Beispiel #1
void swift::ide::getLocationInfoForClangNode(ClangNode ClangNode,
                                             ClangImporter *Importer,
                  llvm::Optional<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> &DeclarationLoc,
                                             StringRef &Filename) {
  clang::ASTContext &ClangCtx = Importer->getClangASTContext();
  clang::SourceManager &ClangSM = ClangCtx.getSourceManager();

  clang::SourceRange SR = ClangNode.getLocation();
  if (auto MD = dyn_cast_or_null<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(ClangNode.getAsDecl())) {
    SR = clang::SourceRange(MD->getSelectorStartLoc(),

  clang::CharSourceRange CharRange =
                                      ClangSM, ClangCtx.getLangOpts());
  if (CharRange.isInvalid())

  std::pair<clang::FileID, unsigned>
      Decomp = ClangSM.getDecomposedLoc(CharRange.getBegin());
  if (!Decomp.first.isInvalid()) {
    if (auto FE = ClangSM.getFileEntryForID(Decomp.first)) {
      Filename = FE->getName();

      std::pair<clang::FileID, unsigned>
          EndDecomp = ClangSM.getDecomposedLoc(CharRange.getEnd());

      DeclarationLoc = { Decomp.second, EndDecomp.second-Decomp.second };
Beispiel #2
// FIXME: this is a weird predicate.
bool SILDeclRef::isClangGenerated(ClangNode node) {
  if (auto nd = dyn_cast_or_null<clang::NamedDecl>(node.getAsDecl())) {
    // ie, 'static inline' functions for which we must ask Clang to emit a body
    // for explicitly
    if (!nd->isExternallyVisible())
      return true;

  return false;
bool ClangCommentPrinter::isDocumentationComment(
      clang::SourceLocation CommentLoc, ClangNode Node) const {
  const clang::Decl *D = Node.getAsDecl();
  if (!D)
    return false;

  const auto &Ctx = ClangLoader.getClangASTContext();
  const auto &SM = Ctx.getSourceManager();
  const clang::RawComment *RC = Ctx.getRawCommentForAnyRedecl(D);
  if (!RC)
    return false;

  clang::SourceRange DocRange = RC->getSourceRange();
  if (SM.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(CommentLoc, DocRange.getBegin()) ||
      SM.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(DocRange.getEnd(), CommentLoc))
    return false;
  return true;
Beispiel #4
bool ide::printDeclUSR(const ValueDecl *D, raw_ostream &OS) {
  using namespace Mangle;

  if (!isa<FuncDecl>(D) && !D->hasName())
    return true; // Ignore.
  if (D->getModuleContext()->isBuiltinModule())
    return true; // Ignore.

  ValueDecl *VD = const_cast<ValueDecl *>(D);

  auto interpretAsClangNode = [](const ValueDecl *D)->ClangNode {
    ClangNode ClangN = D->getClangNode();
    if (auto ClangD = ClangN.getAsDecl()) {
      // NSErrorDomain causes the clang enum to be imported like this:
      // struct MyError {
      //     enum Code : Int32 {
      //         case errFirst
      //         case errSecond
      //     }
      //     static var errFirst: MyError.Code { get }
      //     static var errSecond: MyError.Code { get }
      // }
      // The clang enum and enum constants are associated with both the
      // struct/nested enum, and the static vars/enum cases.
      // But we want unique USRs for the above symbols, so use the clang USR
      // for the enum and enum cases, and the Swift USR for the struct and vars.
      if (isa<clang::EnumDecl>(ClangD)) {
        if (ClangD->hasAttr<clang::NSErrorDomainAttr>() && isa<StructDecl>(D))
          return ClangNode();
      } else if (auto *ClangEnumConst = dyn_cast<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(ClangD)) {
        if (auto *ClangEnum = dyn_cast<clang::EnumDecl>(ClangEnumConst->getDeclContext())) {
          if (ClangEnum->hasAttr<clang::NSErrorDomainAttr>() && isa<VarDecl>(D))
            return ClangNode();
    return ClangN;

  if (ClangNode ClangN = interpretAsClangNode(D)) {
    llvm::SmallString<128> Buf;
    if (auto ClangD = ClangN.getAsDecl()) {
      bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(ClangD, Buf);
      if (!Ignore)
        OS << Buf.str();
      return Ignore;

    auto &Importer = *D->getASTContext().getClangModuleLoader();

    auto ClangMacroInfo = ClangN.getAsMacro();
    auto PPRecord = Importer.getClangPreprocessor().getPreprocessingRecord();
    assert(PPRecord && "Clang importer should be created with "
                       "-detailed-preprocessing-record option");
    auto ClangMacroDef = PPRecord->findMacroDefinition(ClangMacroInfo);

    bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForMacro(
        ClangMacroDef, Importer.getClangASTContext().getSourceManager(), Buf);
    if (!Ignore)
      OS << Buf.str();
    return Ignore;

  if (!D->hasType())
    return true;

  // FIXME: mangling 'self' in destructors crashes in mangler.
  if (isa<ParamDecl>(VD) && isa<DestructorDecl>(VD->getDeclContext()))
    return true;

  OS << getUSRSpacePrefix();
  Mangler Mangler;


  if (auto Ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(VD)) {
    Mangler.mangleConstructorEntity(Ctor, /*isAllocating=*/false,
  } else if (auto Dtor = dyn_cast<DestructorDecl>(VD)) {
    Mangler.mangleDestructorEntity(Dtor, /*isDeallocating=*/false);
  } else if (auto NTD = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(VD)) {
  } else if (isa<TypeAliasDecl>(VD) || isa<AssociatedTypeDecl>(VD)) {
  } else {
    Mangler.mangleEntity(VD, /*uncurryingLevel=*/0);

  return false;
Beispiel #5
bool ide::printDeclUSR(const ValueDecl *D, raw_ostream &OS) {
  if (!D->hasName() && !isa<ParamDecl>(D) && !isa<AccessorDecl>(D))
    return true; // Ignore.
  if (D->getModuleContext()->isBuiltinModule())
    return true; // Ignore.
  if (isa<ModuleDecl>(D))
    return true; // Ignore.

  auto interpretAsClangNode = [](const ValueDecl *D)->ClangNode {
    ClangNode ClangN = D->getClangNode();
    if (auto ClangD = ClangN.getAsDecl()) {
      // NSErrorDomain causes the clang enum to be imported like this:
      // struct MyError {
      //     enum Code : Int32 {
      //         case errFirst
      //         case errSecond
      //     }
      //     static var errFirst: MyError.Code { get }
      //     static var errSecond: MyError.Code { get }
      // }
      // The clang enum constants are associated with both the static vars and
      // the enum cases.
      // But we want unique USRs for the above symbols, so use the clang USR
      // for the enum cases, and the Swift USR for the vars.
      if (auto *ClangEnumConst = dyn_cast<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(ClangD)) {
        if (auto *ClangEnum = dyn_cast<clang::EnumDecl>(ClangEnumConst->getDeclContext())) {
          if (ClangEnum->hasAttr<clang::NSErrorDomainAttr>() && isa<VarDecl>(D))
            return ClangNode();
    return ClangN;

  if (ClangNode ClangN = interpretAsClangNode(D)) {
    llvm::SmallString<128> Buf;
    if (auto ClangD = ClangN.getAsDecl()) {
      bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(ClangD, Buf);
      if (!Ignore)
        OS << Buf.str();
      return Ignore;

    auto &Importer = *D->getASTContext().getClangModuleLoader();

    auto ClangMacroInfo = ClangN.getAsMacro();
    bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForMacro(
        Importer.getClangASTContext().getSourceManager(), Buf);
    if (!Ignore)
      OS << Buf.str();
    return Ignore;

  if (shouldUseObjCUSR(D)) {
    return printObjCUSR(D, OS);

  if (!D->hasInterfaceType())
    return true;

  // Invalid code.
  if (D->getInterfaceType().findIf([](Type t) -> bool {
        return t->is<ModuleType>();
    return true;

  Mangle::ASTMangler NewMangler;
  std::string Mangled = NewMangler.mangleDeclAsUSR(D, getUSRSpacePrefix());

  OS << Mangled;

  return false;
Beispiel #6
bool ide::printDeclUSR(const ValueDecl *D, raw_ostream &OS) {
  using namespace Mangle;

  if (!D->hasName() && (!isa<FuncDecl>(D) || cast<FuncDecl>(D)->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::NotAccessor))
    return true; // Ignore.
  if (D->getModuleContext()->isBuiltinModule())
    return true; // Ignore.

  ValueDecl *VD = const_cast<ValueDecl *>(D);

  auto interpretAsClangNode = [](const ValueDecl *D)->ClangNode {
    ClangNode ClangN = D->getClangNode();
    if (auto ClangD = ClangN.getAsDecl()) {
      // NSErrorDomain causes the clang enum to be imported like this:
      // struct MyError {
      //     enum Code : Int32 {
      //         case errFirst
      //         case errSecond
      //     }
      //     static var errFirst: MyError.Code { get }
      //     static var errSecond: MyError.Code { get }
      // }
      // The clang enum and enum constants are associated with both the
      // struct/nested enum, and the static vars/enum cases.
      // But we want unique USRs for the above symbols, so use the clang USR
      // for the enum and enum cases, and the Swift USR for the struct and vars.
      if (isa<clang::EnumDecl>(ClangD)) {
        if (ClangD->hasAttr<clang::NSErrorDomainAttr>() && isa<StructDecl>(D))
          return ClangNode();
      } else if (auto *ClangEnumConst = dyn_cast<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(ClangD)) {
        if (auto *ClangEnum = dyn_cast<clang::EnumDecl>(ClangEnumConst->getDeclContext())) {
          if (ClangEnum->hasAttr<clang::NSErrorDomainAttr>() && isa<VarDecl>(D))
            return ClangNode();
    return ClangN;

  if (ClangNode ClangN = interpretAsClangNode(D)) {
    llvm::SmallString<128> Buf;
    if (auto ClangD = ClangN.getAsDecl()) {
      bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(ClangD, Buf);
      if (!Ignore)
        OS << Buf.str();
      return Ignore;

    auto &Importer = *D->getASTContext().getClangModuleLoader();

    auto ClangMacroInfo = ClangN.getAsMacro();
    bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForMacro(D->getNameStr(),
        Importer.getClangASTContext().getSourceManager(), Buf);
    if (!Ignore)
      OS << Buf.str();
    return Ignore;

  if (ShouldUseObjCUSR(VD)) {
    return printObjCUSR(VD, OS);

  if (!D->hasInterfaceType())
    return true;

  // FIXME: mangling 'self' in destructors crashes in mangler.
  if (isa<ParamDecl>(VD) && isa<DestructorDecl>(VD->getDeclContext()))
    return true;

  NewMangling::ASTMangler NewMangler;
  std::string Mangled = NewMangler.mangleDeclAsUSR(VD, getUSRSpacePrefix());

  OS << Mangled;

  return false;