Beispiel #1
//  LERC 1 compression
static CPLErr CompressLERC(buf_mgr &dst, buf_mgr &src, const ILImage &img, double precision)
    CntZImage zImg;
    // Fill data into zImg
#define FILL(T) CntZImgFill(zImg, (T *)(src.buffer), img)
    switch (img.dt) {
    case GDT_Byte:	FILL(GByte);	break;
    case GDT_UInt16:	FILL(GUInt16);	break;
    case GDT_Int16:	FILL(GInt16);	break;
    case GDT_Int32:	FILL(GInt32);	break;
    case GDT_UInt32:	FILL(GUInt32);	break;
    case GDT_Float32:	FILL(float);	break;
    case GDT_Float64:	FILL(double);	break;
    default: break;
#undef FILL

    Byte *ptr = (Byte *)dst.buffer;

    // if it can't compress in output buffer it will crash
    if (!zImg.write(&ptr, precision)) {
	CPLError(CE_Failure,CPLE_AppDefined,"MRF: Error during LERC compression");
	return CE_Failure;

    // write changes the value of the pointer, we can find the size by testing how far it moved
    dst.size = ptr - (Byte *)dst.buffer;
    CPLDebug("MRF_LERC","LERC Compressed to %d\n", (int)dst.size);
    return CE_None;