void Elevation_map::getModel(Cloud& model){
  pcl_Point p;

  int pos = 0;
  for (int y = 0; y < cell_cnt_y; ++y){
    p.y = y_min_+(y+0.5)*cell_size_;
    for (int x = 0; x < cell_cnt_x; ++x)
        p.x = x_min_+(x+0.5)*cell_size_;
        p.z = mean.at<float>(y,x);
        //        model.push_back(p);
        model[pos++] = p;

  model.width = cell_cnt_x;
  model.height = cell_cnt_y;

  if (int(model.size()) != cell_cnt_x*cell_cnt_y){
    ROS_INFO("size: %zu, %i % i", model.size(),cell_cnt_x,cell_cnt_y);
    // assert(int(model.size()) == cell_cnt_x*cell_cnt_y);
float Projector_Calibrator::fitPlaneToCloud(const Cloud& cloud, Eigen::Vector4f& model){
 // ROS_INFO("Fitting plane to cloud with %zu points", cloud.size());

 if (cloud.size() < 1000){
  ROS_WARN("fitPlaneToCloud: cloud size very small: %zu", cloud.size());

 // http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/random_sample_consensus.php#random-sample-consensus
 model_p (new pcl::SampleConsensusModelPlane<pcl_Point> (cloud.makeShared()));

 pcl::RandomSampleConsensus<pcl_Point> ransac(model_p);
 ransac.setDistanceThreshold(0.005); // max dist of 5mm

 Eigen::VectorXf c;
 model = c;

 std::vector<int> inliers;
 float inlier_pct = inliers.size()*100.0/cloud.size();

 if (inlier_pct<0.5){ ROS_WARN("Only %.3f %%  inlier in fitPlaneToCloud!", inlier_pct); }
 return inlier_pct;
Beispiel #3
pcl2::computeFixedRadiusNeighborhood (Cloud & cloud, const MatF & query, float r)
  // Convert point cloud
  MatF xyz = cloud["xyz"];
  assert (xyz.rows () >= 1);
  assert (xyz.cols () == 3);
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr input (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
  input->width = cloud.size ();
  input->height = 1;
  input->is_dense = false;
  input->points.resize (cloud.size ());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < xyz.rows (); ++i)
    input->points[i].x = xyz (i, 0);
    input->points[i].y = xyz (i, 1);
    input->points[i].z = xyz (i, 2);

  // Convert query point
  assert (query.rows () == 1);
  assert (query.cols () == 3);
  pcl::PointXYZ q;
  q.x = query (0, 0);
  q.y = query (0, 1);
  q.z = query (0, 2);
  // Perform neighbor search
  pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ> tree;
  tree.setInputCloud (input);

  std::vector<int> idx_vec;
  std::vector<float> dist_vec;
  size_t k = (size_t) tree.radiusSearch (q, r, idx_vec, dist_vec);
  assert (k == idx_vec.size ());

  // Convert output
  EigenMat<int> neighbor_indices (k, 1);
  EigenMat<float> squared_distances (k, 1);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < k; ++i)
    neighbor_indices (i, 0) = idx_vec[i];
    squared_distances (i, 0) = dist_vec[i];

  //Cloud neighborhood = cloud (neighbor_indices);
  Neighborhood neighborhood (cloud, neighbor_indices);
  neighborhood.insert ("dist", squared_distances);
  return (neighborhood);
void Projector_Calibrator::setInputCloud(Cloud& cloud){
 // #define COMPUTE_NANS

 input_cloud = cloud;

 // count invalid points:
 int input_nan = 0;

 for (uint i=0; i<cloud.size(); ++i) {
  pcl_Point p = cloud[i];
  if (!(p.x == p.x)) input_nan++;

 int output_nan = 0;

 if (kinect_trafo_valid){
  for (uint i=0; i<cloud_moved.size(); ++i) {
   pcl_Point p = cloud_moved[i];
   if (!(p.x == p.x)) output_nan++;


 ROS_INFO("NAN: input: %i, output: %i", input_nan, output_nan);

void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::readFields(Cloud<ParcelType>& c)
    if (!c.size())


    IOField<scalar> T(c.fieldIOobject("T", IOobject::MUST_READ));
    c.checkFieldIOobject(c, T);

    IOField<scalar> cp(c.fieldIOobject("cp", IOobject::MUST_READ));
    c.checkFieldIOobject(c, cp);

    label i = 0;
    forAllIter(typename Cloud<ParcelType>, c, iter)
        ThermoParcel<ParcelType>& p = iter();

        p.T_ = T[i];
        p.cp_ = cp[i];
* Initialization of grid from first measurement.
* @param cell_size length of grid cell in m
* @param cloud first cloud. size of grid is set so that all points have a minimum distance of 5cm to the border of the grid.
void Elevation_map::init(float cell_size, const Cloud& cloud){

  // pcl::getMinMax3d();

  x_min_ = y_min_ = 1e6;
  x_max_ = y_max_ = -1e6;

  for (uint i=0; i<cloud.size(); ++i){
    pcl_Point p = cloud[i];
    if(p.x != p.x) continue;

    x_min_ = min(x_min_, p.x);
    y_min_ = min(y_min_, p.y);

    x_max_ = max(x_max_, p.x);
    y_max_ = max(y_max_, p.y);

  // add small border:
  x_min_ -= 0.05;
  y_min_ -= 0.05;

  x_max_ += 0.05;
  y_max_ += 0.05;

  init(cell_size, x_min_, x_max_,y_min_, y_max_);
Beispiel #7
void PixelEnvironmentModel::getCloudRepresentation(const Cloud& model, Cloud& result, float N){


  uint8_t r = 255, g = 0, b = 0;
  uint32_t rgb_red = ((uint32_t)r << 16 | (uint32_t)g << 8 | (uint32_t)b);
  r = 0; g = 255;
  uint32_t rgb_green = ((uint32_t)r << 16 | (uint32_t)g << 8 | (uint32_t)b);

  pcl_Point nap; nap.x = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();

  for (int y = 0; y < height_; ++y)
    for (int x = 0; x < width_; ++x){

      if ((mask_set && mask_.at<uchar>(y,x) == 0) || !gaussians[y][x].initialized){
        if (N<0)

      float mean_dist = gaussians[y][x].mean;

      // add point with same color but with norm = mean
      pcl_Point p = model.at(x,y);
      if (p.x != p.x) {
        if (N<0) // keep cloud organized if no sigma-points are included
      pcl_Point mean = setLength(p,mean_dist);
      mean.rgb = p.rgb;


      if (N > 0 && gaussians[y][x].initialized){
        float sigma = gaussians[y][x].sigma();

        pcl_Point near = setLength(p,mean_dist-N*sigma);
        near.rgb = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&rgb_green);

        pcl_Point far = setLength(p,mean_dist+N*sigma);
        far.rgb = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&rgb_red);

  if (N<0){
    assert(int(result.size()) == width_*height_);
    result.width = width_;
    result.height = height_;

Beispiel #8
pcl2::findKNearestNeighbors (const Cloud & cloud, const MatF & query, size_t k)
  // Convert point cloud
  MatF xyz = cloud["xyz"];
  assert (xyz.rows () >= 1);
  assert (xyz.cols () == 3);
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr input (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
  input->width = cloud.size ();
  input->height = 1;
  input->is_dense = false;
  input->points.resize (cloud.size ());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < xyz.rows (); ++i)
    input->points[i].x = xyz (i, 0);
    input->points[i].y = xyz (i, 1);
    input->points[i].z = xyz (i, 2);

  // Convert query point
  assert (query.rows () == 1);
  assert (query.cols () == 3);
  pcl::PointXYZ q;
  q.x = query (0, 0);
  q.y = query (0, 1);
  q.z = query (0, 2);
  // Perform neighbor search
  pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ> tree;
  tree.setInputCloud (input);

  std::vector<int> indices (k);
  std::vector<float> dists (k);
  k = (size_t) tree.nearestKSearch (q, k, indices, dists);
  assert (k == indices.size ());

  // Convert output
  EigenMat<int> output (k, 1);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size (); ++i)
    output (i, 0) = indices[i];

  return (output);
Beispiel #9
void Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::readFields
    Cloud<ParcelType>& cIn
    if (!cIn.size())

    ReactingMultiphaseCloud<ParcelType>& c =


    // Get names and sizes for each Y...
    const label idGas = c.composition().idGas();
    const wordList& gasNames = c.composition().componentNames(idGas);
    const label idLiquid = c.composition().idLiquid();
    const wordList& liquidNames = c.composition().componentNames(idLiquid);
    const label idSolid = c.composition().idSolid();
    const wordList& solidNames = c.composition().componentNames(idSolid);
    const wordList& stateLabels = c.composition().stateLabels();

    // Set storage for each Y... for each parcel
    forAllIter(typename Cloud<ParcelType>, c, iter)
        ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>& p = iter();
        p.YGas_.setSize(gasNames.size(), 0.0);
        p.YLiquid_.setSize(liquidNames.size(), 0.0);
        p.YSolid_.setSize(solidNames.size(), 0.0);

    // Populate YGas for each parcel
    forAll(gasNames, j)
        IOField<scalar> YGas
                "Y" + gasNames[j] + stateLabels[idGas],

        label i = 0;
        forAllIter(typename Cloud<ParcelType>, c, iter)
            ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>& p = iter();
            p.YGas_[j] = YGas[i++]/(p.Y()[GAS] + ROOTVSMALL);
Beispiel #10
bool Elevation_map::saveAsObj_2(std::string filename){
  Cloud model = getModel();
  std::ofstream off(filename.c_str());

  if (!off.is_open())
    return false;

  float size_factor = 1;

  int pos_in_file[model.size()];
  int valid_pnt_cnt = 0;
  for (uint i=0; i<model.size(); ++i){
    pcl_Point p = model[i];
    off << "v " << size_factor*p.x << " " << size_factor*p.y << " " << size_factor*p.z << "\r\n";
    pos_in_file[i] = valid_pnt_cnt++;

  int w = model.width;
  for (uint x=0; x<model.width-1; ++x){
    for (uint y=0; y<model.height-1; ++y){
      int a_idx = x+y*w;
      int b_idx = (x+1)+y*w;
      int c_idx = x+(y+1)*w;
      int d_idx = (x+1)+(y+1)*w;

      int a = pos_in_file[a_idx]+1; // retrieve position in .obj-file
      int b = pos_in_file[b_idx]+1;
      int c = pos_in_file[c_idx]+1;
      int d = pos_in_file[d_idx]+1;

      off << "f " << a << " " << b << " " << c << "\r\n";
      off << "f " << b << " " << d << " " << c << "\r\n";

  return true;
Beispiel #11
template<typename PointT, typename PointNT> void
pcl::CovarianceSampling<PointT, PointNT>::applyFilter (Cloud &output)
  std::vector<int> sampled_indices;
  applyFilter (sampled_indices);

  output.resize (sampled_indices.size ());
  output.header = input_->header;
  output.height = 1;
  output.width = uint32_t (output.size ());
  output.is_dense = true;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sampled_indices.size (); ++i)
    output[i] = (*input_)[sampled_indices[i]];
void Foam::Cloud<ParticleType>::checkFieldIOobject
    const Cloud<ParticleType>& c,
    const IOField<DataType>& data
) const
    if (data.size() != c.size())
            "void Cloud<ParticleType>::checkFieldIOobject"
            "(Cloud<ParticleType>, IOField<DataType>)"
        )   << "Size of " << data.name()
            << " field does not match the number of particles"
            << abort(FatalError);
// untested
Cloud Background_substraction::applyMask(Cloud& current){

 if (uint(mask.cols) != current.width){
  ROS_WARN("no background computed!");
  return Cloud();

 Cloud result;

 for (uint x=0; x<current.width; ++x)
  for (uint y=0; y<current.height; ++y){
   if (mask.at<uchar>(y,x) == 255)

 return result;

void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::writeFields(const Cloud<ParcelType>& c)

    label np =  c.size();

    IOField<scalar> T(c.fieldIOobject("T", IOobject::NO_READ), np);
    IOField<scalar> cp(c.fieldIOobject("cp", IOobject::NO_READ), np);

    label i = 0;
    forAllConstIter(typename Cloud<ParcelType>, c, iter)
        const ThermoParcel<ParcelType>& p = iter();

        T[i] = p.T_;
        cp[i] = p.cp_;

Beispiel #15
/// transfers the information (vertices, normals, triangles) to the trianglemesh
void Surface_Modeler::copyToMesh(rms::VFTriangleMesh& mesh){

  Cloud model = getModel();
  Cloud_n with_normals;
  computeNormals(model, with_normals);

  Wml::Vector3f e_z = Wml::Vector3f::UNIT_Z;

  for (uint i=0; i<model.size(); ++i){
    pcl_Point p = model[i];
    pcl_Normal n = with_normals[i];

    // hack! compute normal for every point!
    if (n.normal_x == n.normal_x)
      mesh.SetNormal(i,Wml::Vector3f(n.normal_x, n.normal_y,n.normal_z));

  int w = model.width;

  // add triangles:
  for (uint x=0; x<model.width-1; ++x)
    for (uint y=0; y<model.height-1; ++y){
      // left upper triangle
      int a = x+y*w;
      int b = (x+1)+y*w;
      int c = x+(y+1)*w;
      int d = (x+1)+(y+1)*w;


  ROS_INFO("Mesh has %i vertices and %i triangles", mesh.GetVertexCount(), mesh.GetTriangleCount());

Beispiel #16
/// Save model in .obj-Format with normals
bool Elevation_map::saveAsObj(std::string filename, bool ignore_triangles_without_normals){

  Cloud model = getModel();

  Cloud_n with_normals;
  computeNormals(model, with_normals);
  ROS_INFO("Model has %zu points, computed normals: %zu", model.size(), with_normals.size());

  std::ofstream off(filename.c_str());

  if (!off.is_open())
    return false;

  int normal_pos_in_file[model.size()];

  int valid_pnt_cnt = 0;

  // bool has_normal[model.size()];

  bool write_normals = true;

  // write points
  for (uint i=0; i<model.size(); ++i){
    pcl_Point p = model[i];
    pcl_Normal n = with_normals[i];

    off << "v " << p.x << " " << p.y << " " << p.z << "\r\n";

    // evil hack! compute normals also for border of
    if (n.normal_x != n.normal_x){
      n.normal_x = n.normal_y = 0; n.normal_z = 1;

    //if (write_normals)
    off << "vn " << n.normal_x << "  " << n.normal_y << "  " << n.normal_z << "\r\n";
    normal_pos_in_file[i] = valid_pnt_cnt++;

    //    if (n.normal_x == n.normal_x){
    //      //if (write_normals)
    //      off << "vn " << n.normal_x << "  " << n.normal_y << "  " << n.normal_z << "\r\n";
    //      normal_pos_in_file[i] = valid_pnt_cnt++;
    //    }else{
    //      normal_pos_in_file[i] = -1;
    //    }


  // std::set<int> invalid_normals;
  // // write normals
  // for (uint i=0; i<model.size(); ++i){
  //  if (n.normal_x != n.normal_x)
  //   invalid_normals.insert(i+1); // .obj uses 1-based indices
  //  // invalid normal is also included into the file to keep the numbering consistent
  // }

  // model.at(u,v);  v * this->width + u)
  // ROS_INFO("modelsize: %i %i", model.width, model.height);
  int w = model.width;

  // ROS_INFO("Writing faces");
  // write faces

 * TODO:
 * invalid normales are in most cases the outer points that don't have enough neighbours.

  // bool only_faces = false;

  for (uint x=0; x<model.width-1; ++x){
    for (uint y=0; y<model.height-1; ++y){
      // left upper triangle
      int a_idx = x+y*w;
      int b_idx = (x+1)+y*w;
      int c_idx = x+(y+1)*w;
      int d_idx = (x+1)+(y+1)*w;

      //   if (only_faces){
      //    off << "f " << a << " " << b << " " << c << "\r\n";
      //    off << "f " << b << " " << d << " " << c << "\r\n";
      //    continue;
      //   }

      //   bool a_normal_valid = (invalid_normals.find(a) == invalid_normals.end());
      //   bool b_normal_valid = (invalid_normals.find(b) == invalid_normals.end());
      //   bool c_normal_valid = (invalid_normals.find(c) == invalid_normals.end());
      //   bool d_normal_valid = (invalid_normals.find(d) == invalid_normals.end());

      int a = normal_pos_in_file[a_idx]; // compute position in .obj-file
      int b = normal_pos_in_file[b_idx];
      int c = normal_pos_in_file[c_idx];
      int d = normal_pos_in_file[d_idx];

      bool a_normal_valid = a >= 0; // check if point was added to the file (aka normal was valid)
      bool b_normal_valid = b >= 0;
      bool c_normal_valid = c >= 0;
      bool d_normal_valid = d >= 0;

      a+=1; b+=1; c+=1; d+=1; // oppa matlab style

      if (write_normals && a_normal_valid && b_normal_valid && c_normal_valid){
        // first index for point, second index for normal
        off << "f " << a_idx << "//" << a << "  " << b_idx << "//" << b << "  " << c_idx << "//" << c << "\r\n";
        //if (!ignore_triangles_without_normals)
        off << "f " << a_idx << " " << b_idx << " " << c_idx << "\r\n";

      // right lower triangle
      if (write_normals && b_normal_valid && c_normal_valid && d_normal_valid)
        off << "f " << b_idx << "//" << b << "  " << d_idx << "//" << d << "  " << c_idx << "//" << c << "\r\n";
        //if (!ignore_triangles_without_normals)
        off << "f " << b_idx << " " << d_idx << " " << c_idx << "\r\n";



  ROS_INFO("Closing file");

  return true;
void MainWindow::show_model_openGL(){



  if (!qnode.elevation_map.modelComputed()){
    ROS_INFO("Model is not computed");

  //  ros::Time now_getmodel = ros::Time::now();
  //  timing_start("get model");
  Cloud model;
  //  timing_end("get model");

  //  Cloud model = qnode.pixel_modeler.getModel(qnode.modeler.min_x(),qnode.modeler.min_y(),
  //                                             qnode.modeler.cell_size(),qnode.modeler.cell_size());

  //   Cloud model;
  //   qnode.pixel_modeler.getCloudRepresentation(qnode.current_cloud,model,-1);

  //   pcl::getTransformedPointCloud(model,qnode.calibrator.kinect_trafo,model);

  //  ROS_INFO("getModel: %f ms", (ros::Time::now()-now_getmodel).toSec()*1000);

  if (model.size() == 0){
    ROS_INFO("Model is not computed (and empty)");

  //  if (!(qnode.openGL_visualizationActive || qnode.water_simulation_active)){
  //    return;
  //  }

  // TODO: create only once after model is initialized
  cv::Mat color(model.height, model.width, CV_8UC3);

  //  if (qnode.openGL_visualizationActive){

  // TODO: don't copy image
  cv::Mat height = qnode.elevation_map.getHeightImage();

  //    cv::Mat height;
  //    qnode.pixel_modeler.getMeans(height);
  heightVisualization(color, height, 0,500, qnode.color_range,NULL);
  //  }

  // cv::imwrite("height.png", color);

  if (qnode.water_simulation_active){

    // white surrounding if no height lines are visualized
    //    if (!qnode.openGL_visualizationActive)
    //      color.setTo(255);

    // ROS_INFO("water cols: %i, model: %i", qnode.water.cols, model.width);

    if (qnode.water.cols == int(model.width)){
      waterVisualization(color, qnode.water, 0.005,0.02,NULL);

      //      cv::Mat alpha; // todo: don't generate each time
      //      waterVisualizationAlpha(color, alpha,qnode.water, 0.005,0.02,NULL);
      // cv::imwrite("water.png", color);
      //    cv::imwrite("alpha.png", alpha);
      ROS_ERROR("qnode.water.cols == int(model.width)");

  Cloud colored = transferColorToMesh(color, model, NULL);

#ifdef DO_TIMING
  ROS_INFO("colorizeCloud: %f ms", (ros::Time::now()-now_color).toSec()*1000.0);

  ros::Time now_mesh = ros::Time::now();
  float max_edge_length = 0.05; // max edge length of drawn triangle in m
  gl_viewer->cloud = colored;
  qnode.mesh_visualizer.createMesh(gl_viewer->cloud,gl_viewer->mesh, max_edge_length);
#ifdef DO_TIMING
  ROS_INFO("createMesh: %f ms", (ros::Time::now()-now_mesh).toSec()*1000.0);

  gl_viewer->proj_matrix = qnode.calibrator.proj_Matrix();

  assert(gl_viewer->proj_matrix.type() == CV_64FC1);

  // new stuff:
  gl_viewer->world2Projector = qnode.calibrator.cal_cv_with_dist.proj_trafo;
  gl_viewer->cam_internals = qnode.calibrator.cal_cv_with_dist.camera_matrix;

  //  cv::Mat P = qnode.calibrator.proj_matrix_cv;
  //  cout << "Projection Matrix openCV " << endl << P << endl;
  //  cout << "cv internal " << endl << qnode.calibrator.camera_matrix_CV << endl;
  //  cout << "cv trafo " << endl << qnode.calibrator.proj_trafo_CV << endl;
  //  cv::Mat p = qnode.calibrator.camera_matrix_CV*qnode.calibrator.proj_trafo_CV;
  //  p /= p.at<double>(3,3);
  //  cout << "product: " <<  p << endl;
  //  cv::Point2f px = applyPerspectiveTrafo(cv::Point3f(0,0,0),P);
  //  ROS_INFO("0,0,0 was projected to %f %f", px.x, px.y);

  if (qnode.show_height_lines){
    std::vector<Line_collection> height_lines;

    float min_height =  qnode.elevation_map.getMinHeight();
    float max_height =  qnode.elevation_map.getMaxHeight();
    float dist = qnode.height_line_distance;

    // get first and last visible height line:
    float min_ = ceil(min_height/dist)*dist;
    float max_ = floor(max_height/dist)*dist;

    qnode.mesh_visualizer.findHeightLines(gl_viewer->mesh, gl_viewer->cloud,height_lines, min_,max_,dist);

    std::vector<Line_collection> height_lines;

#ifdef DO_TIMING
  ROS_INFO("Showing Model with openGL (total): %f ms", (ros::Time::now()-start_show_openGL).toSec()*1000);

  gl_viewer->initMapSize(qnode.elevation_map.min_x(),qnode.elevation_map.min_y(),qnode.elevation_map.getWidth(), qnode.elevation_map.getHeight());

  //  // draws mesh and heigt_lines (if set)
  //  gl_viewer->withDistortion(true); // render with distortion

  gl_viewer->show_fullscreenimage = false;



  // Optional: Also render ortographic projection (geographical Map)
  if (show_map_image){
    QPixmap map_image = gl_viewer->getMapImage(ui.lb_img_2->width(),ui.lb_img_2->height());

  //#ifdef DO_TIMING

Beispiel #18
void MultiView::reconstructNext(long frameId1, const vector<Point2f> &points1,
                                long frameId2, const vector<Point2f> &points2) {

    // cout << "frameId1: " << frameId1 << endl;

    map<pair<int, int>, int> &a = cloud.lookupIdxBy2D[frameId1];

    vector<Point3f> points3d;
    vector<Point2f> imgpoints;

    // collecting 2D matching points for 3D coordinates

    for (int i = 0; i < points1.size(); i++) {
        Point2i pt(points1[i]);
        map<pair<int, int>, int>::iterator it(a.find(makePair(pt)));
        if (it != a.end()) {
            // we have a cloudpoint for points1[i], let's save the 2d point
            // and the cloudpoint

            // cout << pt << ": " << a.count(makePair(pt)) << endl;


    cv::Matx34d P1 = Pmats[frameId1];
    cv::Mat_<double> t = (cv::Mat_<double>(1, 3) << P1(0, 3), P1(1, 3), P1(2, 3));
    cv::Mat_<double> R = (cv::Mat_<double>(3, 3) << P1(0, 0), P1(0, 1), P1(0, 2),
            P1(1, 0), P1(1, 1), P1(1, 2),
            P1(2, 0), P1(2, 1), P1(2, 2));
    cv::Mat_<double> rvec(1, 3);
    Rodrigues(R, rvec);

    vector<Point2f> reprojected;
    FindPoseEstimation(cam, rvec, t, R, points3d, imgpoints, reprojected);

    Matx34d P2 = Matx34d(R(0, 0), R(0, 1), R(0, 2), t(0),
                         R(1, 0), R(1, 1), R(1, 2), t(1),
                         R(2, 0), R(2, 1), R(2, 2), t(2));
    this->addP(frameId2, P2);

    cout << "===========" << endl;
    cout << Pmats[frameId1] << endl;
    cout << Pmats[frameId2] << endl;

    // triangulateIteratively new points

    Cloud pc;
    vector<Point> correspond;
    double reproj_error = TriangulatePoints(frameId1, points1, points2, cam->cameraMatrix, cam->Kinv, cam->distCoeffs,
                                            Pmats[frameId1], Pmats[frameId2],
                                            pc, correspond);
    // std::cout << "triangulation reproj error " << reproj_error << std::endl;

    vector<uchar> trig_status;
    if (!TestTriangulation(pc, Pmats[frameId1], trig_status) || !TestTriangulation(pc, Pmats[frameId2], trig_status)) {
        cerr << "Triangulation did not succeed" << endl;

    vector<CloudPoint> new_points;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pc.size(); i++) {
        // FIXME -- what this should be??? 80% percentile???
        // SAME AS IN OF RECONSTRUCTION,, move this out??

        if (pc.points[i].reprojection_error < 10.0 && trig_status[i]) {
            cloud.insert(pc.points[i], frameId1, points1[i], frameId2, points2[i]);

    // writeCloudPoints("cloud" + std::to_string(frame++) + ".ply", new_points); //cloud.points);

    // writeCloudPoints("cloud_full.ply", cloud.points);
Beispiel #19
* @param cloud new measurement. For each bin, the average height (h_new) of the new points falling into this bin is calculated. If the
* old height was h_old, it is updated to h = (1-weight)h_old+weight*h_new.
* @todo (speedup) combine with getFGMask
* @return: 
bool Elevation_map::updateHeight(const Cloud& cloud, float min_diff_m){


  bool min_diff_active = min_diff_m > 0;



  int step = 2; // increase size of gaussian blur accordingly

  //  cv::Mat updated(480,640,CV_8UC1);
  //  updated.setTo(0);

  if (locking_active){
    ROS_INFO("locked: %i %i, hits: %i %i", locked.rows,locked.cols, hits.rows, hits.cols);
    assert(locked.cols == hits.cols);
    assert(locked.rows == hits.rows);
    assert(locked.type() == CV_8UC1);
  //  if (locking_active){
  //    ROS_INFO("Locked: %i %i, cells: %i %i", locked.cols, locked.rows, cell_cnt_x, cell_cnt_y);
  //  }

  for (uint i=0; i<cloud.size(); i += step){
    pcl_Point p = cloud[i];
    cv::Point pos = grid_pos(p);

    if (pos.x < 0) continue;
    assert(0 <= pos.y && 0 <= pos.x && pos.y < cell_cnt_y && pos.x < cell_cnt_x);

    if (locking_active){
//      if (!(pos.y < locked.rows && pos.x < locked.cols)){
//        ROS_INFO("pos: %i %i, size: %i %i", pos.x,pos.y,locked.cols, locked.rows);
//      }

      if (locked.at<uchar>(pos.y,pos.x) > 0){

    height_sum.at<float>(pos.y,pos.x) += p.z;
    //    updated.at<uchar>(pos.y,pos.x) = 255;

  //  cv::namedWindow("updated");
  //  cv::imshow("updated",updated);

  int dyn_pixel_cnt = 0;

  for (int x=0; x<cell_cnt_x; ++x)
    for(int y=0; y<cell_cnt_y; ++y){
      float hit_cnt = hits.at<float>(y,x);

      if (hit_cnt > 0){
        float height = height_sum.at<float>(y,x)/hit_cnt;

        float old = mean.at<float>(y,x);

        if (first_frame || (old != old)){

          z_min = min(height*1.0, z_min);
          z_max = max(height*1.0, z_max);

          mean.at<float>(y,x) = height;

          // ignore too large updates (they correspond to the hand moving over the surface)
          if (!min_diff_active || abs(height-old) < min_diff_m){

            float h_new = (1-weight)*old+weight*height;

            z_min = min(h_new*1.0, z_min);
            z_max = max(h_new*1.0, z_max);

            mean.at<float>(y,x) = h_new;


  // ROS_INFO("Found %i dynamic pixels", dyn_pixel_cnt);

  first_frame = false;
  model_computed = true; // new model was computed
  model_3d_valid = false;// therefore, the old 3d-model is not longer valid and will be recreated on demand

  //small blur to smooth heightfield
    cv::Mat mean_old;
  if (locking_active)
  int blur_size = 3;  
  cv::GaussianBlur(mean, mean, cv::Size(blur_size,blur_size),2,2);
  if (locking_active){
    cv::Mat locked_dilated;
    cv::dilate(locked, locked_dilated, cv::Mat(), cv::Point(-1,-1), blur_size);
    mean_old.copyTo(mean,locked_dilated); // reset mean at locked cells


  // due to measurement errors, some pixels have a high error. If a hand is visible in the image,
  // more than 500 Pixels are counted.
  return dyn_pixel_cnt > 10;
    const polyMesh& mesh,
    const polyMesh& procMesh,
    const labelList& faceProcAddressing,
    const labelList& cellProcAddressing,
    const word& cloudName,
    const Cloud<indexedParticle>& lagrangianPositions,
    const List<SLList<indexedParticle*>*>& cellParticles
    positions_(procMesh, cloudName, false),
    label pi = 0;

    // faceProcAddressing not required currently
    // labelList decodedProcFaceAddressing(faceProcAddressing.size());

    // forAll(faceProcAddressing, i)
    // {
    //     decodedProcFaceAddressing[i] = mag(faceProcAddressing[i]) - 1;
    // }

    forAll(cellProcAddressing, procCelli)
        label celli = cellProcAddressing[procCelli];

        if (cellParticles[celli])
            SLList<indexedParticle*>& particlePtrs = *cellParticles[celli];

            forAllConstIter(SLList<indexedParticle*>, particlePtrs, iter)
                const indexedParticle& ppi = *iter();
                particleIndices_[pi++] = ppi.index();

                // label mappedTetFace = findIndex
                // (
                //     decodedProcFaceAddressing,
                //     ppi.tetFace()
                // );

                // if (mappedTetFace == -1)
                // {
                //     FatalErrorInFunction
                //         << "Face lookup failure." << nl
                //         << abort(FatalError);
                // }

                    new passiveParticle