int CvMapGenerator::calculateNumBonusesToAdd(BonusTypes eBonusType)
	CvBonusInfo& pBonusInfo = GC.getBonusInfo(eBonusType);

	// Calculate iBonusCount, the amount of this bonus to be placed:

	int iRand1 = GC.getGameINLINE().getMapRandNum(pBonusInfo.getRandAppearance1(), "calculateNumBonusesToAdd-1");
	int iRand2 = GC.getGameINLINE().getMapRandNum(pBonusInfo.getRandAppearance2(), "calculateNumBonusesToAdd-2");
	int iRand3 = GC.getGameINLINE().getMapRandNum(pBonusInfo.getRandAppearance3(), "calculateNumBonusesToAdd-3");
	int iRand4 = GC.getGameINLINE().getMapRandNum(pBonusInfo.getRandAppearance4(), "calculateNumBonusesToAdd-4");
	int iBaseCount = pBonusInfo.getConstAppearance() + iRand1 + iRand2 + iRand3 + iRand4;

	bool bIgnoreLatitude = false;

	// Calculate iNumPossible, the number of plots that are eligible to have this bonus:

	int iLandTiles = 0;
	if (pBonusInfo.getTilesPer() > 0)
		int iNumPossible = 0;
		for (int iI = 0; iI < GC.getMapINLINE().numPlotsINLINE(); iI++)
			CvPlot* pPlot = GC.getMapINLINE().plotByIndexINLINE(iI);
			if (pPlot->canHaveBonus(eBonusType, bIgnoreLatitude))
		iLandTiles = (iNumPossible / pBonusInfo.getTilesPer());

	int iPlayers = (GC.getGameINLINE().countCivPlayersAlive() * pBonusInfo.getPercentPerPlayer()) / 100;
	int iBonusCount = (iBaseCount * (iLandTiles + iPlayers)) / 100;
	iBonusCount = std::max(1, iBonusCount);
	return iBonusCount;
bool CvMapGenerator::canPlaceBonusAt(BonusTypes eBonus, int iX, int iY, bool bIgnoreLatitude)

	CvArea* pArea;
	CvPlot* pPlot;
	CvPlot* pLoopPlot;
	int iRange;
	int iDX, iDY;
	int iI;

	pPlot = GC.getMapINLINE().plotINLINE(iX, iY);
	pArea = pPlot->area();

	if (!(pPlot->canHaveBonus(eBonus, bIgnoreLatitude)))
		return false;

	long result = 0;
	if (gDLL->getPythonIFace()->pythonCanPlaceBonusAt(pPlot, &result) && !gDLL->getPythonIFace()->pythonUsingDefaultImpl()) // Python override
		if (result >= 0)
			return result;
			FAssertMsg(false, "canPlaceBonusAt() must return >= 0");

	for (iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++)
		pLoopPlot = plotDirection(iX, iY, ((DirectionTypes)iI));

		if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
			if ((pLoopPlot->getBonusType() != NO_BONUS) && (pLoopPlot->getBonusType() != eBonus))
				return false;

	CvBonusInfo& pInfo = GC.getBonusInfo(eBonus);

	if (pPlot->isWater())
		if (((GC.getMapINLINE().getNumBonusesOnLand(eBonus) * 100) / (GC.getMapINLINE().getNumBonuses(eBonus) + 1)) < pInfo.getMinLandPercent())
			return false;

	// Make sure there are none of the same bonus nearby:

	iRange = pInfo.getUniqueRange();

	for (iDX = -(iRange); iDX <= iRange; iDX++)
		for (iDY = -(iRange); iDY <= iRange; iDY++)
			pLoopPlot	= plotXY(iX, iY, iDX, iDY);

			if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
				if (pLoopPlot->area() == pArea)
					if (plotDistance(iX, iY, pLoopPlot->getX_INLINE(), pLoopPlot->getY_INLINE()) <= iRange)
						if (pLoopPlot->getBonusType() == eBonus)
							return false;

	return true;
bool CvMapGenerator::canPlaceBonusAt(BonusTypes eBonus, int iX, int iY, bool bIgnoreLatitude)

	CvArea* pArea;
	CvPlot* pPlot;
	CvPlot* pLoopPlot;
	int iRange;
	int iDX, iDY;
	int iI;

	pPlot = GC.getMapINLINE().plotINLINE(iX, iY);
	pArea = pPlot->area();

	if (!(pPlot->canHaveBonus(eBonus, bIgnoreLatitude)))
		return false;

	long result = 0;
	CyPlot kPlot = CyPlot(pPlot);
	CyArgsList argsList;
	if (gDLL->getPythonIFace()->callFunction(gDLL->getPythonIFace()->getMapScriptModule(), "canPlaceBonusAt", argsList.makeFunctionArgs(), &result))
		if (!gDLL->getPythonIFace()->pythonUsingDefaultImpl())
			if (result >= 0)
				return result;
				FAssertMsg(false, "canPlaceBonusAt() must return >= 0");

	for (iI = 0; iI < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++)
		pLoopPlot = plotDirection(iX, iY, ((DirectionTypes)iI));

		if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
			if ((pLoopPlot->getBonusType() != NO_BONUS) && (pLoopPlot->getBonusType() != eBonus))
				return false;

	CvBonusInfo& pInfo = GC.getBonusInfo(eBonus);
	CvBonusClassInfo& pClassInfo = GC.getBonusClassInfo((BonusClassTypes) pInfo.getBonusClassType());

	if (pPlot->isWater())
		if (((GC.getMapINLINE().getNumBonusesOnLand(eBonus) * 100) / (GC.getMapINLINE().getNumBonuses(eBonus) + 1)) < pInfo.getMinLandPercent())
			return false;

	// Make sure there are no bonuses of the same class (but a different type) nearby:

	iRange = pClassInfo.getUniqueRange();

	for (iDX = -(iRange); iDX <= iRange; iDX++)
		for (iDY = -(iRange); iDY <= iRange; iDY++)
			pLoopPlot	= plotXY(iX, iY, iDX, iDY);

			if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
				if (pLoopPlot->area() == pArea)
					if (plotDistance(iX, iY, pLoopPlot->getX_INLINE(), pLoopPlot->getY_INLINE()) <= iRange)
						BonusTypes eOtherBonus = pLoopPlot->getBonusType();
						if (eOtherBonus != NO_BONUS)
							if (GC.getBonusInfo(eOtherBonus).getBonusClassType() == pInfo.getBonusClassType())
								return false;

	// Make sure there are none of the same bonus nearby:

	iRange = pInfo.getUniqueRange();

	for (iDX = -(iRange); iDX <= iRange; iDX++)
		for (iDY = -(iRange); iDY <= iRange; iDY++)
			pLoopPlot	= plotXY(iX, iY, iDX, iDY);

			if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
				if (pLoopPlot->area() == pArea)
					if (plotDistance(iX, iY, pLoopPlot->getX_INLINE(), pLoopPlot->getY_INLINE()) <= iRange)
						if (pLoopPlot->getBonusType() == eBonus)
							return false;

	return true;