Beispiel #1
QString MemoryDump::query(const int queryId, const ColorPalette& col,
                          KnowledgeSources src) const
    QString ret;

    Instance instance = queryInstance(queryId, src);

    QString s = QString("%1%2%3%4: ")
            .arg(queryId, 0, 16)
    if (instance.isValid()) {
        s += QString("%1%2%3 (ID%4 0x%5%6)")
                .arg((uint)instance.type()->id(), 0, 16)
        ret = instance.toString(&col);
        s += "(unresolved type)";
    s += QString(" @%1 0x%2%3\n")
            .arg(instance.address(), _specs.sizeofPointer << 1, 16, QChar('0'))

    ret = s + ret;

    return ret;
Beispiel #2
QString MemoryDump::dump(const QString& type, quint64 address, int length,
                         const ColorPalette& col) const
    if (type == "char") {
        char c;
        if (_vmem->readAtomic(address, &c, sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char))
            queryError(QString("Cannot read memory from address 0x%1")
                       .arg(address, (_specs.sizeofPointer << 1), 16, QChar('0')));
        return QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(c).arg(c, (sizeof(c) << 1), 16, QChar('0'));
    if (type == "int") {
        qint32 i;
        if (_vmem->readAtomic(address, (char*)&i, sizeof(qint32)) != sizeof(qint32))
            queryError(QString("Cannot read memory from address 0x%1")
                       .arg(address, (_specs.sizeofPointer << 1), 16, QChar('0')));
        return QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(i).arg((quint32)i, (sizeof(i) << 1), 16, QChar('0'));
    if (type == "long") {
        qint64 l;
        if (_vmem->readAtomic(address, (char*)&l, sizeof(qint64)) != sizeof(qint64))
            queryError(QString("Cannot read memory from address 0x%1")
                       .arg(address, (_specs.sizeofPointer << 1), 16, QChar('0')));
        return QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(l).arg((quint64)l, (sizeof(l) << 1), 16, QChar('0'));
    if (type == "raw" || type == "hex") {
        QString ret;
        const int buflen = 256, linelen = 16;
        char buf[buflen];
        char bufstr[linelen + 1] = {0};

        // Make sure we got a valid length
        if (length < 0)
            queryError(QString("No valid length given for dumping raw memory"));

        int totalBytesRead = 0, col = 0;
        while (length > 0) {
            int bytesRead = _vmem->readAtomic(address, buf, qMin(buflen, length));
            length -= bytesRead;

            int i = 0;
            while (i < bytesRead) {
                // New line every 16 bytes begins with address
                if (totalBytesRead % 16 == 0) {
                    if (totalBytesRead > 0) {
                        ret += QString("  |%0|\n").arg(bufstr, -linelen);
                        memset(bufstr, 0, linelen + 1);
                        col = 0;
                    ret += QString("%1 ").arg(address, _specs.sizeofPointer << 1, 16, QChar('0'));

                // Wider column after 8 bytes
                if (totalBytesRead % 8 == 0)
                    ret += ' ';
                // Write the character as hex string
                if ((unsigned char)buf[i] < 16)
                    ret += '0';
                ret += QString::number((unsigned char)buf[i], 16) + ' ';
                // Add character to string buffer, if it's an ASCII char
                if ( ((unsigned char)buf[i] >= 32) && ((unsigned char)buf[i] < 127) )
                    bufstr[col] = buf[i];
                    bufstr[col] = '.';


        // Finish it up
        if (col > 0) {
            while (col < linelen) {
                ret += "   ";
                if (col % 8 == 0)
                    ret += ' ';
            ret += QString("  |%0|").arg(bufstr, -linelen);

        return ret;

	QStringList components = type.split('.', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	Instance result;
    if (!components.isEmpty()) {
		// Get first instance
		result = getInstanceAt(components.first(), address, QStringList("user"));
		while (!components.isEmpty()) {
			result = getNextInstance(components.first(), result, ksNone);
		return QString("%1%2%3 (ID%4 0x%5%6) @%7 0x%8%9\n")
				.arg((uint)result.type()->id(), 0, 16)
				.arg(result.address(), 0, 16)
				.arg(col.color(ctReset)) + result.toString(&col);

    queryError3("Unknown type: " + type,
    		QueryException::ecUnresolvedType, type);

    return QString();
Beispiel #3
QString MemoryDump::query(const QString& queryString,
                          const ColorPalette& col, KnowledgeSources src) const
    QString ret;

    if (queryString.isEmpty()) {
        // Generate a list of all global variables
        for (int i = 0; i < _factory->vars().size(); i++) {
            if (i > 0)
                ret += "\n";
            Variable* var = _factory->vars().at(i);
            ret += var->prettyName();
    else {
        Instance instance = queryInstance(queryString, src);

        QString s = QString("%1%2%3: ")
        if (instance.isValid()) {
            s += QString("%1%2%3 (ID%4 0x%5%6)")
                    .arg((uint)instance.type()->id(), 0, 16)
            if (instance.isNull())
                ret = QString(col.color(ctAddress)) + "NULL" + QString(col.color(ctReset));
            else {
                ret = instance.toString(&col);
            s += "(unresolved type)";

        s += QString(" @%1 0x%2%3")
                .arg(instance.address(), _specs.sizeofPointer << 1, 16, QChar('0'))

        if (instance.bitSize() >= 0) {
            s += QString("[%1%3%2:%1%4%2]")
                    .arg((instance.size() << 3) - instance.bitOffset() - 1)
                    .arg((instance.size() << 3) - instance.bitOffset() -


        ret = s + "\n" + ret;

    return ret;
Beispiel #4
void GL_CalcLuminance(duint8 const *buffer, dint width, dint height, dint pixelSize,
                      colorpaletteid_t paletteId, dfloat *retBrightX, dfloat *retBrightY,
                      ColorRawf *retColor, dfloat *retLumSize)
    DENG2_ASSERT(buffer && retBrightX && retBrightY && retColor && retLumSize);

    static duint8 const sizeLimit = 192, brightLimit = 224, colLimit = 192;

    ColorPalette *palette = (pixelSize == 1? &resSys().colorPalette(paletteId) : nullptr);

    // Apply the defaults.
    // Default to the center of the texture.
    *retBrightX = *retBrightY = .5f;

    // Default to black (i.e., no light).
    for(dint c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
        retColor->rgb[c] = 0;
    retColor->alpha = 1;

    // Default to a zero-size light.
    *retLumSize = 0;

    dint region[4];
    FindClipRegionNonAlpha(buffer, width, height, pixelSize, region);
    dd_bool zeroAreaRegion = (region[0] > region[1] || region[2] > region[3]);
    if(zeroAreaRegion) return;

    // Image contains at least one non-transparent pixel.

    long bright[2];
    for(dint i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        bright[i] = 0;

    long average[3], lowAvg[3];
    for(dint i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        average[i] = 0;
        lowAvg[i]  = 0;

    duint8 const *src = buffer;
    // In paletted mode, the alpha channel follows the actual image.
    duint8 const *alphaSrc = &buffer[width * height];

    // Skip to the start of the first column.
    if(region[2] > 0)
        src      += pixelSize * width * region[2];
        alphaSrc += width * region[2];

    duint8 rgb[3];
    dint avgCnt = 0, lowCnt = 0;
    dint cnt = 0, posCnt = 0;
    for(dint y = region[2]; y <= region[3]; ++y)
        // Skip to the beginning of the row.
        if(region[0] > 0)
            src      += pixelSize * region[0];
            alphaSrc += region[0];

        for(dint x = region[0]; x <= region[1]; ++x, src += pixelSize, alphaSrc++)
            // Alpha pixels don't count. Why? -ds
            dd_bool const pixelIsTransparent = (pixelSize == 1? *alphaSrc < 255 :
                                                pixelSize == 4?    src[3] < 255 : false);

            if(pixelIsTransparent) continue;

            if(pixelSize == 1)
                Vector3ub palColor = palette->color(*src);
                rgb[0] = palColor.x;
                rgb[1] = palColor.y;
                rgb[2] = palColor.z;
            else if(pixelSize >= 3)
                std::memcpy(rgb, src, 3);

            // Bright enough?
            if(rgb[0] > brightLimit || rgb[1] > brightLimit || rgb[2] > brightLimit)
                // This pixel will participate in calculating the average center point.
                bright[0] += x;
                bright[1] += y;

            // Bright enough to affect size?
            if(rgb[0] > sizeLimit || rgb[1] > sizeLimit || rgb[2] > sizeLimit)

            // How about the color of the light?
            if(rgb[0] > colLimit || rgb[1] > colLimit || rgb[2] > colLimit)
                for(dint c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
                    average[c] += rgb[c];
                for(dint c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
                    lowAvg[c] += rgb[c];

        // Skip to the end of this row.
        if(region[1] < width - 1)
            src      += pixelSize * (width - 1 - region[1]);
            alphaSrc += (width - 1 - region[1]);

        // Calculate the average of the bright pixels.
        *retBrightX = (long double) bright[0] / posCnt;
        *retBrightY = (long double) bright[1] / posCnt;
        // No bright pixels - Place the origin at the center of the non-alpha region.
        *retBrightX = region[0] + (region[1] - region[0]) / 2.0f;
        *retBrightY = region[2] + (region[3] - region[2]) / 2.0f;

    // Determine rounding (to the nearest pixel center).
    dint roundXDir = dint( *retBrightX + .5f ) == dint( *retBrightX )? 1 : -1;
    dint roundYDir = dint( *retBrightY + .5f ) == dint( *retBrightY )? 1 : -1;

    // Apply all rounding and output as decimal.
    *retBrightX = (ROUND(*retBrightX) + .5f * roundXDir) / dfloat( width );
    *retBrightY = (ROUND(*retBrightY) + .5f * roundYDir) / dfloat( height );

    if(avgCnt || lowCnt)
        // The color.
            // Low-intensity color average.
            for(dint c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
                retColor->rgb[c] = lowAvg[c] / lowCnt / 255.f;
            // High-intensity color average.
            for(dint c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
                retColor->rgb[c] = average[c] / avgCnt / 255.f;

        Vector3f color(retColor->rgb);
        for(dint i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            retColor->rgb[i] = color[i];

        // How about the size of the light source?
        /// @todo These factors should be cvars.
        *retLumSize = MIN_OF(((2 * cnt + avgCnt) / 3.0f / 70.0f), 1);

    DEBUG_Message(("GL_CalcLuminance: width %dpx, height %dpx, bits %d\n"
                   "  cell region X[%d, %d] Y[%d, %d]\n"
                   "  flare X= %g Y=%g %s\n"
                   "  flare RGB[%g, %g, %g] %s\n",
                   width, height, pixelSize,
                   region[0], region[1], region[2], region[3],
                   *retBrightX, *retBrightY,
                   (posCnt? "(average)" : "(center)"),
                   retColor->red, retColor->green, retColor->blue,
                   (avgCnt? "(hi-intensity avg)" :
                    lowCnt? "(low-intensity avg)" : "(white light)")));