Beispiel #1
inline void processTaskFunc(UINT32 hotGoalPtr...)
			bool hotGoal = (bool *) hotGoalPtr;
			Scores *scores;
			TargetReport target;
			int verticalTargets[MAX_PARTICLES];
			int horizontalTargets[MAX_PARTICLES];
			int verticalTargetCount, horizontalTargetCount;
			Threshold threshold(0, 255, 0, 255, 220, 255);	//HSV threshold criteria, ranges are in that order ie. Hue is 60-100
			ParticleFilterCriteria2 criteria[] = {
					{IMAQ_MT_AREA, AREA_MINIMUM, 65535, false, false}
			};												//Particle filter criteria, used to filter out small particles
			//AxisCamera &camera = AxisCamera::GetInstance();	//To use the Axis camera uncomment this line
	             * Do the image capture with the camera and apply the algorithm described above. This
	             * sample will either get images from the camera or from an image file stored in the top
	             * level directory in the flash memory on the cRIO. The file name in this case is "testImage.jpg"
				ColorImage *image;
				image = new RGBImage("/testImage.jpg");		// get the sample image from the cRIO flash

				//image = camera.GetImage();				//To get the images from the camera comment the line above and uncomment this one
				BinaryImage *thresholdImage = image->ThresholdHSV(threshold);	// get just the green target pixels
				BinaryImage *filteredImage = thresholdImage->ParticleFilter(criteria, 1);	//Remove small particles

				vector<ParticleAnalysisReport> *reports = filteredImage->GetOrderedParticleAnalysisReports();  //get a particle analysis report for each particle

				verticalTargetCount = horizontalTargetCount = 0;
				//Iterate through each particle, scoring it and determining whether it is a target or not
				if(reports->size() > 0)
					scores = new Scores[reports->size()];
					for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES && i < reports->size(); i++) {
						ParticleAnalysisReport *report = &(reports->at(i));
						//Score each particle on rectangularity and aspect ratio
						scores[i].rectangularity = scoreRectangularity(report);
						scores[i].aspectRatioVertical = scoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, true);
						scores[i].aspectRatioHorizontal = scoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, false);			
						//Check if the particle is a horizontal target, if not, check if it's a vertical target
						if(scoreCompare(scores[i], false))
							printf("particle: %d  is a Horizontal Target centerX: %d  centerY: %d \n", i, report->center_mass_x, report->center_mass_y);
							horizontalTargets[horizontalTargetCount++] = i; //Add particle to target array and increment count
						} else if (scoreCompare(scores[i], true)) {
							printf("particle: %d  is a Vertical Target centerX: %d  centerY: %d \n", i, report->center_mass_x, report->center_mass_y);
							verticalTargets[verticalTargetCount++] = i;  //Add particle to target array and increment count
						} else {
							printf("particle: %d  is not a Target centerX: %d  centerY: %d \n", i, report->center_mass_x, report->center_mass_y);
						printf("Scores rect: %f  ARvert: %f \n", scores[i].rectangularity, scores[i].aspectRatioVertical);
						printf("ARhoriz: %f  \n", scores[i].aspectRatioHorizontal);	

					//Zero out scores and set verticalIndex to first target in case there are no horizontal targets
					target.totalScore = target.leftScore = target.rightScore = target.tapeWidthScore = target.verticalScore = 0;
					target.verticalIndex = verticalTargets[0];
					for (int i = 0; i < verticalTargetCount; i++)
						ParticleAnalysisReport *verticalReport = &(reports->at(verticalTargets[i]));
						for (int j = 0; j < horizontalTargetCount; j++)
							ParticleAnalysisReport *horizontalReport = &(reports->at(horizontalTargets[j]));
							double horizWidth, horizHeight, vertWidth, leftScore, rightScore, tapeWidthScore, verticalScore, total;
							//Measure equivalent rectangle sides for use in score calculation
							imaqMeasureParticle(filteredImage->GetImaqImage(), horizontalReport->particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_EQUIVALENT_RECT_LONG_SIDE, &horizWidth);
							imaqMeasureParticle(filteredImage->GetImaqImage(), verticalReport->particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_EQUIVALENT_RECT_SHORT_SIDE, &vertWidth);
							imaqMeasureParticle(filteredImage->GetImaqImage(), horizontalReport->particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_EQUIVALENT_RECT_SHORT_SIDE, &horizHeight);
							//Determine if the horizontal target is in the expected location to the left of the vertical target
							leftScore = ratioToScore(1.2*(verticalReport->boundingRect.left - horizontalReport->center_mass_x)/horizWidth);
							//Determine if the horizontal target is in the expected location to the right of the  vertical target
							rightScore = ratioToScore(1.2*(horizontalReport->center_mass_x - verticalReport->boundingRect.left - verticalReport->boundingRect.width)/horizWidth);
							//Determine if the width of the tape on the two targets appears to be the same
							tapeWidthScore = ratioToScore(vertWidth/horizHeight);
							//Determine if the vertical location of the horizontal target appears to be correct
							verticalScore = ratioToScore(1-(verticalReport-> - horizontalReport->center_mass_y)/(4*horizHeight));
							total = leftScore > rightScore ? leftScore:rightScore;
							total += tapeWidthScore + verticalScore;
							//If the target is the best detected so far store the information about it
							if(total > target.totalScore)
								target.horizontalIndex = horizontalTargets[j];
								target.verticalIndex = verticalTargets[i];
								target.totalScore = total;
								target.leftScore = leftScore;
								target.rightScore = rightScore;
								target.tapeWidthScore = tapeWidthScore;
								target.verticalScore = verticalScore;
						//Determine if the best target is a Hot target
						target.Hot = hotOrNot(target);
					if(verticalTargetCount > 0)
						//Information about the target is contained in the "target" structure
						//To get measurement information such as sizes or locations use the
						//horizontal or vertical index to get the particle report as shown below
						ParticleAnalysisReport *distanceReport = &(reports->at(target.verticalIndex));
						double distance = computeDistance(filteredImage, distanceReport);
							printf("Hot target located \n");
							printf("Distance: %f \n", distance);
							hotGoal = true;
						} else {
							printf("No hot target present \n");
							printf("Distance: %f \n", distance);
							hotGoal = false;

				// be sure to delete images after using them
				delete filteredImage;
				delete thresholdImage;
				delete image;
				//delete allocated reports and Scores objects also
				delete scores;
				delete reports;
Beispiel #2
int VisionControl::ProcessImage()
        ColorImage *image = NULL;
        Threshold threshold(60,100,90,255,20,255);
        ParticleFilterCriteria2 criteria[] = {IMAQ_MT_AREA,AREA_MINIMUM,65535,false,false};
        BinaryImage *thresholdImage = image->ThresholdHSV(threshold);
        BinaryImage *convexHullImage = thresholdImage->ConvexHull(false);
        BinaryImage *filteredImage = convexHullImage->ParticleFilter(criteria, 1);
        vector<ParticleAnalysisReport> *reports = filteredImage->GetOrderedParticleAnalysisReports();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < reports->size(); i++)
            ParticleAnalysisReport *report = &(reports->at(i));
            // first, determine if this is a particle we are looking at.
            if(report->boundingRect.left > 320/2 || report->boundingRect.left + report->boundingRect.width < 320/2)
                // particle is not lined up with center of vision
                // note: may not want to do this for autonomous!
            double aspectRatio = AspectRatio(filteredImage, report);

            double difference3ptGoal = fabs(1-(aspectRatio / ((54.f+4+4)/(12.f+4+4))));
            double difference2ptGoal = fabs(1-(aspectRatio / ((54.f+4+4)/(21.f+4+4))));
            if(difference2ptGoal < 0.25 && difference2ptGoal < difference3ptGoal)
                m_elevation = 0;
                m_distance = ComputeDistance(thresholdImage, report, true);
                m_relativeAzimuth = 0;
            else if(difference3ptGoal < 0.25 && difference3ptGoal < difference2ptGoal)
                m_elevation = 0;
                m_distance = ComputeDistance(thresholdImage, report, false);
                m_relativeAzimuth = 0;
                // didn't sufficiently match a target!
        Scores *scores = new Scores[reports->size()];
        //Iterate through each particle, scoring it and determining whether it is a target or not
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < reports->size(); i++)
            ParticleAnalysisReport *report = &(reports->at(i));
            scores[i].rectangularity = ScoreRectangularity(report);
            scores[i].aspectRatioOuter = ScoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, true);
            scores[i].aspectRatioInner = ScoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, false);
            scores[i].xEdge = ScoreXEdge(thresholdImage, report);
            scores[i].yEdge = ScoreYEdge(thresholdImage, report);
            if(ScoreCompare(scores[i], false))
                printf("particle: %d  is a High Goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
                printf("Distance: %f \n", ComputeDistance(thresholdImage, report, false));
            else if (ScoreCompare(scores[i], true))
                printf("particle: %d  is a Middle Goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
                printf("Distance: %f \n", ComputeDistance(thresholdImage, report, true));
                printf("particle: %d  is not a goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
            printf("rect: %f  ARinner: %f \n", scores[i].rectangularity, scores[i].aspectRatioInner);
            printf("ARouter: %f  xEdge: %f  yEdge: %f  \n", scores[i].aspectRatioOuter, scores[i].xEdge, scores[i].yEdge);	
        delete image;
        delete thresholdImage;
        delete convexHullImage;
        delete filteredImage;
        delete reports;
        //delete scores;
        return 1;
    return 0;
void VisionSubsystem::ProcessImage() {
	printf("Vision: Starting Vision Subsystem\n");
	// Seting Up //
		targetVisable[TOP_TARGET] = false;
		targetVisable[MIDDLE_TARGET] = false;
		targetVisable[BOTTOM_TARGET] = false;
		targetDistances[TOP_TARGET] = 0.0;
		targetDistances[MIDDLE_TARGET] = 0.0;
		targetDistances[BOTTOM_TARGET] = 0.0;
		targetPositionX[TOP_TARGET] = 0.0;
		targetPositionY[TOP_TARGET] = 0.0;
		targetPositionX[MIDDLE_TARGET] = 0.0;
		targetPositionY[MIDDLE_TARGET] = 0.0;
		targetPositionX[BOTTOM_TARGET] = 0.0;
		targetPositionY[BOTTOM_TARGET] = 0.0;
	 * This creates a object with the needed values for the processing 
	 * the image later on, for a certain color. 
	printf("Vision: Setting the clor threshold values\n");
	Threshold threshold(THRESHOLD_HUE_MIN, 
	ParticleFilterCriteria2 criteria[] = {
			{IMAQ_MT_AREA, AREA_MINIMUM, 65535, false, false}
	 * This is the function that sets up the axis camera to get images.
	 * To use the camera on the second port on the cRIO, uncommet the second line below 
	 * with "" in it.
	printf("Vision: Setting camera IP to");
	AxisCamera &camera = AxisCamera::GetInstance("");
	//AxisCamera &camera = AxisCamera::GetInstance(""); //
	// This creates a Color image, then on the second line it fills it with the image from the camera.
	printf("Vision: Creating ColorImage object image\n");
	ColorImage *image;
	printf("Vision: Getting the Image from the camera \n");
	image = camera.GetImage();
	// Image processing section //
	//Process the image with the threshold values
	printf("Vision: Filtering the image with threshold values into object thresholdImage\n");
	BinaryImage *thesholdImage = image->ThresholdHSV(threshold);
	//This will fill shape that is complete and fill in the inside of siad shape.
	printf("Vision: Filling in the convex shapes into the object of convexHullImage\n");
	BinaryImage *convexHullImage = thesholdImage->ConvexHull(false);
	//This will get rid of random particles in the image that are notconcentrated enougth.
	printf("Vision: Filtering image for the unwanted random particles");
	BinaryImage *filteredImage = convexHullImage->ParticleFilter(criteria, 1);
	//This creates a report that will be used later to idenify targets
	printf("Vision: Creating the report of the filtered Image\n");
	vector<ParticleAnalysisReport> *reports = filteredImage->GetOrderedParticleAnalysisReports();
	//This creates a data stucture that is used to score objects.
	scores = new Scores[reports->size()];
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < reports->size(); i++) {
		ParticleAnalysisReport *report = &(reports->at(i));
		scores[i].rectangularity = scoreRectangularity(report);
		scores[i].aspectRatioOuter = scoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, true);
		scores[i].aspectRatioInner = scoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, false);
		scores[i].xEdge = scoreXEdge(thesholdImage, report);
		scores[i].yEdge = scoreYEdge(thesholdImage, report);
		if(scoreCompare(scores[i], false)) {
			printf("Vision: particle: %d is High Goal  centerX %f  centerY: %f \n", i , report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
			printf("Vision: Distance: %f \n", computeDistance(thesholdImage, report, false));
			targetPositionX[TOP_TARGET] = report->center_mass_x;
			targetPositionY[TOP_TARGET] = report->center_mass_y;
			targetDistances[TOP_TARGET] = computeDistance(thesholdImage, report, false);
			targetVisable[TOP_TARGET] = true;
			targetPositionX[TOP_TARGET] = targetPosition(TOP_TARGET, true);
			targetPositionY[TOP_TARGET] = targetPosition(TOP_TARGET, false);
		} else if (scoreCompare(scores[i], true)){
			printf("Vision: particle: %d is Middle Goal  centerX %f  centerY: %f \n", i , report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
			printf("Vision: Distance: %f \n", computeDistance(thesholdImage, report, true));
			targetPositionX[MIDDLE_TARGET] = report->center_mass_x;
			targetPositionY[MIDDLE_TARGET] = report->center_mass_y;
			targetDistances[MIDDLE_TARGET] = computeDistance(thesholdImage, report, true);
			targetVisable[MIDDLE_TARGET] = true;
			targetPositionX[MIDDLE_TARGET] = targetPosition(MIDDLE_TARGET, true);
			targetPositionY[MIDDLE_TARGET] = targetPosition(MIDDLE_TARGET, false);
		} else {
			printf("Vision: particle %d is not a goal  centerX: %f  centery: %f \n" , i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
		printf("Vision: rect: %f  ARinner: %f \n", scores[i].rectangularity, scores[i].aspectRatioInner);
		printf("Vision: ARouter: %f  xEdge: %f  yEdge: %f \n", scores[i].aspectRatioOuter, scores[i].xEdge, scores[i].yEdge);
	printf("Vision: Deleting the object filtered image\n");
	delete filteredImage;
	printf("Vision: Deleting the objectconvexHullImage\n");
	delete convexHullImage;
	printf("Vision: Deleting the object thresholdimage\n");
	delete thesholdImage;
	printf("Vision: Deleting the object image");
	delete image;
	delete scores;
	delete reports;
	printf("Vision: Done\n");
	void mtdCameraCode(void)
		Threshold threshold(0, 255, 0, 255, 221, 255);

		ParticleFilterCriteria2 criteria[] = {{IMAQ_MT_AREA, AREA_MINIMUM, 65535, false, false}};		

		AxisCamera &camera = AxisCamera::GetInstance("");

		//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test", 3);
		if(timerCamera.Get() > 0.1)
			ColorImage *image;
			//image = new RGBImage("/HybridLine_DoubleGreenBK3.jpg");		// get the sample image from the cRIO flash
			image = camera.GetImage();
			//camera.GetImage(image);				//To get the images from the camera comment the line above and uncomment this one
			//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test", 4);
			BinaryImage *thresholdImage = image->ThresholdHSV(threshold);	// get just the green target pixels
			//		thresholdImage->Write("/threshold.bmp");
			//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test", 5);
			BinaryImage *convexHullImage = thresholdImage->ConvexHull(false);  // fill in partial and full rectangles
			//			convexHullImage->Write("ConvexHull.bmp");
			//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test", 6);
			BinaryImage *filteredImage = convexHullImage->ParticleFilter(criteria, 1);	//Remove small particles
			//		filteredImage->Write("/Filtered.bmp");
			//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test", 7);
			vector<ParticleAnalysisReport> *reports = filteredImage->GetOrderedParticleAnalysisReports();  //get a particle analysis report for each particle
			//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test", 8);
			int size = reports->size();
			scores = new Scores[size];
			//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test", 9);
			//Iterate through each particle, scoring it and determining whether it is a target or not
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < reports->size(); i++)
				//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test", 10);
				ParticleAnalysisReport *report = &(reports->at(i));
				scores[i].rectangularity = scoreRectangularity(report);
				scores[i].aspectRatioOuter = scoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, true);
				scores[i].aspectRatioInner = scoreAspectRatio(filteredImage, report, false);			
				scores[i].xEdge = scoreXEdge(thresholdImage, report);
				scores[i].yEdge = scoreYEdge(thresholdImage, report);
				if(scoreCompare(scores[i], false))
					//We hit this!! Note to self: changethe below printf statement
					//To use SmartDashboard::PutString so wecan seevalues.
					//printf("particle: %d  is a High Goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
					//string particle = ("particle: %d  is a High Goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("CenterX", report->center_mass_x);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("CenterY", report->center_mass_y);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Area", report->particleArea);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance",computeDistance(thresholdImage,report, false));
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("size", reports->size());
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("height", report->boundingRect.height);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Quality", report->particleQuality);
					//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test",computeDistance(thresholdImage, report, false));
					//SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance",computeDistance(thresholdImage,report, false));
					SmartDashboard::PutString("high goal detected", "asdf");
				else if (scoreCompare(scores[i], true))
					printf("particle: %d  is a Middle Goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Test", computeDistance(thresholdImage, report, true));
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("CenterX", report->center_mass_x);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("CenterY", report->center_mass_y);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("height", report->boundingRect.height);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance",computeDistance(thresholdImage,report, false));
					SmartDashboard::PutString("middle goal detected", "adsf");
					printf("particle: %d  is not a goal  centerX: %f  centerY: %f \n", i, report->center_mass_x_normalized, report->center_mass_y_normalized);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("CenterX", report->center_mass_x);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("CenterY", report->center_mass_y);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("height", report->boundingRect.height);
					SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance",computeDistance(thresholdImage,report, false));
					SmartDashboard::PutString("we areinelse", "else");
				if(report->center_mass_x < 85.00)
					SmartDashboard::PutString("Pausing", "paused");
				printf("rect: %f  ARinner: %f \n", scores[i].rectangularity, scores[i].aspectRatioInner);
				printf("ARouter: %f  xEdge: %f  yEdge: %f  \n", scores[i].aspectRatioOuter, scores[i].xEdge, scores[i].yEdge);	
			// be sure to delete images after using them
			delete filteredImage;
			delete convexHullImage;
			delete thresholdImage;
			delete image;
			//delete allocated reports and Scores objects also
			delete scores;
			delete reports;