bool CountryList::deleteNode(Country &nodeData)
   ListNode *nodePtr;       // To traverse the list
   ListNode *previousNode;  // To point to the previous node

   // Initialize nodePtr to head of list
   nodePtr = head->next;
   previousNode = head;

   // Skip all nodes whose code is not equal to the code pointed by pDeleteCode.
   while (nodePtr != NULL && strcmp(nodePtr->country.getCode(), nodeData.getCode()) != 0)
      previousNode = nodePtr;
      nodePtr = nodePtr->next;

   // If node-to-delete not found OR no nodes
   if (!nodePtr)
      return false;
   nodeData = nodePtr->country;  // return the deleted data
   previousNode->next = nodePtr->next;
   delete nodePtr;
   return true;
// The searchNode function searches for a node     *
// with nodeData.code. If the node was found       *
// then true is returned and the Country data of   *
// node found is returned in nodeData. If the node *
// was not found, then false is returned and       *
// nodeData reference variable is unchanged.       *
bool CountryList::searchNode(Country &nodeData)
   ListNode *nodePtr;            // To traverse the list

   // Position nodePtr at the head of list.
   nodePtr = head->next;

   // Skip all nodes that doesn't matches code of nodeData
   while (nodePtr != NULL && strcmp(nodePtr->country.getCode(), nodeData.getCode()) != 0)
      // Move to the next node
      nodePtr = nodePtr->next;

   // If nodePtr is NULL (not found)
   if (!nodePtr)
      return false;

   // Load nodeData with data from the found node
   nodeData = nodePtr->country;
   return true;
void CountryList::insertNode(Country countryIn)
   ListNode *newNode;             // A new node
   ListNode *nodePtr;             // To traverse the list
   ListNode *previousNode = head; // The previous node

   // Allocate a new node and store countryIn there.
   newNode = new ListNode;
   newNode->country = countryIn;

   // Position nodePtr at the head of list.
   nodePtr = head->next;

   // Skip all nodes whose value is less than code.
   while (nodePtr != NULL && strcmp(nodePtr->country.getCode(), countryIn.getCode())<0)
      previousNode = nodePtr;
      nodePtr = nodePtr->next;
   previousNode->next = newNode;
   newNode->next = nodePtr;