Beispiel #1
bool CAR::LoadPhysics(
	const PTree & cfg,
	const std::string & carpath,
	const MATHVECTOR <float, 3> & initial_position,
	const QUATERNION <float> & initial_orientation,
	const bool defaultabs,
	const bool defaulttcs,
	const bool damage,
	ContentManager & content,
	DynamicsWorld & world,
	std::ostream & error_output)
	std::string carmodel;
	std::tr1::shared_ptr<MODEL> modelptr;
	if (!cfg.get("body.mesh", carmodel, error_output)) return false;
	if (!content.load(carpath, carmodel, modelptr)) return false;

	btVector3 size = ToBulletVector(modelptr->GetSize());
	btVector3 center = ToBulletVector(modelptr->GetCenter());
	btVector3 position = ToBulletVector(initial_position);
	btQuaternion rotation = ToBulletQuaternion(initial_orientation);

	if (!dynamics.Load(cfg, size, center, position, rotation, damage, world, error_output)) return false;

	mz_nominalmax = (GetTireMaxMz(FRONT_LEFT) + GetTireMaxMz(FRONT_RIGHT)) * 0.5;

	return true;
bool SPRITE2D::Load(
	SCENENODE & parent,
	const std::string & texturepath,
	const std::string & texturename,
	ContentManager & content,
	float draworder)


	texinfo.mipmap = false;
	texinfo.repeatu = false;
	texinfo.repeatv = false;
	texinfo.npot = false;
	std::tr1::shared_ptr<TEXTURE> texture;
	if (!content.load(texturepath, texturename, texinfo, texture)) return false;

	node = parent.AddNode();
	SCENENODE & noderef = parent.GetNode(node);
	draw = noderef.GetDrawlist().twodim.insert(DRAWABLE());
	DRAWABLE & drawref = GetDrawableFromNode(noderef);

	drawref.SetCull(false, false);

	//std::cout << "Sprite draworder: " << draworder << std::endl;

	return true;
void PerformanceTesting::Test(
	const std::string & cardir,
	const std::string & carname,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & info_output,
	std::ostream & error_output)
	info_output << "Beginning car performance test on " << carname << std::endl;

	// init track
	btVector3 planeNormal(0, 0, 1);
	btScalar planeConstant = 0;
	plane = new btStaticPlaneShape(planeNormal, planeConstant);
	track = new btCollisionObject();

	//load the car dynamics
	std::tr1::shared_ptr<PTree> cfg;
	content.load(cfg, cardir, carname + ".car");
	if (!cfg->size())

	// position is the center of a 2 x 4 x 1 meter box on track surface
	btVector3 pos(0.0, -2.0, 0.5);
	btQuaternion rot = btQuaternion::getIdentity();
	const std::string tire = "";
	const bool damage = false;
	if (!car.Load(*cfg, cardir, tire, pos, rot, damage, world, content, error_output))

	info_output << "Car dynamics loaded" << std::endl;
	info_output << carname << " Summary:\n" <<
			"Mass (kg) including driver and fuel: " << 1 / car.GetInvMass() << "\n" <<
			"Center of mass (m): " << car.GetCenterOfMass() << std::endl;

	std::ostringstream statestream;
	joeserialize::BinaryOutputSerializer serialize_output(statestream);
	if (!car.Serialize(serialize_output))
		error_output << "Serialization error" << std::endl;
	//else info_output << "Car state: " << statestream.str();
	carstate = statestream.str();

	TestMaxSpeed(info_output, error_output);
	TestStoppingDistance(false, info_output, error_output);
	TestStoppingDistance(true, info_output, error_output);

	info_output << "Car performance test complete." << std::endl;
Beispiel #4
bool FONT::Load(
	const std::string & fontinfopath,
	const std::string & texpath,
	const std::string & texname,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & error_output,
	bool mipmap)
	texinfo.mipmap = mipmap;
	texinfo.repeatu = false;
	texinfo.repeatv = false;
	if (!content.load(texpath, texname, texinfo, font_texture)) return false;

	std::ifstream fontinfo(fontinfopath.c_str());
	if (!fontinfo)
		error_output << "Can't find font information file: " << fontinfopath << std::endl;
		return false;

	const std::string sizestr("size=");
	const float sw = font_texture->GetScale() / font_texture->GetW();
	const float sh = font_texture->GetScale() / font_texture->GetH();
	while (fontinfo)
		std::string curstr;
		fontinfo >> curstr;
		if (curstr == "char")
			unsigned int cur_id(0);
			if (!Parse("id=", cur_id, fontinfo, fontinfopath, error_output)) return false;

			CHARINFO & info = charinfo[cur_id];
			if (!Parse("x=", info.x, fontinfo, fontinfopath, error_output)) return false;
			if (!Parse("y=", info.y, fontinfo, fontinfopath, error_output)) return false;
			if (!Parse("width=", info.width, fontinfo, fontinfopath, error_output)) return false;
			if (!Parse("height=", info.height, fontinfo, fontinfopath, error_output)) return false;
			if (!Parse("xoffset=", info.xoffset, fontinfo, fontinfopath, error_output)) return false;
			if (!Parse("yoffset=", info.yoffset, fontinfo, fontinfopath, error_output)) return false;
			if (!Parse("xadvance=", info.xadvance, fontinfo, fontinfopath, error_output)) return false;
			fontinfo >> curstr >> curstr; //don't care

			info.x *= sw;
			info.y *= sh;
			info.width *= sw;
			info.height *= sh;
			info.xoffset *= sw;
			info.yoffset *= sh;
			info.xadvance *= sw;
			info.loaded = true;
		else if (, sizestr.size(), sizestr) == 0)
	const std::string & cardir,
	const std::string & carname,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & info_output,
	std::ostream & error_output)
	info_output << "Beginning car performance test on " << carname << std::endl;

	//load the car dynamics
	std::tr1::shared_ptr<PTree> cfg;
	content.load(cfg, cardir, carname + ".car");
	if (!cfg->size())

	btVector3 size(0, 0, 0), center(0, 0, 0), pos(0, 0, 0); // collision shape from wheel data
	btQuaternion rot = btQuaternion::getIdentity();
	bool damage = false;
	if (!car.Load(*cfg, size, center, pos, rot, damage, world, error_output))

	info_output << "Car dynamics loaded" << std::endl;
	info_output << carname << " Summary:\n" <<
			"Mass (kg) including driver and fuel: " << 1 / car.GetInvMass() << "\n" <<
			"Center of mass (m): " << car.GetCenterOfMass() << std::endl;

	std::stringstream statestream;
	joeserialize::BinaryOutputSerializer serialize_output(statestream);
	if (!car.Serialize(serialize_output))
		error_output << "Serialization error" << std::endl;
	//else info_output << "Car state: " << statestream.str();
	carstate = statestream.str();

	// fixme
	info_output << "Car performance test broken - exiting." << std::endl;

	TestMaxSpeed(info_output, error_output);
	TestStoppingDistance(false, info_output, error_output);
	TestStoppingDistance(true, info_output, error_output);

	info_output << "Car performance test complete." << std::endl;
Beispiel #6
void ParticleSystem::Load(
	const std::string & texpath,
	const std::string & texname,
	int anisotropy,
	ContentManager & content)
	TextureInfo texinfo;
	texinfo.anisotropy = anisotropy;
	content.load(texture, texpath, texname, texinfo);

	draw = GetDrawlist(node).insert(Drawable());
	Drawable & drawref = GetDrawlist(node).get(draw);
	drawref.SetCull(false, false);
Beispiel #7
bool CAR::LoadLight(
	const PTree & cfg,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & error_output)
	float radius;
	std::string radiusstr;
	MATHVECTOR<float, 3> pos(0), col(0);
	if (!cfg.get("position", pos, error_output)) return false;
	if (!cfg.get("color", col, error_output)) return false;
	if (!cfg.get("radius", radius, error_output)) return false;
	cfg.get("radius", radiusstr);


	SCENENODE & bodynoderef = topnode.GetNode(bodynode);
	lights.back().node = bodynoderef.AddNode();

	SCENENODE & node = bodynoderef.GetNode(lights.back().node);
	node.GetTransform().SetTranslation(MATHVECTOR<float,3>(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]));

	std::tr1::shared_ptr<MODEL> mesh;
	if (!content.get("", "cube"+radiusstr, mesh))
		varray.Scale(radius, radius, radius);
		content.load("", "cube"+radiusstr, varray, mesh);

	keyed_container <DRAWABLE> & dlist = GetDrawlist(node, OMNI);
	lights.back().draw = dlist.insert(DRAWABLE());

	DRAWABLE & draw = dlist.get(lights.back().draw);
	draw.SetColor(col[0], col[1], col[2]);
	draw.SetCull(true, true);

	return true;
Beispiel #8
bool CarGraphics::LoadLight(
	const PTree & cfg,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & error_output)
	float radius;
	std::string radiusstr;
	Vec3 pos(0), col(0);
	if (!cfg.get("position", pos, error_output)) return false;
	if (!cfg.get("color", col, error_output)) return false;
	if (!cfg.get("radius", radius, error_output)) return false;
	cfg.get("radius", radiusstr);


	SceneNode & bodynoderef = topnode.GetNode(bodynode);
	lights.back().node = bodynoderef.AddNode();

	SceneNode & node = bodynoderef.GetNode(lights.back().node);
	node.GetTransform().SetTranslation(Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]));

	std::shared_ptr<Model> mesh;
	if (!content.get(mesh, "", "cube" + radiusstr))
		VertexArray varray;
		varray.Scale(radius, radius, radius);
		content.load(mesh, "", "cube" + radiusstr, varray);

	keyed_container <Drawable> & dlist = node.GetDrawList().lights_omni;
	lights.back().draw = dlist.insert(Drawable());

	Drawable & draw = dlist.get(lights.back().draw);
	draw.SetColor(col[0], col[1], col[2]);

	return true;
Beispiel #9
bool HUD::Init(
	const std::string & texturepath,
	ContentManager & content,
	FONT & lcdfont,
	FONT & sansfont,
    FONT & sansfont_noshader,
	float displaywidth,
	float displayheight,
	bool debugon,
	std::ostream & error_output)
	const float opacity = 0.8;
	const float screenhwratio = displayheight / displaywidth;
	const float barheight = 64.0 / displayheight;
	const float barwidth = 256.0 / displaywidth;

	texinfo.mipmap = false;
	texinfo.repeatu = false;
	texinfo.repeatv = false;

	float timerbox_lowery = 0;
		timernode = hudroot.AddNode();
		SCENENODE & timernoderef = hudroot.GetNode(timernode);

		float timerboxdimx = 96.0 / displaywidth;
		float timerboxdimy = 64.0 / displayheight;
		timerboxdraw = AddDrawable(timernoderef);
		DRAWABLE & timerboxdrawref = GetDrawable(timernoderef, timerboxdraw);

		TEXTUREINFO timerboxtexinfo;
		timerboxtexinfo.mipmap = false;
		timerboxtexinfo.repeatu = true;
		timerboxtexinfo.repeatv = false;
		std::tr1::shared_ptr<TEXTURE> timerboxtex;
		if (!content.load(texturepath, "timerbox.png", timerboxtexinfo, timerboxtex)) return false;

		float totalsizex = timerboxdimx * 6.05;
		float totalsizey = timerboxdimy * 2.0;
		float x = totalsizex * 0.5 - timerboxdimx * 0.65;
		float y = totalsizey * 0.5 - timerboxdimy * 0.25;
		float w = totalsizex - timerboxdimx * 2;
		float h = totalsizey - timerboxdimy * 2;
		timerboxverts.SetTo2DBox(x, y, w, h, timerboxdimx, timerboxdimy);
		timerbox_lowery = y + timerboxdimy * 0.5;

		timerboxdrawref.SetCull(false, false);
		timerboxdrawref.SetColor(1, 1, 1, opacity);

		float fontscaley = timerboxdimy * 0.4;
		float fontscalex = fontscaley * screenhwratio;
		float startx = timerboxdimx * 0.45 - timerboxdimx * 0.15;
		float xinc = timerboxdimx * 1.5;

		laptime_label.Init(timernoderef, sansfont, "Lap time:", startx, timerboxdimy*0.9-timerboxdimy*0.3, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		laptime_label.SetDrawOrder(timernoderef, 0.2);

		lastlaptime_label.Init(timernoderef, sansfont, "Last lap:", startx+xinc, timerboxdimy*.9-timerboxdimy*0.3, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		lastlaptime_label.SetDrawOrder(timernoderef, 0.2);

		bestlaptime_label.Init(timernoderef, sansfont, "Best lap:", startx+xinc*2.0, timerboxdimy*.9-timerboxdimy*0.3, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		bestlaptime_label.SetDrawOrder(timernoderef, 0.2);

		laptime.Init(timernoderef, lcdfont, "", startx, timerboxdimy*1.2-timerboxdimy*0.3, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		laptime.SetDrawOrder(timernoderef, 0.2);

		lastlaptime.Init(timernoderef, lcdfont, "", startx+xinc, timerboxdimy*1.2-timerboxdimy*0.3, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		lastlaptime.SetDrawOrder(timernoderef, 0.2);

		bestlaptime.Init(timernoderef, lcdfont, "", startx+xinc*2.0, timerboxdimy*1.2-timerboxdimy*0.3, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		bestlaptime.SetDrawOrder(timernoderef, 0.2);

		float fontscaley = barheight * 0.5;
		float fontscalex = screenhwratio * fontscaley;
		float x = fontscalex * 0.25;
		float y = timerbox_lowery + fontscaley;
		driftscoreindicator.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "", x, y, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		driftscoreindicator.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 0.2);

		float fontscaley = barheight * 0.5;
		float fontscalex = screenhwratio * fontscaley;
		float x = fontscalex * 0.25;
		float y = timerbox_lowery + fontscaley * 2;
		lapindicator.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "", x, y, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		lapindicator.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 0.2);

		float fontscaley = barheight * 0.5;
		float fontscalex = screenhwratio * fontscaley;
		float x = fontscalex * 0.25;
		float y = timerbox_lowery + fontscaley * 3;
		placeindicator.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "", x, y, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		placeindicator.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 0.2);

		float fontscaley = barheight * 0.5;
		float fontscalex = screenhwratio * fontscaley;
		float x = 0.5;
		float y = 0.5;
		raceprompt.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "", x, y, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		raceprompt.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 1.0);
		raceprompt.SetColor(hudroot, 1, 0, 0);

		float fontscaley = 0.02;
		float fontscalex = screenhwratio * fontscaley;

		debugnode = hudroot.AddNode();
		SCENENODE & debugnoderef = hudroot.GetNode(debugnode);
		debugtextdraw1 = SetupText(debugnoderef, sansfont, debugtext1, "", 0.01, fontscaley, fontscalex, fontscaley, 1, 1, 1, 10);
		debugtextdraw2 = SetupText(debugnoderef, sansfont, debugtext2, "", 0.25, fontscaley, fontscalex, fontscaley, 1, 1, 1, 10);
		debugtextdraw3 = SetupText(debugnoderef, sansfont, debugtext3, "", 0.5, fontscaley, fontscalex, fontscaley, 1, 1, 1, 10);
		debugtextdraw4 = SetupText(debugnoderef, sansfont, debugtext4, "", 0.75, fontscaley, fontscalex, fontscaley, 1, 1, 1, 10);

#ifndef GAUGES
	std::tr1::shared_ptr<TEXTURE> bartex, progbartex;
	if (!content.load(texturepath, "hudbox.png", texinfo, bartex)) return false;
	if (!content.load(texturepath, "progressbar.png", texinfo, progbartex)) return false;

	rpmbar = AddDrawable(hudroot);
	rpmredbar = AddDrawable(hudroot);
	rpmbox = AddDrawable(hudroot);

	DRAWABLE & rpmboxref = GetDrawable(hudroot, rpmbox);
	rpmboxref.SetCull(false, false);
	rpmboxref.SetColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4);

	DRAWABLE & rpmbarref = GetDrawable(hudroot, rpmbar);
	rpmbarref.SetCull(false, false);
	rpmbarref.SetColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7);

	DRAWABLE & rpmredbarref = GetDrawable(hudroot, rpmredbar);
	rpmredbarref.SetColor(1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7);
	rpmredbarref.SetCull(false, false);

	//lower left bar
	bars.back().Set(hudroot, bartex, 0.0 + barwidth * 0.5, 1.0-barheight*0.5, barwidth, barheight, opacity, false);

	//lower right bar
	bars.back().Set(hudroot, bartex, 1.0 - barwidth * 0.175, 1.0-barheight*0.5, barwidth, barheight, opacity, false);

		float fontscaley = barheight * 0.5;
		float fontscalex = screenhwratio * fontscaley;
		float y = 1.0 - fontscaley * 0.5;
		float x0 = screenhwratio * 0.02;
		float x1 = 1.0 - screenhwratio * 0.02;

		geartextdraw = SetupText(hudroot, lcdfont, geartext, "N", x0, y, fontscalex, fontscaley, 1, 1, 1, 4);
		mphtextdraw = SetupText(hudroot, lcdfont, mphtext, "0", x1, y, fontscalex, fontscaley, 1, 1, 1, 4);

		float fontscaley = barheight * 0.25;
		float fontscalex = screenhwratio * fontscaley;
		float x0 = 1 - barwidth * 0.6;
		float x1 = 1 - barwidth * 0.7;
		float y0 = 1 - fontscaley * 1.25;
		float y1 = 1 - fontscaley * 0.5;

		abs.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "ABS", x0, y0, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		abs.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 4);
		abs.SetColor(hudroot, 0, 1, 0);

		tcs.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "TCS", x0, y1, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		tcs.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 4);
		tcs.SetColor(hudroot, 1, 0.77, 0.23);

		gas.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "GAS", x1, y0, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		gas.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 4);
		gas.SetColor(hudroot, 1, 0, 0);

		nos.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "NOS", x1, y1, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		nos.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 4);
		nos.SetColor(hudroot, 0, 1, 0);
        FONT & gaugefont = sansfont_noshader;

		// gauge texture
		char white[] = {255, 255, 255, 255};
		TEXTUREINFO tinfo; = white;
		tinfo.width = 1;
		tinfo.height = 1;
		tinfo.bytespp = 4;
		tinfo.mipmap = false;
		std::tr1::shared_ptr<TEXTURE> texture;
		content.load("", "white1x1", tinfo, texture);

		float r = 0.12;
		float x0 = 0.15;
		float x1 = 0.85;
		float y0 = 0.85;
		float h0 = r * 0.25;
		float w0 = screenhwratio * h0;
		float angle_min = 315.0 / 180.0 * M_PI;
		float angle_max = 45.0 / 180.0 * M_PI;

		rpmgauge.Set(hudroot, texture, gaugefont, screenhwratio, x0, y0, r,
			angle_min, angle_max, 0, maxrpm * 0.001, 1);

		speedgauge.Set(hudroot, texture, gaugefont, screenhwratio, x1, y0, r,
			angle_min, angle_max, 0, maxspeed * speedscale, 10);

		float w = w0;
		float h = h0;
		float x = x0 - gaugefont.GetWidth("rpm") * w * 0.5;
		float y = y0 - r * 0.5;
		DRAWABLE & rpmd = GetDrawable(hudroot, AddDrawable(hudroot));
		rpmlabel.Set(rpmd, gaugefont, "rpm", x, y, w, h, 1, 1, 1);

		w = w0 * 0.65;
		h = h0 * 0.65;
		x = x0 - gaugefont.GetWidth("x1000") * w * 0.5;
		y = y0 - r * 0.5 + h;
		DRAWABLE & x1000d = GetDrawable(hudroot, AddDrawable(hudroot));
		rpmxlabel.Set(x1000d, gaugefont, "x1000", x, y, w, h, 1, 1, 1);

		w = w0;
		h = h0;
		x = x1 - gaugefont.GetWidth("kph") * w * 0.5;
		y = y0 - r * 0.5;
		DRAWABLE & spdd = GetDrawable(hudroot, AddDrawable(hudroot));
		speedlabel.Set(spdd, gaugefont, "kph", x, y, w, h, 1, 1, 1);

		w = w0 * 2;
		h = h0 * 2;
		x = x0 - w * 0.25;
		y = y0 + r * 0.64;
		geartextdraw = SetupText(hudroot, gaugefont, geartext, "N", x, y, w, h, 1, 1, 1);

		w = w0 * 1.5;
		h = h0 * 1.5;
		x = x1 - w * 0.3;
		y = y0 + r * 0.68;
		mphtextdraw = SetupText(hudroot, gaugefont, mphtext, "0", x, y, w, h, 1, 1, 1);

		float fontscaley = barheight * 0.25;
		float fontscalex = screenhwratio * fontscaley;
		float x0 = 1 - barwidth * 0.6;
		float x1 = 1 - barwidth * 0.7;
		float y0 = 1 - fontscaley * 1.25;
		float y1 = 1 - fontscaley * 0.5;

		abs.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "ABS", x0, y0, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		abs.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 4);
		abs.SetColor(hudroot, 0, 1, 0);

		tcs.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "TCS", x0, y1, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		tcs.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 4);
		tcs.SetColor(hudroot, 1, 0.77, 0.23);

		gas.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "GAS", x1, y0, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		gas.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 4);
		gas.SetColor(hudroot, 1, 0, 0);

		nos.Init(hudroot, sansfont, "NOS", x1, y1, fontscalex, fontscaley);
		nos.SetDrawOrder(hudroot, 4);
		nos.SetColor(hudroot, 0, 1, 0);


	debug_hud_info = debugon;

	return true;
Beispiel #10
bool CarSound::Load(
	const std::string & carpath,
	const std::string & carname,
	Sound & sound,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & error_output)

	// check for sound specification file
	std::string path_aud = carpath + "/" + carname + ".aud";
	std::ifstream file_aud(path_aud.c_str());
	if (file_aud.good())
		PTree aud;
		read_ini(file_aud, aud);
		for (const auto & i : aud)
			const PTree & audi = i.second;

			std::string filename;
			std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
			if (!audi.get("filename", filename, error_output)) return false;

			EngineSoundInfo & info = enginesounds.back();

			if (!audi.get("MinimumRPM", info.minrpm, error_output)) return false;
			if (!audi.get("MaximumRPM", info.maxrpm, error_output)) return false;
			if (!audi.get("NaturalRPM", info.naturalrpm, error_output)) return false;

			bool powersetting;
			if (!audi.get("power", powersetting, error_output)) return false;
			if (powersetting)
				info.power = EngineSoundInfo::POWERON;
			else if (!powersetting)
				info.power = EngineSoundInfo::POWEROFF;
				info.power = EngineSoundInfo::BOTH;

			info.sound_source = sound.AddSource(soundptr, 0, true, true);
			sound.SetSourceGain(info.sound_source, 0);

		// set blend start and end locations -- requires multiple passes
		std::map <EngineSoundInfo *, EngineSoundInfo *> temporary_to_actual_map;
		std::list <EngineSoundInfo> poweron_sounds, poweroff_sounds;
		for (auto & info : enginesounds)
			if (info.power == EngineSoundInfo::POWERON)
				temporary_to_actual_map[&poweron_sounds.back()] = &info;
			else if (info.power == EngineSoundInfo::POWEROFF)
				temporary_to_actual_map[&poweroff_sounds.back()] = &info;


		// we only support 2 overlapping sounds at once each for poweron and poweroff; this
		// algorithm fails for other cases (undefined behavior)
		std::list <EngineSoundInfo> * cursounds = &poweron_sounds;
		for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++)
			if (n == 1)
				cursounds = &poweroff_sounds;

			for (auto i = (*cursounds).begin(); i != (*cursounds).end(); ++i)
				// set start blend
				if (i == (*cursounds).begin())
					i->fullgainrpmstart = i->minrpm;

				// set end blend
				auto inext = i;
				if (inext == (*cursounds).end())
					i->fullgainrpmend = i->maxrpm;
					i->fullgainrpmend = inext->minrpm;
					inext->fullgainrpmstart = i->maxrpm;

			// now assign back to the actual infos
			for (auto & info : *cursounds)
				assert(temporary_to_actual_map.find(&info) != temporary_to_actual_map.end());
				*temporary_to_actual_map[&info] = info;
		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		content.load(soundptr, carpath, "engine");
		enginesounds.back().sound_source = sound.AddSource(soundptr, 0, true, true);

	//set up tire squeal sounds
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		content.load(soundptr, carpath, "tire_squeal");
		tiresqueal[i] = sound.AddSource(soundptr, i * 0.25, true, true);

	//set up tire gravel sounds
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		content.load(soundptr, carpath, "gravel");
		gravelsound[i] = sound.AddSource(soundptr, i * 0.25, true, true);

	//set up tire grass sounds
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		content.load(soundptr, carpath, "grass");
		grasssound[i] = sound.AddSource(soundptr, i * 0.25, true, true);

	//set up bump sounds
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		if (i >= 2)
			content.load(soundptr, carpath, "bump_rear");
			content.load(soundptr, carpath, "bump_front");
		tirebump[i] = sound.AddSource(soundptr, 0, true, false);

	//set up crash sound
		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		content.load(soundptr, carpath, "crash");
		crashsound = sound.AddSource(soundptr, 0, true, false);

	//set up gear sound
		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		content.load(soundptr, carpath, "gear");
		gearsound = sound.AddSource(soundptr, 0, true, false);

	//set up brake sound
		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		content.load(soundptr, carpath, "brake");
		brakesound = sound.AddSource(soundptr, 0, true, false);

	//set up handbrake sound
		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		content.load(soundptr, carpath, "handbrake");
		handbrakesound = sound.AddSource(soundptr, 0, true, false);

		std::shared_ptr<SoundBuffer> soundptr;
		content.load(soundptr, carpath, "wind");
		roadnoise = sound.AddSource(soundptr, 0, true, true);

	psound = &sound;

	return true;
Beispiel #11
bool GuiPage::Load(
	const std::string & path,
	const std::string & texpath,
	const float hwratio,
	const GuiLanguage & lang,
	const Font & font,
	const StrSignalMap & vsignalmap,
	const StrVecSlotMap & vnactionmap,
	const StrSlotMap & vactionmap,
	IntSlotMap nactionmap,
	SlotMap actionmap,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & error_output)

	Config pagefile;
	if (!pagefile.load(path))
		error_output << "Couldn't find GUI page file: " << path << std::endl;
		return false;

	if (!pagefile.get("", "name", name, error_output))
		return false;

	//error_output << "Loading " << path << std::endl;

	// load widgets and controls
	active_control = 0;
	std::map<std::string, GuiWidget*> widgetmap;			// labels, images, sliders
	std::map<std::string, GuiWidgetList*> widgetlistmap;	// labels, images lists
	std::vector<Config::const_iterator> controlit;			// control iterator cache
	std::vector<Config::const_iterator> controlnit;			// control list iterator cache
	std::vector<GuiControlList*> controllists;				// control list cache
	for (Config::const_iterator section = pagefile.begin(); section != pagefile.end(); ++section)
		if (section->first.empty()) continue;

		Rect r = LoadRect(pagefile, section, hwratio);
		float x0 = r.x - r.w * 0.5;
		float y0 = r.y - r.h * 0.5;
		float x1 = r.x + r.w * 0.5;
		float y1 = r.y + r.h * 0.5;

		GuiWidget * widget = 0;

		// load widget(list)
		std::string value;
		if (pagefile.get(section, "text", value))
			std::string alignstr;
			float fontsize = 0.03;
			pagefile.get(section, "fontsize", fontsize);
			pagefile.get(section, "align", alignstr);

			int align = 0;
			if (alignstr == "right") align = 1;
			else if (alignstr == "left") align = -1;

			float scaley = fontsize;
			float scalex = fontsize * hwratio;

			GuiLabelList * widget_list = 0;
			if (LoadList(pagefile, section, x0, y0, x1, y1, hwratio, widget_list))
				// connect with the value list
				StrVecSlotMap::const_iterator vni = vnactionmap.find(value);
				if (vni != vnactionmap.end())
					StrSignalMap::const_iterator vsi = vsignalmap.find(value + ".update");
					if (vsi != vsignalmap.end())

				// init drawable
				widget_list->SetupDrawable(node, font, align, scalex, scaley, r.z);

				widgetlistmap[section->first] = widget_list;
				widget = widget_list;
				// none is reserved for empty text string
				if (value == "none")
					value = lang(value);

				GuiLabel * new_widget = new GuiLabel();
					node, font, align, scalex, scaley,
					r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, r.z);

				ConnectAction(value, vsignalmap, new_widget->set_value);

				std::string name;
				if (pagefile.get(section, "name", name))
					labels[name] = new_widget;

				widgetmap[section->first] = new_widget;
				widget = new_widget;
		else if (pagefile.get(section, "image", value))
			std::string slider, ext, path = texpath;
			pagefile.get(section, "path", path);
			pagefile.get(section, "ext", ext);

			GuiImageList * widget_list = 0;
			if (LoadList(pagefile, section, x0, y0, x1, y1, hwratio, widget_list))
				// init drawable
				widget_list->SetupDrawable(node, content, path, ext, r.z);

				// connect with the value list
				StrVecSlotMap::const_iterator vni = vnactionmap.find(value);
				if (vni != vnactionmap.end())
					StrSignalMap::const_iterator vsi = vsignalmap.find(value + ".update");
					if (vsi != vsignalmap.end())
					// special case of list containing the same image?

				widgetlistmap[section->first] = widget_list;
				widget = widget_list;
			else if (pagefile.get(section, "slider", slider))
				bool fill = false;
				pagefile.get(section, "fill", fill);

				TextureInfo texinfo;
				texinfo.mipmap = false;
				texinfo.repeatu = false;
				texinfo.repeatv = false;
				std::tr1::shared_ptr<Texture> tex;
				content.load(tex, texpath, value, texinfo);

				float radius = 0.0;
				if (pagefile.get(section, "radius", radius))
					float start_angle(0), end_angle(2 * M_PI);
					pagefile.get(section, "start-angle", start_angle);
					pagefile.get(section, "end-angle", end_angle);

					GuiRadialSlider * new_widget = new GuiRadialSlider();
						node, tex,
						r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, r.z,
						start_angle, end_angle, radius,
						hwratio, fill, error_output);

					ConnectAction(slider, vsignalmap, new_widget->set_value);
					widget = new_widget;
					GuiSlider * new_widget = new GuiSlider();
						node, tex,
						r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, r.z,
						fill, error_output);

					ConnectAction(slider, vsignalmap, new_widget->set_value);
					widget = new_widget;

				widgetmap[section->first] = widget;
				GuiImage * new_widget = new GuiImage();
					node, content, path, ext,
					r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, r.z);

				ConnectAction(value, vsignalmap, new_widget->set_image);

				widgetmap[section->first] = new_widget;
				widget = new_widget;

		// set widget properties (connect property slots)
		if (widget)
			std::string val;
			if (pagefile.get(section, "visible", val))
				ConnectAction(val, vsignalmap, widget->set_visible);
			if (pagefile.get(section, "opacity", val))
				ConnectAction(val, vsignalmap, widget->set_opacity);
			if (pagefile.get(section, "color", val))
				ConnectAction(val, vsignalmap, widget->set_color);
			if (pagefile.get(section, "hue", val))
				ConnectAction(val, vsignalmap, widget->set_hue);
			if (pagefile.get(section, "sat", val))
				ConnectAction(val, vsignalmap, widget->set_sat);
			if (pagefile.get(section, "val", val))
				ConnectAction(val, vsignalmap, widget->set_val);


		// load controls
		bool focus;
		if (pagefile.get(section, "focus", focus))
			GuiControl * control = 0;
			GuiControlList * control_list = 0;
			if (LoadList(pagefile, section, x0, y0, x1, y1, hwratio, control_list))
				// register control list scroll actions
				actionmap[section->first + ".scrollf"] = &control_list->scroll_fwd;
				actionmap[section->first + ".scrollr"] = &control_list->scroll_rev;

				// connect with item list
				if (pagefile.get(section, "list", value))
					StrSignalMap::const_iterator vsu = vsignalmap.find(value + ".update");
					StrSignalMap::const_iterator vsn = vsignalmap.find(value + ".nth");
					if (vsu != vsignalmap.end() && vsn != vsignalmap.end())
						error_output << value << " is not a list." << std::endl;

				control = control_list;
				control = new GuiControl();
			control->SetRect(x0, y0, x1, y1);

			if (focus)
				active_control = control;

	// load control actions (connect control signals)

	// parse control event actions with values(arguments)
	typedef std::pair<std::string, Slot2<int, const std::string &>*> ActionValn;
	typedef std::pair<std::string, Slot1<const std::string &>*> ActionVal;
	std::set<ActionValn> action_valn_set;
	std::set<ActionVal> action_val_set;
	std::string actionstr;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < controlit.size(); ++i)
		for (size_t j = 0; j < GuiControl::signal_names.size(); ++j)
			if (pagefile.get(controlit[i], GuiControl::signal_names[j], actionstr))
				ParseActions(actionstr, vactionmap, widgetmap, widgetlistmap,
					action_val_set, action_valn_set);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < controlnit.size(); ++i)
		for (size_t j = 0; j < GuiControl::signal_names.size(); ++j)
			if (pagefile.get(controlnit[i], GuiControl::signal_names[j], actionstr))
				ParseActions(actionstr, vactionmap, widgetmap, widgetlistmap,
					action_val_set, action_valn_set);

	// parse page event actions with values
	if (pagefile.get("", "onfocus", actionstr))
		ParseActions(actionstr, vactionmap, widgetmap, widgetlistmap,
			action_val_set, action_valn_set);

	if (pagefile.get("", "oncancel", actionstr))
		ParseActions(actionstr, vactionmap, widgetmap, widgetlistmap,
			action_val_set, action_valn_set);

	// register controls, so that they can be activated by control events
	control_set.reserve(controlit.size() + controlnit.size());
	RegisterControls(controlit, controls, this, control_set, actionmap);
	RegisterControls(controlnit, controllists, this, control_set, actionmap);

	// register action calls with a parameter, so that they can be signaled by controls
	RegisterActions(lang, action_val_set, action_set, actionmap);
	RegisterActions(lang, action_valn_set, action_setn, nactionmap);

	// connect control signals with their actions
	for (size_t i = 0; i < controlit.size(); ++i)
		for (size_t j = 0; j < GuiControl::EVENTNUM; ++j)
			if (pagefile.get(controlit[i], GuiControl::signal_names[j], actionstr))
				ConnectActions(actionstr, actionmap, controls[i]->m_signal[j]);
		for (size_t j = 0; j < GuiControl::EVENTVNUM; ++j)
			if (pagefile.get(controlit[i], GuiControl::signal_names[GuiControl::EVENTNUM + j], actionstr))
				ConnectActions(actionstr, vactionmap, controls[i]->m_signalv[j]);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < controlnit.size(); ++i)
		for (size_t j = 0; j < GuiControl::EVENTNUM; ++j)
			if (pagefile.get(controlnit[i], GuiControl::signal_names[j], actionstr))
				ConnectActions(actionstr, actionmap, controllists[i]->m_signal[j]);
				ConnectActions(actionstr, nactionmap, controllists[i]->m_signaln[j]);

	// connect page event signals with their actions
	if (pagefile.get("", "onfocus", actionstr))
		ConnectActions(actionstr, actionmap, onfocus);

	if (pagefile.get("", "oncancel", actionstr))
		ConnectActions(actionstr, actionmap, oncancel);

	controls.insert(controls.end(), controllists.begin(), controllists.end());

	// set active control
	if (!active_control && !controls.empty())
		active_control = controls[0];

	// enable active control
	if (active_control)

	// set default control
	default_control = active_control;

	return true;
Beispiel #12
bool TRACKMAP::BuildMap(
	const std::list <ROADSTRIP> & roads,
	int w, int h,
	const std::string & trackname,
	const std::string & texturepath,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & error_output)

	int outsizex = MAP_WIDTH;
	int outsizey = MAP_HEIGHT;
	int bpp = 32;

	// SDL interprets each pixel as a 32-bit number, so our masks must depend
	// on the endianness (byte order) of the machine
	Uint32 rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;
	rmask = 0xff000000;
	gmask = 0x00ff0000;
	bmask = 0x0000ff00;
	amask = 0x000000ff;
	rmask = 0x000000ff;
	gmask = 0x0000ff00;
	bmask = 0x00ff0000;
	amask = 0xff000000;

	SDL_Surface * surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, outsizex, outsizey, bpp, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);

	//find the map width and height
	map_w_min = FLT_MAX;
	map_w_max = FLT_MIN;
	map_h_min = FLT_MAX;
	map_h_max = FLT_MIN;

	for (list <ROADSTRIP>::const_iterator road = roads.begin(); road != roads.end(); road++)
		for (vector<ROADPATCH>::const_iterator curp = road->GetPatches().begin();
		     curp != road->GetPatches().end(); curp++)
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
					MATHVECTOR <float, 3> p = curp->GetPatch()[i+j*4];
					if (p[0] < map_w_min)
						map_w_min = p[0];
					if (p[0] > map_w_max)
						map_w_max = p[0];
					if (p[2] < map_h_min)
						map_h_min = p[2];
					if (p[2] > map_h_max)
						map_h_max = p[2];

	mapsize[0] = map_w_max - map_w_min;
	mapsize[1] = map_h_max - map_h_min;

	//determine the scaling factor
	//we will leave a 1 pixel border
	float scale_w = (outsizex-2) / mapsize[0];
	float scale_h = (outsizey-2) / mapsize[1];
	scale = (scale_w < scale_h)?scale_w:scale_h;

	boxRGBA(surface, 0, 0, outsizex-1, outsizey-1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

	for (list <ROADSTRIP>::const_iterator road = roads.begin(); road != roads.end(); road++)
		for (vector<ROADPATCH>::const_iterator curp = road->GetPatches().begin();
		     curp != road->GetPatches().end(); curp++)
			Sint16 x[4], y[4];

			const BEZIER & b(curp->GetPatch());
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> back_l = b.GetBL();
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> back_r = b.GetBR();
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> front_l = b.GetFL();
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> front_r = b.GetFR();

			x[0] = int((back_l[0] - map_w_min) * scale) + 1;
			y[0] = int((back_l[2] - map_h_min) * scale) + 1;
			x[1] = int((front_l[0] - map_w_min) * scale) + 1;
			y[1] = int((front_l[2] - map_h_min) * scale) + 1;
			x[2] = int((front_r[0] - map_w_min) * scale) + 1;
			y[2] = int((front_r[2] - map_h_min) * scale) + 1;
			x[3] = int((back_r[0] - map_w_min) * scale) + 1;
			y[3] = int((back_r[2] - map_h_min) * scale) + 1;
			filledPolygonRGBA(surface, x, y, 4, 255, 255, 255, 255);
			//aapolygonRGBA(surface, x, y, 4, 255, 255, 255, 255); // draw artifacts with SDL2

	//draw a black border around the track
	Uint32* rawpixels = (Uint32*)surface->pixels;
	Uint32 rgbmask = rmask | gmask | bmask;
	for (int x = 0; x < outsizex; x++)
		for (int y = 0; y < outsizey; y++)
			//if this pixel is black
			if (rawpixels[outsizex * y + x] == 0)
				//if the pixel above this one is non-black
				if ((y > 0) && ((rawpixels[outsizex * (y-1) + x] & rgbmask) > 0))
					//set this pixel to non-transparent
					rawpixels[outsizex * y + x] |= amask;
				//if the pixel left of this one is non-black
				if ((x > 0) && ((rawpixels[outsizex * y + x - 1] & rgbmask) > 0))
					//set this pixel to non-transparent
					rawpixels[outsizex * y + x] |= amask;
				//if the pixel right of this one is non-black
				if ((x < (outsizex - 1)) && ((rawpixels[outsizex * y + x + 1] & rgbmask) > 0))
					//set this pixel to non-transparent
					rawpixels[outsizex * y + x] |= amask;
				//if the pixel below this one is non-black
				if ((y < (outsizey - 1)) && ((rawpixels[outsizex * (y+1) + x] & rgbmask) > 0))
					//set this pixel to non-transparent
					rawpixels[outsizex * y + x] |= amask;

	TEXTUREINFO texinfo; = (char*)surface->pixels;
	texinfo.width = surface->w;
	texinfo.height = surface->h;
	texinfo.bytespp = surface->format->BitsPerPixel / 8;
	texinfo.repeatu = false;
	texinfo.repeatv = false;
	std::tr1::shared_ptr<TEXTURE> track_map;
	content.load(track_map, "", trackname, texinfo);


	//std::cout << "Loading track map dots" << std::endl;
	content.load(cardot0, texturepath, "cardot0.png", dotinfo);
	content.load(cardot1, texturepath, "cardot1.png", dotinfo);
	content.load(cardot0_focused, texturepath, "cardot0_focused.png", dotinfo);
	content.load(cardot1_focused, texturepath, "cardot1_focused.png", dotinfo);

	// calculate map position, size
	screen[0] = (float)w;
	screen[1] = (float)h;
	position[0] = 1.0 - MAP_WIDTH / screen[0];
	position[1] = 0.12;
	size[0] = MAP_WIDTH / screen[0];
	size[1] = MAP_HEIGHT / screen[1];
	dot_size[0] = cardot0->GetW() / 2.0 / screen[0];
	dot_size[1] = cardot0->GetH() / 2.0 / screen[1];

	mapverts.SetToBillboard(position[0], position[1], position[0]+size[0], position[1]+size[1]);
	mapdraw = mapnode.GetDrawlist().twodim.insert(DRAWABLE());
	DRAWABLE & mapdrawref = mapnode.GetDrawlist().twodim.get(mapdraw);
	mapdrawref.SetCull(false, false);

	return true;
Beispiel #13
bool CarGraphics::Load(
	const PTree & cfg,
	const std::string & carpath,
	const std::string & /*carname*/,
	const std::string & carwheel,
	const std::string & carpaint,
	const Vec3 & carcolor,
	const int anisotropy,
	const float camerabounce,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & error_output)

	// init drawable load functor
	LoadDrawable loadDrawable(carpath, anisotropy, content, models, textures, error_output);

	// load body first
	const PTree * cfg_body;
	std::string meshname;
	std::vector<std::string> texname;
	if (!cfg.get("body", cfg_body, error_output)) return false;
	if (!cfg_body->get("mesh", meshname, error_output)) return false;
	if (!cfg_body->get("texture", texname, error_output)) return false;
	if (carpaint != "default") texname[0] = carpaint;
	if (!loadDrawable(meshname, texname, *cfg_body, topnode, &bodynode)) return false;

	// load wheels
	const PTree * cfg_wheels;
	if (!cfg.get("wheel", cfg_wheels, error_output)) return false;

	std::shared_ptr<PTree> sel_wheel;
	if (carwheel != "default" && !content.load(sel_wheel, carpath, carwheel)) return false;

	for (PTree::const_iterator i = cfg_wheels->begin(); i != cfg_wheels->end(); ++i)
		const PTree * cfg_wheel = &i->second;

		// override default wheel with selected, not very efficient, fixme
		PTree opt_wheel;
		if (sel_wheel.get())
			cfg_wheel = &opt_wheel;

		if (!LoadWheel(*cfg_wheel, loadDrawable, topnode, error_output))
			error_output << "Failed to load wheels." << std::endl;
			return false;

	// load drawables
	LoadBody loadBody(topnode, bodynode, loadDrawable);
	for (PTree::const_iterator i = cfg.begin(); i != cfg.end(); ++i)
		if (i->first != "body" &&
			i->first != "steering" &&
			i->first != "light-brake" &&
			i->first != "light-reverse")

	// load steering wheel
	const PTree * cfg_steer;
	if (cfg.get("steering", cfg_steer))
		SceneNode & bodynoderef = topnode.GetNode(bodynode);
		if (!loadDrawable(*cfg_steer, bodynoderef, &steernode, 0))
			error_output << "Failed to load steering wheel." << std::endl;
			return false;
		cfg_steer->get("max-angle", steer_angle_max);
		steer_angle_max = steer_angle_max / 180.0 * M_PI;
		SceneNode & steernoderef = bodynoderef.GetNode(steernode);
		steer_orientation = steernoderef.GetTransform().GetRotation();
		steer_rotation = steer_orientation;

	// load brake/reverse light point light sources (optional)
	int i = 0;
	std::string istr = "0";
	const PTree * cfg_light;
	while (cfg.get("light-brake-"+istr, cfg_light))
		if (!LoadLight(*cfg_light, content, error_output))
			error_output << "Failed to load lights." << std::endl;
			return false;

		std::ostringstream sstr;
		sstr << ++i;
		istr = sstr.str();
	i = 0;
	istr = "0";
	while (cfg.get("light-reverse-"+istr, cfg_light))
		if (!LoadLight(*cfg_light, content, error_output))
			error_output << "Failed to load lights." << std::endl;
			return false;

		std::ostringstream sstr;
		sstr << ++i;
		istr = sstr.str();

	// load car brake/reverse graphics (optional)
	if (cfg.get("light-brake", cfg_light))
		SceneNode & bodynoderef = topnode.GetNode(bodynode);
		if (!loadDrawable(*cfg_light, bodynoderef, 0, &brakelights))
			error_output << "Failed to load lights." << std::endl;
			return false;
	if (cfg.get("light-reverse", cfg_light))
		SceneNode & bodynoderef = topnode.GetNode(bodynode);
		if (!loadDrawable(*cfg_light, bodynoderef, 0, &reverselights))
			error_output << "Failed to load lights." << std::endl;
			return false;

	if (!LoadCameras(cfg, camerabounce, error_output))
		return false;

	SetColor(carcolor[0], carcolor[1], carcolor[2]);
	loaded = true;
	return true;
Beispiel #14
bool TrackMap::BuildMap(
	const std::list <RoadStrip> & roads,
	int w, int h,
	const std::string & trackname,
	const std::string & texturepath,
	ContentManager & content,
	std::ostream & error_output)

	const int outsizex = MAP_WIDTH;
	const int outsizey = MAP_HEIGHT;

	//find the map width and height
	map_w_min = +1E6;
	map_w_max = -1E6;
	map_h_min = +1E6;
	map_h_max = -1E6;

	for (list <RoadStrip>::const_iterator road = roads.begin(); road != roads.end(); road++)
		for (vector<RoadPatch>::const_iterator curp = road->GetPatches().begin();
			curp != road->GetPatches().end(); curp++)
			const Bezier & b = curp->GetPatch();
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
					const Vec3 & p = b[i + j * 4];
					if (p[1] < map_w_min)
						map_w_min = p[1];
					if (p[1] > map_w_max)
						map_w_max = p[1];
					if (p[0] < map_h_min)
						map_h_min = p[0];
					if (p[0] > map_h_max)
						map_h_max = p[0];

	mapsize[0] = map_w_max - map_w_min;
	mapsize[1] = map_h_max - map_h_min;

	//determine the scaling factor
	//we will leave a 1 pixel border
	float scale_w = (outsizex - 2) / mapsize[0];
	float scale_h = (outsizey - 2) / mapsize[1];
	scale = (scale_w < scale_h) ? scale_w : scale_h;

	std::vector<unsigned> pixels(outsizex * outsizey, 0);
	const int stride = outsizex * sizeof(unsigned);
	const unsigned color = 0xffffffff;

	for (list <RoadStrip>::const_iterator road = roads.begin(); road != roads.end(); road++)
		for (vector<RoadPatch>::const_iterator curp = road->GetPatches().begin();
			curp != road->GetPatches().end(); curp++)
			const Bezier & b = curp->GetPatch();
			const Vec3 & bl = b.GetBL();
			const Vec3 & br = b.GetBR();
			const Vec3 & fl = b.GetFL();
			const Vec3 & fr = b.GetFR();

			float x[6], y[6];
			x[2] = (bl[1] - map_w_min) * scale + 1;
			y[2] = (bl[0] - map_h_min) * scale + 1;
			x[1] = (fl[1] - map_w_min) * scale + 1;
			y[1] = (fl[0] - map_h_min) * scale + 1;
			x[0] = (fr[1] - map_w_min) * scale + 1;
			y[0] = (fr[0] - map_h_min) * scale + 1;
			x[3] = x[2];
			y[3] = y[2];
			x[4] = (br[1] - map_w_min) * scale + 1;
			y[4] = (br[0] - map_h_min) * scale + 1;
			x[5] = x[0];
			y[5] = y[0];

			RasterizeTriangle(x, y, color, &pixels[0], stride);
			RasterizeTriangle(x + 3, y + 3, color, &pixels[0], stride);
	// should operate on alpha only or on each channel?
	// horizontal blur 3x3
	for (int y = 1; y < outsizey - 1; ++y)
		unsigned * line = &pixels[0] + y * outsizex;
		unsigned p = line[0];
		for (int x = 1; x < outsizex - 1; ++x)
			//unsigned v = (line0[x] + (line1[x] << 1) + line2[x]) >> 2;
			unsigned v = (line[x-1] >> 2) + (line[x] >> 1) + (line[x+1] >> 2);
			line[x-1] = p;
			p = v;
		line[outsizex - 2] = p;
	// vertical blur 3x3
	std::vector<unsigned> linep(outsizex, 0);
	for (int y = 1; y < outsizey - 1; ++y)
		unsigned * line0 = &pixels[0] + (y - 1) * outsizex;
		unsigned * line1 = &pixels[0] + y * outsizex;
		unsigned * line2 = &pixels[0] + (y + 1) * outsizex;
		for (int x = 1; x < outsizex - 1; ++x)
			//unsigned v = (line0[x] + (line1[x] << 1) + line2[x]) >> 2;
			unsigned v = (line0[x] >> 2) + (line1[x] >> 1) + (line2[x] >> 2);
			line0[x] = linep[x];
			linep[x] = v;
	//draw a black border around the track
	const unsigned rgbmask = 0x00ffffff;
	const unsigned amask = 0xff000000;
	for (int x = 0; x < outsizex; x++)
		for (int y = 0; y < outsizey; y++)
			//if this pixel is black
			if (pixels[outsizex * y + x] == 0)
				//if the pixel above this one is non-black
				if ((y > 0) && ((pixels[outsizex * (y-1) + x] & rgbmask) > 0))
					//set this pixel to non-transparent
					pixels[outsizex * y + x] |= amask;
				//if the pixel left of this one is non-black
				if ((x > 0) && ((pixels[outsizex * y + x - 1] & rgbmask) > 0))
					//set this pixel to non-transparent
					pixels[outsizex * y + x] |= amask;
				//if the pixel right of this one is non-black
				if ((x < (outsizex - 1)) && ((pixels[outsizex * y + x + 1] & rgbmask) > 0))
					//set this pixel to non-transparent
					pixels[outsizex * y + x] |= amask;
				//if the pixel below this one is non-black
				if ((y < (outsizey - 1)) && ((pixels[outsizex * (y+1) + x] & rgbmask) > 0))
					//set this pixel to non-transparent
					pixels[outsizex * y + x] |= amask;

	TextureInfo texinfo; = (unsigned char*)&pixels[0];
	texinfo.width = outsizex;
	texinfo.height = outsizey;
	texinfo.bytespp = sizeof(unsigned);
	texinfo.repeatu = false;
	texinfo.repeatv = false;
	content.load(track_map, "", trackname, texinfo);

	//std::cout << "Loading track map dots" << std::endl;
	TextureInfo dotinfo;
	content.load(cardot0, texturepath, "cardot0.png", dotinfo);
	content.load(cardot1, texturepath, "cardot1.png", dotinfo);
	content.load(cardot0_focused, texturepath, "cardot0_focused.png", dotinfo);
	content.load(cardot1_focused, texturepath, "cardot1_focused.png", dotinfo);

	// calculate map position, size
	screen[0] = (float)w;
	screen[1] = (float)h;
	position[0] = 1.0 - MAP_WIDTH / screen[0];
	position[1] = 0.12;
	size[0] = MAP_WIDTH / screen[0];
	size[1] = MAP_HEIGHT / screen[1];
	dot_size[0] = cardot0->GetW() / 2.0 / screen[0];
	dot_size[1] = cardot0->GetH() / 2.0 / screen[1];

	mapverts.SetToBillboard(position[0], position[1], position[0]+size[0], position[1]+size[1]);
	mapdraw = mapnode.GetDrawlist().twodim.insert(Drawable());
	Drawable & mapdrawref = mapnode.GetDrawlist().twodim.get(mapdraw);
	mapdrawref.SetCull(false, false);

	return true;