void evaluate(
         const ConstBasisDataSlice<ValueType>& basisData,
         const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType>& geomData,
         _1dSliceOf3dArray<ValueType>& result) const {
     assert(basisData.componentCount() == 1);
     const int dimWorld = geomData.dimWorld();
     for (int dim = 0; dim < dimWorld; ++dim)
         result(dim) = basisData.values(0) * geomData.normal(dim);
  void evaluate(const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &testGeomData,
                const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &trialGeomData,
                CollectionOf2dSlicesOfNdArrays<ValueType> &result) const {
    const int coordCount = 3;

    CoordinateType x_y = 0;
    for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < coordCount; ++coordIndex)
      x_y += testGeomData.global(coordIndex) * trialGeomData.global(coordIndex);
    result[0](0, 0) =
        static_cast<ValueType>(1.0 / (4.0 * M_PI)) * exp(m_waveNumber * x_y);
 void evaluate(const ConstBasisDataSlice<ValueType> &basisData,
               const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &geomData,
               _1dSliceOf3dArray<ValueType> &result) const {
   assert(basisData.componentCount() == argumentDimension());
   assert(result.extent(0) == resultDimension());
   for (int rdim = 0; rdim < resultDimension(); ++rdim)
     result(rdim) =
         (geomData.jacobianTransposed(0, rdim) * basisData.values(0) +
          geomData.jacobianTransposed(1, rdim) * basisData.values(1)) /
    void evaluate(const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &testGeomData,
                  const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &trialGeomData,
                  CollectionOf2dSlicesOfNdArrays<ValueType> &result) const {
        const int coordCount = 3;
        assert(testGeomData.dimWorld() == coordCount);
        assert(result.size() == 1);

        ValueType sum = 0;
        for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < coordCount; ++coordIndex) {
            ValueType diff =
                testGeomData.global(coordIndex) - trialGeomData.global(coordIndex);
            sum += diff * diff;
        result[0](0, 0) = static_cast<CoordinateType>(1. / (4. * M_PI)) / sqrt(sum);
  void evaluate(const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &testGeomData,
                const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &trialGeomData,
                CollectionOf2dSlicesOfNdArrays<ValueType> &result) const {
    const int coordCount = 3;

    CoordinateType sum = 0;
    for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < coordCount; ++coordIndex) {
      CoordinateType diff =
          testGeomData.global(coordIndex) - trialGeomData.global(coordIndex);
      sum += diff * diff;
    CoordinateType distance = sqrt(sum);
    ValueType v = m_interpolator.evaluate(distance);
    result[0](0, 0) =
        static_cast<CoordinateType>(1.0 / (4.0 * M_PI)) / distance * v;
    void evaluate(
            const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType>& testGeomData,
            const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType>& trialGeomData,
            CollectionOf2dSlicesOfNdArrays<ValueType>& result) const {
        const int coordCount = 3;
        assert(testGeomData.dimWorld() == coordCount);
        assert(result.size() == 1);

        CoordinateType distanceSq = 0.;
        CoordinateType nTest_diff = 0;
        CoordinateType nTrial_diff = 0;
        CoordinateType nTest_nTrial = 0.;
        for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < coordCount; ++coordIndex) {
            CoordinateType diff = trialGeomData.global(coordIndex) -
            distanceSq += diff * diff;
            nTest_diff += diff * testGeomData.normal(coordIndex);
            nTrial_diff += diff * trialGeomData.normal(coordIndex);
            nTest_nTrial += testGeomData.normal(coordIndex) *
        CoordinateType distance = sqrt(distanceSq);
        CoordinateType commonFactor =
                static_cast<CoordinateType>(-1. / (4. * M_PI)) /
                (distance * distanceSq * distanceSq);
        result[0](0, 0) = commonFactor * (
                    nTest_nTrial * distanceSq -
                    static_cast<CoordinateType>(3.) * nTest_diff * nTrial_diff);
  void evaluate(const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &testGeomData,
                const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &trialGeomData,
                CollectionOf2dSlicesOfNdArrays<ValueType> &result) const {
    const int coordCount = 3;

    CoordinateType numeratorSum = 0., distSq = 0.;
    for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < coordCount; ++coordIndex) {
      CoordinateType diff =
          trialGeomData.global(coordIndex) - testGeomData.global(coordIndex);
      distSq += diff * diff;
      numeratorSum += diff * trialGeomData.normal(coordIndex);
    CoordinateType dist = sqrt(distSq);
    ValueType v = m_interpolator.evaluate(dist);
    result[0](0, 0) =
        numeratorSum /
        (static_cast<CoordinateType>(-4.0 * M_PI) * distSq * dist) *
        (m_waveNumber * dist + static_cast<CoordinateType>(1.0)) * v;
  void evaluate(const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &testGeomData,
                const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &trialGeomData,
                CollectionOf2dSlicesOfNdArrays<ValueType> &result) const {
    const int coordCount = 3;
    const ValueType waveNumber = m_waveNumber;

    CoordinateType distanceSq = 0.;
    CoordinateType nTest_diff = 0;
    CoordinateType nTrial_diff = 0;
    CoordinateType nTest_nTrial = 0.;
    for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < coordCount; ++coordIndex) {
      CoordinateType diff =
          trialGeomData.global(coordIndex) - testGeomData.global(coordIndex);
      distanceSq += diff * diff;
      nTest_diff += diff * testGeomData.normal(coordIndex);
      nTrial_diff += diff * trialGeomData.normal(coordIndex);
      nTest_nTrial +=
          testGeomData.normal(coordIndex) * trialGeomData.normal(coordIndex);
    CoordinateType distance = sqrt(distanceSq);
    ValueType kr = waveNumber * distance;
    ValueType v = m_interpolator.evaluate(distance);
    const CoordinateType ONE = 1., THREE = 3.;
    result[0](0, 0) =
        static_cast<CoordinateType>(1.0 / (4.0 * M_PI)) /
        (distance * distanceSq * distanceSq) *
        (-distanceSq * nTest_nTrial * (ONE + kr) +
         nTest_diff * nTrial_diff * (THREE + THREE * kr + kr * kr)) *
  void evaluate(const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &testGeomData,
                const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType> &trialGeomData,
                CollectionOf2dSlicesOfNdArrays<ValueType> &result) const {
    const int coordCount = 3;

    CoordinateType distanceSq = 0;
    for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < coordCount; ++coordIndex) {
      CoordinateType diff =
          testGeomData.global(coordIndex) - trialGeomData.global(coordIndex);
      distanceSq += diff * diff;
    const CoordinateType distance = sqrt(distanceSq);
    ValueType v = m_interpolator.evaluate(distance);
    const ValueType commonFactor =
        static_cast<CoordinateType>(-1. / (4. * M_PI)) *
        (static_cast<CoordinateType>(1.) + m_waveNumber * distance) /
        (distance * distanceSq) * v;
    for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < coordCount; ++coordIndex)
      result[0](coordIndex, 0) =
          commonFactor *
          (testGeomData.global(coordIndex) - trialGeomData.global(coordIndex));
    void evaluate(
            const ConstBasisDataSlice<ValueType>& basisData,
            const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType>& geomData,
            _1dSliceOf3dArray<ValueType>& result) const {
        assert(basisData.componentCount() == 1);
        assert(geomData.dimWorld() == 3);

        // result := gradient of the shape function extended outside
        // the surface so that its normal derivative on the surf. is zero
        result(0) = basisData.derivatives(0, 0) * geomData.jacobianInverseTransposed(0, 0) +
                basisData.derivatives(0, 1) * geomData.jacobianInverseTransposed(0, 1);
        result(1) = basisData.derivatives(0, 0) * geomData.jacobianInverseTransposed(1, 0) +
                basisData.derivatives(0, 1) * geomData.jacobianInverseTransposed(1, 1);
        result(2) = basisData.derivatives(0, 0) * geomData.jacobianInverseTransposed(2, 0) +
                basisData.derivatives(0, 1) * geomData.jacobianInverseTransposed(2, 1);
    void evaluate(
            const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType>& testGeomData,
            const ConstGeometricalDataSlice<CoordinateType>& trialGeomData,
            CollectionOf2dSlicesOfNdArrays<ValueType>& result) const {
        const int coordCount = 3;
        assert(testGeomData.dimWorld() == coordCount);
        assert(result.size() == 1);

        /*  Define coefficients for the regular part of the periodic Green's kernel for the 3D Laplace equation in a periodic box of size 1.
         *      We use here an expansion with harmonics up to degree 20, which yields an approximation correct up to precision 1e-10.
         *      The singular part contains the 27 Green's function for the neighbouring cells and a corrective term for a uniform neutralizing
         *      background charge.
        const int deg_max = 9;
        const CoordinateType Harmonic_Coefficients[34] = {
        const CoordinateType rescaling = static_cast<CoordinateType>( 3/(2.*M_PI) + 3/(sqrt(2)*M_PI) + 2/(sqrt(3)*M_PI));
        CoordinateType ri2[3*coordCount];
        CoordinateType r2 = 0;
        CoordinateType diff[3];
        ValueType res = 0;
        const CoordinateType common = static_cast<CoordinateType>(1. / (4. * M_PI));
        const CoordinateType ONE = static_cast<CoordinateType>(1.);

        for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < coordCount; ++coordIndex) {
            diff[coordIndex] = boost::math::tools::fmod_workaround(testGeomData.global(coordIndex)
                                                                   -  trialGeomData.global(coordIndex)
                                                                   + static_cast<CoordinateType>(0.5), ONE);
            if (diff[coordIndex] > 0)
                diff[coordIndex] -=  static_cast<CoordinateType>(0.5);
                diff[coordIndex] +=  static_cast<CoordinateType>(0.5);      // Periodization
            ri2[  3*coordIndex] = (diff[coordIndex]-ONE)*(diff[coordIndex]-ONE);
            ri2[1+3*coordIndex] = diff[coordIndex]*diff[coordIndex];
            ri2[2+3*coordIndex] = (diff[coordIndex]+ONE)*(diff[coordIndex]+ONE);
            r2 += ri2[1+3*coordIndex];
                // Loop over the 27 adjacent cells (!)
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            for (int j = 3; j < 6; ++j)
                for (int k = 6; k < 9; ++k)
                { res +=  common / sqrt(ri2[i] + ri2[j] + ri2[k]); }
                // corrective term for a neutral background charge
        res += static_cast<CoordinateType>(1./6.) * r2 - rescaling;
                // Approximation of the correction using spherical harmonics
        int ind = 0;
        // Transform to spherical coordinates
        CoordinateType rdegree = r2;
        CoordinateType rfactor = sqrt(r2), theta = acos(diff[2]/sqrt(r2)), phi = atan2(diff[1], diff[0]);

        for (int degree = 4; degree < deg_max; degree += 2)
            rdegree = rdegree * r2;
            for (int order = 0; order < degree + 1; order += 4)
                res += Harmonic_Coefficients[ind] * boost::math::spherical_harmonic_r(degree, order, theta, phi) * rdegree;
        result[0](0, 0) = res;