BOOL RaiseExceptionOnAssert(RaiseOnAssertOptions option = rTestAndRaise) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; STATIC_CONTRACT_SUPPORTS_DAC; // ok for debug-only code to take locks CONTRACT_VIOLATION(TakesLockViolation); DWORD fRet = 0; #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) static ConfigDWORD fRaiseExceptionOnAssert; // // we don't want this config key to affect mscordacwks as well! // EX_TRY { fRet = fRaiseExceptionOnAssert.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_RaiseExceptionOnAssert); } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); if (option == rTestAndRaise && fRet != 0) { DoRaiseExceptionOnAssert(fRet); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE return fRet != 0; }
BOOL DebugBreakOnAssert() { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; STATIC_CONTRACT_SUPPORTS_DAC; // ok for debug-only code to take locks CONTRACT_VIOLATION(TakesLockViolation); BOOL fRet = FALSE; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE static ConfigDWORD fDebugBreak; // // we don't want this config key to affect mscordacwks as well! // EX_TRY { fRet = fDebugBreak.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_DebugBreakOnAssert); } EX_CATCH { } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE return fRet; }
int logf(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; static bool logToEEfailed = false; int written = 0; // // We remember when the EE failed to log, because vlogf() // is very slow in a checked build. // // If it fails to log an LL_INFO1000 message once // it will always fail when logging an LL_INFO1000 message. // if (!logToEEfailed) { va_start(args, fmt); if (!vlogf(LL_INFO1000, fmt, args)) logToEEfailed = true; va_end(args); } if (logToEEfailed) { // if the EE refuses to log it, we try to send it to stdout va_start(args, fmt); written = logf_stdout(fmt, args); va_end(args); } #if 0 // Enable this only when you need it else { // // The EE just successfully logged our message // static ConfigDWORD fJitBreakOnDumpToken; DWORD breakOnDumpToken = fJitBreakOnDumpToken.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_BreakOnDumpToken); static DWORD forbidEntry = 0; if ((breakOnDumpToken != 0xffffffff) && (forbidEntry == 0)) { forbidEntry = 1; // Use value of 0 to get the dump static DWORD currentLine = 1; if (currentLine == breakOnDumpToken) { assert(!"Dump token reached"); } printf("(Token=0x%x) ", currentLine++); forbidEntry = 0; } } #endif // 0 va_end(args); return written; }
void noWayAssertAbortHelper(const char * cond, const char * file, unsigned line) { // Show the assert UI. static ConfigDWORD fJitEnableNoWayAssert; if (fJitEnableNoWayAssert.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_JitEnableNoWayAssert)) { assertAbort(cond, file, line); } }
void __cdecl assertAbort(const char *why, const char *file, unsigned line) { const char* msg = why; LogEnv* env = LogEnv::cur(); const int BUFF_SIZE = 8192; char *buff = (char*)alloca(BUFF_SIZE); if (env->compiler) { _snprintf_s(buff, BUFF_SIZE, _TRUNCATE, "Assertion failed '%s' in '%s' (IL size %d)\n", why, env->compiler->info.compFullName, env->compiler->info.compILCodeSize); msg = buff; } printf(""); // null string means flush #if FUNC_INFO_LOGGING if (Compiler::compJitFuncInfoFile != NULL) { fprintf(Compiler::compJitFuncInfoFile, "%s - Assertion failed (%s:%d - %s)\n", (env == NULL) ? "UNKNOWN" : env->compiler->info.compFullName, file, line, why); } #endif // FUNC_INFO_LOGGING if (env->compHnd->doAssert(file, line, msg)) DebugBreak(); #ifdef ALT_JIT // If we hit an assert, and we got here, it's either because the user hit "ignore" on the // dialog pop-up, or they set COMPLUS_ContinueOnAssert=1 to not emit a pop-up, but just continue. // If we're an altjit, we have two options: (1) silently continue, as a normal JIT would, probably // leading to additional asserts, or (2) tell the VM that the AltJit wants to skip this function, // thus falling back to the fallback JIT. Setting COMPLUS_AltJitSkipOnAssert=1 chooses this "skip" // to the fallback JIT behavior. This is useful when doing ASM diffs, where we only want to see // the first assert for any function, but we don't want to kill the whole ngen process on the // first assert (which would happen if you used COMPLUS_NoGuiOnAssert=1 for example). static ConfigDWORD fAltJitSkipOnAssert; if (fAltJitSkipOnAssert.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_AltJitSkipOnAssert) != 0) { fatal(CORJIT_SKIPPED); } #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) // TODO-ARM64-NYI: remove this after the JIT no longer asserts during startup // // When we are bringing up the new Arm64 JIT we set COMPLUS_ContinueOnAssert=1 // We only want to hit one assert then we will fall back to the interpreter. // static ConfigDWORD s_InterpreterFallback; bool interpreterFallback = (s_InterpreterFallback.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_InterpreterFallback) != 0); if (interpreterFallback) { fatal(CORJIT_SKIPPED); } #endif }
unsigned SsaStressHashHelper() { // hash = 0: turned off, hash = 1: use method hash, hash = *: use custom hash. static ConfigDWORD fJitSsaStress; unsigned hash = fJitSsaStress.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_JitSsaStress); if (hash == 0) { return hash; } if (hash == 1) { return GetTlsCompiler()->info.compMethodHash(); } return ((hash >> 16) == 0) ? ((hash << 16) | hash) : hash; }
void DECLSPEC_NORETURN fatal(int errCode) { #ifdef DEBUG if (errCode != CORJIT_SKIPPED) // Don't stop on NYI: use COMPLUS_AltJitAssertOnNYI for that. { static ConfigDWORD fDebugBreakOnVerificationFailure; if (fDebugBreakOnVerificationFailure.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_DebugBreakOnVerificationFailure)) { DebugBreak(); } } #endif // DEBUG ULONG_PTR exceptArg = errCode; RaiseException(FATAL_JIT_EXCEPTION, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 1, &exceptArg); UNREACHABLE(); }
int logf_stdout(const char* fmt, va_list args) { // // Fast logging to stdout // const int BUFF_SIZE = 8192; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; int written = _vsnprintf_s(&buffer[0], BUFF_SIZE, _TRUNCATE, fmt, args); static ConfigDWORD fJitDumpToDebugger; if (fJitDumpToDebugger.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_JitDumpToDebugger)) { OutputDebugStringA(buffer); } if (fmt[0] == 0) // null string means flush { fflush(stdout); } else { #if defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) && !defined(PLATFORM_UNIX) // Crossgen has forced stdout into UNICODE only mode: // _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U8TEXT); // wchar_t wbuffer[BUFF_SIZE]; // Convert char* 'buffer' to a wchar_t* string. size_t convertedChars = 0; mbstowcs_s(&convertedChars, &wbuffer[0], BUFF_SIZE, buffer, _TRUNCATE); fputws(&wbuffer[0], stdout); #else // CROSSGEN_COMPILE // // We use fputs here so that this executes as fast a possible // fputs(&buffer[0], stdout); #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE } return written; }
void DECLSPEC_NORETURN noWayAssertBody() { #if MEASURE_FATAL fatal_noWayAssertBody += 1; #endif // MEASURE_FATAL #ifndef DEBUG // Even in retail, if we hit a noway, and we have this variable set, we don't want to fall back // to MinOpts, which might hide a regression. Instead, hit a breakpoint (and crash). We don't // have the assert code to fall back on here. // The debug path goes through this function also, to do the call to 'fatal'. // This kind of noway is hit for unreached(). static ConfigDWORD fJitEnableNoWayAssert; if (fJitEnableNoWayAssert.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_JitEnableNoWayAssert)) { DebugBreak(); } #endif // !DEBUG fatal(CORJIT_RECOVERABLEERROR); }
void debugError(const char* msg, const char* file, unsigned line) { const char* tail = strrchr(file, '\\'); if (tail) file = tail+1; LogEnv* env = LogEnv::cur(); logf(LL_ERROR, "COMPILATION FAILED: file: %s:%d compiling method %s reason %s\n", file, line, env->compiler->info.compFullName, msg); static ConfigDWORD fJitRequired; // We now only assert when user explicitly set ComPlus_JitRequired=1 // If ComPlus_JitRequired is 0 or is not set, we will not assert. if (fJitRequired.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_JITRequired) == 1 || getBreakOnBadCode()) { // Don't assert if verification is done. if (!env->compiler->tiVerificationNeeded || getBreakOnBadCode()) assertAbort(msg, "NO-FILE", 0); } BreakIfDebuggerPresent(); }
bool norls_allocator::nraInit(IEEMemoryManager* pMemoryManager, size_t pageSize, int preAlloc) { bool result = false; nraMemoryManager = pMemoryManager; nraPageList = nraPageLast = 0; nraFreeNext = nraFreeLast = 0; assert(THE_ALLOCATOR_BASE_SIZE != 0); nraPageSize = pageSize ? pageSize : THE_ALLOCATOR_BASE_SIZE; #ifdef DEBUG static ConfigDWORD fShouldInjectFault; nraShouldInjectFault = fShouldInjectFault.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_InjectFault) != 0; #endif if (preAlloc) { /* Grab the initial page(s) */ setErrorTrap(NULL, norls_allocator *, pThis, this) // ERROR TRAP: Start normal block { pThis->nraAllocNewPage(0); } impJitErrorTrap() // ERROR TRAP: The following block handles errors { result = true; } endErrorTrap() // ERROR TRAP: End } return result; }
DWORD getBreakOnBadCode() { static ConfigDWORD fBreakOnBadCode; return fBreakOnBadCode.val_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_JitBreakOnBadCode, false); }
void notYetImplemented(const char * msg, const char * filename, unsigned line) { #if FUNC_INFO_LOGGING #ifdef DEBUG LogEnv* env = LogEnv::cur(); if (env != NULL) { const Compiler* const pCompiler = env->compiler; if (pCompiler->verbose) { printf("\n\n%s - NYI (%s:%d - %s)\n", pCompiler->info.compFullName, filename, line, msg); } } if (Compiler::compJitFuncInfoFile != NULL) { fprintf(Compiler::compJitFuncInfoFile, "%s - NYI (%s:%d - %s)\n", (env == NULL) ? "UNKNOWN" : env->compiler->info.compFullName, filename, line, msg); fflush(Compiler::compJitFuncInfoFile); } #else // !DEBUG if (Compiler::compJitFuncInfoFile != NULL) { fprintf(Compiler::compJitFuncInfoFile, "NYI (%s:%d - %s)\n", filename, line, msg); fflush(Compiler::compJitFuncInfoFile); } #endif // !DEBUG #endif // FUNC_INFO_LOGGING static ConfigDWORD fAltJitAssertOnNYI; DWORD value = fAltJitAssertOnNYI.val(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_AltJitAssertOnNYI); // 0 means just silently skip // If we are in retail builds, assume ignore // 1 means popup the assert (abort=abort, retry=debugger, ignore=skip) // 2 means silently don't skip (same as 3 for retail) // 3 means popup the assert (abort=abort, retry=debugger, ignore=don't skip) if (value & 1) { #ifdef DEBUG assertAbort(msg, filename, line); #endif } if ((value & 2) == 0) { #if MEASURE_FATAL fatal_NYI += 1; #endif // MEASURE_FATAL fatal(CORJIT_SKIPPED); } }
BOOL DebugBreakOnAssert() { static ConfigDWORD fDebugBreak; return fDebugBreak.val(L"DebugBreakOnAssert", 0); }
BOOL NoGuiOnAssert() { static ConfigDWORD fNoGui; return fNoGui.val(L"NoGuiOnAssert", 0); }