int main(int argc, char** argv)
    Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup param(argc, argv);
    CpGrid grid;
    typedef CpGrid::LeafGridView View;
    View g = grid.leafView();
    typedef FieldVector<double, 3> Pt;
    int c_local = 0;
    for (View::Codim<0>::Iterator c_it = g.begin<0>(); c_it != g.end<0>(); ++c_it, ++c_local) {
        Pt cell_centroid = c_it->geometry().center();
        int f_local = 0;
        bool trouble = false;
        for (View::IntersectionIterator f_it = g.ibegin(*c_it); f_it != g.iend(*c_it); ++f_it, ++f_local) {
            Pt face_centroid = f_it->geometry().center();
            Pt face_normal = f_it->centerUnitOuterNormal();
            if (face_normal*(face_centroid - cell_centroid) < 0.0) {
                trouble = true;
                std::cout << "Encountered troublesome geometry (centroid difference dot normal is negative) "
                    "in cell " << c_local << " local face " << f_local << std::endl;
        if (trouble) {
            std::cout << "Cell " << c_local << " had a total of " << f_local << " faces." << std::endl;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Create a grid.
    Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup param(argc, argv);
    CpGrid grid;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    parameter::ParameterGroup param(argc, argv);
    CpGrid grid;
    GridInterfaceEuler<CpGrid> gi(grid);
    typedef FlowBC FBC;
    boost::array<FBC, 6> fcond = {{ FBC(FBC::Periodic, 1.0e5),
				    FBC(FBC::Periodic, -1.0e5),
				    FBC(FBC::Periodic, 0.0),
				    FBC(FBC::Periodic, 0.0),
				    FBC(FBC::Neumann, 0.0),
				    FBC(FBC::Neumann, 0.0) }};
    typedef SatBC SBC;
    boost::array<SBC, 6> scond = {{ SBC(SBC::Periodic, 0.0),
				    SBC(SBC::Periodic, 0.0),
				    SBC(SBC::Periodic, 0.0),
				    SBC(SBC::Periodic, 0.0),
				    SBC(SBC::Dirichlet, 0.0),
				    SBC(SBC::Dirichlet, 0.0) }};
    BasicBoundaryConditions<true, true> bcs;
    createPeriodic(bcs, gi, fcond, scond);
    std::cout << bcs;
Beispiel #4
    inline void setupGridAndProps(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
				  CpGrid& grid,
				  ResProp<3>& res_prop)
	// Initialize grid and reservoir properties.
	// Parts copied from CpGrid::init().
	std::string fileformat = param.getDefault<std::string>("fileformat", "cartesian");
	if (fileformat == "sintef_legacy") {
	    std::string grid_prefix = param.get<std::string>("grid_prefix");
	    MESSAGE("Warning: We do not yet read legacy reservoir properties. Using defaults.");
	} else if (fileformat == "eclipse") {
	    Opm::EclipseGridParser parser(param.get<std::string>("filename"));
	    double z_tolerance = param.getDefault<double>("z_tolerance", 0.0);
	    bool periodic_extension = param.getDefault<bool>("periodic_extension", false);
	    bool turn_normals = param.getDefault<bool>("turn_normals", false);
	    grid.processEclipseFormat(parser, z_tolerance, periodic_extension, turn_normals);
            double perm_threshold_md = param.getDefault("perm_threshold_md", 0.0);
	    double perm_threshold = Opm::unit::convert::from(perm_threshold_md, Opm::prefix::milli*Opm::unit::darcy);
	    std::string rock_list = param.getDefault<std::string>("rock_list", "no_list");
	    std::string* rl_ptr = (rock_list == "no_list") ? 0 : &rock_list;
            bool use_j = param.getDefault("use_jfunction_scaling", useJ<ResProp<3> >());
            double sigma = 1.0;
            double theta = 0.0;
            if (use_j) {
                sigma = param.getDefault("sigma", sigma);
                theta = param.getDefault("theta", theta);
            if (param.has("viscosity1") || param.has("viscosity2")) {
                double v1 = param.getDefault("viscosity1", 0.001);
                double v2 = param.getDefault("viscosity2", 0.003);
                res_prop.setViscosities(v1, v2);
	    res_prop.init(parser, grid.globalCell(), perm_threshold, rl_ptr,
                          use_j, sigma, theta);
	} else if (fileformat == "cartesian") {
	    array<int, 3> dims = {{ param.getDefault<int>("nx", 1),
				    param.getDefault<int>("ny", 1),
				    param.getDefault<int>("nz", 1) }};
	    array<double, 3> cellsz = {{ param.getDefault<double>("dx", 1.0),
					 param.getDefault<double>("dy", 1.0),
					 param.getDefault<double>("dz", 1.0) }};
	    grid.createCartesian(dims, cellsz);
	    double default_poro = param.getDefault("default_poro", 0.2);
	    double default_perm_md = param.getDefault("default_perm_md", 100.0);
	    double default_perm = Opm::unit::convert::from(default_perm_md, Opm::prefix::milli*Opm::unit::darcy);
	    MESSAGE("Warning: For generated cartesian grids, we use uniform reservoir properties.");
	    res_prop.init(grid.size(0), default_poro, default_perm);
	} else {
	    THROW("Unknown file format string: " << fileformat);
	if (param.getDefault("use_unique_boundary_ids", false)) {
CombinedGridWellGraph::CombinedGridWellGraph(const CpGrid& grid,
                                             const Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
                                             const double* transmissibilities,
                                             bool pretendEmptyGrid)
    : grid_(grid), eclipseState_(eclipseState), transmissibilities_(transmissibilities)
    if ( pretendEmptyGrid )
        // wellsGraph not needed
    const auto& cpgdim = grid.logicalCartesianSize();
    // create compressed lookup from cartesian.
    std::vector<Opm::WellConstPtr> wells  = eclipseState->getSchedule()->getWells();
    std::vector<int> cartesian_to_compressed(cpgdim[0]*cpgdim[1]*cpgdim[2], -1);
    int last_time_step = eclipseState->getSchedule()->getTimeMap()->size()-1;
    for( int i=0; i < grid.numCells(); ++i )
        cartesian_to_compressed[grid.globalCell()[i]] = i;
    // We assume that we know all the wells.
    for (auto wellIter= wells.begin(); wellIter != wells.end(); ++wellIter) {
        Opm::WellConstPtr well = (*wellIter);
        std::set<int> well_indices;
        Opm::CompletionSetConstPtr completionSet = well->getCompletions(last_time_step);
        for (size_t c=0; c<completionSet->size(); c++) {
            Opm::CompletionConstPtr completion = completionSet->get(c);
            int i = completion->getI();
            int j = completion->getJ();
            int k = completion->getK();
            int cart_grid_idx = i + cpgdim[0]*(j + cpgdim[1]*k);
            int compressed_idx = cartesian_to_compressed[cart_grid_idx];
            if ( compressed_idx >= 0 ) // Ignore completions in inactive cells.
Beispiel #6
    inline void setupGridAndPropsEclipse(const Opm::EclipseGridParser& parser,
                                         double z_tolerance,
                                         bool periodic_extension,
                                         bool turn_normals,
                                         bool clip_z,
                                         bool unique_bids,
                                         double perm_threshold,
                                         const std::string& rock_list,
                                         bool use_jfunction_scaling,
                                         double sigma,
                                         double theta,
                                         CpGrid& grid,
                                         ResProp<3>& res_prop)
        grid.processEclipseFormat(parser, z_tolerance, periodic_extension, turn_normals, clip_z);
        const std::string* rl_ptr = (rock_list == "no_list") ? 0 : &rock_list;
        res_prop.init(parser, grid.globalCell(), perm_threshold, rl_ptr, use_jfunction_scaling, sigma, theta);
	if (unique_bids) {
CombinedGridWellGraph::CombinedGridWellGraph(const CpGrid& grid,
                                             const Opm::EclipseState* eclipseState,
                                             const double* transmissibilities,
                                             bool pretendEmptyGrid)
    : grid_(grid), transmissibilities_(transmissibilities)
    if ( pretendEmptyGrid )
        // wellsGraph not needed
    const auto& cpgdim = grid.logicalCartesianSize();
    // create compressed lookup from cartesian.
    std::vector<int> cartesian_to_compressed(cpgdim[0]*cpgdim[1]*cpgdim[2], -1);

    for( int i=0; i < grid.numCells(); ++i )
        cartesian_to_compressed[grid.globalCell()[i]] = i;
    well_indices_.init(*eclipseState, cpgdim, cartesian_to_compressed);
    std::vector<int>().swap(cartesian_to_compressed); // free memory.
std::vector<int> zoltanGraphPartitionGridOnRoot(const CpGrid& cpgrid,
                                          const CollectiveCommunication<MPI_Comm>& cc,
                                          int root)
    int rc;
    float ver;
    struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;
    int changes, numGidEntries, numLidEntries, numImport, numExport;
    ZOLTAN_ID_PTR importGlobalGids, importLocalGids, exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids;
    int *importProcs, *importToPart, *exportProcs, *exportToPart;
    int argc=0;
    char** argv;
    rc = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);
    zz = Zoltan_Create(cc);
    if ( rc != ZOLTAN_OK )
        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not initialize Zoltan!");

    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "GRAPH");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_APPROACH", "PARTITION");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "ALL");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "3");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "CHECK_GRAPH", "2");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "PHG_EDGE_SIZE_THRESHOLD", ".35");  /* 0-remove all, 1-remove none */

    bool pretendEmptyGrid = cc.rank()!=root;

    Dune::cpgrid::setCpGridZoltanGraphFunctions(zz, cpgrid, pretendEmptyGrid);

    rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
                             &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */
                             &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
                             &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
                             &numImport,      /* Number of vertices to be sent to me */
                             &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
                             &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
                             &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming vertex */
                             &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming vertex */
                             &numExport,      /* Number of vertices I must send to other processes*/
                             &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the vertices I must send */
                             &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the vertices I must send */
                             &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the vertices */
                             &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each vertex will belong */
    int size = cpgrid.numCells();
    int         rank  = cc.rank();
    std::vector<int> parts=std::vector<int>(size, rank);

    for ( int i=0; i < numExport; ++i )
        parts[exportLocalGids[i]] = exportProcs[i];
    cc.broadcast(&parts[0], parts.size(), root);
    Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids, &exportProcs, &exportToPart);
    Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids, &importProcs, &importToPart);
    return parts;
Beispiel #9
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    typedef Dune::GridInterfaceEuler<CpGrid>                       GI;
    typedef GI  ::CellIterator                                     CI;
    typedef CI  ::FaceIterator                                     FI;
    typedef Dune::BasicBoundaryConditions<true, false>                  BCs;
    typedef Dune::ReservoirPropertyCapillary<3>                    RI;
    typedef Dune::IncompFlowSolverHybrid<GI, RI, BCs,
        Dune::MimeticIPEvaluator> FlowSolver;

    Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup param(argc, argv);
    CpGrid grid;
    GridInterfaceEuler<CpGrid> g(grid);

    typedef Dune::FlowBC BC;
    BCs flow_bc(7);
#define BCDIR 4
#if BCDIR == 1
    flow_bc.flowCond(1) = BC(BC::Dirichlet, 1.0*Opm::unit::barsa);
    flow_bc.flowCond(2) = BC(BC::Dirichlet, 0.0*Opm::unit::barsa);
#elif BCDIR == 2
    flow_bc.flowCond(3) = BC(BC::Dirichlet, 1.0*Opm::unit::barsa);
    flow_bc.flowCond(4) = BC(BC::Dirichlet, 0.0*Opm::unit::barsa);
#elif BCDIR == 3
    flow_bc.flowCond(5) = BC(BC::Dirichlet, 1.0*Opm::unit::barsa);
    flow_bc.flowCond(6) = BC(BC::Dirichlet, 0.0*Opm::unit::barsa);
#elif BCDIR == 4
    flow_bc.flowCond(5) = BC(BC::Dirichlet, 1.0*Opm::unit::barsa);

    RI r;

    std::vector<double> permdata;
    ASSERT (int(permdata.size()) == 3 * 60 * 220 * 85);
    Dune::SharedFortranMatrix Perm(60 * 220 * 85, 3, &permdata[0]);
    const int imin = param.get<int>("imin");
    const int jmin = param.get<int>("jmin");
    const int kmin = param.get<int>("kmin");
    for (int c = 0; c < g.numberOfCells(); ++c) {
        boost::array<int,3> ijk;
        grid.getIJK(c, ijk);
        ijk[0] += imin;  ijk[1] += jmin;  ijk[2] += kmin;
        const int gc = ijk[0] + 60*(ijk[1] + 220*ijk[2]);
        RI::SharedPermTensor K = r.permeabilityModifiable(c);
        K(0,0) = 0*0.1*Opm::unit::darcy + 1*Perm(gc,0);
        K(1,1) = 0*0.1*Opm::unit::darcy + 1*Perm(gc,1);
        K(2,2) = 0*0.1*Opm::unit::darcy + 1*Perm(gc,2);

#if 1
    CI::Vector gravity;
    gravity[0] = gravity[1] = gravity[2] = 0.0;
#if 1
    gravity[2] = Opm::unit::gravity;
    gravity[2] = 10; //Opm::unit::gravity;

    FlowSolver solver;
    solver.init(g, r, gravity, flow_bc);

#if 1
    std::vector<double> src(g.numberOfCells(), 0.0);
    std::vector<double> sat(g.numberOfCells(), 0.0);

#if 0
    const int nx = param.get<int>("nx");
    const int ny = param.get<int>("ny");
    const int nz = param.get<int>("nz");
    const int
        i  = 0 + nz*(nx/2   + nx*ny/2  ),
        p1 = 0 + nz*(0      + nx*0     ),
        p2 = 0 + nz*((nx-1) + nx*0     ),
        p3 = 0 + nz*(0      + nx*(ny-1)),
        p4 = 0 + nz*((nx-1) + nx*(ny-1));

    const double bbl   = 0.159 * unit::cubic(unit::meter);
    const double irate = 1.0e4 * bbl / unit::day;
    for (int z = 0; z < nz; ++z) {
        src[i  + z] =   irate / nz;
        src[p1 + z] = -(irate / nz) / 4;
        src[p2 + z] = -(irate / nz) / 4;
        src[p3 + z] = -(irate / nz) / 4;
        src[p4 + z] = -(irate / nz) / 4;

    solver.solve(r, sat, flow_bc, src, 5.0e-8, 3);

#if 1
    std::vector<GI::Vector> cell_velocity;
    estimateCellVelocity(cell_velocity, g, solver.getSolution());
    // Dune's vtk writer wants multi-component data to be flattened.
    std::vector<double> cell_velocity_flat(&*cell_velocity.front().begin(),
    std::vector<double> cell_pressure;
    getCellPressure(cell_pressure, g, solver.getSolution());

    Dune::VTKWriter<CpGrid::LeafGridView> vtkwriter(grid.leafView());
    vtkwriter.addCellData(cell_velocity_flat, "velocity", 3);
    vtkwriter.addCellData(cell_pressure, "pressure");
    vtkwriter.write("spe10_test_output", Dune::VTKOptions::ascii);
    return 0;
Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc,argv); // Dummy if no MPI.

    CpGrid grid;

    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cout << "Usage: grdecl2vtu filename.grdecl" << std::endl;

    const char* eclipsefilename = argv[1];
    Opm::ParseContext parseContext;
    Opm::Parser parser;
    auto deck = parser.parseFile(eclipsefilename, parseContext);

    // Get logical cartesian grid dimensions.
    std::array<size_t, 3> dims;
    if (deck.hasKeyword("SPECGRID")) {
        const auto& specgridRecord = deck.getKeyword("SPECGRID").getRecord(0);
        dims[0] = specgridRecord.getItem("NX").get< int >(0);
        dims[1] = specgridRecord.getItem("NY").get< int >(0);
        dims[2] = specgridRecord.getItem("NZ").get< int >(0);
    } else if (deck.hasKeyword("DIMENS")) {
        const auto& dimensRecord = deck.getKeyword("DIMENS").getRecord(0);
        dims[0] = dimensRecord.getItem("NX").get< int >(0);
        dims[1] = dimensRecord.getItem("NY").get< int >(0);
        dims[2] = dimensRecord.getItem("NZ").get< int >(0);
    } else {
        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Found neither SPECGRID nor DIMENS in file. At least one is needed.");

        const int* actnum = deck.hasKeyword("ACTNUM") ? deck.getKeyword("ACTNUM").getIntData().data() : nullptr;
        Opm::EclipseGrid ecl_grid(deck , actnum);
        grid.processEclipseFormat(ecl_grid, false);

    VTKWriter<CpGrid::LeafGridView> vtkwriter(grid.leafGridView());

    const std::vector<int>& global_cell = grid.globalCell();

    std::vector<double> poros;
    condWriteDoubleField(poros, "PORO", deck, global_cell, dims, vtkwriter);

    std::vector<double> permxs;
    condWriteDoubleField(permxs, "PERMX", deck, global_cell, dims, vtkwriter);
    std::vector<double> permys;
    condWriteDoubleField(permys, "PERMY", deck, global_cell, dims, vtkwriter);

    std::vector<double> permzs;
    condWriteDoubleField(permzs, "PERMZ", deck, global_cell, dims, vtkwriter);

    std::vector<double> actnums;
    condWriteIntegerField(actnums, "ACTNUM", deck, global_cell, dims, vtkwriter);

    std::vector<double> satnums;
    condWriteIntegerField(satnums, "SATNUM", deck, global_cell, dims, vtkwriter);

    std::vector<double> regnums;
    condWriteIntegerField(regnums, "REGNUM", deck, global_cell, dims, vtkwriter);

    std::vector<double> swats;
    condWriteDoubleField(swats, "SWAT", deck, global_cell, dims, vtkwriter);
#endif // #if HAVE_OPM_PARSER

    std::string fname(eclipsefilename);
    std::string fnamebase = fname.substr(0, fname.find_last_of('.'));
    std::cout << "Writing to filename " << fnamebase << ".vtu" << std::endl;
    vtkwriter.write(fnamebase, VTK::ascii);
catch (const std::exception &e) {
    std::cerr << "Program threw an exception: " << e.what() << "\n";