void AdjustedReturnValueChecker::PostVisitCallExpr(CheckerContext &C,
                                                   const CallExpr *CE) {
  // Get the result type of the call.
  QualType expectedResultTy = CE->getType();

  // Fetch the signature of the called function.
  const GRState *state = C.getState();

  SVal V = state->getSVal(CE);
  if (V.isUnknown())
  // Casting to void?  Discard the value.
  if (expectedResultTy->isVoidType()) {
    C.GenerateNode(state->BindExpr(CE, UnknownVal()));

  const MemRegion *callee = state->getSVal(CE->getCallee()).getAsRegion();
  if (!callee)

  QualType actualResultTy;
  if (const FunctionTextRegion *FT = dyn_cast<FunctionTextRegion>(callee)) {
    const FunctionDecl *FD = FT->getDecl();
    actualResultTy = FD->getResultType();
  else if (const BlockDataRegion *BD = dyn_cast<BlockDataRegion>(callee)) {
    const BlockTextRegion *BR = BD->getCodeRegion();
    const BlockPointerType *BT =
    const FunctionType *FT = BT->getPointeeType()->getAs<FunctionType>();
    actualResultTy = FT->getResultType();

  // Can this happen?
  if (actualResultTy.isNull())

  // For now, ignore references.
  if (actualResultTy->getAs<ReferenceType>())

  // Are they the same?
  if (expectedResultTy != actualResultTy) {
    // FIXME: Do more checking and actual emit an error. At least performing
    // the cast avoids some assertion failures elsewhere.
    SValuator &SVator = C.getSValuator();
    V = SVator.EvalCast(V, expectedResultTy, actualResultTy);
    C.GenerateNode(state->BindExpr(CE, V));
void FixedAddressChecker::PreVisitBinaryOperator(CheckerContext &C,
                                                 const BinaryOperator *B) {
  // Using a fixed address is not portable because that address will probably
  // not be valid in all environments or platforms.

  if (B->getOpcode() != BinaryOperator::Assign)

  QualType T = B->getType();
  if (!T->isPointerType())

  const GRState *state = C.getState();

  SVal RV = state->getSVal(B->getRHS());

  if (!RV.isConstant() || RV.isZeroConstant())

  if (ExplodedNode *N = C.GenerateNode()) {
    if (!BT)
      BT = new BuiltinBug("Use fixed address", 
                          "Using a fixed address is not portable because that "
                          "address will probably not be valid in all "
                          "environments or platforms.");
    RangedBugReport *R = new RangedBugReport(*BT, BT->getDescription(), N);
void ClassReleaseChecker::PreVisitObjCMessageExpr(CheckerContext &C,
                                                  const ObjCMessageExpr *ME) {
  const IdentifierInfo *ClsName = ME->getClassName();
  if (!ClsName)
  Selector S = ME->getSelector();
  if (!(S == releaseS || S == retainS || S == autoreleaseS || S == drainS))
  if (!BT)
    BT = new APIMisuse("message incorrectly sent to class instead of class "
  ExplodedNode *N = C.GenerateNode();

  if (!N)
  llvm::SmallString<200> buf;
  llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(buf);

  os << "The '" << S.getAsString() << "' message should be sent to instances "
        "of class '" << ClsName->getName()
     << "' and not the class directly";
  RangedBugReport *report = new RangedBugReport(*BT, os.str(), N);
Beispiel #4
void ReturnPointerRangeChecker::PreVisitReturnStmt(CheckerContext &C,
                                                   const ReturnStmt *RS) {
  const GRState *state = C.getState();

  const Expr *RetE = RS->getRetValue();
  if (!RetE)
  SVal V = state->getSVal(RetE);
  const MemRegion *R = V.getAsRegion();
  if (!R)

  R = R->StripCasts();
  if (!R)

  const ElementRegion *ER = dyn_cast_or_null<ElementRegion>(R);
  if (!ER)

  DefinedOrUnknownSVal &Idx = cast<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>(ER->getIndex());

  // FIXME: All of this out-of-bounds checking should eventually be refactored
  // into a common place.

  DefinedOrUnknownSVal NumElements
    = C.getStoreManager().getSizeInElements(state, ER->getSuperRegion());

  const GRState *StInBound = state->AssumeInBound(Idx, NumElements, true);
  const GRState *StOutBound = state->AssumeInBound(Idx, NumElements, false);
  if (StOutBound && !StInBound) {
    ExplodedNode *N = C.GenerateNode(RS, StOutBound, true);

    if (!N)
    // FIXME: This bug correspond to CWE-466.  Eventually we should have bug
    // types explicitly reference such exploit categories (when applicable).
    if (!BT)
      BT = new BuiltinBug("Return of pointer value outside of expected range",
           "Returned pointer value points outside the original object "
           "(potential buffer overflow)");

    // FIXME: It would be nice to eventually make this diagnostic more clear,
    // e.g., by referencing the original declaration or by saying *why* this
    // reference is outside the range.

    // Generate a report for this bug.
    RangedBugReport *report = 
      new RangedBugReport(*BT, BT->getDescription(), N);


Beispiel #5
void CastToStructChecker::PreVisitCastExpr(CheckerContext &C,
                                           const CastExpr *CE) {
  const Expr *E = CE->getSubExpr();
  ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
  QualType OrigTy = Ctx.getCanonicalType(E->getType());
  QualType ToTy = Ctx.getCanonicalType(CE->getType());

  PointerType *OrigPTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(OrigTy.getTypePtr());
  PointerType *ToPTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(ToTy.getTypePtr());

  if (!ToPTy || !OrigPTy)

  QualType OrigPointeeTy = OrigPTy->getPointeeType();
  QualType ToPointeeTy = ToPTy->getPointeeType();

  if (!ToPointeeTy->isStructureOrClassType())

  // We allow cast from void*.
  if (OrigPointeeTy->isVoidType())

  // Now the cast-to-type is struct pointer, the original type is not void*.
  if (!OrigPointeeTy->isRecordType()) {
    if (ExplodedNode *N = C.GenerateNode()) {
      if (!BT)
        BT = new BuiltinBug("Cast from non-struct type to struct type",
                            "Casting a non-structure type to a structure type "
                            "and accessing a field can lead to memory access "
                            "errors or data corruption.");
      RangedBugReport *R = new RangedBugReport(*BT,BT->getDescription(), N);
Beispiel #6
bool OSAtomicChecker::EvalOSAtomicCompareAndSwap(CheckerContext &C, 
                                                 const CallExpr *CE) {
  // Not enough arguments to match OSAtomicCompareAndSwap?
  if (CE->getNumArgs() != 3)
    return false;

  ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
  const Expr *oldValueExpr = CE->getArg(0);
  QualType oldValueType = Ctx.getCanonicalType(oldValueExpr->getType());

  const Expr *newValueExpr = CE->getArg(1);
  QualType newValueType = Ctx.getCanonicalType(newValueExpr->getType());

  // Do the types of 'oldValue' and 'newValue' match?
  if (oldValueType != newValueType)
    return false;

  const Expr *theValueExpr = CE->getArg(2);
  const PointerType *theValueType=theValueExpr->getType()->getAs<PointerType>();

  // theValueType not a pointer?
  if (!theValueType)
    return false;

  QualType theValueTypePointee =

  // The pointee must match newValueType and oldValueType.
  if (theValueTypePointee != newValueType)
    return false;

  static unsigned magic_load = 0;
  static unsigned magic_store = 0;

  const void *OSAtomicLoadTag = &magic_load;
  const void *OSAtomicStoreTag = &magic_store;

  // Load 'theValue'.
  GRExprEngine &Engine = C.getEngine();
  const GRState *state = C.getState();
  ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
  SVal location = state->getSVal(theValueExpr);
  // Here we should use the value type of the region as the load type, because
  // we are simulating the semantics of the function, not the semantics of 
  // passing argument. So the type of theValue expr is not we are loading.
  // But usually the type of the varregion is not the type we want either,
  // we still need to do a CastRetrievedVal in store manager. So actually this
  // LoadTy specifying can be omitted. But we put it here to emphasize the 
  // semantics.
  QualType LoadTy;
  if (const TypedRegion *TR =
      dyn_cast_or_null<TypedRegion>(location.getAsRegion())) {
    LoadTy = TR->getValueType();
  Engine.EvalLoad(Tmp, theValueExpr, C.getPredecessor(), 
                  state, location, OSAtomicLoadTag, LoadTy);

  if (Tmp.empty()) {
    // If no nodes were generated, other checkers must generated sinks. But 
    // since the builder state was restored, we set it manually to prevent 
    // auto transition.
    // FIXME: there should be a better approach.
    C.getNodeBuilder().BuildSinks = true;
    return true;
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = Tmp.begin(), E = Tmp.end();
       I != E; ++I) {

    ExplodedNode *N = *I;
    const GRState *stateLoad = N->getState();
    SVal theValueVal_untested = stateLoad->getSVal(theValueExpr);
    SVal oldValueVal_untested = stateLoad->getSVal(oldValueExpr);

    // FIXME: Issue an error.
    if (theValueVal_untested.isUndef() || oldValueVal_untested.isUndef()) {
      return false;
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal theValueVal =
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal oldValueVal =

    SValuator &SVator = Engine.getSValuator();

    // Perform the comparison.
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Cmp = SVator.EvalEQ(stateLoad,theValueVal,oldValueVal);

    const GRState *stateEqual = stateLoad->Assume(Cmp, true);

    // Were they equal?
    if (stateEqual) {
      // Perform the store.
      ExplodedNodeSet TmpStore;
      SVal val = stateEqual->getSVal(newValueExpr);

      // Handle implicit value casts.
      if (const TypedRegion *R =
          dyn_cast_or_null<TypedRegion>(location.getAsRegion())) {
        val = SVator.EvalCast(val,R->getValueType(), newValueExpr->getType());

      Engine.EvalStore(TmpStore, NULL, theValueExpr, N, 
                       stateEqual, location, val, OSAtomicStoreTag);

      if (TmpStore.empty()) {
        // If no nodes were generated, other checkers must generated sinks. But 
        // since the builder state was restored, we set it manually to prevent 
        // auto transition.
        // FIXME: there should be a better approach.
        C.getNodeBuilder().BuildSinks = true;
        return true;

      // Now bind the result of the comparison.
      for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I2 = TmpStore.begin(),
           E2 = TmpStore.end(); I2 != E2; ++I2) {
        ExplodedNode *predNew = *I2;
        const GRState *stateNew = predNew->getState();
        // Check for 'void' return type if we have a bogus function prototype.
        SVal Res = UnknownVal();
        QualType T = CE->getType();
        if (!T->isVoidType())
          Res = Engine.getValueManager().makeTruthVal(true, T);
        C.GenerateNode(stateNew->BindExpr(CE, Res), predNew);

    // Were they not equal?
    if (const GRState *stateNotEqual = stateLoad->Assume(Cmp, false)) {
      // Check for 'void' return type if we have a bogus function prototype.
      SVal Res = UnknownVal();
      QualType T = CE->getType();
      if (!T->isVoidType())
        Res = Engine.getValueManager().makeTruthVal(false, CE->getType());
      C.GenerateNode(stateNotEqual->BindExpr(CE, Res), N);

  return true;
Beispiel #7
void AttrNonNullChecker::PreVisitCallExpr(CheckerContext &C, 
                                          const CallExpr *CE) {
  const GRState *state = C.getState();
  const GRState *originalState = state;

  // Check if the callee has a 'nonnull' attribute.
  SVal X = state->getSVal(CE->getCallee());

  const FunctionDecl* FD = X.getAsFunctionDecl();
  if (!FD)

  const NonNullAttr* Att = FD->getAttr<NonNullAttr>();
  if (!Att)

  // Iterate through the arguments of CE and check them for null.
  unsigned idx = 0;

  for (CallExpr::const_arg_iterator I=CE->arg_begin(), E=CE->arg_end(); I!=E;
       ++I, ++idx) {

    if (!Att->isNonNull(idx))

    const SVal &V = state->getSVal(*I);
    const DefinedSVal *DV = dyn_cast<DefinedSVal>(&V);

    if (!DV)

    ConstraintManager &CM = C.getConstraintManager();
    const GRState *stateNotNull, *stateNull;
    llvm::tie(stateNotNull, stateNull) = CM.AssumeDual(state, *DV);

    if (stateNull && !stateNotNull) {
      // Generate an error node.  Check for a null node in case
      // we cache out.
      if (ExplodedNode *errorNode = C.GenerateNode(CE, stateNull, true)) {

        // Lazily allocate the BugType object if it hasn't already been
        // created. Ownership is transferred to the BugReporter object once
        // the BugReport is passed to 'EmitWarning'.
        if (!BT)
          BT = new BugType("Argument with 'nonnull' attribute passed null",

        EnhancedBugReport *R =
          new EnhancedBugReport(*BT,
                                "Null pointer passed as an argument to a "
                                "'nonnull' parameter", errorNode);

        // Highlight the range of the argument that was null.
        const Expr *arg = *I;
        R->addVisitorCreator(bugreporter::registerTrackNullOrUndefValue, arg);

        // Emit the bug report.

      // Always return.  Either we cached out or we just emitted an error.

    // If a pointer value passed the check we should assume that it is
    // indeed not null from this point forward.
    state = stateNotNull;

  // If we reach here all of the arguments passed the nonnull check.
  // If 'state' has been updated generated a new node.
  if (state != originalState)
    C.addTransition(C.GenerateNode(CE, state));