bool MeshTestUtility::checkConstraintConsistency(MeshPtr meshMinimumRule)
  MeshTopologyViewPtr meshTopo = meshMinimumRule->getTopology();
  GDAMinimumRule* minRule = dynamic_cast<GDAMinimumRule*>(meshMinimumRule->globalDofAssignment().get());
  bool consistent = true;
  for (IndexType cellID : meshMinimumRule->cellIDsInPartition())
    CellConstraints constraints = minRule->getCellConstraints(cellID);
    CellPtr cell = meshTopo->getCell(cellID);
    CellTopoPtr cellTopo = cell->topology();
    for (int d=0; d<cellTopo->getDimension(); d++)
      int scCount = cellTopo->getSubcellCount(d);
      for (int scord=0; scord<scCount; scord++)
        IndexType entityIndex = cell->entityIndex(d, scord);
        AnnotatedEntity constrainingEntity = constraints.subcellConstraints[d][scord];
        bool isConsistent = constraintIsConsistent(meshTopo, constrainingEntity, d, entityIndex, true);
        if (!isConsistent)
          cout << "Failed consistency test for standard constraints on cell " << cellID << ", " << CamelliaCellTools::entityTypeString(d) << " " << scord << endl;
          consistent = false;
        // now, check space-only constraints (for space-time meshes), if these are defined for this subcell
        if (constraints.spatialSliceConstraints != Teuchos::null)
          AnnotatedEntity constrainingEntityForSpatialSlice = constraints.spatialSliceConstraints->subcellConstraints[d][scord];
          if (constrainingEntityForSpatialSlice.cellID != -1) {
            isConsistent = constraintIsConsistent(meshTopo, constrainingEntityForSpatialSlice, d, entityIndex, true);
          if (!isConsistent)
            cout << "Failed consistency test for spatial slice on cell " << cellID << ", " << CamelliaCellTools::entityTypeString(d) << " " << scord << endl;
            consistent = false;
      if (!consistent) break;
    if (!consistent) break;
  return consistent;
VectorBasisPtr basisForTransformation(ElementTypePtr cellType)
  // int polyOrder = std::max(cellType->trialOrderPtr->maxBasisDegree(), cellType->testOrderPtr->maxBasisDegree());
  int polyOrder = cellType->trialOrderPtr->maxBasisDegree();

  CellTopoPtr cellTopo = cellType->cellTopoPtr;
  if (cellTopo->getTensorialDegree() > 0)
    // for now, we assume that this means space-time.  (At some point, we may support tensor-product spatial cell topologies for
    // things like fast quadrature support, and this would need revisiting then.)
    // we also assume that the curvilinearity is purely spatial (and in fact, just 2D for now).
    cellTopo = CellTopology::cellTopology(cellTopo->getShardsTopology(), cellTopo->getTensorialDegree() - 1);

  BasisPtr basis = BasisFactory::basisFactory()->getBasis(polyOrder, cellTopo, Camellia::FUNCTION_SPACE_VECTOR_HGRAD);
  VectorBasisPtr vectorBasis = Teuchos::rcp( (VectorizedBasis<> *)basis.get(),false); // dynamic cast would be better
  return vectorBasis;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  int rank=mpiSession.getRank();
  int numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
  int rank = 0;
  int numProcs = 1;
  int polyOrder = 3;
  int pToAdd = 2; // for tests

  // define our manufactured solution or problem bilinear form:
  double epsilon = 1e-2;
  bool useTriangles = false;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int H1Order = polyOrder + 1;
  int horizontalCells = 1, verticalCells = 1;

  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  double nonlinearStepSize = 0.5;
  double nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance = 0.015; // used to determine convergence of the nonlinear solution


  Teuchos::RCP<BurgersBilinearForm> oldBurgersBF = Teuchos::rcp(new BurgersBilinearForm(epsilon));

  // new-style bilinear form definition
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_hat = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta_n u - \\sigma_n}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("\\tau",HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v",HGRAD);
  BFPtr bf = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Mesh::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells, bf, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd, useTriangles);
  mesh->setPartitionPolicy(Teuchos::rcp(new ZoltanMeshPartitionPolicy("HSFC")));

  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> backgroundFlow = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, Teuchos::rcp((BC*)NULL) , Teuchos::rcp((RHS*)NULL), Teuchos::rcp((DPGInnerProduct*)NULL))); // create null solution

  // tau parts:
  // 1/eps (sigma, tau)_K + (u, div tau)_K - (u_hat, tau_n)_dK
  bf->addTerm(sigma1 / epsilon, tau->x());
  bf->addTerm(sigma2 / epsilon, tau->y());
  bf->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  bf->addTerm( - uhat, tau->dot_normal() );

  vector<double> e1(2); // (1,0)
  e1[0] = 1;
  vector<double> e2(2); // (0,1)
  e2[1] = 1;

  FunctionPtr u_prev = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(backgroundFlow, u) );
  FunctionPtr beta = e1 * u_prev + Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) );

  // v:
  // (sigma, grad v)_K - (sigma_hat_n, v)_dK - (u, beta dot grad v) + (u_hat * n dot beta, v)_dK
  bf->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  bf->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  bf->addTerm( -u, beta * v->grad());
  bf->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_hat, v);

  // ==================== SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================

  map<int, Teuchos::RCP<AbstractFunction> > functionMap;
  functionMap[BurgersBilinearForm::U] = Teuchos::rcp(new InitialGuess());
  functionMap[BurgersBilinearForm::SIGMA_1] = Teuchos::rcp(new ZeroFunction());
  functionMap[BurgersBilinearForm::SIGMA_2] = Teuchos::rcp(new ZeroFunction());


  // ==================== END SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================
  // compare stiffness matrices for first linear step:
  int trialOrder = 1;
  pToAdd = 0;
  int testOrder = trialOrder + pToAdd;
  CellTopoPtr quadTopoPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() ));
  DofOrderingFactory dofOrderingFactory(bf);
  DofOrderingPtr testOrdering = dofOrderingFactory.testOrdering(testOrder, *quadTopoPtr);
  DofOrderingPtr trialOrdering = dofOrderingFactory.trialOrdering(trialOrder, *quadTopoPtr);

  int numCells = 1;
  // just use testOrdering for both trial and test spaces (we only use to define BasisCache)
  ElementTypePtr elemType  = Teuchos::rcp( new ElementType(trialOrdering, testOrdering, quadTopoPtr) );
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType) );
  basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(quadPoints,vector<int>(1),true); // true: do create side cache
  FieldContainer<double> cellSideParities(numCells,quadTopoPtr->getSideCount());
  cellSideParities.initialize(1.0); // not worried here about neighbors actually having opposite parity -- just want the two BF implementations to agree...
  FieldContainer<double> expectedValues(numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs(), trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  FieldContainer<double> actualValues(numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs(), trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  oldBurgersBF->stiffnessMatrix(expectedValues, elemType, cellSideParities, basisCache);
  bf->stiffnessMatrix(actualValues, elemType, cellSideParities, basisCache);

  // compare beta's as well
  FieldContainer<double> expectedBeta = oldBurgersBF->getBeta(basisCache);
  Teuchos::Array<int> dim;
  FieldContainer<double> actualBeta(dim);

  double tol = 1e-14;
  double maxDiff;
  if (rank == 0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedBeta,actualBeta,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old Burgers beta differs from new; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old beta: \n" << expectedBeta;
      cout << "New beta: \n" << actualBeta;
      cout << "Old and new Burgers beta agree!!\n";

    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old Burgers stiffness differs from new; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "TrialDofOrdering: \n" << *trialOrdering;
      cout << "TestDofOrdering:\n" << *testOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new Burgers stiffness agree!!\n";

  // define our inner product:
  // Teuchos::RCP<BurgersInnerProduct> ip = Teuchos::rcp( new BurgersInnerProduct( bf, mesh ) );

  // function to scale the squared guy by epsilon/h
  FunctionPtr epsilonOverHScaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
  IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp( new IP );
  ip->addTerm( epsilonOverHScaling * v );
  ip->addTerm( sqrt(sqrt(epsilon)) * v->grad() );
  ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );

  // use old IP instead, for now...
  Teuchos::RCP<BurgersInnerProduct> oldIP = Teuchos::rcp( new BurgersInnerProduct( oldBurgersBF, mesh ) );

  expectedValues.resize(numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs(), testOrdering->totalDofs() );
  actualValues.resize  (numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs(), testOrdering->totalDofs() );

  BasisCachePtr ipBasisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType, true) ); // true: test vs. test
  ipBasisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(quadPoints,vector<int>(1),false); // false: don't create side cache


  tol = 1e-14;
  maxDiff = 0.0;
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old inner product differs from new IP; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New IP: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "testOrdering: \n" << *testOrdering;
      cout << "Old inner product and new IP agree!!\n";

  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  // the RHS as implemented by BurgersProblem divides the first component of beta by 2.0
  // so we follow that.  I've not done the math; just imitating the code...
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> otherRHS = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  vector<double> e1_div2 = e1;
  e1_div2[0] /= 2.0;
  FunctionPtr rhsBeta = (e1_div2 * beta * e1 + Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) )) * u_prev;
  otherRHS->addTerm( rhsBeta * v->grad() - u_prev * tau->div() );

  Teuchos::RCP<BurgersProblem> problem = Teuchos::rcp( new BurgersProblem(oldBurgersBF) );

  expectedValues.resize(numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs() );
  actualValues.resize  (numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs() );


  tol = 1e-14;
  maxDiff = 0.0;
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old RHS differs from new (\"otherRHS\"); maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "testOrdering: \n" << *testOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new RHS (\"otherRHS\") agree!!\n";

  FunctionPtr u_prev_squared_div2 = 0.5 * u_prev * u_prev;
  rhs->addTerm( (e1 * u_prev_squared_div2 + e2 * u_prev) * v->grad() - u_prev * tau->div());

  if (! functionsAgree(e2 * u_prev,
                       Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) ) * u_prev,
                       basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";

  FunctionPtr e1_f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e1 ) );
  FunctionPtr e2_f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) );
  FunctionPtr one  = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction( 1.0 ) );
  if (! functionsAgree( Teuchos::rcp( new ProductFunction(e1_f, (e1_f + e2_f)) ), // e1_f * (e1_f + e2_f)
                        basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";

  if (! functionsAgree(u_prev_squared_div2,
                       (e1_div2 * beta) * u_prev,
                       basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";

  if (! functionsAgree(e1 * u_prev_squared_div2,
                       (e1_div2 * beta * e1) * u_prev,
                       basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";

  if (! functionsAgree(e1 * u_prev_squared_div2 + e2 * u_prev,
                       (e1_div2 * beta * e1 + Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) )) * u_prev,
                       basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";


  tol = 1e-14;
  maxDiff = 0.0;
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old RHS differs from new (\"rhs\"); maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "testOrdering: \n" << *testOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new RHS (\"rhs\") agree!!\n";

  SpatialFilterPtr outflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new TopBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr inflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new NegatedSpatialFilter(outflowBoundary) );
  Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp(new PenaltyConstraints);
  LinearTermPtr sigma_hat = beta * uhat->times_normal() - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_hat;
  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );

  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U0 );
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> inflowBC = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  FunctionPtr u0_squared_div_2 = 0.5 * u0 * u0;
  inflowBC->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_hat,inflowBoundary, ( e1 * u0_squared_div_2 + e2 * u0) * n );

  // create a solution object
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, inflowBC, rhs, ip));


  // old penalty filter:
  Teuchos::RCP<LocalStiffnessMatrixFilter> penaltyBC = Teuchos::rcp(new PenaltyMethodFilter(problem));
//  solution->setFilter(penaltyBC);

  // compare old and new filters
  elemType = mesh->getElement(0)->elementType();
  trialOrdering = elemType->trialOrderPtr;
  testOrdering = elemType->testOrderPtr;
  // stiffness
  expectedValues.resize(numCells, trialOrdering->totalDofs(), trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  actualValues.resize  (numCells, trialOrdering->totalDofs(), trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  // load
  FieldContainer<double> expectedLoad(numCells, trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  FieldContainer<double> actualLoad(numCells, trialOrdering->totalDofs() );


  maxDiff = 0.0;
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old penalty stiffness differs from new; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "trialOrdering: \n" << *trialOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new penalty stiffness agree!!\n";
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedLoad,actualLoad,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old penalty load differs from new; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "trialOrdering: \n" << *trialOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new penalty load agree!!\n";

  // define refinement strategy:
  Teuchos::RCP<RefinementStrategy> refinementStrategy = Teuchos::rcp(new RefinementStrategy(solution,energyThreshold));

  // =================== END INITIALIZATION CODE ==========================

  // refine the spectral mesh, for comparability with the original Burgers' driver

  int numRefs = 5;

  Teuchos::RCP<NonlinearStepSize> stepSize = Teuchos::rcp(new NonlinearStepSize(nonlinearStepSize));
  Teuchos::RCP<NonlinearSolveStrategy> solveStrategy = Teuchos::rcp(
        new NonlinearSolveStrategy(backgroundFlow, solution, stepSize, nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance)

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<numRefs; refIndex++)
    refinementStrategy->refine(rank==0); // print to console on rank 0

  // one more nonlinear solve on refined mesh
  int numNRSteps = 5;
  for (int i=0; i<numNRSteps; i++)

  if (rank==0)
    backgroundFlow->writeFieldsToFile(BurgersBilinearForm::U, "u_ref.m");
    backgroundFlow->writeFieldsToFile(BurgersBilinearForm::SIGMA_1, "sigmax.m");
    backgroundFlow->writeFieldsToFile(BurgersBilinearForm::SIGMA_2, "sigmay.m");
    solution->writeFluxesToFile(BurgersBilinearForm::U_HAT, "du_hat_ref.dat");

  return 0;

Beispiel #4
void Projector::projectFunctionOntoBasisInterpolating(FieldContainer<double> &basisCoefficients, FunctionPtr fxn,
                                                      BasisPtr basis, BasisCachePtr domainBasisCache) {
  CellTopoPtr domainTopo = basis->domainTopology();
  unsigned domainDim = domainTopo->getDimension();
  IPPtr ip;
  bool traceVar = domainBasisCache->isSideCache();
  pair<IPPtr, VarPtr> ipVarPair = IP::standardInnerProductForFunctionSpace(basis->functionSpace(), traceVar, domainDim);
  ip = ipVarPair.first;
  VarPtr v = ipVarPair.second;
  IPPtr ip_l2 = Teuchos::rcp( new IP );
  // for now, make all projections use L^2... (having some issues with gradients and cell Jacobians--I think we need the restriction of the cell Jacobian to the subcell, e.g., and it's not clear how to do that...)
  ip = ip_l2;
  FieldContainer<double> referenceDomainNodes(domainTopo->getVertexCount(),domainDim);
  CamelliaCellTools::refCellNodesForTopology(referenceDomainNodes, domainTopo);
  int basisCardinality = basis->getCardinality();
  set<int> allDofs;
  for (int i=0; i<basisCardinality; i++) {
  for (int d=0; d<=domainDim; d++) {
    FunctionPtr projectionThusFar = NewBasisSumFunction::basisSumFunction(basis, basisCoefficients);
    FunctionPtr fxnToApproximate = fxn - projectionThusFar;
    int subcellCount = domainTopo->getSubcellCount(d);
    for (int subcord=0; subcord<subcellCount; subcord++) {
      set<int> subcellDofOrdinals = basis->dofOrdinalsForSubcell(d, subcord);
      if (subcellDofOrdinals.size() > 0) {
        FieldContainer<double> refCellPoints;
        FieldContainer<double> cubatureWeightsSubcell; // allows us to integrate over the fine subcell even when domain is higher-dimensioned
        if (d == 0) {
          for (int d1=0; d1<domainDim; d1++) {
            refCellPoints(0,d1) = referenceDomainNodes(subcord,d1);
          cubatureWeightsSubcell(0) = 1.0;
        } else {
          CellTopoPtr subcellTopo = domainTopo->getSubcell(d, subcord);
//          Teuchos::RCP<Cubature<double> > subcellCubature = cubFactory.create(subcellTopo, domainBasisCache->cubatureDegree());
          BasisCachePtr subcellCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(subcellTopo, domainBasisCache->cubatureDegree(), false) );
          int numPoints = subcellCache->getRefCellPoints().dimension(0);
          cubatureWeightsSubcell = subcellCache->getCubatureWeights();
          if (d == domainDim) {
            refCellPoints = subcellCache->getRefCellPoints();
          } else {
            CamelliaCellTools::mapToReferenceSubcell(refCellPoints, subcellCache->getRefCellPoints(), d,
                                                     subcord, domainTopo);
        domainBasisCache->setRefCellPoints(refCellPoints, cubatureWeightsSubcell);
        IPPtr ipForProjection = (d==0) ? ip_l2 : ip; // just use values at vertices (ignore derivatives)
        set<int> dofsToSkip = allDofs;
        for (set<int>::iterator dofOrdinalIt=subcellDofOrdinals.begin(); dofOrdinalIt != subcellDofOrdinals.end(); dofOrdinalIt++) {
        FieldContainer<double> newBasisCoefficients;
        projectFunctionOntoBasis(newBasisCoefficients, fxnToApproximate, basis, domainBasisCache, ipForProjection, v, dofsToSkip);
        for (int cellOrdinal=0; cellOrdinal<newBasisCoefficients.dimension(0); cellOrdinal++) {
          for (set<int>::iterator dofOrdinalIt=subcellDofOrdinals.begin(); dofOrdinalIt != subcellDofOrdinals.end(); dofOrdinalIt++) {
            basisCoefficients(cellOrdinal,*dofOrdinalIt) = newBasisCoefficients(cellOrdinal,*dofOrdinalIt);
Beispiel #5
void Projector::projectFunctionOntoBasis(FieldContainer<double> &basisCoefficients, Teuchos::RCP<AbstractFunction> fxn, BasisPtr basis,
                                         const FieldContainer<double> &physicalCellNodes) {

  CellTopoPtr cellTopo = basis->domainTopology();
  DofOrderingPtr dofOrderPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new DofOrdering());

  int basisRank = BasisFactory::basisFactory()->getBasisRank(basis);
  int ID = 0; // only one entry for this fake dofOrderPtr
  int maxTrialDegree = dofOrderPtr->maxBasisDegree();

  // do not build side caches - no projections for sides supported at the moment
  if (cellTopo->getTensorialDegree() != 0) {
    cout << "Projector::projectFunctionOntoBasis() does not yet support tensorial degree > 0.\n";
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Projector::projectFunctionOntoBasis() does not yet support tensorial degree > 0.");
  shards::CellTopology shardsTopo = cellTopo->getShardsTopology();
  BasisCache basisCache(physicalCellNodes, shardsTopo, *(dofOrderPtr), maxTrialDegree, false);
  // assume only L2 projections
  IntrepidExtendedTypes::EOperatorExtended op =  IntrepidExtendedTypes::OP_VALUE;

  // have information, build inner product matrix
  int numDofs = basis->getCardinality();
  FieldContainer<double> cubPoints = basisCache.getPhysicalCubaturePoints();    

  FieldContainer<double> basisValues = *(basisCache.getTransformedValues(basis, op));
  FieldContainer<double> testBasisValues = *(basisCache.getTransformedWeightedValues(basis, op));

  int numCells = physicalCellNodes.dimension(0);
  int numPts = cubPoints.dimension(1);
  FieldContainer<double> functionValues;
  fxn->getValues(functionValues, cubPoints);  

  FieldContainer<double> gramMatrix(numCells,numDofs,numDofs);
  FieldContainer<double> ipVector(numCells,numDofs);
  for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++){

    Epetra_SerialDenseSolver solver;

    Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix A(Copy,
			       gramMatrix.dimension(1)); // stride -- fc stores in row-major order (a.o.t. SDM)
    Epetra_SerialDenseVector b(Copy,
    Epetra_SerialDenseVector x(gramMatrix.dimension(1));
    cout << "matrix A = " << endl;
    for (int i=0;i<gramMatrix.dimension(2);i++){
      for (int j=0;j<gramMatrix.dimension(1);j++){
	cout << A(i,j) << " ";
      cout << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "vector B = " << endl;
    for (int i=0;i<functionValues.dimension(1);i++){
      cout << b(i) << endl;

    int info = solver.SetVectors(x,b);
    if (info!=0){
      cout << "projectFunctionOntoBasis: failed to SetVectors with error " << info << endl;

    bool equilibrated = false;
    if (solver.ShouldEquilibrate()){
      equilibrated = true;

    info = solver.Solve();
    if (info!=0){
      cout << "projectFunctionOntoBasis: failed to solve with error " << info << endl;

    if (equilibrated) {
      int successLocal = solver.UnequilibrateLHS();
      if (successLocal != 0) {
        cout << "projection: unequilibration FAILED with error: " << successLocal << endl;

    for (int i=0;i<numDofs;i++){
      basisCoefficients(cellIndex,i) = x(i);
Beispiel #6
bool testBasisClassifications(BasisPtr basis) {
  bool success = true;
  CellTopoPtr cellTopo = basis->domainTopology();
  int numVertices = cellTopo->getVertexCount();
  int numEdges = cellTopo->getEdgeCount();
  int degree = basis->getDegree();
  // TODO: finish this
  vector<int> vertexOrdinals;
  for (int vertexIndex=0; vertexIndex < numVertices; vertexIndex++) {
    set<int> dofOrdinals = basis->dofOrdinalsForVertex(vertexIndex);
    if (dofOrdinals.size() == 0) TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "No dofOrdinal for vertex...");
    if (dofOrdinals.size() > 1) TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "More than one dofOrdinal per vertex...");
//  if (! checkVertexOrdinalsQuad(basis, vertexOrdinals) ) {
//    success = false;
//    cout << "vertex dof ordinals don't match expected\n";
//    cout << "ordinals: ";
//    for (int vertexIndex=0; vertexIndex < numVertices; vertexIndex++) {
//      cout << vertexOrdinals[vertexIndex] << " ";
//    }
//    cout << endl;
//  }
  // get the points in reference space for each vertex
  FieldContainer<double> points;
  if (numVertices == 2) { // line
    points(0,0) = -1;
    points(1,0) = 1;
  } else if (numVertices == 3) { // triangle
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "triangles not yet supported");
  } else if (numVertices == 4) { // quad
    points(0,0) = -1;
    points(0,1) = -1;
    points(1,0) =  1;
    points(1,1) = -1;
    points(2,0) =  1;
    points(2,1) =  1;
    points(3,0) = -1;
    points(3,1) =  1;
  } else {
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "unsupported topology");
  FieldContainer<double> vertexValues;
  if (basis->rangeRank() > 0) {
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "rank > 0 bases not yet supported");
  } else {
  basis->getValues(vertexValues, points, Intrepid::OPERATOR_VALUE);
  // test that the points are correctly classified
  for (int fieldIndex=0; fieldIndex<basis->getCardinality(); fieldIndex++) {
    for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numVertices; ptIndex++) {
      int dofOrdinalForPoint = vertexOrdinals[ptIndex];
      bool expectZero = (dofOrdinalForPoint != fieldIndex);
      if (expectZero) {
        if (vertexValues(fieldIndex,ptIndex) != 0) {
          success = false;
          cout << "Expected 0 for fieldIndex " << fieldIndex << " and ptIndex " << ptIndex;
          cout << ", but got " << vertexValues(fieldIndex,ptIndex) << endl;
      } else {
        if (vertexValues(fieldIndex,ptIndex) == 0) {
          cout << "Expected nonzero for fieldIndex " << fieldIndex << " and ptIndex " << ptIndex << endl;
          success = false;
  if (!success) {
    cout << "Failed testBasisClassifications; vertexValues:\n" << vertexValues;
  return success;
Beispiel #7
void Boundary::bcsToImpose(FieldContainer<GlobalIndexType> &globalIndices,
                           FieldContainer<Scalar> &globalValues, TBC<Scalar> &bc,
                           DofInterpreter* dofInterpreter)
  set< GlobalIndexType > rankLocalCells = _mesh->cellIDsInPartition();
  map< GlobalIndexType, double> bcGlobalIndicesAndValues;

  for (GlobalIndexType cellID : rankLocalCells)
    bcsToImpose(bcGlobalIndicesAndValues, bc, cellID, dofInterpreter);
  singletonBCsToImpose(bcGlobalIndicesAndValues, bc, dofInterpreter);
  // ****** New, tag-based BC imposition follows ******
  map< GlobalIndexType, double> bcTagGlobalIndicesAndValues;
  map< int, vector<pair<VarPtr, TFunctionPtr<Scalar>>>> tagBCs = bc.getDirichletTagBCs(); // keys are tags
  MeshTopology* meshTopo = dynamic_cast<MeshTopology*>(_mesh->getTopology().get());
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!meshTopo, std::invalid_argument, "pure MeshTopologyViews are not yet supported by new tag-based BC imposition");
  for (auto tagBC : tagBCs)
    int tagID = tagBC.first;
    vector<EntitySetPtr> entitySets = meshTopo->getEntitySetsForTagID(DIRICHLET_SET_TAG_NAME, tagID);
    for (EntitySetPtr entitySet : entitySets)
      // get rank-local cells that match the entity set:
      set<IndexType> matchingCellIDs = entitySet->cellIDsThatMatch(_mesh->getTopology(), rankLocalCells);
      for (IndexType cellID : matchingCellIDs)
        ElementTypePtr elemType = _mesh->getElementType(cellID);
        BasisCachePtr basisCache = BasisCache::basisCacheForCell(_mesh, cellID);
        for (auto varFunctionPair : tagBC.second)
          VarPtr var = varFunctionPair.first;
          FunctionPtr f = varFunctionPair.second;
          vector<int> sideOrdinals = elemType->trialOrderPtr->getSidesForVarID(var->ID());
          for (int sideOrdinal : sideOrdinals)
            BasisPtr basis = elemType->trialOrderPtr->getBasis(var->ID(), sideOrdinal);
            bool isVolume = basis->domainTopology()->getDimension() == _mesh->getDimension();
            for (int d=0; d<_mesh->getDimension(); d++)
              vector<unsigned> matchingSubcells;
              if (isVolume)
                matchingSubcells = entitySet->subcellOrdinals(_mesh->getTopology(), cellID, d);
                CellTopoPtr cellTopo = elemType->cellTopoPtr;
                int sideDim = cellTopo->getDimension() - 1;
                vector<unsigned> matchingSubcellsOnSide = entitySet->subcellOrdinalsOnSide(_mesh->getTopology(), cellID, sideOrdinal, d);
                for (unsigned sideSubcellOrdinal : matchingSubcellsOnSide)
                  unsigned cellSubcellOrdinal = CamelliaCellTools::subcellOrdinalMap(cellTopo, sideDim, sideOrdinal, d, sideSubcellOrdinal);
              if (matchingSubcells.size() == 0) continue; // nothing to impose
               What follows - projecting the function onto the basis on the whole domain - is more expensive than necessary,
               in the general case: we can do the projection on just the matching subcells, and if we had a way of taking the
               restriction of a basis to a subcell of the domain, then we could avoid computing the whole basis as well.
               But for now, this should work, and it's simple to implement.
              BasisCachePtr basisCacheForImposition = isVolume ? basisCache : basisCache->getSideBasisCache(sideOrdinal);
              int numCells = 1;
              FieldContainer<double> basisCoefficients(numCells,basis->getCardinality());
              Projector<double>::projectFunctionOntoBasisInterpolating(basisCoefficients, f, basis, basisCacheForImposition);
              set<GlobalIndexType> matchingGlobalIndices;
              for (unsigned matchingSubcell : matchingSubcells)
                set<GlobalIndexType> subcellGlobalIndices = dofInterpreter->globalDofIndicesForVarOnSubcell(var->ID(),cellID,d,matchingSubcell);
              FieldContainer<double> globalData;
              FieldContainer<GlobalIndexType> globalDofIndices;
//              dofInterpreter->interpretLocalBasisCoefficients(cellID, var->ID(), sideOrdinal, basisCoefficientsToImpose, globalData, globalDofIndices);
              dofInterpreter->interpretLocalBasisCoefficients(cellID, var->ID(), sideOrdinal, basisCoefficients, globalData, globalDofIndices);
              for (int globalDofOrdinal=0; globalDofOrdinal<globalDofIndices.size(); globalDofOrdinal++)
                GlobalIndexType globalDofIndex = globalDofIndices(globalDofOrdinal);
                if (matchingGlobalIndices.find(globalDofIndex) != matchingGlobalIndices.end())
                  bcTagGlobalIndicesAndValues[globalDofIndex] = globalData(globalDofOrdinal);
  // merge tag-based and legacy BC maps
  double tol = 1e-15;
  for (auto tagEntry : bcTagGlobalIndicesAndValues)
    if (bcGlobalIndicesAndValues.find(tagEntry.first) != bcGlobalIndicesAndValues.end())
      // then check that they match, within tolerance
      double diff = abs(bcGlobalIndicesAndValues[tagEntry.first] - tagEntry.second);
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(diff > tol, std::invalid_argument, "Incompatible BC entries encountered");
      bcGlobalIndicesAndValues[tagEntry.first] = tagEntry.second;
  int entryOrdinal = 0;
  for (auto bcEntry : bcGlobalIndicesAndValues)
    globalIndices[entryOrdinal] = bcEntry.first;
    globalValues[entryOrdinal] = bcEntry.second;
Beispiel #8
void Boundary::singletonBCsToImpose(std::map<GlobalIndexType,Scalar> &dofIndexToValue, TBC<Scalar> &bc,
                                    DofInterpreter* dofInterpreter)
  // first, let's check for any singletons (one-point BCs)
  map<IndexType, set < pair<int, unsigned> > > singletonsForCell;
  const set<GlobalIndexType>* rankLocalCells = &_mesh->cellIDsInPartition();
  vector< int > trialIDs = _mesh->bilinearForm()->trialIDs();
  for (int trialID : trialIDs)
    if (bc.singlePointBC(trialID))
      auto knownActiveCells = &_mesh->getTopology()->getLocallyKnownActiveCellIndices();
      vector<double> spatialVertex = bc.pointForSpatialPointBC(trialID);
      vector<IndexType> matchingVertices = _mesh->getTopology()->getVertexIndicesMatching(spatialVertex);
      unsigned vertexDim = 0;
      for (IndexType vertexIndex : matchingVertices)
        set< pair<IndexType, unsigned> > cellsForVertex = _mesh->getTopology()->getCellsContainingEntity(vertexDim, vertexIndex);
        for (pair<IndexType, unsigned> cellForVertex : cellsForVertex)
          // active cell
          IndexType matchingCellID = cellForVertex.first;
          if (rankLocalCells->find(matchingCellID) != rankLocalCells->end())   // we own this cell, so we're responsible for imposing the singleton BC
            CellPtr cell = _mesh->getTopology()->getCell(matchingCellID);
            unsigned vertexOrdinal = cell->findSubcellOrdinal(vertexDim, vertexIndex);
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(vertexOrdinal == -1, std::invalid_argument, "Internal error: vertexOrdinal not found for cell to which it supposedly belongs");
            singletonsForCell[matchingCellID].insert(make_pair(trialID, vertexOrdinal));
  for (auto cellEntry : singletonsForCell)
    GlobalIndexType cellID = cellEntry.first;
    auto singletons = cellEntry.second;
    ElementTypePtr elemType = _mesh->getElementType(cellID);
    map<int, vector<unsigned> > vertexOrdinalsForTrialID;
    for (pair<int, unsigned> trialVertexPair : singletons)
    for (auto trialVertexOrdinals : vertexOrdinalsForTrialID)
      int trialID = trialVertexOrdinals.first;
      vector<unsigned> vertexOrdinalsInCell = trialVertexOrdinals.second;
      CellTopoPtr cellTopo = elemType->cellTopoPtr;
      CellTopoPtr spatialCellTopo;
      bool spaceTime;
      int vertexOrdinalInSpatialCell;
      if (vertexOrdinalsInCell.size() == 2)
        // we'd better be doing space-time in this case, and the vertices should be the same spatially
        spaceTime = (cellTopo->getTensorialDegree() > 0);
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!spaceTime, std::invalid_argument, "multiple vertices for spatial point only supported for space-time");
        spatialCellTopo = cellTopo->getTensorialComponent();
        vertexOrdinalInSpatialCell = -1;
        for (unsigned spatialVertexOrdinal = 0; spatialVertexOrdinal < spatialCellTopo->getNodeCount(); spatialVertexOrdinal++)
          vector<unsigned> tensorComponentNodes = {spatialVertexOrdinal,0};
          unsigned spaceTimeVertexOrdinal_t0 = cellTopo->getNodeFromTensorialComponentNodes(tensorComponentNodes);
          if ((spaceTimeVertexOrdinal_t0 == vertexOrdinalsInCell[0]) || (spaceTimeVertexOrdinal_t0 == vertexOrdinalsInCell[1]))
            // then this should be our match.  Confirm this:
            tensorComponentNodes = {spatialVertexOrdinal,1};
            unsigned spaceTimeVertexOrdinal_t1 = cellTopo->getNodeFromTensorialComponentNodes(tensorComponentNodes);
            bool t1VertexMatches = (spaceTimeVertexOrdinal_t1 == vertexOrdinalsInCell[0]) || (spaceTimeVertexOrdinal_t1 == vertexOrdinalsInCell[1]);
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!t1VertexMatches, std::invalid_argument, "Internal error: space-time vertices do not belong to the same spatial vertex");
            vertexOrdinalInSpatialCell = spatialVertexOrdinal;
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(vertexOrdinalInSpatialCell == -1, std::invalid_argument, "Internal error: spatial vertex ordinal not found");
      else if (vertexOrdinalsInCell.size() == 1)
        spaceTime = false;
        spatialCellTopo = cellTopo;
        vertexOrdinalInSpatialCell = vertexOrdinalsInCell[0];
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "vertexOrdinalsInCell must have 1 or 2 vertices");
      set<GlobalIndexType> globalIndicesForVariable;
      DofOrderingPtr trialOrderingPtr = elemType->trialOrderPtr;
      int numSpatialSides = spatialCellTopo->getSideCount();
      vector<unsigned> spatialSidesForVertex;
      vector<unsigned> sideVertexOrdinals; // same index in this container as spatialSidesForVertex: gets the node ordinal of the vertex in that side
      int sideDim = spatialCellTopo->getDimension() - 1;
      if (!_mesh->bilinearForm()->isFluxOrTrace(trialID))
        for (int spatialSideOrdinal=0; spatialSideOrdinal < numSpatialSides; spatialSideOrdinal++)
          CellTopoPtr sideTopo = spatialCellTopo->getSide(spatialSideOrdinal);
          for (unsigned sideVertexOrdinal = 0; sideVertexOrdinal < sideTopo->getNodeCount(); sideVertexOrdinal++)
            unsigned spatialVertexOrdinal = spatialCellTopo->getNodeMap(sideDim, spatialSideOrdinal, sideVertexOrdinal);
            if (spatialVertexOrdinal == vertexOrdinalInSpatialCell)
              break; // this is the only match we should find on this side
        if (spatialSidesForVertex.size() == 0)
          cout << "ERROR: no spatial side for vertex found during singleton BC imposition.\n";
          TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "no spatial side for vertex found during singleton BC imposition");
      for (int i=0; i<spatialSidesForVertex.size(); i++)
        unsigned spatialSideOrdinal = spatialSidesForVertex[i];
        unsigned vertexOrdinalInSide = sideVertexOrdinals[i];
        unsigned sideForImposition;
        BasisPtr spatialBasis, temporalBasis, spaceTimeBasis, basisForImposition;
        if (!spaceTime)
          spatialBasis = trialOrderingPtr->getBasis(trialID,spatialSideOrdinal);
          sideForImposition = spatialSideOrdinal;
          unsigned spaceTimeSideOrdinal;
          if (!_mesh->bilinearForm()->isFluxOrTrace(trialID))
            spaceTimeSideOrdinal = VOLUME_INTERIOR_SIDE_ORDINAL;
            spaceTimeSideOrdinal = cellTopo->getSpatialSideOrdinal(spatialSideOrdinal);
          spaceTimeBasis = trialOrderingPtr->getBasis(trialID,spaceTimeSideOrdinal);
          sideForImposition = spaceTimeSideOrdinal;
          TensorBasis<>* tensorBasis = dynamic_cast<TensorBasis<>*>(spaceTimeBasis.get());
          TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!tensorBasis, std::invalid_argument, "space-time basis must be a subclass of TensorBasis");
          if (tensorBasis)
            spatialBasis = tensorBasis->getSpatialBasis();
            temporalBasis = tensorBasis->getTemporalBasis();
        bool constantSpatialBasis = false;
        // upgrade bases to continuous ones of the same cardinality, if they are discontinuous.
        if (spatialBasis->getDegree() == 0)
          constantSpatialBasis = true;
        else if ((spatialBasis->functionSpace() == Camellia::FUNCTION_SPACE_HVOL) ||
                 (spatialBasis->functionSpace() == Camellia::FUNCTION_SPACE_HVOL_DISC))
          spatialBasis = BasisFactory::basisFactory()->getBasis(spatialBasis->getDegree(), spatialBasis->domainTopology(), Camellia::FUNCTION_SPACE_HGRAD);
        else if (Camellia::functionSpaceIsDiscontinuous(spatialBasis->functionSpace()))
          Camellia::EFunctionSpace fsContinuous = Camellia::continuousSpaceForDiscontinuous((spatialBasis->functionSpace()));
          spatialBasis = BasisFactory::basisFactory()->getBasis(spatialBasis->getDegree(), spatialBasis->domainTopology(), fsContinuous,
        if (temporalBasis.get())
          if ((temporalBasis->functionSpace() == Camellia::FUNCTION_SPACE_HVOL) ||
              (temporalBasis->functionSpace() == Camellia::FUNCTION_SPACE_HVOL_DISC))
            temporalBasis = BasisFactory::basisFactory()->getBasis(temporalBasis->getDegree(), temporalBasis->domainTopology(), Camellia::FUNCTION_SPACE_HGRAD);
          else if (Camellia::functionSpaceIsDiscontinuous(temporalBasis->functionSpace()))
            Camellia::EFunctionSpace fsContinuous = Camellia::continuousSpaceForDiscontinuous((temporalBasis->functionSpace()));
            temporalBasis = BasisFactory::basisFactory()->getBasis(temporalBasis->getDegree(), temporalBasis->domainTopology(), fsContinuous,
        if (spaceTime)
          if (constantSpatialBasis)
          { // then use the original basis for imposition
            basisForImposition = spaceTimeBasis;
            vector<int> H1Orders = {spatialBasis->getDegree(),temporalBasis->getDegree()};
            spaceTimeBasis = BasisFactory::basisFactory()->getBasis(H1Orders, spaceTimeBasis->domainTopology(), spatialBasis->functionSpace(), temporalBasis->functionSpace());
            basisForImposition = spaceTimeBasis;
          basisForImposition = spatialBasis;
        vector<int> spatialDofOrdinalsForVertex = constantSpatialBasis ? vector<int>{0} : spatialBasis->dofOrdinalsForVertex(vertexOrdinalInSide);
        if (spatialDofOrdinalsForVertex.size() != 1)
          cout << "ERROR: spatialDofOrdinalsForVertex.size() != 1 during singleton BC imposition.\n";
          TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "spatialDofOrdinalsForVertex.size() != 1 during singleton BC imposition");
        int spatialDofOrdinalForVertex = spatialDofOrdinalsForVertex[0];
        vector<int> basisDofOrdinals;
        if (!spaceTime)
          int temporalBasisCardinality = temporalBasis->getCardinality();
          TensorBasis<>* tensorBasis = dynamic_cast<TensorBasis<>*>(spaceTimeBasis.get());
          for (int temporalBasisOrdinal=0; temporalBasisOrdinal<temporalBasisCardinality; temporalBasisOrdinal++)
            basisDofOrdinals.push_back(tensorBasis->getDofOrdinalFromComponentDofOrdinals({spatialDofOrdinalForVertex, temporalBasisOrdinal}));
        for (int dofOrdinal : basisDofOrdinals)
          FieldContainer<double> basisCoefficients(basisForImposition->getCardinality());
          basisCoefficients[dofOrdinal] = 1.0;
          FieldContainer<double> globalCoefficients;
          FieldContainer<GlobalIndexType> globalDofIndices;
          dofInterpreter->interpretLocalBasisCoefficients(cellID, trialID, sideForImposition, basisCoefficients,
                                                          globalCoefficients, globalDofIndices);
          double tol = 1e-14;
          int nonzeroEntryOrdinal = -1;
          for (int fieldOrdinal=0; fieldOrdinal < globalCoefficients.size(); fieldOrdinal++)
            if (abs(globalCoefficients[fieldOrdinal]) > tol)
              if (nonzeroEntryOrdinal != -1)
                // previous nonzero entry found; this is a problem--it means we have multiple global coefficients that depend on this vertex
                // (could happen if user specified a hanging node)
                cout << "Error: vertex for single-point imposition has multiple global degrees of freedom.\n";
                TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Error: vertex for single-point imposition has multiple global degrees of freedom.");
              // nonzero entry: store the fact, and impose the constraint
              nonzeroEntryOrdinal = fieldOrdinal;
              bool isRankLocal = dofInterpreter->isLocallyOwnedGlobalDofIndex(globalDofIndices[fieldOrdinal]);
              if (isRankLocal)
                dofIndexToValue[globalDofIndices[fieldOrdinal]] = bc.valueForSinglePointBC(trialID) * globalCoefficients[fieldOrdinal];
                cout << "ERROR: global dof index for single-point BC is not locally owned.\n";
                TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "ERROR: global dof index for single-point BC is not locally owned");
bool MeshTestUtility::determineRefTestPointsForNeighbors(MeshTopologyViewPtr meshTopo, CellPtr fineCell, unsigned int sideOrdinal,
    FieldContainer<double> &fineSideRefPoints, FieldContainer<double> &fineCellRefPoints,
    FieldContainer<double> &coarseSideRefPoints, FieldContainer<double> &coarseCellRefPoints)
  unsigned spaceDim = meshTopo->getDimension();
  unsigned sideDim = spaceDim - 1;

  if (spaceDim == 1)

    FieldContainer<double> lineRefNodes(2,1);
    CellTopoPtr line = CellTopology::line();

    CamelliaCellTools::refCellNodesForTopology(lineRefNodes, line);

    fineCellRefPoints[0] = lineRefNodes[sideOrdinal];
    unsigned neighborSideOrdinal = fineCell->getNeighborInfo(sideOrdinal, meshTopo).second;
    if (neighborSideOrdinal != -1)
      coarseCellRefPoints[0] = lineRefNodes[neighborSideOrdinal];
      return true;
      return false;
  pair<GlobalIndexType, unsigned> neighborInfo = fineCell->getNeighborInfo(sideOrdinal, meshTopo);
  if (neighborInfo.first == -1)
    // boundary
    return false;
  CellPtr neighborCell = meshTopo->getCell(neighborInfo.first);
  if (neighborCell->isParent(meshTopo))
    return false; // fineCell isn't the finer of the two...

  CellTopoPtr fineSideTopo = fineCell->topology()->getSubcell(sideDim, sideOrdinal);

  CubatureFactory cubFactory;
  int cubDegree = 4; // fairly arbitrary choice: enough to get a decent number of test points...
  Teuchos::RCP<Cubature<double> > fineSideTopoCub = cubFactory.create(fineSideTopo, cubDegree);

  int numCubPoints = fineSideTopoCub->getNumPoints();

  FieldContainer<double> cubPoints(numCubPoints, sideDim);
  FieldContainer<double> cubWeights(numCubPoints); // we neglect these...

  fineSideTopoCub->getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);

  FieldContainer<double> sideRefCellNodes(fineSideTopo->getNodeCount(),sideDim);
  CamelliaCellTools::refCellNodesForTopology(sideRefCellNodes, fineSideTopo);

  int numTestPoints = numCubPoints + fineSideTopo->getNodeCount();

  FieldContainer<double> testPoints(numTestPoints, sideDim);
  for (int ptOrdinal=0; ptOrdinal<testPoints.dimension(0); ptOrdinal++)
    if (ptOrdinal<fineSideTopo->getNodeCount())
      for (int d=0; d<sideDim; d++)
        testPoints(ptOrdinal,d) = sideRefCellNodes(ptOrdinal,d);
      for (int d=0; d<sideDim; d++)
        testPoints(ptOrdinal,d) = cubPoints(ptOrdinal-fineSideTopo->getNodeCount(),d);

  fineSideRefPoints = testPoints;
  fineCellRefPoints.resize(numTestPoints, spaceDim);

  CamelliaCellTools::mapToReferenceSubcell(fineCellRefPoints, testPoints, sideDim, sideOrdinal, fineCell->topology());

  CellTopoPtr coarseSideTopo = neighborCell->topology()->getSubcell(sideDim, neighborInfo.second);

  unsigned fineSideAncestorPermutation = fineCell->ancestralPermutationForSubcell(sideDim, sideOrdinal, meshTopo);
  unsigned coarseSidePermutation = neighborCell->subcellPermutation(sideDim, neighborInfo.second);

  unsigned coarseSideAncestorPermutationInverse = CamelliaCellTools::permutationInverse(coarseSideTopo, coarseSidePermutation);

  unsigned composedPermutation = CamelliaCellTools::permutationComposition(coarseSideTopo, coarseSideAncestorPermutationInverse, fineSideAncestorPermutation); // goes from coarse ordering to fine.

  RefinementBranch fineRefBranch = fineCell->refinementBranchForSide(sideOrdinal, meshTopo);

  FieldContainer<double> fineSideNodes(fineSideTopo->getNodeCount(), sideDim);  // relative to the ancestral cell whose neighbor is compatible
  if (fineRefBranch.size() == 0)
    CamelliaCellTools::refCellNodesForTopology(fineSideNodes, coarseSideTopo, composedPermutation);
    FieldContainer<double> ancestralSideNodes(coarseSideTopo->getNodeCount(), sideDim);
    CamelliaCellTools::refCellNodesForTopology(ancestralSideNodes, coarseSideTopo, composedPermutation);

    RefinementBranch fineSideRefBranch = RefinementPattern::sideRefinementBranch(fineRefBranch, sideOrdinal);
    fineSideNodes = RefinementPattern::descendantNodes(fineSideRefBranch, ancestralSideNodes);

  BasisCachePtr sideTopoCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(fineSideTopo, 1, false) );

  // add cell dimension
  fineSideNodes.resize(1,fineSideNodes.dimension(0), fineSideNodes.dimension(1));
  sideTopoCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(fineSideNodes, vector<GlobalIndexType>(), false);
  coarseSideRefPoints = sideTopoCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints();

  // strip off the cell dimension:

  CamelliaCellTools::mapToReferenceSubcell(coarseCellRefPoints, coarseSideRefPoints, sideDim, neighborInfo.second, neighborCell->topology());

  return true; // containers filled....
bool MeshTransformationFunction::mapRefCellPointsUsingExactGeometry(FieldContainer<double> &cellPoints, const FieldContainer<double> &refCellPoints, GlobalIndexType cellID)
  // returns true if the MeshTransformationFunction handles this cell, false otherwise
  // if true, then populates cellPoints
  if (_cellTransforms.find(cellID) == _cellTransforms.end())
    return false;
//  cout << "refCellPoints in mapRefCellPointsUsingExactGeometry():\n" << refCellPoints;
//  cout << "cellPoints prior to mapRefCellPointsUsingExactGeometry():\n" << cellPoints;

  int numPoints = refCellPoints.dimension(0);
  int spaceDim = refCellPoints.dimension(1);

  CellTopoPtr cellTopo = _mesh->getElementType(cellID)->cellTopoPtr;
  bool spaceTime = false;
  CellTopoPtr spaceTimeTopo;
  FieldContainer<double> refCellPointsSpaceTime, refCellPointsSpace;
  double time0, time1;
  if (cellTopo->getTensorialDegree() > 0)
    spaceDim = spaceDim - 1;
    spaceTime = true;
    spaceTimeTopo = cellTopo;
    cellTopo = CellTopology::cellTopology(cellTopo->getShardsTopology(), cellTopo->getTensorialDegree() - 1);
    refCellPointsSpaceTime = refCellPoints;
    // copy out the spatial points:
    refCellPointsSpace.resize(numPoints, spaceDim);
    for (int ptOrdinal=0; ptOrdinal<numPoints; ptOrdinal++)
      for (int d=0; d<spaceDim; d++)
        refCellPointsSpace(ptOrdinal,d) = refCellPointsSpaceTime(ptOrdinal,d);
    // determine the temporal bounds:
    unsigned sideOrdinal_t0 = spaceTimeTopo->getTemporalSideOrdinal(0);
    unsigned sideOrdinal_t1 = spaceTimeTopo->getTemporalSideOrdinal(1);
    unsigned sampleVertexOrdinal_t0 = spaceTimeTopo->getNodeMap(spaceDim, sideOrdinal_t0, 0);
    unsigned sampleVertexOrdinal_t1 = spaceTimeTopo->getNodeMap(spaceDim, sideOrdinal_t1, 0);
    CellPtr cell = _mesh->getTopology()->getCell(cellID);
    IndexType sampleVertexIndex_t0 = cell->vertices()[sampleVertexOrdinal_t0];
    IndexType sampleVertexIndex_t1 = cell->vertices()[sampleVertexOrdinal_t1];
    time0 = _mesh->getTopology()->getVertex(sampleVertexIndex_t0)[spaceDim];
    time1 = _mesh->getTopology()->getVertex(sampleVertexIndex_t1)[spaceDim];
    refCellPointsSpace = refCellPoints;  // would be possible to avoid this copy by e.g. using a pointer in the call to mapToPhysicalFrame() below
  if (cellTopo->getKey().first == shards::Quadrilateral<4>::key)
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(spaceDim != 2, std::invalid_argument, "points must be in 2D for the quad!");
    FieldContainer<double> parametricPoints(numPoints,spaceDim); // map to (t1,t2) space
    int whichCell = 0;

//    cout << "parametricPoints in mapRefCellPointsUsingExactGeometry():\n" << parametricPoints;

    // for space-time, this is a bit fragile.  Would be better to do something manually in terms of the first temporal side...
    // (one could do this in Mesh or MeshTopology, and that would be OK)
    vector< ParametricCurvePtr > edgeFunctions = _mesh->parametricEdgesForCell(cellID);

    ParametricSurfacePtr interpolant = ParametricSurface::transfiniteInterpolant(edgeFunctions);

    for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
      double t1 = parametricPoints(ptIndex,0);
      double t2 = parametricPoints(ptIndex,1);

      double x,y;
      // transfinite interpolation:
      interpolant->value(t1, t2, x, y);

      cellPoints(ptIndex,0) = x;
      cellPoints(ptIndex,1) = y;
      if (spaceTime)
        // per our assumptions on mesh transformations, we do a linear transform in time dimension
        double t_reference = refCellPoints(ptIndex,2); // goes from -1 to 1
        double t_physical = time0 + (t_reference + 1.0) * (time1-time0) / 2.0;
        cellPoints(ptIndex,2) = t_physical;
    // TODO: work out what to do for triangles (or perhaps even a general polygon)
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Unhandled cell type");

//  cout << "cellPoints after to mapRefCellPointsUsingExactGeometry():\n" << cellPoints;

  return true;
void ParametricSurface::basisWeightsForProjectedInterpolant(FieldContainer<double> &basisCoefficients, VectorBasisPtr basis,
    MeshPtr mesh, int cellID)
  vector< ParametricCurvePtr > curves = mesh->parametricEdgesForCell(cellID);
  Teuchos::RCP<TransfiniteInterpolatingSurface> exactSurface = Teuchos::rcp( new TransfiniteInterpolatingSurface(curves) );

  FieldContainer<double> edgeInterpolationCoefficients(basis->getCardinality());
  basisWeightsForEdgeInterpolant(edgeInterpolationCoefficients, basis, mesh, cellID);

  set<int> edgeFieldIndices = BasisFactory::basisFactory()->sideFieldIndices(basis,true); // true: include vertex dofs

  TFunctionPtr<double> edgeInterpolant = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisSumFunction(basis, edgeInterpolationCoefficients) );

  IPPtr L2 = Teuchos::rcp( new IP );
  // we assume that basis is a vector HGRAD basis
  VarFactoryPtr vf = VarFactory::varFactory();
  VarPtr v = vf->testVar("v", VECTOR_HGRAD);

  IPPtr H1 = Teuchos::rcp( new IP );
//  H1->addTerm(v); // experiment: seminorm is a norm when the edge dofs are excluded--and this is what LD does

  int maxTestDegree = mesh->getElementType(cellID)->testOrderPtr->maxBasisDegree();
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(maxTestDegree < 1, std::invalid_argument, "Constant test spaces unsupported.");

  int cubatureDegree = std::max(maxTestDegree*2,15); // chosen to match that used in edge projection.
  FieldContainer<double> physicalCellNodes;
  CellTopoPtr cellTopo = mesh->getElementType(cellID)->cellTopoPtr;
  if (cellTopo->getDimension() == 2)
    physicalCellNodes = mesh->physicalCellNodesForCell(cellID);
  if ((cellTopo->getDimension() == 3) && (cellTopo->getTensorialDegree() > 0))
    // then we interpret this as space-time, and we just treat the first temporal side:
    unsigned temporalSideOrdinal = cellTopo->getTemporalSideOrdinal(0);
    FieldContainer<double> spaceTimePhysicalNodes = mesh->physicalCellNodesForCell(cellID);
    int sideDim = cellTopo->getDimension() - 1;
    int nodeCount = cellTopo->getNodeCount(sideDim, temporalSideOrdinal);
    for (int node=0; node<nodeCount; node++)
      int spaceTimeNode = cellTopo->getNodeMap(sideDim, temporalSideOrdinal, node);
      for (int d=0; d<sideDim; d++)
        physicalCellNodes(0,node,d) = spaceTimePhysicalNodes(0,spaceTimeNode,d);
    // replace space-time cell topology with the purely spatial one:
    cellTopo = cellTopo->getSide(temporalSideOrdinal);
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = BasisCache::basisCacheForCellTopology(cellTopo, cubatureDegree, physicalCellNodes);

  // project, skipping edgeNodeFieldIndices:
  Projector<double>::projectFunctionOntoBasis(basisCoefficients, TFunctionPtr<double>(exactSurface)-edgeInterpolant, basis, basisCache, H1, v, edgeFieldIndices);

  basisCoefficients.resize(basis->getCardinality()); // get rid of dummy numCells dimension
  // add the two sets of basis coefficients together
  for (int i=0; i<edgeInterpolationCoefficients.size(); i++)
    basisCoefficients[i] += edgeInterpolationCoefficients[i];
Beispiel #12
bool MeshTopologyTests::testEntityConstraints()
  bool success = true;

  // make two simple meshes
  MeshTopologyPtr mesh2D = makeRectMesh(0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0,
                                        2, 1);
  MeshTopologyPtr mesh3D = makeHexMesh(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 3.0,
                                       2, 2, 1);

  unsigned vertexDim = 0;
  unsigned edgeDim = 1;
  unsigned faceDim = 2;

  // first, check that unconstrained edges and faces are unconstrained

  set< unsigned > boundaryEdges;
  set< unsigned > internalEdges;

  for (unsigned cellIndex=0; cellIndex<mesh2D->cellCount(); cellIndex++)
    CellPtr cell = mesh2D->getCell(cellIndex);
    unsigned sideCount = cell->getSideCount();

    for (unsigned sideOrdinal=0; sideOrdinal<sideCount; sideOrdinal++)
      unsigned edgeIndex = cell->entityIndex(edgeDim, sideOrdinal);
      unsigned numCells = mesh2D->getActiveCellCount(edgeDim,edgeIndex);
      if (numCells == 1)   // boundary edge
      else if (numCells == 2)
        success = false;
        cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 2D mesh, edge " << edgeIndex << " has active cell count of " << numCells << ".\n";
  if (internalEdges.size() != 1)
    success = false;
    cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 2D mesh, there are " << internalEdges.size() << " internal edges (expected 1).\n";
  for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt=internalEdges.begin(); edgeIt != internalEdges.end(); edgeIt++)
    unsigned edgeIndex = *edgeIt;
    unsigned constrainingEntityIndex = mesh2D->getConstrainingEntity(edgeDim,edgeIndex).first;
    if (constrainingEntityIndex != edgeIndex)
      success = false;
      cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 2D mesh, internal edge is constrained by a different edge.\n";

  set<unsigned> boundaryFaces;
  set<unsigned> internalFaces;
  map<unsigned, vector<unsigned> > faceToEdges;
  for (unsigned cellIndex=0; cellIndex<mesh3D->cellCount(); cellIndex++)
    CellPtr cell = mesh3D->getCell(cellIndex);
    unsigned sideCount = cell->getSideCount();

    for (unsigned sideOrdinal=0; sideOrdinal<sideCount; sideOrdinal++)
      unsigned faceIndex = cell->entityIndex(faceDim, sideOrdinal);
      unsigned numCells = mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(faceDim,faceIndex);
      if (numCells == 1)   // boundary face
      else if (numCells == 2)
        success = false;
        cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 3D mesh, face " << faceIndex << " has active cell count of " << numCells << ".\n";

      if (faceToEdges.find(faceIndex) == faceToEdges.end())
        CellTopoPtr faceTopo = cell->topology()->getSubcell(faceDim, sideOrdinal);
        unsigned numEdges = faceTopo->getSubcellCount(edgeDim);
        vector<unsigned> edgeIndices(numEdges);
        for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++)
          edgeIndices[edgeOrdinal] = mesh3D->getFaceEdgeIndex(faceIndex, edgeOrdinal);

  if (internalFaces.size() != 4)
    success = false;
    cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 3D mesh, there are " << internalFaces.size() << " internal faces (expected 4).\n";
  for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=internalFaces.begin(); faceIt != internalFaces.end(); faceIt++)
    unsigned faceIndex = *faceIt;
    unsigned constrainingEntityIndex = mesh3D->getConstrainingEntity(faceDim,faceIndex).first;
    if (constrainingEntityIndex != faceIndex)
      success = false;
      cout << "testEntityConstraints: In initial 3D mesh, internal face is constrained by a different face.\n";

  // now, make a single refinement in each mesh:
  unsigned cellToRefine2D = 0, cellToRefine3D = 3;
  mesh2D->refineCell(cellToRefine2D, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPatternQuad(), mesh2D->cellCount());
  mesh3D->refineCell(cellToRefine3D, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPatternHexahedron(), mesh3D->cellCount());

//  printMeshInfo(mesh2D);

  // figure out which faces/edges were refined and add the corresponding

  map<unsigned,pair<IndexType,unsigned> > expectedEdgeConstraints2D;
  set<unsigned> refinedEdges;
  for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt=boundaryEdges.begin(); edgeIt != boundaryEdges.end(); edgeIt++)
    set<unsigned> children = mesh2D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, *edgeIt);
    if (children.size() > 0)
      boundaryEdges.insert(children.begin(), children.end());
  for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt=internalEdges.begin(); edgeIt != internalEdges.end(); edgeIt++)
    set<unsigned> children = mesh2D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, *edgeIt);
    if (children.size() > 0)
      internalEdges.insert(children.begin(), children.end());
      for (set<unsigned>::iterator childIt = children.begin(); childIt != children.end(); childIt++)
        unsigned childIndex = *childIt;
        expectedEdgeConstraints2D[childIndex] = make_pair(*edgeIt, edgeDim);
  // 1 quad refined: expect 4 refined edges
  if (refinedEdges.size() != 4)
    success = false;
    cout << "After initial refinement, 2D mesh has " << refinedEdges.size() << " refined edges (expected 4).\n";
  checkConstraints(mesh2D, edgeDim, expectedEdgeConstraints2D);

  set<unsigned> refinedFaces;
  map<unsigned,pair<IndexType,unsigned> > expectedFaceConstraints3D;
  map<unsigned,pair<IndexType,unsigned> > expectedEdgeConstraints3D;

  for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=boundaryFaces.begin(); faceIt != boundaryFaces.end(); faceIt++)
    set<unsigned> children = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(faceDim, *faceIt);
    if (children.size() > 0)
      boundaryFaces.insert(children.begin(), children.end());

  for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=internalFaces.begin(); faceIt != internalFaces.end(); faceIt++)
    vector<unsigned> children = mesh3D->getChildEntities(faceDim, *faceIt);
    if (children.size() > 0)
      internalFaces.insert(children.begin(), children.end());
      for (unsigned childOrdinal = 0; childOrdinal < children.size(); childOrdinal++)
        unsigned childIndex = children[childOrdinal];
        expectedFaceConstraints3D[childIndex] = make_pair(*faceIt, faceDim);
        unsigned numEdges = 4;
        unsigned internalEdgeCount = 0; // for each child of a quad, we expect to have 2 internal edges
        for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++)
          unsigned edgeIndex = mesh3D->getFaceEdgeIndex(childIndex, edgeOrdinal);
          unsigned activeCellCount = mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(edgeDim, edgeIndex);
          if (activeCellCount==2)
            expectedEdgeConstraints3D[edgeIndex] = make_pair(*faceIt, faceDim);
          else if (activeCellCount==1)     // hanging edge
            if (! mesh3D->entityHasParent(edgeDim, edgeIndex))
              cout << "Hanging edge with edgeIndex " << edgeIndex << " (in face " << childIndex << ") does not have a parent edge.\n";
              cout << "Edge vertices:\n";
              mesh3D->printEntityVertices(edgeDim, edgeIndex);
              cout << "Face vertices:\n";
              mesh3D->printEntityVertices(faceDim, childIndex);
              success = false;
              unsigned edgeParentIndex = mesh3D->getEntityParent(edgeDim, edgeIndex);
              expectedEdgeConstraints3D[edgeIndex] = make_pair(edgeParentIndex, edgeDim);
            cout << "Unexpected number of active cells: " << activeCellCount << endl;
        if (internalEdgeCount != 2)
          cout << "Expected internalEdgeCount to be 2; was " << internalEdgeCount << endl;
          success = false;
  // 1 hex refined: expect 6 refined faces
  if (refinedFaces.size() != 6)
    success = false;
    cout << "After initial refinement, 3D mesh has " << refinedFaces.size() << " refined faces (expected 6).\n";
  if (! checkConstraints(mesh3D, faceDim, expectedFaceConstraints3D, "refined 3D mesh") )
    cout << "Failed face constraint check for refined 3D mesh." << endl;
    success = false;
  if (! checkConstraints(mesh3D, edgeDim, expectedEdgeConstraints3D, "refined 3D mesh") )
    cout << "Failed edge constraint check for refined 3D mesh." << endl;
    success = false;

  // now, we refine one of the children of the refined cells in each mesh, to produce a 2-level constraint
  set<unsigned> edgeChildren2D;
  set<unsigned> cellsForEdgeChildren2D;
  for (map<unsigned,pair<IndexType,unsigned> >::iterator edgeConstraint=expectedEdgeConstraints2D.begin();
       edgeConstraint != expectedEdgeConstraints2D.end(); edgeConstraint++)
    unsigned cellIndex = mesh2D->getActiveCellIndices(edgeDim, edgeConstraint->first).begin()->first;
//    cout << "cellsForEdgeChildren2D: " << cellIndex << endl;

  // one of these has (1,0) as one of its vertices.  Let's figure out which one:
  unsigned vertexIndex;
  if (! mesh2D->getVertexIndex(makeVertex(1, 0), vertexIndex) )
    cout << "Error: vertex not found.\n";
    success = false;

  vector< pair<unsigned,unsigned> > cellsForVertex = mesh2D->getActiveCellIndices(vertexDim, vertexIndex);
  if (cellsForVertex.size() != 2)
    cout << "cellsForVertex should have 2 entries; has " << cellsForVertex.size() << endl;
    success = false;
  unsigned childCellForVertex, childCellConstrainedEdge;
  set<unsigned> childNewlyConstrainingEdges; // the two interior edges that we break
  for (vector< pair<unsigned,unsigned> >::iterator cellIt=cellsForVertex.begin(); cellIt != cellsForVertex.end(); cellIt++)
//    cout << "cellsForVertex: " << cellIt->first << endl;
    if ( cellsForEdgeChildren2D.find( cellIt->first ) != cellsForEdgeChildren2D.end() )
      // found match
      childCellForVertex = cellIt->first;
      // now, figure out which of the "edgeChildren2D" is shared by this cell:
      CellPtr cell = mesh2D->getCell(childCellForVertex);
      unsigned numEdges = cell->getSideCount();
      for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++)
        unsigned edgeIndex = cell->entityIndex(edgeDim, edgeOrdinal);
        if (edgeChildren2D.find(edgeIndex) != edgeChildren2D.end())
          childCellConstrainedEdge = edgeIndex;
        else if ( mesh2D->getActiveCellCount(edgeDim, edgeIndex) == 2 )
  if (childNewlyConstrainingEdges.size() != 2)
    cout << "Expected 2 newly constraining edges after 2nd refinement of 2D mesh, but found " << childNewlyConstrainingEdges.size() << endl;
    success = false;

  // refine the cell that matches (1,0):
  mesh2D->refineCell(childCellForVertex, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPatternQuad(), mesh2D->cellCount());

  // now, fix the expected edge constraints, then check them...
  set<unsigned> childEdges = mesh2D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, childCellConstrainedEdge);
  if (childEdges.size() != 2)
    cout << "Expected 2 child edges, but found " << childEdges.size() << ".\n";
    success = false;
  for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt = childEdges.begin(); edgeIt != childEdges.end(); edgeIt++)
    expectedEdgeConstraints2D[*edgeIt] = expectedEdgeConstraints2D[childCellConstrainedEdge];
  for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeIt = childNewlyConstrainingEdges.begin(); edgeIt != childNewlyConstrainingEdges.end(); edgeIt++)
    set<unsigned> newChildEdges = mesh2D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, *edgeIt);
    for (set<unsigned>::iterator newEdgeIt = newChildEdges.begin(); newEdgeIt != newChildEdges.end(); newEdgeIt++)
      expectedEdgeConstraints2D[*newEdgeIt] = make_pair(*edgeIt,edgeDim);

  if (! checkConstraints(mesh2D, edgeDim, expectedEdgeConstraints2D, "twice-refined 2D mesh") )
    cout << "Failed constraint check for twice-refined 2D mesh." << endl;
    success = false;

  // now, do a second level of refinement for 3D mesh
  // one of these has (1,2,0) as one of its vertices.  Let's figure out which one:
  if (! mesh3D->getVertexIndex(makeVertex(1, 2, 0), vertexIndex) )
    cout << "Error: vertex not found.\n";
    success = false;

  cellsForVertex = mesh3D->getActiveCellIndices(vertexDim, vertexIndex);
  if (cellsForVertex.size() != 4)
    cout << "cellsForVertex should have 4 entries; has " << cellsForVertex.size() << endl;
    success = false;

  vector<unsigned> justCellsForVertex;
  for (vector< pair<unsigned,unsigned> >::iterator entryIt = cellsForVertex.begin(); entryIt != cellsForVertex.end(); entryIt++)
  vector<unsigned> childCellIndices = mesh3D->getCell(cellToRefine3D)->getChildIndices(mesh3D);
  std::sort(childCellIndices.begin(), childCellIndices.end());
  vector<unsigned> matches(childCellIndices.size() + cellsForVertex.size());
  vector<unsigned>::iterator matchEnd = std::set_intersection(justCellsForVertex.begin(), justCellsForVertex.end(), childCellIndices.begin(), childCellIndices.end(), matches.begin());

  if (matches.size() != 1)
    cout << "matches should have exactly one entry, but has " << matches.size();
    success = false;
  unsigned childCellIndex = matches[0];
  CellPtr childCell = mesh3D->getCell(childCellIndex);
  set<unsigned> childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces;
  set<unsigned> childInteriorConstrainedFaces;
  unsigned faceCount = childCell->getSideCount();
  for (unsigned faceOrdinal=0; faceOrdinal<faceCount; faceOrdinal++)
    unsigned faceIndex = childCell->entityIndex(faceDim, faceOrdinal);
    if (mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(faceDim, faceIndex) == 1)
      // that's an interior constrained face, or a boundary face
      if (expectedFaceConstraints3D.find(faceIndex) != expectedFaceConstraints3D.end())
        // constrained face
    else if (mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(faceDim, faceIndex) == 2)
      // an interior unconstrained face
      cout << "Error: unexpected active cell count.  Expected 1 or 2, but was " << mesh3D->getActiveCellCount(faceDim, faceIndex) << endl;
      success = false;
//  Camellia::print("childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces", childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces);
//  Camellia::print("childInteriorConstrainedFaces", childInteriorConstrainedFaces);

  mesh3D->refineCell(childCellIndex, RefinementPattern::regularRefinementPatternHexahedron(), mesh3D->cellCount());

  // update expected face and edge constraints
//  set<unsigned> edgeConstraintsToDrop;
  for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=childInteriorConstrainedFaces.begin(); faceIt != childInteriorConstrainedFaces.end(); faceIt++)
    unsigned faceIndex = *faceIt;
    set<unsigned> newChildFaces = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(faceDim, faceIndex);
    for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildFaces.begin(); newChildIt != newChildFaces.end(); newChildIt++)
      unsigned newChildIndex = *newChildIt;
      expectedFaceConstraints3D[newChildIndex] = expectedFaceConstraints3D[faceIndex];
//      cout << "Expecting two-level face constraint: face " << newChildIndex << " constrained by face " << expectedFaceConstraints3D[newChildIndex].first << endl;
    unsigned numEdges = mesh3D->getSubEntityCount(faceDim, faceIndex, edgeDim);
    set<IndexType> childEdgesOnParentBoundary;
    for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++)
      unsigned edgeIndex = mesh3D->getSubEntityIndex(faceDim, faceIndex, edgeDim, edgeOrdinal);
      set<unsigned> newChildEdges = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, edgeIndex);
      for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildEdges.begin(); newChildIt != newChildEdges.end(); newChildIt++)
        unsigned newChildIndex = *newChildIt;
        expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildIndex] = expectedEdgeConstraints3D[edgeIndex];
//        cout << "Expecting two-level edge constraint: edge " << newChildIndex << " constrained by ";
//        cout << typeString(expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildIndex].second) << " " << expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildIndex].first << endl;
//        edgeConstraintsToDrop.insert(edgeIndex);

    for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildFaces.begin(); newChildIt != newChildFaces.end(); newChildIt++)
      unsigned newChildFaceIndex = *newChildIt;
      int numEdges = mesh3D->getSubEntityCount(faceDim, newChildFaceIndex, edgeDim);
      for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++)
        unsigned newChildEdgeIndex = mesh3D->getSubEntityIndex(faceDim, newChildFaceIndex, edgeDim, edgeOrdinal);
        if (childEdgesOnParentBoundary.find(newChildEdgeIndex) == childEdgesOnParentBoundary.end())
          expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildEdgeIndex] = expectedFaceConstraints3D[faceIndex];

//  for (set<unsigned>::iterator edgeToDropIt=edgeConstraintsToDrop.begin(); edgeToDropIt != edgeConstraintsToDrop.end(); edgeToDropIt++) {
//    expectedEdgeConstraints3D.erase(*edgeToDropIt);
//  }
  for (set<unsigned>::iterator faceIt=childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces.begin(); faceIt != childInteriorUnconstrainedFaces.end(); faceIt++)
    unsigned faceIndex = *faceIt;
    set<unsigned> newChildFaces = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(faceDim, faceIndex);
    for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildFaces.begin(); newChildIt != newChildFaces.end(); newChildIt++)
      unsigned newChildIndex = *newChildIt;
      expectedFaceConstraints3D[newChildIndex] = make_pair(faceIndex, faceDim);
    unsigned numEdges = mesh3D->getSubEntityCount(faceDim, faceIndex, edgeDim);
    set<IndexType> childEdgesOnParentBoundary;
    for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++)
      unsigned edgeIndex = mesh3D->getSubEntityIndex(faceDim, faceIndex, edgeDim, edgeOrdinal);
      set<unsigned> newChildEdges = mesh3D->getChildEntitiesSet(edgeDim, edgeIndex);
      for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildEdges.begin(); newChildIt != newChildEdges.end(); newChildIt++)
        unsigned newChildIndex = *newChildIt;
        if (expectedEdgeConstraints3D.find(newChildIndex) == expectedEdgeConstraints3D.end())   // only impose edge constraint if there is not one already present
          expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildIndex] = make_pair(edgeIndex,edgeDim);
    for (set<unsigned>::iterator newChildIt=newChildFaces.begin(); newChildIt != newChildFaces.end(); newChildIt++)
      unsigned newChildFaceIndex = *newChildIt;
      int numEdges = mesh3D->getSubEntityCount(faceDim, newChildFaceIndex, edgeDim);
      for (unsigned edgeOrdinal=0; edgeOrdinal<numEdges; edgeOrdinal++)
        unsigned newChildEdgeIndex = mesh3D->getSubEntityIndex(faceDim, newChildFaceIndex, edgeDim, edgeOrdinal);
        if (childEdgesOnParentBoundary.find(newChildEdgeIndex) == childEdgesOnParentBoundary.end())
          if (expectedEdgeConstraints3D.find(newChildEdgeIndex) == expectedEdgeConstraints3D.end())   // only impose edge constraint if there is not one already present
            expectedEdgeConstraints3D[newChildEdgeIndex] = make_pair(faceIndex, faceDim);

  if (! checkConstraints(mesh3D, edgeDim, expectedEdgeConstraints3D, "twice-refined 3D mesh") )
    cout << "Failed edge constraint check for twice-refined 3D mesh." << endl;
    success = false;

  if (! checkConstraints(mesh3D, faceDim, expectedFaceConstraints3D, "twice-refined 3D mesh") )
    cout << "Failed face constraint check for twice-refined 3D mesh." << endl;
    success = false;

  return success;