int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != NUM_ARGS+1) { usage(); } srand(time(0)); Graph *graph = new Graph(argv[1]); Dendrogram *dendrogram = new Dendrogram(graph,argv[2]); int sampleSpread = atoi(argv[3]); int sampleCount = atoi(argv[4]); int sampleEvery = sampleSpread / sampleCount; const char *outputPrefix = argv[5]; double threshold = atof(argv[6]); graph->threshold = threshold; DendrogramSet samples; for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < sampleSpread; sampleIndex++) { dendrogram->sample(); if (sampleIndex % sampleEvery == 0) { cout << "Sampling at " << sampleIndex << " / " << sampleSpread << endl; samples.insert(new Dendrogram(dendrogram)); } } Consensus *consensus = new Consensus(samples,graph); // Print to console cout << consensus->toString() << endl; // Save (in various forms) to disk char filename[80]; sprintf(filename,"%s.consensus.txt",outputPrefix); cerr << filename << endl; ofstream stringFile(filename); stringFile << consensus->toString() << endl; stringFile.close(); sprintf(filename,"",outputPrefix); cerr << filename << endl; ofstream dotFile(filename); dotFile << consensus->toDot() << endl; dotFile.close(); sprintf(filename,"%s.consensus.matrix",outputPrefix); cerr << filename << endl; ofstream matrixFile(filename); matrixFile << consensus->toMatrix() << endl; matrixFile.close(); }
int TreeGroupCommand::process(vector<SharedRAbundVector*> thisLookup) { try{ vector< vector< vector<seqDist> > > calcDistsTotals; //each iter, one for each calc, then each groupCombos dists. this will be used to make .dist files vector< vector<seqDist> > calcDists; calcDists.resize(treeCalculators.size()); for (int thisIter = 0; thisIter < iters; thisIter++) { vector<SharedRAbundVector*> thisItersLookup = thisLookup; if (subsample) { SubSample sample; vector<string> tempLabels; //dont need since we arent printing the sampled sharedRabunds //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations vector<SharedRAbundVector*> newLookup; for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup.size(); k++) { SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector(); temp->setLabel(thisItersLookup[k]->getLabel()); temp->setGroup(thisItersLookup[k]->getGroup()); newLookup.push_back(temp); } //for each bin for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup[0]->getNumBins(); k++) { if (m->control_pressed) { for (int j = 0; j < newLookup.size(); j++) { delete newLookup[j]; } return 0; } for (int j = 0; j < thisItersLookup.size(); j++) { newLookup[j]->push_back(thisItersLookup[j]->getAbundance(k), thisItersLookup[j]->getGroup()); } } tempLabels = sample.getSample(newLookup, subsampleSize); thisItersLookup = newLookup; } if(processors == 1){ driver(thisItersLookup, 0, numGroups, calcDists); }else{ int process = 1; vector<int> processIDS; #if defined (__APPLE__) || (__MACH__) || (linux) || (__linux) || (__linux__) || (__unix__) || (__unix) //loop through and create all the processes you want while (process != processors) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid > 0) { processIDS.push_back(pid); process++; }else if (pid == 0){ driver(thisItersLookup, lines[process].start, lines[process].end, calcDists); string tempdistFileName = m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile)) + m->mothurGetpid(process) + ".dist"; ofstream outtemp; m->openOutputFile(tempdistFileName, outtemp); for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) { outtemp << calcDists[i].size() << endl; for (int j = 0; j < calcDists[i].size(); j++) { outtemp << calcDists[i][j].seq1 << '\t' << calcDists[i][j].seq2 << '\t' << calcDists[i][j].dist << endl; } } outtemp.close(); exit(0); }else { m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: unable to spawn the necessary processes."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) { kill (processIDS[i], SIGINT); } exit(0); } } //parent do your part driver(thisItersLookup, lines[0].start, lines[0].end, calcDists); //force parent to wait until all the processes are done for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) { int temp = processIDS[i]; wait(&temp); } for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) { string tempdistFileName = m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile)) + toString(processIDS[i]) + ".dist"; ifstream intemp; m->openInputFile(tempdistFileName, intemp); for (int k = 0; k < calcDists.size(); k++) { int size = 0; intemp >> size; m->gobble(intemp); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { int seq1 = 0; int seq2 = 0; float dist = 1.0; intemp >> seq1 >> seq2 >> dist; m->gobble(intemp); seqDist tempDist(seq1, seq2, dist); calcDists[k].push_back(tempDist); } } intemp.close(); m->mothurRemove(tempdistFileName); } #else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Windows version shared memory, so be careful when passing variables through the treeSharedData struct. //Above fork() will clone, so memory is separate, but that's not the case with windows, //Taking advantage of shared memory to pass results vectors. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// vector<treeSharedData*> pDataArray; DWORD dwThreadIdArray[processors-1]; HANDLE hThreadArray[processors-1]; //Create processor worker threads. for( int i=1; i<processors; i++ ){ //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations vector<SharedRAbundVector*> newLookup; for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup.size(); k++) { SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector(); temp->setLabel(thisItersLookup[k]->getLabel()); temp->setGroup(thisItersLookup[k]->getGroup()); newLookup.push_back(temp); } //for each bin for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup[0]->getNumBins(); k++) { if (m->control_pressed) { for (int j = 0; j < newLookup.size(); j++) { delete newLookup[j]; } return 0; } for (int j = 0; j < thisItersLookup.size(); j++) { newLookup[j]->push_back(thisItersLookup[j]->getAbundance(k), thisItersLookup[j]->getGroup()); } } // Allocate memory for thread data. treeSharedData* tempSum = new treeSharedData(m, lines[i].start, lines[i].end, Estimators, newLookup); pDataArray.push_back(tempSum); processIDS.push_back(i); hThreadArray[i-1] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyTreeSharedThreadFunction, pDataArray[i-1], 0, &dwThreadIdArray[i-1]); } //parent do your part driver(thisItersLookup, lines[0].start, lines[0].end, calcDists); //Wait until all threads have terminated. WaitForMultipleObjects(processors-1, hThreadArray, TRUE, INFINITE); //Close all thread handles and free memory allocations. for(int i=0; i < pDataArray.size(); i++){ if (pDataArray[i]->count != (pDataArray[i]->end-pDataArray[i]->start)) { m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: process " + toString(i) + " only processed " + toString(pDataArray[i]->count) + " of " + toString(pDataArray[i]->end-pDataArray[i]->start) + " groups assigned to it, quitting. \n"); m->control_pressed = true; } for (int j = 0; j < pDataArray[i]->thisLookup.size(); j++) { delete pDataArray[i]->thisLookup[j]; } for (int k = 0; k < calcDists.size(); k++) { int size = pDataArray[i]->calcDists[k].size(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { calcDists[k].push_back(pDataArray[i]->calcDists[k][j]); } } CloseHandle(hThreadArray[i]); delete pDataArray[i]; } #endif } calcDistsTotals.push_back(calcDists); if (subsample) { //clean up memory for (int i = 0; i < thisItersLookup.size(); i++) { delete thisItersLookup[i]; } thisItersLookup.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) { calcDists[i].clear(); } } if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: iter = " + toString(thisIter) + ".\n"); } } if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done with iters.\n"); } if (iters != 1) { //we need to find the average distance and standard deviation for each groups distance vector< vector<seqDist> > calcAverages = m->getAverages(calcDistsTotals); if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: found averages.\n"); } //create average tree for each calc for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) { vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance matrix.resize(thisLookup.size()); for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup.size(); k++) { matrix[k].resize(thisLookup.size(), 0.0); } for (int j = 0; j < calcAverages[i].size(); j++) { int row = calcAverages[i][j].seq1; int column = calcAverages[i][j].seq2; float dist = calcAverages[i][j].dist; matrix[row][column] = dist; matrix[column][row] = dist; } //create a new filename map<string, string> variables; variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(inputfile)); variables["[calc]"] = treeCalculators[i]->getName(); variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup[0]->getLabel(); variables["[tag]"] = "ave"; string outputFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables); outputNames.push_back(outputFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(outputFile); //creates tree from similarity matrix and write out file Tree* newTree = createTree(matrix); if (newTree != NULL) { writeTree(outputFile, newTree); } } if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done averages trees.\n"); } //create all trees for each calc and find their consensus tree for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) { if (m->control_pressed) { break; } //create a new filename //create a new filename map<string, string> variables; variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(inputfile)); variables["[calc]"] = treeCalculators[i]->getName(); variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup[0]->getLabel(); variables["[tag]"] = "all"; string outputFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables); outputNames.push_back(outputFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(outputFile); ofstream outAll; m->openOutputFile(outputFile, outAll); vector<Tree*> trees; for (int myIter = 0; myIter < iters; myIter++) { if(m->control_pressed) { break; } //initialize matrix vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance matrix.resize(thisLookup.size()); for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup.size(); k++) { matrix[k].resize(thisLookup.size(), 0.0); } for (int j = 0; j < calcDistsTotals[myIter][i].size(); j++) { int row = calcDistsTotals[myIter][i][j].seq1; int column = calcDistsTotals[myIter][i][j].seq2; double dist = calcDistsTotals[myIter][i][j].dist; matrix[row][column] = dist; matrix[column][row] = dist; } //creates tree from similarity matrix and write out file Tree* newTree = createTree(matrix); if (newTree != NULL) { newTree->print(outAll); trees.push_back(newTree); } } outAll.close(); if (m->control_pressed) { for (int k = 0; k < trees.size(); k++) { delete trees[k]; } } if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done all trees.\n"); } Consensus consensus; //clear old tree names if any m->Treenames.clear(); m->Treenames = m->getGroups(); //may have changed if subsample eliminated groups Tree* conTree = consensus.getTree(trees); if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done cons tree.\n"); } //create a new filename variables["[tag]"] = "cons"; string conFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables); outputNames.push_back(conFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(conFile); ofstream outTree; m->openOutputFile(conFile, outTree); if (conTree != NULL) { conTree->print(outTree, "boot"); delete conTree; } } }else { for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) { if (m->control_pressed) { break; } //initialize matrix vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance matrix.resize(thisLookup.size()); for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup.size(); k++) { matrix[k].resize(thisLookup.size(), 0.0); } for (int j = 0; j < calcDists[i].size(); j++) { int row = calcDists[i][j].seq1; int column = calcDists[i][j].seq2; double dist = calcDists[i][j].dist; matrix[row][column] = dist; matrix[column][row] = dist; } //create a new filename map<string, string> variables; variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(inputfile)); variables["[calc]"] = treeCalculators[i]->getName(); variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup[0]->getLabel(); variables["[tag]"] = ""; string outputFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables); outputNames.push_back(outputFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(outputFile); //creates tree from similarity matrix and write out file Tree* newTree = createTree(matrix); if (newTree != NULL) { writeTree(outputFile, newTree); delete newTree; } } } return 0; } catch(exception& e) { m->errorOut(e, "TreeGroupCommand", "process"); exit(1); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // initialise random // Random::Random(); string SampleName; string ChainName; string OutGroupFile; string Path = ""; int catgtrpoint = 0; int rates = 0; int modes = 0; int sitestat = 0; int grepmode = 0; int coaff = 0; int verbose = 0; int extract = 0; int burnin = 0; int every = 1; int until = -1; int ncat = 20; int bf = 0; int rr = 0; int step = 10; int save = 0; int truelength = 0; int sitebranch = 0; int clock = 0; int ps = 0; int clustermodes = 0; double mindist = 0.03; int minsize = 10; double cutoff = 0.5; int nrep = 1; int popeff = 0; int branchfreqs = 0; int benchmark = 0; int intlnl = 0; double entropytimemax = 0; int entropyN = 0; int constcorrect = 0; double rho = 1; int sitelogl = 0; // read arguments try { if (argc == 1) { throw(0); } int i = 1; while (i < argc) { string s = argv[i]; if (s == "-c") { i++; if (i == argc) throw(0); if (! IsFloat(argv[i])) throw(0); cutoff = atof(argv[i]); } else if (s == "-v") { verbose = 2; } else if (s == "-rr") { rr = 1; } else if (s == "-lnl") { intlnl = 1; } else if (s == "-sitelogl") { sitelogl = 1; } else if (s == "-cst") { constcorrect = 1; i++; rho = atof(argv[i]); } else if (s == "-finitetime") { i++; entropytimemax = atof(argv[i]); i++; entropyN = atoi(argv[i]); } else if (s == "-catcoaff") { coaff = 1; } else if (s == "-ratecoaff") { coaff = 2; } else if (s == "-mblcoaff") { coaff = 3; } else if (s == "-popeff") { popeff = 1; } else if (s == "-branchfreqs") { branchfreqs = 1; } else if (s == "-step") { i++; step = atoi(argv[i]); } else if (s == "-div") { clock = 1; } else if (s == "-p") { i++; Path = argv[i]; } else if (s == "-ps") { ps = 1; } else if (s == "-bf") { bf = 1; } else if (s == "-l") { truelength = 1; } else if (s == "-ll") { truelength = 1; sitebranch = 1; } else if (s == "-gm") { grepmode = 1; } else if (s == "-bench") { benchmark = 1; } else if (s == "-nrep") { i++; if (i == argc) throw(0); s = argv[i]; if (! IsInt(s)) { throw(0); } nrep = atoi(argv[i]); } else if (s == "-s") { save = 1; } else if (s == "-cl") { clustermodes = 1; } else if ((s == "-sz") || (s == "-ms")) { i++; if (i == argc) throw(0); s = argv[i]; if (! IsInt(s)) { throw(0); } minsize = atoi(argv[i]); } else if ((s == "-ds") || (s == "-md")) { i++; if (i == argc) throw(0); s = argv[i]; if (! IsFloat(s)) { throw(0); } mindist = atof(argv[i]); } else if (s == "-ncat") { i++; if (i == argc) throw(0); s = argv[i]; if (! IsInt(s)) { throw(0); } ncat = atoi(argv[i]); } else if ( (s == "-m") || (s == "-modes") ) { modes = 1; } else if ( (s == "-r") || (s == "-rates") ) { rates = 1; } else if ( (s == "-ss") || (s == "-sitestat") ) { sitestat = 1; } else if (s == "-catgtrpoint") { catgtrpoint = 1; } else if ( (s == "-x") || (s == "-extract") ) { extract = 1; i++; if (i == argc) throw(0); s = argv[i]; if (! IsInt(s)) { throw(0); } burnin = atoi(argv[i]); i++; if (i == argc) throw(0); s = argv[i]; if (IsInt(s)) { every = atoi(argv[i]); i++; if (i == argc) throw(0); s = argv[i]; if (IsInt(s)) { until = atoi(argv[i]); } else { i--; } } else { i--; } } else { if (i != (argc -1)) { throw(0); } ChainName = argv[i]; } i++; } if ((SampleName == "") && (ChainName == "")) { throw(0); } } catch(...) { cerr << "readpb [-x <burnin> <every> <until>] <chainname> \n"; cerr << '\n'; cerr << "\tdefaults : burnin = 0, every = 1, until the end\n"; cerr << '\n'; cerr << "additional options:\n"; cerr << "\t-c <cutoff> : collapses all groups with posterior probability lower than cutoff\n"; cerr << "\t-m : posterior distribution of the number of modes\n"; cerr << "\t-ss : mean posterior site-specific stationaries\n"; cerr << "\t-r : mean posterior site-specific rates (continuous gamma only)\n"; cerr << '\n'; cerr << "\t-ncat <n> : defines number of bins for rate histogram (default 20)\n"; cerr << '\n'; cerr << "\t-cl : mode clustering\n"; cerr << "\t\t-ms: cluster min size (default : 10)\n"; cerr << "\t\t-md: aggregating distance threshold (default : 0.03)\n"; cerr << '\n'; cerr << "\t-ps : postscript output for tree (requires LateX), or for site-specific profiles\n"; cerr << '\n'; exit(1); } if (SampleName == "") { SampleName = ChainName + "_sample"; } try { string name = ChainName + ".param"; MCParameters* mParam2 = 0; if (ifstream(name.c_str())) { mParam2 = new MCParameters; ifstream param_is(name.c_str()); param_is >> *mParam2; } if (mParam2 && mParam2->NormalApprox) { clock = 1; } if ((! catgtrpoint) && (! truelength) && (! sitestat) && (!modes) && (!rates) && (! clock) && (! clustermodes) && ((!mParam2) || (! mParam2->FixTopo)) ) { string name = ChainName + ".treelist"; if (! ifstream(name.c_str())) { name = ChainName; if (! ifstream(name.c_str())) { cerr << "error: non existing chain\n"; exit(1); } } BipartitionList bplist(name,burnin,every,until); if (!bplist.Ntree) { cerr << "empty tree list\n"; exit(1); } ofstream bplist_os((SampleName + ".bplist").c_str()); bplist.WriteToStream(bplist_os); bplist_os.close(); cout << bplist.Ntree << " trees were read\n"; cout.flush(); Consensus* cons = new Consensus(&bplist,cutoff); ofstream cons_os((SampleName + ".con.tre").c_str()); // cons->Trichotomise(); cons->Phylip(cons_os, 1, 1, 1, 0); cons_os.close(); cerr << '\n'; cerr << "bipartition list in\t" << SampleName << ".bplist\n"; cerr << "consensus in\t\t" << SampleName << ".con.tre\n"; if (ps) { cons->ToPS((string) (SampleName + ".con.tre"),12,20,1,1,1,0); cerr << "postscript in\t\t" << SampleName << "\n"; } cerr << '\n'; if ((! mParam2) || (!mParam2->SaveAll)) { exit(1); } } // delete mParam2; Sample* sample = new Sample(ChainName,burnin,every,until,Path); if (save) { sample->ToFile(SampleName); } MCParameters* mParam = sample->GetParameters(); // initialising int Nsite = mParam->Nsite; int Ntaxa = mParam->Ntaxa; cout << '\n'; cout << "Nsite : " << Nsite << '\n'; cout << "Ntaxa : " << Ntaxa << '\n'; cout << sample->GetSize() << " points to read\n"; cout << '\n'; cout.flush(); if (mParam->NormalApprox) { if (clustermodes) { cerr << "no mode clustering under normal approx\n"; cerr << '\n'; exit(1); } if (modes) { cerr << "no mode analysis under normal approx\n"; cerr << '\n'; exit(1); } if (rates) { cerr << "no rate analysis under normal approx\n"; cerr << '\n'; exit(1); } if (sitestat) { cerr << "no site-specific profile analysis under normal approx\n"; cerr << '\n'; exit(1); } } if (clock) { sample->Dating(ps); sample->Reset(); } else if (sitelogl) { sample->ReadSiteLogLikelihood(); } else if (intlnl) { sample->ReadSummedLogLikelihood(); } else if (entropyN) { sample->ReadFiniteTimeEntropy(entropytimemax,entropyN); } else if (catgtrpoint) { sample->ReadCATGTRPoint(); } else if (popeff) { sample->ReadPopEff(ps); } else if (branchfreqs) { sample->ReadBranchFreqs(); } else if (coaff) { sample->Coaff(coaff,step); } else if (rr) { sample->MeanRR(); } else if (benchmark) { sample->ReadBench(); } else if (clustermodes) { if (! mParam->SaveAll) { cerr << "error : biochemical profiles were not saved. cannot cluster them\n"; exit(1); } sample->ClusterModes(minsize, mindist, 0); } else if (grepmode) { sample->GrepModes(); } else if (truelength) { sample->TrueLength(nrep,sitebranch); } else if (constcorrect) { sample->ConstantSiteCorrection(rho); } else { sample->Read(rates, modes, sitestat, cutoff, ncat, ps); } }
int TreeGroupCommand::createProcesses(SharedRAbundVectors*& thisLookup, CountTable& ct){ try { vector<string> groupNames = thisLookup->getNamesGroups(); Treenames = groupNames; //may have changed if subsample eliminated groups vector<int> lines; if (processors > (iters+1)) { processors = iters+1; } //figure out how many sequences you have to process int numItersPerProcessor = (iters+1) / processors; for (int i = 0; i < processors; i++) { if(i == (processors - 1)){ numItersPerProcessor = (iters+1) - i * numItersPerProcessor; } lines.push_back(numItersPerProcessor); } //create array of worker threads vector<thread*> workerThreads; vector<treeSharedData*> data; //Lauch worker threads for (int i = 0; i < processors-1; i++) { //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations SharedRAbundVectors* newLookup = new SharedRAbundVectors(*thisLookup); treeSharedData* dataBundle = new treeSharedData(lines[i+1], false, subsample, withReplacement, subsampleSize, Estimators, newLookup); data.push_back(dataBundle); workerThreads.push_back(new thread(process, dataBundle)); } //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations SharedRAbundVectors* newLookup = new SharedRAbundVectors(*thisLookup); treeSharedData* dataBundle = new treeSharedData(lines[0], true, subsample, withReplacement, subsampleSize, Estimators, newLookup); process(dataBundle); delete newLookup; Estimators.clear(); Estimators = dataBundle->Estimators; vector< vector< vector<seqDist> > > calcDistsTotals = dataBundle->calcDistsTotals; vector< vector< vector<double> > > matrices = dataBundle->matrices; for (int i = 0; i < processors-1; i++) { workerThreads[i]->join(); //get calcDistsTotal info - one entry per iter for (int j = 0; j < data[i]->calcDistsTotals.size(); j++) { calcDistsTotals.push_back(data[i]->calcDistsTotals[j]); } delete data[i]->thisLookup; delete data[i]; delete workerThreads[i]; } delete dataBundle; if (iters != 1) { //we need to find the average distance and standard deviation for each groups distance vector< vector<seqDist> > calcAverages = util.getAverages(calcDistsTotals); if (m->getDebug()) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: found averages.\n"); } //create average tree for each calc for (int i = 0; i < Estimators.size(); i++) { vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance matrix.resize(thisLookup->size()); for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup->size(); k++) { matrix[k].resize(thisLookup->size(), 0.0); } for (int j = 0; j < calcAverages[i].size(); j++) { int row = calcAverages[i][j].seq1; int column = calcAverages[i][j].seq2; float dist = calcAverages[i][j].dist; matrix[row][column] = dist; matrix[column][row] = dist; } //create a new filename map<string, string> variables; variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + util.getRootName(util.getSimpleName(inputfile)); variables["[calc]"] = Estimators[i]; variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup->getLabel(); variables["[tag]"] = "ave"; string outputFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables); outputNames.push_back(outputFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(outputFile); //creates tree from similarity matrix and write out file Tree* newTree = new Tree(&ct, matrix, Treenames); if (m->getControl_pressed()) { delete newTree; newTree = NULL; } else { newTree->assembleTree(); } if (newTree != NULL) { newTree->createNewickFile(outputFile); delete newTree; } } if (m->getDebug()) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done averages trees.\n"); } //create all trees for each calc and find their consensus tree for (int i = 0; i < Estimators.size(); i++) { if (m->getControl_pressed()) { break; } //create a new filename map<string, string> variables; variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + util.getRootName(util.getSimpleName(inputfile)); variables["[calc]"] = Estimators[i]; variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup->getLabel(); variables["[tag]"] = "all"; string outputFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables); outputNames.push_back(outputFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(outputFile); ofstream outAll; util.openOutputFile(outputFile, outAll); vector<Tree*> trees; for (int myIter = 0; myIter < iters; myIter++) { if(m->getControl_pressed()) { break; } //initialize matrix vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance matrix.resize(thisLookup->size()); for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup->size(); k++) { matrix[k].resize(thisLookup->size(), 0.0); } for (int j = 0; j < calcDistsTotals[myIter][i].size(); j++) { int row = calcDistsTotals[myIter][i][j].seq1; int column = calcDistsTotals[myIter][i][j].seq2; double dist = calcDistsTotals[myIter][i][j].dist; matrix[row][column] = dist; matrix[column][row] = dist; } //creates tree from similarity matrix and write out file Tree* newTree = new Tree(&ct, matrix, Treenames); if (m->getControl_pressed()) { delete newTree; newTree = NULL; } else { newTree->assembleTree(); } if (newTree != NULL) { newTree->print(outAll); trees.push_back(newTree); } } outAll.close(); if (m->getControl_pressed()) { for (int k = 0; k < trees.size(); k++) { delete trees[k]; } } if (m->getDebug()) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done all trees.\n"); } Consensus consensus; Tree* conTree = consensus.getTree(trees); if (m->getDebug()) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done cons tree.\n"); } //create a new filename variables["[tag]"] = "cons"; string conFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables); outputNames.push_back(conFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(conFile); ofstream outTree; util.openOutputFile(conFile, outTree); if (conTree != NULL) { conTree->print(outTree, "boot"); delete conTree; } } }else { for (int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); i++) { if (m->getControl_pressed()) { break; } //initialize matrix vector< vector<double> > matrix = matrices[i]; //square matrix to represent the distance //create a new filename map<string, string> variables; variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + util.getRootName(util.getSimpleName(inputfile)); variables["[calc]"] = Estimators[i]; variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup->getLabel(); variables["[tag]"] = ""; string outputFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables); outputNames.push_back(outputFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(outputFile); //creates tree from similarity matrix and write out file Tree* newTree = new Tree(&ct, matrix, Treenames); if (m->getControl_pressed()) { delete newTree; newTree = NULL; } else { newTree->assembleTree(); } if (newTree != NULL) { newTree->createNewickFile(outputFile); delete newTree; } } } return 0; } catch(exception& e) { m->errorOut(e, "TreeGroupCommand", "createProcesses"); exit(1); } }