Rune *Rune::CreateRune( const str &className, const str &modelName, Sentient *sentient ) { str fullname; SpawnArgs args; ClassDef *cls; Rune *rune; fullname = "Rune"; fullname += className; args.setArg( "classname", fullname.c_str() ); cls = args.getClassDef(); if ( !cls ) return NULL; if ( !checkInheritance( &Rune::ClassInfo, cls ) ) return NULL; rune = (Rune *)cls->newInstance(); if ( !rune ) return NULL; rune->init( modelName, sentient ); return rune; }
HoldableItem *HoldableItem::createHoldableItem( const str &className, const str &modelName, Sentient *sentient ) { str fullname; SpawnArgs args; ClassDef *cls; HoldableItem *holdableItem; fullname = "HoldableItem"; fullname += className; args.setArg( "classname", fullname.c_str() ); cls = args.getClassDef(); if ( !cls ) return NULL; if ( !checkInheritance( &HoldableItem::ClassInfo, cls ) ) return NULL; holdableItem = (HoldableItem *)cls->newInstance(); if ( !holdableItem ) return NULL; holdableItem->init( modelName, sentient ); return holdableItem; }
Powerup *Powerup::CreatePowerup( const str &className, const str &modelName, Sentient *sentient ) { str fullname; SpawnArgs args; ClassDef *cls; Powerup *powerup; fullname = "Powerup"; fullname += className; args.setArg( "classname", fullname.c_str() ); cls = args.getClassDef(); if ( !cls ) return NULL; if ( !checkInheritance( &Powerup::ClassInfo, cls ) ) return NULL; powerup = (Powerup *)cls->newInstance(); if ( !powerup ) return NULL; powerup->init( modelName, sentient ); return powerup; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Name: G_DropItemCmd // Class: None // // Description: Drops an item that is clicked on from the inventory // // Parameters: gentity_t -- the entity issuing the command. This // is the player who issued the command. // // Returns: qboolean -- true if the command was executed. // //-------------------------------------------------------------- qboolean G_DropItemCmd( const gentity_t *ent ) { if ( gi.argc() < 1 ) return false ; if ( !ent->entity->isSubclassOf( Player ) ) return false ; Player *player = (Player*)ent->entity ; str objectName = gi.argv( 1 ); str propertyName = gi.argv( 2 ); GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager(); if ( !gpm ) return false ; str itemName = gpm->getStringValue( objectName, propertyName ); if ( itemName == "Empty" ) return false; str tikiName = gpm->getStringValue( itemName, "model" ); str itemType = gpm->getStringValue( itemName, "class" ); str playerItem("CurrentPlayer." + itemType); if ( !gpm->hasObject(playerItem) ) { gi.WPrintf( "Warning: Unknown item type %s for item %s", itemType.c_str(), itemName.c_str() ); return false ; } // Empty the slot gpm->setStringValue( objectName, propertyName, "Empty" ); // Give the player the item to drop //Item *givenItem = player->giveItem(tikiName); Weapon *dropweap; ClassDef *cls; cls = getClass( tikiName.c_str() ); if ( !cls ) { SpawnArgs args; args.setArg( "model", tikiName.c_str() ); cls = args.getClassDef(); if ( !cls ) return false; } dropweap = ( Weapon * )cls->newInstance(); dropweap->setModel( tikiName.c_str() ); dropweap->ProcessPendingEvents(); dropweap->SetOwner(player); dropweap->hideModel(); dropweap->setAttached(true); dropweap->Drop(); return true ; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Name: processGameplayData // Class: WeaponDualWield // // Description: Process gameplay data // // Parameters: Event *ev -- not used // // Returns: None // //-------------------------------------------------------------- void WeaponDualWield::processGameplayData( Event * ) { ClassDef *cls; GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager(); if ( !gpm->hasObject(getArchetype()) ) return; str leftmodel = gpm->getStringValue(getArchetype(), "leftmodel"); str rightmodel = gpm->getStringValue(getArchetype(), "rightmodel"); if ( !_leftweapon ) { cls = getClass( leftmodel ); if ( !cls ) { SpawnArgs args; args.setArg( "model", leftmodel ); cls = args.getClassDef(); if ( !cls ) return; } _leftweapon = ( Weapon * )cls->newInstance(); _leftweapon->setModel( leftmodel ); _leftweapon->ProcessPendingEvents(); _leftweapon->hideModel(); } if ( !_rightweapon ) { cls = getClass( rightmodel ); if ( !cls ) { SpawnArgs args; args.setArg( "model", rightmodel ); cls = args.getClassDef(); if ( !cls ) return; } _rightweapon = ( Weapon * )cls->newInstance(); _rightweapon->setModel( rightmodel ); _rightweapon->ProcessPendingEvents(); _rightweapon->hideModel(); } // Process gameplay data on myself. Weapon::processGameplayData( NULL ); }
static void lookupSymbol(Definition *d) { if (d!=Doxygen::globalScope && // skip the global namespace symbol d->name().at(0)!='@' // skip anonymous stuff ) { printf("Symbol info\n"); printf("-----------\n"); printf("Name: %s\n",d->name().data()); printf("File: %s\n",d->getDefFileName().data()); printf("Line: %d\n",d->getDefLine()); // depending on the definition type we can case to the appropriate // derived to get additional information switch (d->definitionType()) { case Definition::TypeClass: { ClassDef *cd = (ClassDef *)d; printf("Kind: %s\n",cd->compoundTypeString().data()); } break; case Definition::TypeFile: { FileDef *fd = (FileDef *)d; printf("Kind: File: #includes %d other files\n", fd->includeFileList() ? fd->includeFileList()->count() : 0); } break; case Definition::TypeNamespace: { NamespaceDef *nd = (NamespaceDef *)d; printf("Kind: Namespace: contains %d classes and %d namespaces\n", nd->getClassSDict() ? nd->getClassSDict()->count() : 0, nd->getNamespaceSDict() ? nd->getNamespaceSDict()->count() : 0); } break; case Definition::TypeMember: { MemberDef *md = (MemberDef *)d; printf("Kind: %s\n",md->memberTypeName().data()); } break; default: // ignore groups/pages/packages/dirs for now break; } } }
AstNode *Ast::CreateDecorated(const location& loc, AstNode *decorators, AstNode *thing) { FunctionDef *func = dynamic_cast<FunctionDef*>(thing); if (func) { func->AddDecorators(decorators); return func; } ClassDef *classDef = dynamic_cast<ClassDef*>(thing); if (classDef) { classDef->AddDecorators(decorators); return classDef; } assert(0); return 0; }
QCString DiagramItem::label() const { QCString result; if (!templSpec.isEmpty()) { // we use classDef->name() here and not diplayName() in order // to get the name used in the inheritance relation. QCString n = classDef->name(); if (/*n.right(2)=="-g" ||*/ n.right(2)=="-p") { n = n.left(n.length()-2); } result=insertTemplateSpecifierInScope(n,templSpec); } else { result=classDef->displayName(); } if (Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES")) result=stripScope(result); return result; }
// members in a table void MemberList::writeSimpleDocumentation(OutputList &ol, Definition *container) { countDocMembers(FALSE); //printf("MemberList count=%d\n",numDocMembers()); if (numDocMembers()==0) return; ClassDef *cd = 0; if (container && container->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass) { cd = (ClassDef*)container; } ol.startMemberDocSimple(cd && cd->isJavaEnum()); MemberListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for ( ; (md=mli.current()) ; ++mli) { md->writeMemberDocSimple(ol,container); } ol.endMemberDocSimple(cd && cd->isJavaEnum()); }
void FWeaponSlots::AddExtraWeapons() { unsigned int i; // Set fractional positions for current weapons. for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS; ++i) { Slots[i].SetInitialPositions(); } // Append extra weapons to the slots. ClassDef::ClassIterator iter = ClassDef::GetClassIterator(); ClassDef::ClassPair *pair; while (iter.NextPair(pair)) { ClassDef *cls = pair->Value; if (//cls->ActorInfo != NULL && //(cls->ActorInfo->GameFilter == GAME_Any || (cls->ActorInfo->GameFilter & gameinfo.gametype)) && //cls->ActorInfo->Replacement == NULL && // Replaced weapons don't get slotted. cls->IsDescendantOf(NATIVE_CLASS(Weapon)) && !LocateWeapon(cls, NULL, NULL) // Don't duplicate it if it's already present. ) { int slot = cls->Meta.GetMetaInt(AWMETA_SlotNumber, -1); if ((unsigned)slot < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS) { fixed_t position = cls->Meta.GetMetaFixed(AWMETA_SlotPriority, INT_MAX); FWeaponSlot::WeaponInfo info = { cls, position }; Slots[slot].Weapons.Push(info); } } } // Now resort every slot to put the new weapons in their proper places. for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS; ++i) { Slots[i].Sort(); } }
static void writeInnerClasses(sqlite3*db,const ClassSDict *cl) { if (!cl) return; ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*cl); ClassDef *cd; for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli) { if (!cd->isHidden() && cd->name().find('@')==-1) // skip anonymous scopes { bindTextParameter(i_s_innerclass,":refid",cd->getOutputFileBase()); bindIntParameter(i_s_innerclass,":prot",cd->protection()); bindTextParameter(i_s_innerclass,":name",cd->name()); step(db,i_s_innerclass); } } }
/*! Add a member to the group with the highest priority */ void addMemberToGroups(Entry *root,MemberDef *md) { //printf("addMemberToGroups: Root %p = %s, md %p=%s groups=%d\n", // root, root->, md, md->name().data(), root->groups->count() ); QListIterator<Grouping> gli(*root->groups); Grouping *g; // Search entry's group list for group with highest pri. Grouping::GroupPri_t pri = Grouping::GROUPING_LOWEST; GroupDef *fgd=0; for (;(g=gli.current());++gli) { GroupDef *gd=0; if (!g->groupname.isEmpty() && (gd=Doxygen::groupSDict->find(g->groupname)) && g->pri >= pri) { if (fgd && gd!=fgd && g->pri==pri) { warn(root->, root->startLine, "warning: Member %s found in multiple %s groups! " "The member will be put in group %s, and not in group %s", md->name().data(), Grouping::getGroupPriName( pri ), gd->name().data(), fgd->name().data() ); } fgd = gd; pri = g->pri; } } //printf("fgd=%p\n",fgd); // put member into group defined by this entry? if (fgd) { GroupDef *mgd = md->getGroupDef(); //printf("mgd=%p\n",mgd); bool insertit = FALSE; if (mgd==0) { insertit = TRUE; } else if (mgd!=fgd) { bool moveit = FALSE; // move member from one group to another if // - the new one has a higher priority // - the new entry has the same priority, but with docs where the old one had no docs if (md->getGroupPri()<pri) { moveit = TRUE; } else { if (md->getGroupPri()==pri) { if (!root->doc.isEmpty() && !md->getGroupHasDocs()) { moveit = TRUE; } else if (!root->doc.isEmpty() && md->getGroupHasDocs()) { warn(md->getGroupFileName(),md->getGroupStartLine(), "warning: Member documentation for %s found several times in %s groups!\n" "%s:%d: The member will remain in group %s, and won't be put into group %s", md->name().data(), Grouping::getGroupPriName( pri ), root->, root->startLine, mgd->name().data(), fgd->name().data() ); } } } if (moveit) { //printf("removeMember\n"); mgd->removeMember(md); insertit = TRUE; } } if (insertit) { //printf("insertMember found at %s line %d: %s: related %s\n", // md->getDefFileName().data(),md->getDefLine(), // md->name().data(),root->; bool success = fgd->insertMember(md); if (success) { //printf("insertMember successful\n"); md->setGroupDef(fgd,pri,root->fileName,root->startLine, !root->doc.isEmpty()); ClassDef *cd = md->getClassDefOfAnonymousType(); if (cd) { cd->setGroupDefForAllMembers(fgd,pri,root->fileName,root->startLine,root->doc.length() != 0); } } } } }
void SearchIndex::setCurrentDoc(Definition *ctx,const char *anchor,bool isSourceFile) { if (ctx==0) return; assert(!isSourceFile || ctx->definitionType()==Definition::TypeFile); //printf("SearchIndex::setCurrentDoc(%s,%s,%s)\n",name,baseName,anchor); QCString url=isSourceFile ? ((FileDef*)ctx)->getSourceFileBase() : ctx->getOutputFileBase(); url+=Config_getString("HTML_FILE_EXTENSION"); if (anchor) url+=QCString("#")+anchor; QCString name=ctx->qualifiedName(); if (ctx->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember) { MemberDef *md = (MemberDef *)ctx; name.prepend((md->getLanguage()==SrcLangExt_Fortran ? theTranslator->trSubprogram(TRUE,TRUE) : theTranslator->trMember(TRUE,TRUE))+" "); } else // compound type { SrcLangExt lang = ctx->getLanguage(); QCString sep = getLanguageSpecificSeparator(lang); if (sep!="::") { name = substitute(name,"::",sep); } switch (ctx->definitionType()) { case Definition::TypePage: { PageDef *pd = (PageDef *)ctx; if (!pd->title().isEmpty()) { name = theTranslator->trPage(TRUE,TRUE)+" "+pd->title(); } else { name = theTranslator->trPage(TRUE,TRUE)+" "+pd->name(); } } break; case Definition::TypeClass: { ClassDef *cd = (ClassDef *)ctx; name.prepend(cd->compoundTypeString()+" "); } break; case Definition::TypeNamespace: { if (lang==SrcLangExt_Java || lang==SrcLangExt_CSharp) { name = theTranslator->trPackage(name); } else if (lang==SrcLangExt_Fortran) { name.prepend(theTranslator->trModule(TRUE,TRUE)+" "); } else { name.prepend(theTranslator->trNamespace(TRUE,TRUE)+" "); } } break; case Definition::TypeGroup: { GroupDef *gd = (GroupDef *)ctx; if (gd->groupTitle()) { name = theTranslator->trGroup(TRUE,TRUE)+" "+gd->groupTitle(); } else { name.prepend(theTranslator->trGroup(TRUE,TRUE)+" "); } } break; default: break; } } int *pIndex = m_url2IdMap.find(url); if (pIndex==0) { ++m_urlIndex; m_url2IdMap.insert(url,new int(m_urlIndex)); m_urls.insert(m_urlIndex,new URL(name,url)); } else { m_urls.insert(*pIndex,new URL(name,url)); } }
void NamespaceDef::writeTagFile(FTextStream &tagFile) { tagFile << " <compound kind=\"namespace\">" << endl; tagFile << " <name>" << convertToXML(name()) << "</name>" << endl; tagFile << " <filename>" << convertToXML(getOutputFileBase()) << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "</filename>" << endl; QCString idStr = id(); if (!idStr.isEmpty()) { tagFile << " <clangid>" << convertToXML(idStr) << "</clangid>" << endl; } QListIterator<LayoutDocEntry> eli( LayoutDocManager::instance().docEntries(LayoutDocManager::Namespace)); LayoutDocEntry *lde; for (eli.toFirst(); (lde=eli.current()); ++eli) { switch (lde->kind()) { case LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceNestedNamespaces: { if (namespaceSDict) { SDict<NamespaceDef>::Iterator ni(*namespaceSDict); NamespaceDef *nd; for (ni.toFirst(); (nd=ni.current()); ++ni) { if (nd->isLinkableInProject()) { tagFile << " <namespace>" << convertToXML(nd->name()) << "</namespace>" << endl; } } } } break; case LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceClasses: { if (classSDict) { SDict<ClassDef>::Iterator ci(*classSDict); ClassDef *cd; for (ci.toFirst(); (cd=ci.current()); ++ci) { if (cd->isLinkableInProject()) { tagFile << " <class kind=\"" << cd->compoundTypeString() << "\">" << convertToXML(cd->name()) << "</class>" << endl; } } } } case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDecl: { LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl *lmd = (LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl*)lde; MemberList * ml = getMemberList(lmd->type); if (ml) { ml->writeTagFile(tagFile); } } break; case LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups: { if (memberGroupSDict) { MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*memberGroupSDict); MemberGroup *mg; for (; (mg=mgli.current()); ++mgli) { mg->writeTagFile(tagFile); } } } break; default: break; } } writeDocAnchorsToTagFile(tagFile); tagFile << " </compound>" << endl; }
//==================== //Player::SpawnActor //==================== void Player::SpawnActor ( Event *ev ) { Entity *ent; str name; str text; Vector forward; Vector up; Vector delta; Vector v; int n; int i; ClassDef *cls; Event *e; if ( ev->NumArgs() < 1 ) { ScriptError( "Usage: actor [modelname] [keyname] [value]..." ); return; } name = ev->GetString( 1 ); if ( !name[ 0 ] ) { ScriptError( "Must specify a model name" ); return; } if ( !strstr( name.c_str(), ".tik" ) ) { name += ".tik"; } // create a new entity SpawnArgs args; args.setArg( "model", name.c_str() ); cls = args.getClassDef(); if ( cls == &Object::ClassInfo ) { cls = &Actor::ClassInfo; } if ( !cls || !checkInheritance( &Actor::ClassInfo, cls ) ) { ScriptError( "%s is not a valid Actor", name.c_str() ); return; } ent = ( Entity * )cls->newInstance(); e = new Event( EV_Model ); e->AddString( name.c_str() ); ent->PostEvent( e, EV_SPAWNARG ); angles.AngleVectors( &forward, NULL, &up ); v = origin + ( forward + up ) * 40; e = new Event( EV_SetOrigin ); e->AddVector( v ); ent->PostEvent( e, EV_SPAWNARG ); delta = origin - v; v = delta.toAngles(); e = new Event( EV_SetAngle ); e->AddFloat( v[ 1 ] ); ent->PostEvent( e, EV_SPAWNARG ); if ( ev->NumArgs() > 2 ) { n = ev->NumArgs(); for( i = 2; i <= n; i += 2 ) { e = new Event( ev->GetString( i ) ); e->AddToken( ev->GetString( i + 1 ) ); ent->PostEvent( e, EV_SPAWNARG ); } } }
void GroupDef::writeTagFile(FTextStream &tagFile) { tagFile << " <compound kind=\"group\">" << endl; tagFile << " <name>" << convertToXML(name()) << "</name>" << endl; tagFile << " <title>" << convertToXML(title) << "</title>" << endl; tagFile << " <filename>" << convertToXML(getOutputFileBase()) << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "</filename>" << endl; QListIterator<LayoutDocEntry> eli( LayoutDocManager::instance().docEntries(LayoutDocManager::Group)); LayoutDocEntry *lde; for (eli.toFirst();(lde=eli.current());++eli) { switch (lde->kind()) { case LayoutDocEntry::GroupClasses: { if (classSDict) { SDict<ClassDef>::Iterator ci(*classSDict); ClassDef *cd; for (ci.toFirst();(cd=ci.current());++ci) { if (cd->isLinkableInProject()) { tagFile << " <class kind=\"" << cd->compoundTypeString() << "\">" << convertToXML(cd->name()) << "</class>" << endl; } } } } break; case LayoutDocEntry::GroupNamespaces: { if (namespaceSDict) { SDict<NamespaceDef>::Iterator ni(*namespaceSDict); NamespaceDef *nd; for (ni.toFirst();(nd=ni.current());++ni) { if (nd->isLinkableInProject()) { tagFile << " <namespace>" << convertToXML(nd->name()) << "</namespace>" << endl; } } } } break; case LayoutDocEntry::GroupFiles: { if (fileList) { QListIterator<FileDef> it(*fileList); FileDef *fd; for (;(fd=it.current());++it) { if (fd->isLinkableInProject()) { tagFile << " <file>" << convertToXML(fd->name()) << "</file>" << endl; } } } } break; case LayoutDocEntry::GroupPageDocs: { if (pageDict) { PageSDict::Iterator pdi(*pageDict); PageDef *pd=0; for (pdi.toFirst();(pd=pdi.current());++pdi) { QCString pageName = pd->getOutputFileBase(); if (pd->isLinkableInProject()) { tagFile << " <page>" << convertToXML(pageName) << "</page>" << endl; } } } } break; case LayoutDocEntry::GroupDirs: { if (dirList) { QListIterator<DirDef> it(*dirList); DirDef *dd; for (;(dd=it.current());++it) { if (dd->isLinkableInProject()) { tagFile << " <dir>" << convertToXML(dd->displayName()) << "</dir>" << endl; } } } } break; case LayoutDocEntry::GroupNestedGroups: { if (groupList) { QListIterator<GroupDef> it(*groupList); GroupDef *gd; for (;(gd=it.current());++it) { if (gd->isVisible()) { tagFile << " <subgroup>" << convertToXML(gd->name()) << "</subgroup>" << endl; } } } } break; case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDecl: { LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl *lmd = (LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl*)lde; MemberList * ml = getMemberList(lmd->type); if (ml) { ml->writeTagFile(tagFile); } } break; case LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups: { if (memberGroupSDict) { MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*memberGroupSDict); MemberGroup *mg; for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli) { mg->writeTagFile(tagFile); } } } break; default: break; } } writeDocAnchorsToTagFile(tagFile); tagFile << " </compound>" << endl; }
static void parseEnums(ClassDef &Def, bool isFlag, clang::Expr *Content, clang::Sema &Sema) { clang::Preprocessor &PP = Sema.getPreprocessor(); clang::StringLiteral *Val = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::StringLiteral>(Content); if (!Val) { PP.getDiagnostics().Report(Content->getExprLoc(), PP.getDiagnostics().getCustomDiagID(clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Invalid Q_ENUMS annotation")); return; } llvm::MemoryBuffer* Buf = maybe_unique(llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Val->getString(), "Q_ENUMS")); clang::Lexer Lex(CreateFileIDForMemBuffer(PP, Buf, Content->getExprLoc()), Buf, PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getLangOpts()); clang::CXXScopeSpec SS; clang::Token Tok, Next; Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok); for (; !; Tok = Next) { Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Next); clang::IdentifierInfo* II = nullptr; if ( II = PP.LookUpIdentifierInfo(Tok); if ( { if ( { if (Sema.ActOnCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Sema.getScopeForContext(Def.Record), *II, GetFromLiteral(Tok, Val, PP), GetFromLiteral(Next, Val, PP), {}, false, SS)) SS.SetInvalid({GetFromLiteral(Tok, Val, PP), GetFromLiteral(Next, Val, PP)}); Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Next); continue; } clang::LookupResult Found(Sema, II, GetFromLiteral(Tok, Val, PP), clang::Sema::LookupNestedNameSpecifierName); if (SS.isEmpty()) Sema.LookupQualifiedName(Found, Def.Record); else { clang::DeclContext* DC = Sema.computeDeclContext(SS); Sema.LookupQualifiedName(Found, DC ? DC : Def.Record); } llvm::StringRef Alias; clang::EnumDecl* R = Found.getAsSingle<clang::EnumDecl>(); if (!R) { if (clang::TypedefDecl *TD = Found.getAsSingle<clang::TypedefDecl>()) { const clang::EnumType* ET = TD->getUnderlyingType()->getAs<clang::EnumType>(); const clang::TemplateSpecializationType* TDR = TD->getUnderlyingType()->getAs<clang::TemplateSpecializationType>(); if(TDR && TDR->getNumArgs() == 1 && TDR->getTemplateName().getAsTemplateDecl()->getName() == "QFlags") ET = TDR->getArg(0).getAsType()->getAs<clang::EnumType>(); if (ET) { R = ET->getDecl(); if (TD->getIdentifier()) Alias = TD->getName(); } } } if (Found.empty() || !R) { // TODO: typo correction // This should be an error, but the official moc do not understand that as an error. PP.getDiagnostics().Report(GetFromLiteral(Tok, Val, PP), PP.getDiagnostics().getCustomDiagID(clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Warning, "no enum names %0")) << Found.getLookupName(); break; } if (R->getDeclContext() == Def.Record) { if (Alias.empty() && R->getIdentifier()) Alias = R->getName(); Def.addEnum(R, Alias.empty() ? R->getNameAsString() : std::string(Alias), isFlag); } else if (R->getDeclContext()->isRecord() && llvm::isa<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(R->getDeclContext())) { // TODO: check it is a QObject Def.addExtra(llvm::cast<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(R->getDeclContext())); } SS.clear(); continue; } else if ( { if (SS.isEmpty()) { SS.MakeGlobal(Sema.getASTContext(), GetFromLiteral(Tok, Val, PP)); continue; } } PP.getDiagnostics().Report(GetFromLiteral(Tok, Val, PP), PP.getDiagnostics().getCustomDiagID(clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Invalid token in Q_ENUMS")); break; } }
//==================== //Player::SpawnEntity //==================== void Player::SpawnEntity ( Event *ev ) { Entity *ent; str name; ClassDef *cls; str text; Vector forward; Vector up; Vector delta; Vector v; int n; int i; Event *e; if ( ev->NumArgs() < 1 ) { ScriptError( "Usage: spawn entityname [keyname] [value]..." ); return; } name = ev->GetString( 1 ); if ( !name.length() ) { ScriptError( "Must specify an entity name" ); return; } // create a new entity SpawnArgs args; args.setArg( "classname", name.c_str() ); args.setArg( "model", name.c_str() ); cls = args.getClassDef(); if ( !cls ) { cls = &Entity::ClassInfo; } if ( !checkInheritance( &Entity::ClassInfo, cls ) ) { ScriptError( "%s is not a valid Entity", name.c_str() ); return; } ent = ( Entity * )cls->newInstance(); e = new Event( EV_Model ); e->AddString( name.c_str() ); ent->PostEvent( e, EV_PRIORITY_SPAWNARG ); angles.AngleVectors( &forward, NULL, &up ); v = origin + ( forward + up ) * 40; e = new Event( EV_SetOrigin ); e->AddVector( v ); ent->PostEvent( e, EV_SPAWNARG ); delta = origin - v; v.x = 0; v.y = delta.toYaw(); v.z = 0; e = new Event( EV_SetAngles ); e->AddVector( v ); ent->PostEvent( e, EV_SPAWNARG ); if ( ev->NumArgs() > 2 ) { n = ev->NumArgs(); for( i = 2; i <= n; i += 2 ) { e = new Event( ev->GetString( i ) ); e->AddToken( ev->GetString( i + 1 ) ); ent->PostEvent( e, EV_SPAWNARG ); } } e = new Event( EV_SetAnim ); e->AddString( "idle" ); ent->PostEvent( e, EV_SPAWNARG ); }
QCString DiagramItem::fileName() const { return classDef->getOutputFileBase(); }
ClassDef MocNg::parseClass(clang::CXXRecordDecl* RD, clang::Sema& Sema) { clang::Preprocessor &PP = Sema.getPreprocessor(); ClassDef Def; Def.Record = RD; for (auto it = RD->decls_begin(); it != RD->decls_end(); ++it) { if (clang::StaticAssertDecl *S = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::StaticAssertDecl>(*it) ) { if (auto *E = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr>(S->getAssertExpr())) if (clang::ParenExpr *PE = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::ParenExpr>(E->getArgumentExpr())) { llvm::StringRef key = S->getMessage()->getString(); if (key == "qt_property") { clang::StringLiteral *Val = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::StringLiteral>(PE->getSubExpr()); if (Val) { PropertyParser Parser(Val->getString(), // Val->getStrTokenLoc(0), Val->getLocationOfByte(0, PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getLangOpts(), PP.getTargetInfo()), Sema, Def.Record); Def.Properties.push_back(Parser.parseProperty()); Def.addExtra(Parser.Extra); } else { PP.getDiagnostics().Report(S->getLocation(), PP.getDiagnostics().getCustomDiagID(clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Invalid Q_PROPERTY annotation")); } } else if (key == "qt_private_property") { clang::StringLiteral *Val1 = nullptr, *Val2 = nullptr; std::tie(Val1, Val2) = ExtractLiterals(PE, PP, "Q_PRIVATE_PROPERTY", "Invalid Q_PRIVATE_PROPERTY annotation"); if (Val1 && Val2) { PropertyParser Parser(Val2->getString(), Val2->getLocationOfByte(0, PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getLangOpts(), PP.getTargetInfo()), Sema, Def.Record); PropertyDef P = Parser.parseProperty(true); P.inPrivateClass = Val1->getString(); Def.Properties.push_back(std::move(P)); Def.addExtra(Parser.Extra); } } else if (key == "qt_private_slot") { clang::StringLiteral *Val1 = nullptr, *Val2 = nullptr; std::tie(Val1, Val2) = ExtractLiterals(PE, PP, "Q_PRIVATE_SLOT", "Invalid Q_PRIVATE_SLOT annotation"); if (Val1 && Val2) { PropertyParser Parser(Val2->getString(), Val2->getLocationOfByte(0, PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getLangOpts(), PP.getTargetInfo()), Sema, Def.Record); PrivateSlotDef P = Parser.parsePrivateSlot(); P.InPrivateClass = Val1->getString(); if (!P.Name.empty()) { Def.PrivateSlotCount += P.NumDefault + 1; Def.PrivateSlots.push_back(std::move(P)); } } } else if (key == "qt_enums") { parseEnums(Def, false, PE->getSubExpr(), Sema); } else if (key == "qt_flags") { parseEnums(Def, true, PE->getSubExpr(), Sema); } else if (key == "qt_qobject") { Def.HasQObject = true; } else if (key == "qt_fake") { Def.HasQGadget = false; } else if (key == "qt_qgadget") { Def.HasQGadget = true; } else if (key == "qt_classinfo") { clang::StringLiteral *Val1 = nullptr, *Val2 = nullptr; std::tie(Val1, Val2) = ExtractLiterals(PE, PP, "Q_CLASSINFO", "Expected string literal in Q_CLASSINFO"); if (Val1 && Val2) { Def.ClassInfo.emplace_back(Val1->getString(), Val2->getString()); } } else if (key == "qt_interfaces") { parseInterfaces(Def, PE->getSubExpr(), Sema); } else if (key == "qt_plugin_metadata") { parsePluginMetaData(Def, PE->getSubExpr(), Sema); HasPlugin = true; } } } else if (clang::CXXMethodDecl *M = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(*it)) { for (auto attr_it = M->specific_attr_begin<clang::AnnotateAttr>(); attr_it != M->specific_attr_end<clang::AnnotateAttr>(); ++attr_it) { const clang::AnnotateAttr *A = *attr_it; if (A->getAnnotation() == "qt_signal") { Def.Signals.push_back(M); } else if (A->getAnnotation() == "qt_slot") { Def.Slots.push_back(M); } else if (A->getAnnotation() == "qt_invokable" || A->getAnnotation() == "qt_scriptable" ) { if (auto *C = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(M)) { Def.Constructors.push_back(C); } else { Def.Methods.push_back(M); } } else if (A->getAnnotation().startswith("qt_revision:")) { Def.RevisionMethodCount++; } } } } //Check notify Signals for (PropertyDef &P: Def.Properties) { if (!P.notify.Str.empty()) { int Idx = 0; for (clang::CXXMethodDecl *MD : Def.Signals) { if (MD->getName() == P.notify.Str) { P.notify.notifyId = Idx; P.notify.MD = MD; break; } Idx += 1 + MD->getNumParams() - MD->getMinRequiredArguments(); } if (P.notify.notifyId < 0 ) { PP.getDiagnostics().Report(P.notify.Loc, PP.getDiagnostics().getCustomDiagID(clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "NOTIFY signal '%0' of property '%1' does not exist in class %2")) << P.notify.Str << << Def.Record; } else { Def.NotifyCount++; } } if (P.revision > 0) Def.RevisionPropertyCount++; } return Def; }
void generateSqlite3() { // + classes // + namespaces // + files // + groups // + related pages // + examples // + main page QCString outputDirectory = Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"); QDir sqlite3Dir(outputDirectory); sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_initialize(); int rc = sqlite3_open_v2(outputDirectory+"/doxygen_sqlite3.db", &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_close(db); msg("database open failed: %s\n", "doxygen_sqlite3.db"); return; } beginTransaction(db); pragmaTuning(db); if (-1==initializeSchema(db)) return; if ( -1 == prepareStatements(db) ) { err("sqlite generator: prepareStatements failed!"); return; } // + classes ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict); ClassDef *cd; for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for class %s\n",cd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForClass(db,cd); } // + namespaces NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*Doxygen::namespaceSDict); NamespaceDef *nd; for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current());++nli) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for namespace %s\n",nd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForNamespace(db,nd); } // + files FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList); FileName *fn; for (;(fn=fnli.current());++fnli) { FileNameIterator fni(*fn); FileDef *fd; for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for file %s\n",fd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForFile(db,fd); } } // + groups GroupSDict::Iterator gli(*Doxygen::groupSDict); GroupDef *gd; for (;(gd=gli.current());++gli) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for group %s\n",gd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForGroup(db,gd); } // + page { PageSDict::Iterator pdi(*Doxygen::pageSDict); PageDef *pd=0; for (pdi.toFirst();(pd=pdi.current());++pdi) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for page %s\n",pd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForPage(db,pd,FALSE); } } // + dirs { DirDef *dir; DirSDict::Iterator sdi(*Doxygen::directories); for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for dir %s\n",dir->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForDir(db,dir); } } // + examples { PageSDict::Iterator pdi(*Doxygen::exampleSDict); PageDef *pd=0; for (pdi.toFirst();(pd=pdi.current());++pdi) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for example %s\n",pd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForPage(db,pd,TRUE); } } // + main page if (Doxygen::mainPage) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for the main page\n"); generateSqlite3ForPage(db,Doxygen::mainPage,FALSE); } endTransaction(db); }
void DocSets::addIndexItem(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *,const MemberDef *md) { if (!md->isLinkable()) return; // internal symbol ClassDef *cd = md->getClassDef(); NamespaceDef *nd = md->getNamespaceDef(); FileDef *fd = md->getFileDef(); // determine language QCString lang; SrcLangExt langExt = SrcLangExt_Cpp; if (fd) langExt = getLanguageFromFileName(fd->name()); switch (langExt) { case SrcLangExt_Cpp: { if (md->isObjCMethod()) lang="occ"; // Objective C/C++ else if (fd && fd->name().right(2).lower()==".c") lang="c"; // Plain C else lang="cpp"; // C++ } break; case SrcLangExt_ObjC: lang="occ"; break; // Objective C++ case SrcLangExt_IDL: lang="idl"; break; // IDL case SrcLangExt_CSharp: lang="csharp"; break; // C# case SrcLangExt_PHP: lang="php"; break; // PHP4/5 case SrcLangExt_D: lang="d"; break; // D case SrcLangExt_Java: lang="java"; break; // Java case SrcLangExt_JS: lang="javascript"; break; // Javascript case SrcLangExt_Python: lang="python"; break; // Python case SrcLangExt_F90: lang="fortran"; break; // Fortran case SrcLangExt_VHDL: lang="vhdl"; break; // VHDL } // determine scope QCString scope; QCString type; QCString decl; Definition *d = 0; if (fd && fd->isLinkable() && m_scopes.find(fd->getOutputFileBase())==0) { writeToken(m_tts,fd,"file",lang,0,0,0); m_scopes.append(fd->getOutputFileBase(),(void*)0x8); } if (cd) { scope = cd->qualifiedName(); if (cd->isTemplate()) type="tmplt"; else if (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Protocol) type="intf"; else if (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Interface) type="cl"; else if (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Category) type="cat"; else type = "cl"; d = cd; IncludeInfo *ii = cd->includeInfo(); if (ii) { decl=ii->includeName; if (decl.isEmpty()) { decl=ii->local; } } } else if (nd) { scope = nd->name(); type = "ns"; d = cd; } if (d && d->isLinkable() && m_scopes.find(d->getOutputFileBase())==0) { writeToken(m_tts,d,type,lang,0,0,decl); m_scopes.append(d->getOutputFileBase(),(void*)0x8); } switch (md->memberType()) { case MemberDef::Define: type="macro"; break; case MemberDef::Function: if (cd && cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Interface) type="intfm"; else if (cd && cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Class) type="clm"; else type="func"; break; case MemberDef::Variable: type="data"; break; case MemberDef::Typedef: type="tdef"; break; case MemberDef::Enumeration: type="enum"; break; case MemberDef::EnumValue: type="econst"; break; //case MemberDef::Prototype: // type="prototype"; break; case MemberDef::Signal: type="signal"; break; case MemberDef::Slot: type="slot"; break; case MemberDef::Friend: type="ffunc"; break; case MemberDef::DCOP: type="dcop"; break; case MemberDef::Property: type="property"; break; case MemberDef::Event: type="event"; break; } writeToken(m_tts,md,type,lang,scope,md->anchor()); }
void generateSqlite3() { // + classes // + namespaces // + files // - groups // - related pages // - examples //QCString outputDirectory = Config_getString("SQLITE3_OUTPUT"); QCString outputDirectory = Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"); QDir sqlite3Dir(outputDirectory); sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_initialize(); int rc = sqlite3_open_v2(outputDirectory+"/doxygen_sqlite3.db", &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_close(db); msg("database open failed: %s\n", "doxygen_sqlite3.db"); exit(-1); } beginTransaction(db); pragmaTuning(db); initializeSchema(db); if ( -1 == prepareStatements(db) ) { err("sqlite generator: prepareStatements failed!"); return; } // + classes ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict); ClassDef *cd; for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for class %s\n",cd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForClass(db,cd); } // + namespaces NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*Doxygen::namespaceSDict); NamespaceDef *nd; for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current());++nli) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for namespace %s\n",nd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForNamespace(db,nd); } // + files FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList); FileName *fn; for (;(fn=fnli.current());++fnli) { FileNameIterator fni(*fn); FileDef *fd; for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for file %s\n",fd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForFile(db,fd); } } endTransaction(db); }
void DocSets::addIndexItem(Definition *context,MemberDef *md, const char *,const char *) { if (md==0 && context==0) return; FileDef *fd = 0; ClassDef *cd = 0; NamespaceDef *nd = 0; if (md) { fd = md->getFileDef(); cd = md->getClassDef(); nd = md->getNamespaceDef(); if (!md->isLinkable()) return; // internal symbol } QCString scope; QCString type; QCString decl; // determine language QCString lang; SrcLangExt langExt = SrcLangExt_Cpp; if (md) { langExt = md->getLanguage(); } else if (context) { langExt = context->getLanguage(); } switch (langExt) { case SrcLangExt_Cpp: case SrcLangExt_ObjC: { if (md && (md->isObjCMethod() || md->isObjCProperty())) lang="occ"; // Objective C/C++ else if (fd && fd->name().right(2).lower()==".c") lang="c"; // Plain C else if (cd==0 && nd==0) lang="c"; // Plain C symbol outside any class or namespace else lang="cpp"; // C++ } break; case SrcLangExt_IDL: lang="idl"; break; // IDL case SrcLangExt_CSharp: lang="csharp"; break; // C# case SrcLangExt_PHP: lang="php"; break; // PHP4/5 case SrcLangExt_D: lang="d"; break; // D case SrcLangExt_Java: lang="java"; break; // Java case SrcLangExt_JS: lang="javascript"; break; // Javascript case SrcLangExt_Python: lang="python"; break; // Python case SrcLangExt_Fortran: lang="fortran"; break; // Fortran case SrcLangExt_VHDL: lang="vhdl"; break; // VHDL case SrcLangExt_XML: lang="xml"; break; // DBUS XML case SrcLangExt_Tcl: lang="tcl"; break; // Tcl case SrcLangExt_Markdown:lang="markdown"; break; // Markdown case SrcLangExt_Unknown: lang="unknown"; break; // should not happen! } if (md) { if (context==0) { if (md->getGroupDef()) context = md->getGroupDef(); else if (md->getFileDef()) context = md->getFileDef(); } if (context==0) return; // should not happen switch (md->memberType()) { case MemberType_Define: type="macro"; break; case MemberType_Function: if (cd && (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Interface || cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Class)) { if (md->isStatic()) type="clm"; // class member else type="instm"; // instance member } else if (cd && cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Protocol) { if (md->isStatic()) type="intfcm"; // interface class member else type="intfm"; // interface member } else type="func"; break; case MemberType_Variable: type="data"; break; case MemberType_Typedef: type="tdef"; break; case MemberType_Enumeration: type="enum"; break; case MemberType_EnumValue: type="econst"; break; //case MemberDef::Prototype: // type="prototype"; break; case MemberType_Signal: type="signal"; break; case MemberType_Slot: type="slot"; break; case MemberType_Friend: type="ffunc"; break; case MemberType_DCOP: type="dcop"; break; case MemberType_Property: if (cd && cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Protocol) type="intfp"; // interface property else type="instp"; // instance property break; case MemberType_Event: type="event"; break; case MemberType_Interface: type="ifc"; break; case MemberType_Service: type="svc"; break; } cd = md->getClassDef(); nd = md->getNamespaceDef(); if (cd) { scope = cd->qualifiedName(); } else if (nd) { scope = nd->name(); } MemberDef *declMd = md->memberDeclaration(); if (declMd==0) declMd = md; { fd = md->getFileDef(); if (fd) { decl = fd->name(); } } writeToken(m_tts,md,type,lang,scope,md->anchor(),decl); } else if (context && context->isLinkable()) { if (fd==0 && context->definitionType()==Definition::TypeFile) { fd = (FileDef*)context; } if (cd==0 && context->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass) { cd = (ClassDef*)context; } if (nd==0 && context->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace) { nd = (NamespaceDef*)context; } if (fd) { type="file"; } else if (cd) { scope = cd->qualifiedName(); if (cd->isTemplate()) { type="tmplt"; } else if (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Protocol) { type="intf"; if (scope.right(2)=="-p") scope=scope.left(scope.length()-2); } else if (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Interface) { type="cl"; } else if (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Category) { type="cat"; } else { type = "cl"; } IncludeInfo *ii = cd->includeInfo(); if (ii) { decl=ii->includeName; } } else if (nd) { scope = nd->name(); type = "ns"; } if (m_scopes.find(context->getOutputFileBase())==0) { writeToken(m_tts,context,type,lang,scope,0,decl); m_scopes.append(context->getOutputFileBase(),(void*)0x8); } } }
void CEditProjectMgr::LoadBinaries() { CString dllFilename, str; DWORD i, j; int status, version, nClasses; ClassDef **pClasses, *pInClass, *pOutClass; HKEY hKey; DWORD valType, dataBufSize; BYTE dataBuf[261]; UnloadBinaries(); if(!m_bProjectDirectorySet) return; // Look in the project directory for the object DLL. dllFilename = dfm_BuildName(m_BaseProjectDir, "object.lto"); status = cb_LoadModule((char*)(LPCTSTR)dllFilename, NULL, &m_hModule, &version); if(status != CB_NOERROR) { if(status == CB_CANTFINDMODULE) { // If we can't load it, let's check out the error. DWORD dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); // Allocacte a string containing a human readable description of the error LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dwErrorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); // Print out to the DEdit debug window. GetDebugDlg()->AddMessage(" Failed to load:\n %s\n" " System Error Code: %d\n" " Description: %s\n", dllFilename.GetBuffer(), dwErrorCode, (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf); // deallocate the string LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); str.Format(IDS_CANTFINDCLASSMODULE, dllFilename.GetBuffer()); } else if(status == CB_NOTCLASSMODULE) { str.Format(IDS_INVALIDCLASSMODULE, dllFilename.GetBuffer()); } else if(status == CB_VERSIONMISMATCH) { str.Format(IDS_INVALIDCLASSMODULEVERSION, dllFilename.GetBuffer(), SERVEROBJ_VERSION, version); } AppMessageBox(str, MB_OK); return; } // Get the ClassDefs. nClasses = cb_GetNumClassDefs(m_hModule); pClasses = cb_GetClassDefs(m_hModule); // Copy the class data over. m_ClassDefs = (ClassDef*)malloc(sizeof(ClassDef) * nClasses); m_nClassDefs = nClasses; // Prepare some temporary data for editstring lists const DDWORD cMaxStrings = 512; const DDWORD cMaxStringLen = 256; char* aszStrings[cMaxStrings]; {for ( int iString = 0 ; iString < cMaxStrings ; iString++ ) { aszStrings[iString] = new char[cMaxStringLen]; }} int cProps = 0; // Read in all class definitions for(i=0; i < m_nClassDefs; i++) { pInClass = pClasses[i]; pOutClass = &m_ClassDefs[i]; memcpy(pOutClass, pInClass, sizeof(ClassDef)); pOutClass->m_ClassName = _CopyStringPointer(pInClass->m_ClassName); // {BP 2/11/98} // Only allocate if there are some props to deal with... if( pInClass->m_nProps ) { pOutClass->m_Props = (PropDef*)malloc(sizeof(PropDef) * pInClass->m_nProps); memcpy(pOutClass->m_Props, pInClass->m_Props, sizeof(PropDef) * pInClass->m_nProps); cProps += pInClass->m_nProps; for(j=0; j < pInClass->m_nProps; j++) { PropDef* pPropDef = &pOutClass->m_Props[j]; pPropDef->m_PropName = _CopyStringPointer(pInClass->m_Props[j].m_PropName); pPropDef->m_DefaultValueString = _CopyStringPointer(pInClass->m_Props[j].m_DefaultValueString); // {BL 11/06/99} // See if this property supports EditStringLists ClassDef* pDef = pOutClass; while(pDef) { if(pDef->m_PluginFn && ((pPropDef->m_PropFlags & PF_STATICLIST) || (pPropDef->m_PropFlags & PF_DYNAMICLIST)) ) { IObjectPlugin* pPlugin = pDef->m_PluginFn(); if( pPlugin ) { DDWORD cStrings = 0; if ( LT_OK == pPlugin->PreHook_EditStringList(m_BaseProjectDir, pPropDef->m_PropName, aszStrings, &cStrings, cMaxStrings, cMaxStringLen) ) { DEditInternal* pDEditInternal = new DEditInternal; pPropDef->m_pDEditInternal = pDEditInternal; pDEditInternal->m_cStrings = cStrings; if( cStrings <= 0 ) { pDEditInternal->m_aszStrings = NULL; } else { pDEditInternal->m_aszStrings = new char*[cStrings]; for ( uint32 iString = 0 ; iString < cStrings ; iString++ ) { pDEditInternal->m_aszStrings[iString] = _CopyStringPointer(aszStrings[iString]); } } delete pPlugin; break; } delete pPlugin; } } pDef = pDef->m_ParentClass; } } } else pOutClass->m_Props = NULL; } for ( int iString = 0 ; iString < cMaxStrings ; iString++ ) { delete [] aszStrings[iString]; } // Setup the parent info. for(i=0; i < m_nClassDefs; i++) { pInClass = pClasses[i]; pOutClass = &m_ClassDefs[i]; if(pInClass->m_ParentClass) { pOutClass->m_ParentClass = FindClassDef(pInClass->m_ParentClass->m_ClassName); ASSERT(pOutClass->m_ParentClass); } else { pOutClass->m_ParentClass = NULL; } } LoadTemplateClasses(); }