Beispiel #1
void Player::HandleEvent(const sf::Event& event, CommandQueue& commands)

	if ( m_useJoystick )
		Command_t c;
		c.category = Category::PlayerAircraft;
		if ( event.type == sf::Event::JoystickButtonPressed )
			if ( event.joystickButton.button == 2)
			//if ( sf::Joystick::isButtonPressed( 0, 2 ) )
				// yes: shoot!
				c.action = DerivedAction<Creature>( []( Creature& a, sf::Time ){ a.LaunchMissile(); } );
				commands.Push( c );
		if ( event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed )
			// Check if pressed key appears in key binding, trigger command if so
			auto found = m_keyBinding.find( event.key.code );
			if ( found != m_keyBinding.end() && !IsRealtimeAction( found->second ) )
				commands.Push( m_actionBinding[found->second] );
Beispiel #2
void Player::HandleInput(CommandQueue & commands)
	for (auto pair : keyBinding_)
		if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(pair.first) && isRealTimeAction(pair.second))
Beispiel #3
void Player::HandleEvent(const sf::Event & event, CommandQueue & commands)
	if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed)
		auto found = keyBinding_.find(event.key.code);
		if (found != keyBinding_.end() && !isRealTimeAction(found->second))
Beispiel #4
void Player::HandleRealtimeInput(CommandQueue& commands)
	if ( m_useJoystick )

		float x = sf::Joystick::getAxisPosition( 0, sf::Joystick::X );
		float y = sf::Joystick::getAxisPosition( 0, sf::Joystick::Y );

		Command_t c;
		c.category = Category::PlayerAircraft;
		if ( x > 1.0f )
			c.action = DerivedAction<Creature>( AircraftMover( +1.0, 0 ) );
			commands.Push( c );
		else if ( x < -1.0f )
			c.action = DerivedAction<Creature>( AircraftMover( -1.0, 0 ) );
			commands.Push( c );

		if ( y > 1.0f )
			c.action = DerivedAction<Creature>( AircraftMover( 0.0, +1.0 ) );
			commands.Push( c );
		else if ( y < -1.0f )
			c.action = DerivedAction<Creature>( AircraftMover( 0.0, -1.0 ) );
			commands.Push( c );

		if ( sf::Joystick::isButtonPressed( 0, 1 ) )
			// yes: shoot!
			c.action = DerivedAction<Creature>( []( Creature& a, sf::Time ){ a.Fire(); } );
			commands.Push( c );


	if ( !m_useJoystick )
		// Traverse all assigned keys and check if they are pressed
		for ( auto pair : m_keyBinding )
			// If key is pressed, lookup action and trigger corresponding command
			if ( sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( pair.first ) && IsRealtimeAction( pair.second ) )
				commands.Push( m_actionBinding[pair.second] );
Beispiel #5
void EmitterNode::UpdateCurrent( sf::Time dt, CommandQueue & commands )
    if ( pImpl->mParticleSystem )
        pImpl->EmitParticles( dt );
        // Find particle node with the same type as emitter node
        auto finder = [this] ( ParticleNode& container, sf::Time )
            if ( container.GetParticleType() == pImpl->mType )
                pImpl->mParticleSystem = &container;

        Command command;
        command.category = Category::ParticleSystem;
        command.action = derivedAction<ParticleNode>( finder );

        commands.Push( command );