Beispiel #1
    //  The following function is called by the ChessGame after
    //  each player moves, so that the move can be displayed
    //  in standard chess notation, if the UI desires.
    //  It is helpful to use the ::FormatChessMove() function
    //  for this purpose.
    //  The parameter 'thinkTime' is how long the player thought
    //  about the move, expressed in hundredths of seconds.
    //  NOTE:  This function is called BEFORE the move
    //  has been made on the given ChessBoard.
    //  This is necessary for ::FormatChessMove() to work.
    virtual void RecordMove(ChessBoard &board, Move move, INT32 thinkTime)
        TheTerminal.print(" move #");
        TheTerminal.printInteger((board.GetCurrentPlyNumber()/2) + 1);
        TheTerminal.print(": ");

        int source, dest;
        SQUARE prom = move.actualOffsets(board, source, dest);
        char sourceFile = XPART(source) - 2 + 'a';
        char sourceRank = YPART(source) - 2 + '1';
        char destFile   = XPART(dest)   - 2 + 'a';
        char destRank   = YPART(dest)   - 2 + '1';
        if (prom)
            char pchar = '?';
            int pindex = UPIECE_INDEX(prom);
            switch (pindex)
                case Q_INDEX:   pchar = 'Q';    break;
                case R_INDEX:   pchar = 'R';    break;
                case B_INDEX:   pchar = 'B';    break;
                case N_INDEX:   pchar = 'N';    break;

        // Temporarily make the move, so we can display what the board
        // looks like after the move has been made.
        // We also use this to determine if the move causes check,
        // checkmate, stalemate, etc.
        UnmoveInfo unmove;
        board.MakeMove(move, unmove);

        // Report check, checkmate, draws.
        bool inCheck = board.CurrentPlayerInCheck();
        bool canMove = board.CurrentPlayerCanMove();
        if (canMove)
            if (inCheck)
            // The game is over!
            if (inCheck)
                if (board.WhiteToMove())
                    // White just got checkmated.
                    TheTerminal.print("# 0-1");
                    // Black just got checkmated.
                    TheTerminal.print("# 1-0");
                // The game is a draw (could be stalemate, could be by repetition, insufficient material, ...)
                TheTerminal.print(" 1/2-1/2");


        // Unmake the move, because the caller will make the move itself.
        board.UnmakeMove(move, unmove);