Beispiel #1
    int Balancer::_moveChunks( const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks , bool secondaryThrottle ) {
        int movedCount = 0;

        for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ) {
            const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get();

            DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns );
            verify( cfg );

            ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
            verify( cm );

            ChunkPtr c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );
            if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) {
                // likely a split happened somewhere
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true /* reload */);
                verify( cm );

                c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );
                if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) {
                    log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue " << chunkInfo.chunk.toString() << endl;

            BSONObj res;
            if ( c->moveAndCommit( Shard::make( ) , Chunk::MaxChunkSize , secondaryThrottle , res ) ) {

            // the move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail
            log() << "balancer move failed: " << res << " from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " <<
                  << " chunk: " << chunkInfo.chunk << endl;

            if ( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) {
                // reload just to be safe
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
                verify( cm );
                c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );
                log() << "forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons" << endl;
                res = BSONObj();
                c->singleSplit( true , res );
                log() << "forced split results: " << res << endl;
                if ( ! res["ok"].trueValue() ) {
                    log() << "marking chunk as jumbo: " << c->toString() << endl;
                    // we increment moveCount so we do another round right away


        return movedCount;
Beispiel #2
void ChunkRangeManager::assertValid() const {
    if (_ranges.empty())

    try {
        // No Nulls
        for (ChunkRangeMap::const_iterator it = _ranges.begin(), end = _ranges.end(); it != end;
             ++it) {

        // Check endpoints
        verify(allOfType(MinKey, _ranges.begin()->second->getMin()));
        verify(allOfType(MaxKey, boost::prior(_ranges.end())->second->getMax()));

        // Make sure there are no gaps or overlaps
        for (ChunkRangeMap::const_iterator it = boost::next(_ranges.begin()), end = _ranges.end();
             it != end;
             ++it) {
            ChunkRangeMap::const_iterator last = boost::prior(it);
            verify(it->second->getMin() == last->second->getMax());

        // Check Map keys
        for (ChunkRangeMap::const_iterator it = _ranges.begin(), end = _ranges.end(); it != end;
             ++it) {
            verify(it->first == it->second->getMax());

        // Make sure we match the original chunks
        const ChunkMap chunks = _ranges.begin()->second->getManager()->_chunkMap;
        for (ChunkMap::const_iterator i = chunks.begin(); i != chunks.end(); ++i) {
            const ChunkPtr chunk = i->second;

            ChunkRangeMap::const_iterator min = _ranges.upper_bound(chunk->getMin());
            ChunkRangeMap::const_iterator max = _ranges.lower_bound(chunk->getMax());

            verify(min != _ranges.end());
            verify(max != _ranges.end());
            verify(min == max);
            verify(min->second->getShardId() == chunk->getShardId());
            verify(min->second->containsKey(chunk->getMax()) ||
                   (min->second->getMax() == chunk->getMax()));

    } catch (...) {
        error() << "\t invalid ChunkRangeMap! printing ranges:";

        for (ChunkRangeMap::const_iterator it = _ranges.begin(), end = _ranges.end(); it != end;
             ++it) {
            log() << it->first << ": " << it->second->toString();

Beispiel #3
    int Balancer::_moveChunks( const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks ) {
        int movedCount = 0;

        for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ) {
            const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get();

            DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns );
            assert( cfg );

            ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
            assert( cm );

            const BSONObj& chunkToMove = chunkInfo.chunk;
            ChunkPtr c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );
            if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkToMove["max"].Obj() ) ) {
                // likely a split happened somewhere
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true /* reload */);
                assert( cm );

                c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );
                if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkToMove["max"].Obj() ) ) {
                    log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue cm: "
                          << c->getMin() << " min: " << chunkToMove["min"].Obj() << endl;

            BSONObj res;
            if ( c->moveAndCommit( Shard::make( ) , Chunk::MaxChunkSize , res ) ) {

            // the move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail
            log() << "balacer move failed: " << res << " from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " <<
                  << " chunk: " << chunkToMove << endl;

            if ( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) {
                // reload just to be safe
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
                assert( cm );
                c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() );
                log() << "forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons" << endl;
                res = BSONObj();
                c->singleSplit( true , res );
                log() << "forced split results: " << res << endl;

                // TODO: if the split fails, mark as jumbo SERVER-2571

        return movedCount;
Beispiel #4
    void DistributionStatus::populateShardToChunksMap(const vector<Shard>& allShards,
                                                      const ChunkManager& chunkMgr,
                                                      ShardToChunksMap* shardToChunksMap) {
        // Makes sure there is an entry in shardToChunksMap for every shard.
        for (vector<Shard>::const_iterator it = allShards.begin();
                it != allShards.end(); ++it) {

            OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType>*& chunkList =

            if (chunkList == NULL) {
                chunkList = new OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType>();

        const ChunkMap& chunkMap = chunkMgr.getChunkMap();
        for (ChunkMap::const_iterator it = chunkMap.begin(); it != chunkMap.end(); ++it) {
            const ChunkPtr chunkPtr = it->second;

            auto_ptr<ChunkType> chunk(new ChunkType());
            chunk->setJumbo(chunkPtr->isJumbo()); // TODO: is this reliable?
            const string shardName(chunkPtr->getShard().getName());

Beispiel #5
            bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {

                string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe();
                if ( ns.size() == 0 ) {
                    errmsg = "no ns";
                    return false;

                DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
                if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ) {
                    errmsg = "ns not sharded.  have to shard before can split";
                    return false;

                BSONObj find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "find" );
                if ( find.isEmpty() ) {
                    find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" );

                    if ( find.isEmpty() ) {
                        errmsg = "need to specify find or middle";
                        return false;

                ChunkManagerPtr info = config->getChunkManager( ns );
                ChunkPtr chunk = info->findChunk( find );
                BSONObj middle = cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" );

                assert( chunk.get() );
                log() << "splitting: " << ns << "  shard: " << chunk << endl;

                BSONObj res;
                ChunkPtr p;
                if ( middle.isEmpty() ) {
                    p = chunk->singleSplit( true /* force a split even if not enough data */ , res );

                else {
                    // sanity check if the key provided is a valid split point
                    if ( ( middle == chunk->getMin() ) || ( middle == chunk->getMax() ) ) {
                        errmsg = "cannot split on initial or final chunk's key";
                        return false;

                    vector<BSONObj> splitPoints;
                    splitPoints.push_back( middle );
                    p = chunk->multiSplit( splitPoints , res );

                if ( p.get() == NULL ) {
                    errmsg = "split failed";
                    result.append( "cause" , res );
                    return false;

                return true;
Beispiel #6
void DistributionStatus::populateShardToChunksMap(const ShardStatisticsVector& allShards,
                                                  const ChunkManager& chunkMgr,
                                                  ShardToChunksMap* shardToChunksMap) {
    // Makes sure there is an entry in shardToChunksMap for every shard.
    for (const auto& stat : allShards) {

    const ChunkMap& chunkMap = chunkMgr.getChunkMap();
    for (ChunkMap::const_iterator it = chunkMap.begin(); it != chunkMap.end(); ++it) {
        const ChunkPtr chunkPtr = it->second;

        ChunkType chunk;
        chunk.setJumbo(chunkPtr->isJumbo());  // TODO: is this reliable?

        const string shardName(chunkPtr->getShardId());

Beispiel #7
    int Balancer::_moveChunks(const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks,
                              bool secondaryThrottle,
                              bool waitForDelete)
        int movedCount = 0;

        for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ) {
            const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get();

            // Changes to metadata, borked metadata, and connectivity problems should cause us to
            // abort this chunk move, but shouldn't cause us to abort the entire round of chunks.
            // TODO: Handle all these things more cleanly, since they're expected problems
            try {

                DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns );
                verify( cfg );

                // NOTE: We purposely do not reload metadata here, since _doBalanceRound already
                // tried to do so once.
                ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
                verify( cm );

                ChunkPtr c = cm->findIntersectingChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );
                if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) {
                    // likely a split happened somewhere
                    cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true /* reload */);
                    verify( cm );

                    c = cm->findIntersectingChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );
                    if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) {
                        log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue " << chunkInfo.chunk.toString() << endl;

                BSONObj res;
                if (c->moveAndCommit(Shard::make(,
                                     0, /* maxTimeMS */
                                     res)) {

                // the move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail
                log() << "balancer move failed: " << res << " from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " <<
                      << " chunk: " << chunkInfo.chunk << endl;

                if ( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) {
                    // reload just to be safe
                    cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns );
                    verify( cm );
                    c = cm->findIntersectingChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min );

                    log() << "forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons" << endl;

                    res = BSONObj();
                    c->singleSplit( true , res );
                    log() << "forced split results: " << res << endl;

                    if ( ! res["ok"].trueValue() ) {
                        log() << "marking chunk as jumbo: " << c->toString() << endl;
                        // we increment moveCount so we do another round right away

            catch( const DBException& ex ) {
                warning() << "could not move chunk " << chunkInfo.chunk.toString()
                          << ", continuing balancing round" << causedBy( ex ) << endl;

        return movedCount;
Beispiel #8
int Balancer::_moveChunks(OperationContext* txn,
                          const vector<MigrateInfo>& candidateChunks,
                          const MigrationSecondaryThrottleOptions& secondaryThrottle,
                          bool waitForDelete) {
    int movedCount = 0;

    for (const auto& migrateInfo : candidateChunks) {
        // If the balancer was disabled since we started this round, don't start new chunks
        // moves.
        const auto balSettingsResult =
            grid.catalogManager(txn)->getGlobalSettings(txn, SettingsType::BalancerDocKey);

        const bool isBalSettingsAbsent =
            balSettingsResult.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::NoMatchingDocument;

        if (!balSettingsResult.isOK() && !isBalSettingsAbsent) {
            warning() << balSettingsResult.getStatus();
            return movedCount;

        const SettingsType& balancerConfig =
            isBalSettingsAbsent ? SettingsType{} : balSettingsResult.getValue();

        if ((!isBalSettingsAbsent && !Chunk::shouldBalance(balancerConfig)) ||
            MONGO_FAIL_POINT(skipBalanceRound)) {
            LOG(1) << "Stopping balancing round early as balancing was disabled";
            return movedCount;

        // Changes to metadata, borked metadata, and connectivity problems between shards
        // should cause us to abort this chunk move, but shouldn't cause us to abort the entire
        // round of chunks.
        // TODO(spencer): We probably *should* abort the whole round on issues communicating
        // with the config servers, but its impossible to distinguish those types of failures
        // at the moment.
        // TODO: Handle all these things more cleanly, since they're expected problems

        const NamespaceString nss(migrateInfo.ns);

        try {
            shared_ptr<DBConfig> cfg =
                uassertStatusOK(grid.catalogCache()->getDatabase(txn, nss.db().toString()));

            // NOTE: We purposely do not reload metadata here, since _getCandidateChunks already
            // tried to do so once
            shared_ptr<ChunkManager> cm = cfg->getChunkManager(txn, migrateInfo.ns);
                        << "Collection " << migrateInfo.ns
                        << " was deleted while balancing was active. Aborting balancing round.",

            ChunkPtr c = cm->findIntersectingChunk(txn, migrateInfo.chunk.min);

            if (c->getMin().woCompare(migrateInfo.chunk.min) ||
                c->getMax().woCompare(migrateInfo.chunk.max)) {
                // Likely a split happened somewhere, so force reload the chunk manager
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager(txn, migrateInfo.ns, true);

                c = cm->findIntersectingChunk(txn, migrateInfo.chunk.min);

                if (c->getMin().woCompare(migrateInfo.chunk.min) ||
                    c->getMax().woCompare(migrateInfo.chunk.max)) {
                    log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue "
                          << migrateInfo.chunk.toString();


            BSONObj res;
            if (c->moveAndCommit(txn,
                                 0, /* maxTimeMS */
                                 res)) {

            // The move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail.
            log() << "balancer move failed: " << res << " from: " << migrateInfo.from
                  << " to: " << << " chunk: " << migrateInfo.chunk;

            Status moveStatus = getStatusFromCommandResult(res);

            if (moveStatus == ErrorCodes::ChunkTooBig || res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue()) {
                // Reload just to be safe
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager(txn, migrateInfo.ns);

                c = cm->findIntersectingChunk(txn, migrateInfo.chunk.min);

                log() << "performing a split because migrate failed for size reasons";

                Status status = c->split(txn, Chunk::normal, NULL, NULL);
                log() << "split results: " << status;

                if (!status.isOK()) {
                    log() << "marking chunk as jumbo: " << c->toString();


                    // We increment moveCount so we do another round right away
        } catch (const DBException& ex) {
            warning() << "could not move chunk " << migrateInfo.chunk.toString()
                      << ", continuing balancing round" << causedBy(ex);

    return movedCount;
Beispiel #9
int Balancer::_moveChunks(const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks,
                          const WriteConcernOptions* writeConcern,
                          bool waitForDelete) {
    int movedCount = 0;

    for (vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin();
         it != candidateChunks->end();
         ++it) {
        // If the balancer was disabled since we started this round, don't start new
        // chunks moves.
        SettingsType balancerConfig;
        std::string errMsg;

        if (!grid.getBalancerSettings(&balancerConfig, &errMsg)) {
            warning() << errMsg;
            // No point in continuing the round if the config servers are unreachable.
            return movedCount;

        if ((balancerConfig.isKeySet() &&  // balancer config doc exists
             !grid.shouldBalance(balancerConfig)) ||
            MONGO_FAIL_POINT(skipBalanceRound)) {
            LOG(1) << "Stopping balancing round early as balancing was disabled";
            return movedCount;

        // Changes to metadata, borked metadata, and connectivity problems between shards should
        // cause us to abort this chunk move, but shouldn't cause us to abort the entire round
        // of chunks.
        // TODO(spencer): We probably *should* abort the whole round on issues communicating
        // with the config servers, but its impossible to distinguish those types of failures
        // at the moment.
        // TODO: Handle all these things more cleanly, since they're expected problems
        const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get();
        try {
            DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig(chunkInfo.ns);

            // NOTE: We purposely do not reload metadata here, since _doBalanceRound already
            // tried to do so once.
            ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager(chunkInfo.ns);

            ChunkPtr c = cm->findIntersectingChunk(chunkInfo.chunk.min);
            if (c->getMin().woCompare(chunkInfo.chunk.min) ||
                c->getMax().woCompare(chunkInfo.chunk.max)) {
                // likely a split happened somewhere
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager(chunkInfo.ns, true /* reload */);

                c = cm->findIntersectingChunk(chunkInfo.chunk.min);
                if (c->getMin().woCompare(chunkInfo.chunk.min) ||
                    c->getMax().woCompare(chunkInfo.chunk.max)) {
                    log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue "
                          << chunkInfo.chunk.toString() << endl;

            BSONObj res;
            if (c->moveAndCommit(Shard::make(,
                                 0, /* maxTimeMS */
                                 res)) {

            // the move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail
            log() << "balancer move failed: " << res << " from: " << chunkInfo.from
                  << " to: " << << " chunk: " << chunkInfo.chunk << endl;

            if (res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue()) {
                // reload just to be safe
                cm = cfg->getChunkManager(chunkInfo.ns);
                c = cm->findIntersectingChunk(chunkInfo.chunk.min);

                log() << "performing a split because migrate failed for size reasons";

                Status status = c->split(Chunk::normal, NULL, NULL);
                log() << "split results: " << status << endl;

                if (!status.isOK()) {
                    log() << "marking chunk as jumbo: " << c->toString() << endl;
                    // we increment moveCount so we do another round right away
        } catch (const DBException& ex) {
            warning() << "could not move chunk " << chunkInfo.chunk.toString()
                      << ", continuing balancing round" << causedBy(ex) << endl;

    return movedCount;