesAndValues, TBC<Scalar> &bc,
                            GlobalIndexType cellID, DofInterpreter* dofInterpreter)
  // this is where we actually compute the BCs; the other bcsToImpose variants call this one.
  CellPtr cell = _mesh->getTopology()->getCell(cellID);

  // define a couple of important inner products:
  TIPPtr<Scalar> ipL2 = Teuchos::rcp( new TIP<Scalar> );
  TIPPtr<Scalar> ipH1 = Teuchos::rcp( new TIP<Scalar> );
  VarFactoryPtr varFactory = VarFactory::varFactory();
  VarPtr trace = varFactory->traceVar("trace");
  VarPtr flux = varFactory->traceVar("flux");
  ElementTypePtr elemType = _mesh->getElementType(cellID);
  DofOrderingPtr trialOrderingPtr = elemType->trialOrderPtr;
  vector< int > trialIDs = _mesh->bilinearForm()->trialIDs();

  vector<unsigned> boundarySides = cell->boundarySides();
  if (boundarySides.size() > 0)
    BasisCachePtr basisCache = BasisCache::basisCacheForCell(_mesh, cellID);
    for (vector< int >::iterator trialIt = trialIDs.begin(); trialIt != trialIDs.end(); trialIt++)
      int trialID = *(trialIt);
      if ( bc.bcsImposed(trialID) )
//        // DEBUGGING: keep track of which sides we impose BCs on:
//        set<unsigned> bcImposedSides;
        // Determine global dof indices and values, in one pass per side
        for (int i=0; i<boundarySides.size(); i++)
          unsigned sideOrdinal = boundarySides[i];
          // TODO: here, we need to treat the volume basis case.
           To do this:
           1. (Determine which dofs in the basis have support on the side.)
           2. (Probably should resize dirichletValues to match number of dofs with support on the side.)
           3. (Within coefficientsForBC, and the projection method it calls, when it's a side cache, check whether the basis being projected has a higher dimension.  If so, do the same determination regarding the support of basis on the side as #1.)
           4. DofInterpreter::interpretLocalBasisCoefficients() needs to handle the case that trialID has volume support, and in this case interpret the provided data appropriately.
          BasisPtr basis;
          int numDofsSide;
          if (trialOrderingPtr->getSidesForVarID(trialID).size() == 1)
            // volume basis
            basis = trialOrderingPtr->getBasis(trialID);
            // get the dof ordinals for the side (interpreted as a "continuous" basis)
            numDofsSide = basis->dofOrdinalsForSide(sideOrdinal).size();
          else if (! trialOrderingPtr->hasBasisEntry(trialID, sideOrdinal))
            basis = trialOrderingPtr->getBasis(trialID,sideOrdinal);
            numDofsSide = basis->getCardinality();
          GlobalIndexType numCells = 1;
          if (numCells > 0)
            FieldContainer<double> dirichletValues(numCells,numDofsSide);
            // project bc function onto side basis:
            BCPtr bcPtr = Teuchos::rcp(&bc, false);
            Teuchos::RCP<BCFunction<double>> bcFunction = BCFunction<double>::bcFunction(bcPtr, trialID);
            bcPtr->coefficientsForBC(dirichletValues, bcFunction, basis, basisCache->getSideBasisCache(sideOrdinal));
            if (bcFunction->imposeOnCell(0))
              FieldContainer<double> globalData;
              FieldContainer<GlobalIndexType> globalDofIndices;

              dofInterpreter->interpretLocalBasisCoefficients(cellID, trialID, sideOrdinal, dirichletValues, globalData, globalDofIndices);
              for (int globalDofOrdinal=0; globalDofOrdinal<globalDofIndices.size(); globalDofOrdinal++)
                GlobalIndexType globalDofIndex = globalDofIndices(globalDofOrdinal);
                Scalar value = globalData(globalDofOrdinal);
                // sanity check: if this has been previously set, do the two values roughly agree?
                if (globalDofIndicesAndValues.find(globalDofIndex) != globalDofIndicesAndValues.end())
                  double tol = 1e-10;
                  Scalar prevValue = globalDofIndicesAndValues[globalDofIndex];
                  double absDiff = abs(prevValue - value);
                  if (absDiff > tol)
                    double relativeDiff = absDiff / max(abs(prevValue),abs(value));
                    int rank = _mesh->Comm()->MyPID();
                    if (relativeDiff > tol)
                      cout << "WARNING: in Boundary::bcsToImpose(), inconsistent values for BC: " << prevValue << " and ";
                      cout << value << " prescribed for global dof index " << globalDofIndex;
                      cout << " on rank " << rank << endl;
                globalDofIndicesAndValues[globalDofIndex] = value;