Beispiel #1
 * Invoke a compiler locally.  This is, obviously, the alternative to
 * dcc_compile_remote().
 * The server does basically the same thing, but it doesn't call this
 * routine because it wants to overlap execution of the compiler with
 * copying the input from the network.
 * This routine used to exec() the compiler in place of distcc.  That
 * is slightly more efficient, because it avoids the need to create,
 * schedule, etc another process.  The problem is that in that case we
 * can't clean up our temporary files, and (not so important) we can't
 * log our resource usage.
int build_local(CompileJob &job, MsgChannel *local_daemon, struct rusage *used)
    list<string> arguments;

    string compiler_name = find_compiler(job);

    trace() << "invoking: " << compiler_name << endl;

    if (compiler_name.empty()) {
        log_error() << "could not find " << job.compilerName() << " in PATH." << endl;
        return EXIT_NO_SUCH_FILE;

    appendList(arguments, job.allFlags());

    if (!job.inputFile().empty()) {

    if (!job.outputFile().empty()) {

    char **argv = new char*[arguments.size() + 1];
    int argc = 0;

    for (list<string>::const_iterator it = arguments.begin(); it != arguments.end(); ++it) {
        argv[argc++] = strdup(it->c_str());

    argv[argc] = 0;
    trace() << "execing ";

    for (int i = 0; argv[i]; i++) {
        trace() << argv[i] << " ";

    trace() << endl;

    if (!local_daemon) {
        int fd;

        if (!dcc_lock_host(fd)) {
            log_error() << "can't lock for local job" << endl;
            return EXIT_DISTCC_FAILED;

        lock_fd = fd;

    bool color_output = job.language() != CompileJob::Lang_Custom
                        && colorify_wanted(job);
    int pf[2];

    if (color_output && pipe(pf)) {
        color_output = false;

    if (used || color_output) {
        child_pid = fork();

    if (!child_pid) {

        if (color_output) {
            dup2(pf[1], 2);

        int ret = execv(argv[0], argv);

        if (lock_fd) {

        if (ret) {
            char buf[256];
            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ICECC[%d]: %s:", getpid(), argv[0]);


    if (color_output) {

    // setup interrupt signals, so that the JobLocalBeginMsg will
    // have a matching JobLocalDoneMsg
    void (*old_sigint)(int) = signal(SIGINT, handle_user_break);
    void (*old_sigterm)(int) = signal(SIGTERM, handle_user_break);
    void (*old_sigquit)(int) = signal(SIGQUIT, handle_user_break);
    void (*old_sighup)(int) = signal(SIGHUP, handle_user_break);

    if (color_output) {
        string s_ccout;
        char buf[250];
        int r;

        for (;;) {
            while ((r = read(pf[0], buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) {
                buf[r] = '\0';

            if (r == 0) {

            if (r < 0 && errno != EINTR) {


    int status = 1;

    while (wait4(child_pid, &status, 0, used) < 0 && errno == EINTR) {}

    status = shell_exit_status(status);

    signal(SIGINT, old_sigint);
    signal(SIGTERM, old_sigterm);
    signal(SIGQUIT, old_sigquit);
    signal(SIGHUP, old_sighup);

    if (user_break_signal) {

    if (lock_fd) {

    return status;
Beispiel #2
int build_remote(CompileJob &job, MsgChannel *local_daemon, const Environments &_envs, int permill )
    srand( time( 0 ) + getpid() );

    int torepeat = 1;

    // older compilers do not support the options we need to make it reproducible
#if defined(__GNUC__) && ( ( (__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3) ) || (__GNUC__ >=4) )
    if (!compiler_is_clang(job)) {
        if ( rand() % 1000 < permill)
            torepeat = 3;

    trace() << job.inputFile() << " compiled " << torepeat << " times on " << job.targetPlatform() << "\n";

    map<string, string> versionfile_map, version_map;
    Environments envs = rip_out_paths( _envs, version_map, versionfile_map );
    if (!envs.size()) {
	log_error() << "$ICECC_VERSION needs to point to .tar files\n";

    const char *preferred_host = getenv("ICECC_PREFERRED_HOST");
    if ( torepeat == 1 ) {
        string fake_filename;
        list<string> args = job.remoteFlags();
        for ( list<string>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it )
            fake_filename += "/" + *it;
        args = job.restFlags();
        for ( list<string>::const_iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it )
            fake_filename += "/" + *it;
        fake_filename += get_absfilename( job.inputFile() );
        GetCSMsg getcs (envs, fake_filename, job.language(), torepeat,
			job.targetPlatform(), job.argumentFlags(),
		        preferred_host ? preferred_host : string(),
        if (!local_daemon->send_msg (getcs)) {
            log_warning() << "asked for CS\n";
            throw( 24 );

        UseCSMsg *usecs = get_server( local_daemon );
	int ret;
	if (!maybe_build_local (local_daemon, usecs, job, ret))
            ret = build_remote_int( job, usecs, local_daemon,
				    0, true );
        delete usecs;
        return ret;
    } else
        char *preproc = 0;
        dcc_make_tmpnam( "icecc", ".ix", &preproc, 0 );
        const CharBufferDeleter preproc_holder(preproc);
        int cpp_fd = open(preproc, O_WRONLY );
	/* When call_cpp returns normally (for the parent) it will have closed
	   the write fd, i.e. cpp_fd.  */
        pid_t cpp_pid = call_cpp(job, cpp_fd );
        if ( cpp_pid == -1 ) {
            ::unlink( preproc );
            throw( 10 );
        int status = 255;
        waitpid( cpp_pid, &status, 0);
        if ( shell_exit_status(status) ) { // failure
            ::unlink( preproc );
            return shell_exit_status( status );

        char rand_seed[400]; // "designed to be oversized" (Levi's)
        sprintf( rand_seed, "-frandom-seed=%d", rand() );
        job.appendFlag( rand_seed, Arg_Remote );

        GetCSMsg getcs (envs, get_absfilename( job.inputFile() ), job.language(), torepeat,
                job.targetPlatform(), job.argumentFlags(), preferred_host ? preferred_host : string(),

        if (!local_daemon->send_msg (getcs)) {
            log_warning() << "asked for CS\n";
            throw( 0 );

        map<pid_t, int> jobmap;
        CompileJob *jobs = new CompileJob[torepeat];
        UseCSMsg **umsgs = new UseCSMsg*[torepeat];

        bool misc_error = false;
        int *exit_codes = new int[torepeat];
	for ( int i = 0; i < torepeat; i++ ) // init
		exit_codes[i] = 42;

        for ( int i = 0; i < torepeat; i++ ) {
            jobs[i] = job;
            char *buffer = 0;
            if ( i ) {
                dcc_make_tmpnam( "icecc", ".o", &buffer, 0 );
                jobs[i].setOutputFile( buffer );
            } else
                buffer = strdup( job.outputFile().c_str() );
            const CharBufferDeleter buffer_holder( buffer );

            umsgs[i] = get_server( local_daemon );
            remote_daemon = umsgs[i]->hostname;
            trace() << "got_server_for_job " << umsgs[i]->hostname << endl;

            pid_t pid = fork();
            if ( !pid ) {
                int ret = 42;
                try {
		    if (!maybe_build_local (local_daemon, umsgs[i], jobs[i], ret))
			ret = build_remote_int(
				  jobs[i], umsgs[i], local_daemon,
				  preproc, i == 0 );
                } catch ( int error ) {
                    log_info() << "build_remote_int failed and has thrown " << error << endl;
                    kill( getpid(), SIGTERM );
                    return 0; // shouldn't matter
                _exit( ret );
                return 0; // doesn't matter
            } else {
                jobmap[pid] = i;
        for ( int i = 0; i < torepeat; i++ ) {
            pid_t pid = wait( &status );
            if ( pid < 0 ) {
                log_perror( "wait failed" );
                status = -1;
            } else {
                if ( WIFSIGNALED( status ) )
                    // there was some misc error in processing
                    misc_error = true;
                exit_codes[jobmap[pid]] = shell_exit_status( status );

        if (! misc_error ) {
            string first_md5 = md5_for_file( jobs[0].outputFile() );

            for ( int i = 1; i < torepeat; i++ ) {
                if ( !exit_codes[0] ) { // if the first failed, we fail anyway
                    if ( exit_codes[i] == 42 ) // they are free to fail for misc reasons

                    if ( exit_codes[i] ) {
                        log_error() << umsgs[i]->hostname << " compiled with exit code " << exit_codes[i]
                                    << " and " << umsgs[0]->hostname << " compiled with exit code " << exit_codes[0] << " - aborting!\n";
                        ::unlink( jobs[0].outputFile().c_str());
                        exit_codes[0] = -1; // overwrite

                    string other_md5 = md5_for_file( jobs[i].outputFile() );

                    if ( other_md5 != first_md5 ) {
                        log_error() << umsgs[i]->hostname << " compiled " << jobs[0].outputFile() << " with md5 sum " << other_md5 << "(" << jobs[i].outputFile() << ")"
                                    << " and " << umsgs[0]->hostname << " compiled with md5 sum " << first_md5 << " - aborting!\n";
                        rename( jobs[0].outputFile().c_str(), ( jobs[0].outputFile() + ".caught" ).c_str() );
                        rename( preproc, ( string( preproc ) + ".caught" ).c_str() );
                        exit_codes[0] = -1; // overwrite

                ::unlink( jobs[i].outputFile().c_str() );
                delete umsgs[i];
        } else {
            ::unlink( jobs[0].outputFile().c_str() );
             for ( int i = 1; i < torepeat; i++ ) {
                 ::unlink( jobs[i].outputFile().c_str());
                 delete umsgs[i];

        delete umsgs[0];

        ::unlink( preproc );

        int ret = exit_codes[0];

        delete [] umsgs;
        delete [] jobs;
        delete [] exit_codes;

        if ( misc_error )
            throw ( 27 );

        return ret;

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
 * Invoke a compiler locally.  This is, obviously, the alternative to
 * dcc_compile_remote().
 * The server does basically the same thing, but it doesn't call this
 * routine because it wants to overlap execution of the compiler with
 * copying the input from the network.
 * This routine used to exec() the compiler in place of distcc.  That
 * is slightly more efficient, because it avoids the need to create,
 * schedule, etc another process.  The problem is that in that case we
 * can't clean up our temporary files, and (not so important) we can't
 * log our resource usage.
int build_local(CompileJob &job, MsgChannel *local_daemon, struct rusage *used)
    list<string> arguments;

    string compiler_name = find_compiler(job);

    if (compiler_name.empty()) {
        log_error() << "could not find " << job.compilerName() << " in PATH." << endl;
        return EXIT_NO_SUCH_FILE;

    appendList(arguments, job.allFlags());

    if (job.dwarfFissionEnabled()) {

    if (!job.inputFile().empty()) {

    if (!job.outputFile().empty()) {

    vector<char*> argv; 
    string argstxt;

    for (list<string>::const_iterator it = arguments.begin(); it != arguments.end(); ++it) {
        argstxt += ' ';
        argstxt += *it;


    trace() << "invoking:" << argstxt << endl;

    if (!local_daemon) {
        int fd;

        if (!dcc_lock_host(fd)) {
            log_error() << "can't lock for local job" << endl;
            return EXIT_DISTCC_FAILED;

        lock_fd = fd;

    bool color_output = job.language() != CompileJob::Lang_Custom
                        && colorify_wanted(job);
    int pf[2];

    if (color_output && pipe(pf)) {
        color_output = false;

    if (used || color_output) {
        child_pid = fork();

    if (child_pid == -1){
        log_perror("fork failed");

    if (!child_pid) {
        dcc_increment_safeguard(job.language() == CompileJob::Lang_Custom ? SafeguardStepCustom : SafeguardStepCompiler);

        if (color_output) {
            if ((-1 == close(pf[0])) && (errno != EBADF)){
                log_perror("close failed");
            if ((-1 == close(2)) && (errno != EBADF)){
                log_perror("close failed");
            if (-1 == dup2(pf[1], 2)){
                log_perror("dup2 failed");

        execv(argv[0], &argv[0]);
        int exitcode = ( errno == ENOENT ? 127 : 126 );
        log_perror("execv failed");

        if (lock_fd) {

            char buf[256];
            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ICECC[%d]: %s:", getpid(), argv[0]);

    for(vector<char*>::const_iterator i = argv.begin(); i != argv.end(); ++i){

    if (color_output) {
        if ((-1 == close(pf[1])) && (errno != EBADF)){
            log_perror("close failed");

    // setup interrupt signals, so that the JobLocalBeginMsg will
    // have a matching JobLocalDoneMsg
    void (*old_sigint)(int) = signal(SIGINT, handle_user_break);
    void (*old_sigterm)(int) = signal(SIGTERM, handle_user_break);
    void (*old_sigquit)(int) = signal(SIGQUIT, handle_user_break);
    void (*old_sighup)(int) = signal(SIGHUP, handle_user_break);

    if (color_output) {
        string s_ccout;
        char buf[250];

        for (;;) {
	    int r;
            while ((r = read(pf[0], buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) {
                buf[r] = '\0';

            if (r == 0) {

            if (r < 0 && errno != EINTR) {


    int status = 1;

    while (wait4(child_pid, &status, 0, used) < 0 && errno == EINTR) {}

    status = shell_exit_status(status);

    signal(SIGINT, old_sigint);
    signal(SIGTERM, old_sigterm);
    signal(SIGQUIT, old_sigquit);
    signal(SIGHUP, old_sighup);

    if (user_break_signal) {

    if (lock_fd) {

    return status;