Beispiel #1
void GetLevel0Map( glTextureDescriptor *ptd,  const wxRect &rect, wxString &chart_path )
    // Load level 0 uncompressed data
    wxRect ncrect(rect);
    ptd->map_array[0] = 0;
    ChartBase *pChart = ChartData->OpenChartFromDB( chart_path, FULL_INIT );
    if( !pChart ) {
        ptd->map_array[0] = (unsigned char *) calloc( ncrect.width * ncrect.height * 4, 1 );
        //    Prime the pump with the "zero" level bits, ie. 1x native chart bits
    ChartBaseBSB *pBSBChart = dynamic_cast<ChartBaseBSB*>( pChart );
    if( pBSBChart ) {
        unsigned char *t_buf = (unsigned char *) malloc( ncrect.width * ncrect.height * 4 );
        pBSBChart->GetChartBits( ncrect, t_buf, 1 );
        //    and cache them here
        ptd->map_array[0] = t_buf;
    } else {
        ptd->map_array[0] = (unsigned char *) calloc( ncrect.width * ncrect.height * 4, 1 );
Beispiel #2
bool JobTicket::DoJob(const wxRect &rect)
    unsigned char *bit_array[10];
    for(int i=0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
        bit_array[i] = 0;

    wxRect ncrect(rect);

    bit_array[0] = level0_bits;
    level0_bits = NULL;

    if(!bit_array[0]) {
        //  Grab a copy of the level0 chart bits
        // we could alternately subsample grabbing leveln chart bits
        // directly here to speed things up...
        ChartBase *pchart;
        int index;
            index =  ChartData->FinddbIndex( m_ChartPath );
            pchart = ChartData->OpenChartFromDBAndLock(index, FULL_INIT );

            if(pchart && ChartData->IsChartLocked( index )){
                ChartBaseBSB *pBSBChart = dynamic_cast<ChartBaseBSB*>( pchart );
                if( pBSBChart ) {
                    bit_array[0] = (unsigned char *) malloc( ncrect.width * ncrect.height * 4 );
                    pBSBChart->GetChartBits( ncrect, bit_array[0], 1 );
                bit_array[0] = NULL;
    //OK, got the bits?
    int ssize, dim;
    if(!bit_array[0] )
        return false;
    //  Fill in the rest of the private uncompressed array
    dim = g_GLOptions.m_iTextureDimension;
    dim /= 2;
    for( int i = 1 ; i < g_mipmap_max_level+1 ; i++ ){
        size_t nmalloc = wxMax(dim * dim * 3, 4*4*3);
        bit_array[i] = (unsigned char *) malloc( nmalloc );
        MipMap_24( 2*dim, 2*dim, bit_array[i - 1], bit_array[i] );
        dim /= 2;
    int texture_level = 0;
    for( int level = level_min_request; level < g_mipmap_max_level+1 ; level++ ){
        int dim = TextureDim(level);
        int size = TextureTileSize(level, true);
        unsigned char *tex_data = (unsigned char*)malloc(size);
        if(g_raster_format == GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT) {
            // color range fit is worse quality but twice as fast
            int flags = squish::kDxt1 | squish::kColourRangeFit;
            if( g_GLOptions.m_bTextureCompressionCaching) {
                /* use slower cluster fit since we are building the cache for
                 * better quality, this takes roughly 25% longer and uses about
                 * 10% more disk space (result doesn't compress as well with lz4) */
                flags = squish::kDxt1 | squish::kColourClusterFit;
            OCPNStopWatch sww;
            squish::CompressImageRGBpow2_Flatten_Throttle_Abort( bit_array[level], dim, dim, tex_data, flags,
                                                                 true, b_throttle ? throttle_func : 0, &sww, b_abort );
        } else if(g_raster_format == GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES) 
            CompressDataETC(bit_array[level], dim, size, tex_data, b_abort);
        else if(g_raster_format == GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_FXT1_3DFX) {
            if(!CompressUsingGPU(bit_array[level], dim, size, tex_data, texture_level, binplace)) {
                b_abort = true;

                g_tex_mem_used += size;

        comp_bits_array[level] = tex_data;
            for( int i = 0; i < g_mipmap_max_level+1; i++ ){
                free( bit_array[i] );
                bit_array[i] = 0;
            return false;
    //  All done with the uncompressed data in the thread
    for( int i = 0; i < g_mipmap_max_level+1; i++ ) {
        free( bit_array[i] );
        bit_array[i] = 0;

        return false;

    if(bpost_zip_compress) {
        int max_compressed_size = LZ4_COMPRESSBOUND(g_tile_size);
        for(int level = level_min_request; level < g_mipmap_max_level+1 ; level++){
                return false;

            unsigned char *compressed_data = (unsigned char *)malloc(max_compressed_size);
            int csize = TextureTileSize(level, true);

            char *src = (char *)comp_bits_array[level];
            int compressed_size = LZ4_compressHC2( src, (char *)compressed_data, csize, 4);
            // shrink buffer to actual size.
            // This will greatly reduce ram usage, ratio usually 10:1
            // there might be a more efficient way than realloc...
            compressed_data = (unsigned char*)realloc(compressed_data, compressed_size);
            compcomp_bits_array[level] = compressed_data;
            compcomp_size_array[level] = compressed_size;

    return true;