bool DownloadManager::GetFileAndVerifyAssociatedSha1(ConfigurationFileActionDownload configuration, wstring file, ProgressStatus progress, void *data)
	DownloadInet inetacccess;
	Sha1Sum sha1_computed(file), sha1_read;
	wstring url, sha1_url;
	bool bRslt;

	for (unsigned index = 0; index < configuration.GetUrls().size(); index++)
		url = configuration.GetUrls().at(index);
		sha1_url = configuration.GetSha1Urls().at(index);
		bRslt = inetacccess.GetFile((wchar_t *)url.c_str(), (wchar_t *)file.c_str(), progress, data);
		g_log.Log(L"DownloadManager::GetFileAndVerifyAssociatedSha1 '%s' is %u", (wchar_t *) url.c_str(), (wchar_t *) bRslt);

		if (bRslt == false)

		// If cannot get the sha1 file, we cannot verify the download and report it as incorrect
		if (_getAssociatedFileSha1Sum(sha1_url, (wchar_t *)file.c_str(), sha1_read) == false)
		if (sha1_computed == sha1_read)
			return true;
	return false;
bool DownloadManager::GetFileAndVerifyAssociatedSha1(ConfigurationFileActionDownload configuration, wstring file, Sha1Sum sha1_read, ProgressStatus progress, void *data)
	DownloadInet inetacccess;
	Sha1Sum sha1_computed(file);
	wstring url;
	bool bRslt;

	for (unsigned index = 0; index < configuration.GetUrls().size(); index++)
		url = configuration.GetUrls().at(index);
		bRslt = inetacccess.GetFile((wchar_t *)url.c_str(), (wchar_t *)file.c_str(), progress, data);
		g_log.Log(L"DownloadManager::GetFileAndVerifyAssociatedSha1 '%s' is %u", (wchar_t *) url.c_str(), (wchar_t *) bRslt);

		if (bRslt == false)
		if (sha1_computed == sha1_read)
			return true;
	return false;