int main(void) { mocapy_seed((uint)5556575); // Number of trainining sequences int N = 500; // Sequence lengths int T = 100; // Gibbs sampling parameters int MCMC_BURN_IN = 10; // HMM hidden and observed node sizes uint H_SIZE=2; bool init_random=false; CPD th0_cpd; th0_cpd.set_shape(2); th0_cpd.set_values(vec(0.1, 0.9)); CPD th1_cpd; th1_cpd.set_shape(2,2); th1_cpd.set_values( vec(0.95, 0.05, 0.1, 0.9)); // The target DBN (This DBN generates the data) Node* th0 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "th0", init_random, th0_cpd); Node* th1 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "th1", init_random, th1_cpd); Node* to0 = NodeFactory::new_kent_node("to0"); DBN tdbn; tdbn.set_slices(vec(th0, to0), vec(th1, to0)); tdbn.add_intra("th0", "to0"); tdbn.add_inter("th0", "th1"); tdbn.construct(); // The model DBN (this DBN will be trained) // For mh0, get the CPD from th0 and fix parameters Node* mh0 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "mh0", init_random, CPD(), th0, true ); Node* mh1 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "mh1", init_random); Node* mo0 = NodeFactory::new_kent_node("mo0"); DBN mdbn; mdbn.set_slices(vec(mh0, mo0), vec(mh1, mo0)); mdbn.add_intra("mh0", "mo0"); mdbn.add_inter("mh0", "mh1"); mdbn.construct(); cout << "*** TARGET ***" << endl; cout << *th0 << endl; cout << *th1 << endl; cout << *to0 << endl; cout << "*** MODEL ***" << endl; cout << *mh0 << endl; cout << *mh1 << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; vector<Sequence> seq_list; vector< MDArray<eMISMASK> > mismask_list; cout << "Generating data" << endl; MDArray<eMISMASK> mismask; mismask.repeat(T, vec(MOCAPY_HIDDEN, MOCAPY_OBSERVED)); // Generate the data double sum_LL(0); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { pair<Sequence, double> seq_ll = tdbn.sample_sequence(T); sum_LL += seq_ll.second; seq_list.push_back(seq_ll.first); mismask_list.push_back(mismask); } cout << "Average LL: " << sum_LL/N << endl; GibbsRandom mcmc = GibbsRandom(&mdbn); EMEngine em = EMEngine(&mdbn, &mcmc, &seq_list, &mismask_list); cout << "Starting EM loop" << endl; double bestLL=-1000; uint it_no_improvement(0); uint i(0); // Start EM loop while (it_no_improvement<10) { em.do_E_step(1, MCMC_BURN_IN, true); double ll = em.get_loglik(); cout << "LL= " << ll; if (ll > bestLL) { cout << " * saving model *" << endl;"kent_hmm.dbn"); bestLL = ll; it_no_improvement=0; } else { it_no_improvement++; cout << endl; } i++; em.do_M_step(); } cout << "DONE" << endl; mdbn.load("kent_hmm.dbn"); cout << "*** TARGET ***" << endl; cout << *th0 << endl; cout << *th1 << endl; cout << *to0 << endl; cout << "*** MODEL ***" << endl; cout << *mh0 << endl; cout << *mh1 << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; delete th0; delete th1; delete to0; delete mh0; delete mh1; delete mo0; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void execute(DBN& dbn, task& task, const std::vector<std::string>& actions) { print_title("Network"); dbn.display(); using dbn_t = std::decay_t<DBN>; //Execute all the actions sequentially for (auto& action : actions) { if (action == "pretrain") { print_title("Pretraining"); if (task.pretraining.samples.empty()) { std::cout << "dllp: error: pretrain is not possible without a pretraining input" << std::endl; return; } std::vector<Container> pt_samples; //Try to read the samples if (!read_samples<Three>(task.pretraining.samples, pt_samples)) { std::cout << "dllp: error: failed to read the pretraining samples" << std::endl; return; } if (task.pt_desc.denoising) { std::vector<Container> clean_samples; //Try to read the samples if (!read_samples<Three>(task.pretraining_clean.samples, clean_samples)) { std::cout << "dllp: error: failed to read the clean samples" << std::endl; return; } //Pretrain the network cpp::static_if<dbn_t::layers_t::is_denoising>([&](auto f) { f(dbn).pretrain_denoising(pt_samples.begin(), pt_samples.end(), clean_samples.begin(), clean_samples.end(), task.pt_desc.epochs); }); } else { //Pretrain the network dbn.pretrain(pt_samples.begin(), pt_samples.end(), task.pt_desc.epochs); } } else if (action == "train") { print_title("Training"); if ( || { std::cout << "dllp: error: train is not possible without samples and labels" << std::endl; return; } std::vector<Container> ft_samples; std::vector<std::size_t> ft_labels; //Try to read the samples if (!read_samples<Three>(, ft_samples)) { std::cout << "dllp: error: failed to read the training samples" << std::endl; return; } //Try to read the labels if (!read_labels(, ft_labels)) { std::cout << "dllp: error: failed to read the training labels" << std::endl; return; } using last_layer = typename dbn_t::template layer_type<dbn_t::layers - 1>; //Train the network cpp::static_if<sgd_possible<last_layer>::value>([&](auto f) { auto ft_error = f(dbn).fine_tune(ft_samples, ft_labels, task.ft_desc.epochs); std::cout << "Train Classification Error:" << ft_error << std::endl; }); } else if (action == "test") { print_title("Testing"); if (task.testing.samples.empty() || task.testing.labels.empty()) { std::cout << "dllp: error: test is not possible without samples and labels" << std::endl; return; } std::vector<Container> test_samples; std::vector<std::size_t> test_labels; //Try to read the samples if (!read_samples<Three>(task.testing.samples, test_samples)) { std::cout << "dllp: error: failed to read the test samples" << std::endl; return; } //Try to read the labels if (!read_labels(task.testing.labels, test_labels)) { std::cout << "dllp: error: failed to read the test labels" << std::endl; return; } auto classes = dbn_t::output_size(); etl::dyn_matrix<std::size_t, 2> conf(classes, classes, 0.0); std::size_t n = test_samples.size(); std::size_t tp = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < test_samples.size(); ++i) { auto sample = test_samples[i]; auto label = test_labels[i]; auto predicted = dbn.predict(sample); if (predicted == label) { ++tp; } ++conf(label, predicted); } double test_error = (n - tp) / double(n); std::cout << "Error rate: " << test_error << std::endl; std::cout << "Accuracy: " << (1.0 - test_error) << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "Results per class" << std::endl; double overall = 0.0; std::cout << " | Accuracy | Error rate |" << std::endl; for (std::size_t l = 0; l < classes; ++l) { std::size_t total = etl::sum(conf(l)); double acc = (total - conf(l, l)) / double(total); std::cout << std::setw(3) << l; std::cout << "|" << std::setw(10) << (1.0 - acc) << "|" << std::setw(12) << acc << "|" << std::endl; overall += acc; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Overall Error rate: " << overall / classes << std::endl; std::cout << "Overall Accuracy: " << 1.0 - (overall / classes) << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "Confusion Matrix (%)" << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << " "; for (std::size_t l = 0; l < classes; ++l) { std::cout << std::setw(5) << l << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; for (std::size_t l = 0; l < classes; ++l) { std::size_t total = etl::sum(conf(l)); std::cout << std::setw(3) << l << "|"; for (std::size_t p = 0; p < classes; ++p) { std::cout << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0 * (conf(l, p) / double(total)) << "|"; } std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } else if (action == "save") { print_title("Save Weights");; std::cout << "Weights saved" << std::endl; } else if (action == "load") { print_title("Load Weights"); dbn.load(task.w_desc.file); std::cout << "Weights loaded" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "dllp: error: Invalid action: " << action << std::endl; } } //TODO }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { std::streambuf *psbuf = NULL; std::ofstream log_stream; std::streambuf *pStreambuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); //--------------RNG INIT STUFF srand((unsigned)time(0)); long seed; r = gsl_rng_alloc (gsl_rng_rand48); // pick random number generator seed = time (NULL) * getpid(); gsl_rng_set (r, seed); // set seed // TESTING AREA //--------------- DBN *dbn; if (command_option_exists(argv, argv+argc, "-n")) { dbn = return_network(); std::cout << dbn << std::endl; std::cout << "Ready to learn" << std::endl; std::cout << "If you are using visualization:" << std::endl; std::cout << "'V': pauses visualization" << std::endl; std::cout << "<SPACE>: pauses learning" << std::endl; std::cout << "'+'/'-' increases/decreases learning rate" << std::endl; std::cout << "'['/']' increases/decreases output threshold" << std::endl; std::cout << "'L' stops learning for layer (skips to next if any)" << std::endl; std::cout << "Current visualization is the features displayed on top with the plot of the reconstruction cost in the box (gl text not supported yet)" << std::endl; std::cout << "Press <ENTER> to start learning: "; std::cin.get(); } else if (command_option_exists(argv, argv+argc, "-l")) { std::string filename = get_command_line(argv, argv+argc, "-l"); MLP mlp = load_MLP(filename); dbn = new DBN(mlp); dbn->data_layers.clear(); dbn->view(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (command_option_exists(argv, argv+argc, "-f")) { if (argc != 3) { print_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //Initialization, time, logfile stuff, etc. time_t t = time(0); // get time now struct tm * the_time = localtime( & t ); mkdir(out_path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); out_path += convert_to_string(*the_time) + "/"; mkdir((out_path).c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); std::string filename = get_command_line(argv, argv+argc, "-f"); dbn = return_aod_network(filename, log_stream, psbuf); } else if (command_option_exists(argv, argv+argc, "-F")) { std::string filename = get_command_line(argv, argv+argc, "-F"); MLP mlp = load_MLP(filename); Autoencoder ae(mlp); = (mlp).name + "fine_tuning"; Gradient_Descent gd(0); gd.teachAE(ae); MLP ae_mlp; save(ae); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (command_option_exists(argv, argv+argc, "-stack")) { std::string filename = get_command_line(argv, argv+argc, "-stack"); dbn = load_and_stack(filename, log_stream, psbuf); } else { print_usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } ContrastiveDivergence cd(1000); dbn->learn(cd); std::cout.rdbuf(pStreambuf); log_stream.close(); exit(1); return 0; }
int main(void) { mocapy_seed((uint)1); // Number of training sequences int N = 1000; // Allocate storage in each node. int max_num_dat_points = N; // Sequence lengths int T = 1; // Gibbs sampling parameters int MCMC_BURN_IN = 10; // HMM hidden and observed node sizes uint H_SIZE=1; uint O_SIZE=20; bool init_random=true; // The target DBN (This DBN generates the data) Node* th0 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "th0", init_random); Node* th1 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "th1", init_random); Node* to0 = NodeFactory::new_GDM_node("to0", O_SIZE , max_num_dat_points); DBN tdbn; tdbn.set_slices(vec(th0, to0), vec(th1, to0)); tdbn.add_intra("th0", "to0"); tdbn.add_inter("th0", "th1"); cout << "model has been defined" << endl; tdbn.construct(); // The model DBN (this DBN will be trained) // For mh0, get the CPD from th0 and fix parameters Node* mh0 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "mh0", init_random, CPD(), th0, true ); Node* mh1 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "mh1", init_random); Node* mo0 = NodeFactory::new_GDM_node("mo0",O_SIZE, max_num_dat_points); DBN mdbn; mdbn.set_slices(vec(mh0, mo0), vec(mh1, mo0)); mdbn.add_intra("mh0", "mo0"); mdbn.add_inter("mh0", "mh1"); mdbn.construct(); cout << "*** TARGET ***" << endl; cout << *th0 << endl; cout << *th1 << endl; cout << *to0 << endl; cout << "*** MODEL ***" << endl; cout << *mh0 << endl; cout << *mh1 << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; vector<Sequence> seq_list; vector< MDArray<eMISMASK> > mismask_list; cout << "Generating data" << endl; MDArray<eMISMASK> mismask; mismask.repeat(T, vec(MOCAPY_HIDDEN, MOCAPY_OBSERVED)); // Setting parameters CPD pars; double s = 4; pars.set_shape(H_SIZE,2*(O_SIZE-1)); vector<double> parvec; for(uint i = 0;i < O_SIZE-1;i++){ parvec.push_back(s); } for(double i = s*(O_SIZE-1);i >= 1;i=i-s){ parvec.push_back(i); } /* for(uint i = 0;i < O_SIZE-1;i++){ parvec.push_back(s); } for(double i = O_SIZE-1;i >= 1;i=i-s){ parvec.push_back(s*i); } */ pars.set_values(parvec); ((GDMNode*)to0)->get_densities()->set_parameters(pars); ((GDMNode*)to0)->get_densities()->set_SumOfCounts(4000); pair<Sequence, double> seq_ll; // Generate the data double sum_LL(0); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { seq_ll = tdbn.sample_sequence(T); sum_LL += seq_ll.second; seq_list.push_back(seq_ll.first); mismask_list.push_back(mismask); } cout << "Average LL: " << sum_LL/N << endl; GibbsRandom mcmc = GibbsRandom(&mdbn); EMEngine em = EMEngine(&mdbn, &mcmc, &seq_list, &mismask_list); cout << "Starting EM loop" << endl; double bestLL=-1000; uint it_no_improvement(0); uint i(0); bool l; // Start EM loop while (it_no_improvement<100) { em.do_E_step(1, MCMC_BURN_IN, true); double ll = em.get_loglik(); cout << "LL= " << ll; if (ll > bestLL) { cout << " * saving model *" << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; l = true; //"discrete_hmm.dbn"); bestLL = ll; it_no_improvement=0; } else { it_no_improvement++; cout << endl; } i++; em.do_M_step(); if (l){ l=false; } } cout << "DONE" << endl; // mdbn.load("discrete_hmm.dbn"); cout << "*** TARGET ***" << endl; cout << *th0 << endl; cout << *th1 << endl; cout << *to0 << endl; cout << "*** MODEL ***" << endl; cout << *mh0 << endl; cout << *mh1 << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; // em.do_E_step(1, MCMC_BURN_IN, true);/ // ((GDMNode*)mo0)->get_densities()->set_parameters(pars); // double ll = em.get_loglik(); // cout << "LL= " << ll; // cout << *mo0 << endl; delete th0; delete th1; delete to0; delete mh0; delete mh1; delete mo0; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
DBN* KjaerulfsBNetModel() { DBN *net; net = new DBN(); textcolor(WHITE); net->AddNode(discrete^"node0-0 node1-0 node2-0 node3-0 node4-0 node5-0 node6-0 node7-0", "true false"); printf("\n net->AddNode(discrete^\"node0-0 node1-0 node2-0 \n\t node3-0 node4-0 node5-0 node6-0 node7-0\", \"true false\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\t\t\tAdding of nodes is in process...."); _sleep(2000); textcolor(WHITE); net->AddNode(discrete^"node0-1 node1-1 node2-1 node3-1 node4-1 node5-1 node6-1 node7-1", "true false"); printf("\n net->AddNode(discrete^\"node0-1 node1-1 node2-1 \n\t node3-1 node4-1 node5-1 node6-1 node7-1\", \"true false\");"); _sleep(1000); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\n ......All nodes are added....\n"); getch(); // arcs textcolor(WHITE); net->AddArc("node0-0", "node1-0 node2-0"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node0-0\", \"node1-0 node2-0\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\t\t\t\t\t\tAdding of arcs is in process...."); _sleep(2000); textcolor(WHITE); net->AddArc("node1-0", "node2-0"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node1-0\", \"node2-0\");"); net->AddArc("node2-0", "node3-0"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node2-0\", \"node3-0\");"); net->AddArc("node3-0", "node4-0 node5-0"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node3-0\", \"node4-0 node5-0\");"); net->AddArc("node4-0 node5-0", "node6-0"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node4-0 node5-0\", \"node6-0\");"); net->AddArc("node6-0", "node7-0"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node6-0\", \"node7-0\");"); net->AddArc("node0-1", "node1-1 node2-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node0-1\", \"node1-1 node2-1\");"); net->AddArc("node1-1", "node2-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node1-1\", \"node2-1\");"); net->AddArc("node2-1", "node3-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node2-1\", \"node3-1\");"); net->AddArc("node3-1", "node4-1 node5-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node3-1\", \"node4-1 node5-1\");"); net->AddArc("node4-1 node5-1", "node6-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node4-1 node5-1\", \"node6-1\");"); net->AddArc("node6-1", "node7-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node6-1\", \"node7-1\");"); net->AddArc("node0-0", "node0-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node0-0\", \"node0-1\");"); net->AddArc("node3-0", "node3-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node3-0\", \"node3-1\");"); net->AddArc("node7-0", "node7-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"node7-0\", \"node7-1\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\n ......All arcs are added....\n"); getch(); // distributions textcolor(WHITE); net->SetPTabular("node0-0^false node0-0^true", "0.5 0.5"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node0-0^false node0-0^true\", \"0.5 0.5\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\t\t\t\tAdding of distributions is in process...."); _sleep(2000); textcolor(WHITE); net->SetPTabular("node1-0^false node1-0^true", "0.98 0.02", "node0-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node1-0^false node1-0^true\", \"0.98 0.02\", \n\t \"node0-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node1-0^false node1-0^true", "0.5 0.5", "node0-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node1-0^false node1-0^true\", \"0.5 0.5\", \n\t \"node0-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node2-0^false node2-0^true", "1.0 0.0", "node0-0^false node1-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node2-0^false node2-0^true\", \"1.0 0.0\", \n\t \"node0-0^false node1-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node2-0^false node2-0^true", "0.0 1.0", "node0-0^false node1-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node2-0^false node2-0^true\", \"0.0 1.0\", \n\t \"node0-0^false node1-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node2-0^false node2-0^true", "0.0 1.0", "node0-0^true node1-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node2-0^false node2-0^true\", \"0.0 1.0\", \n\t \"node0-0^true node1-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node2-0^false node2-0^true", "0.5 0.5", "node0-0^true node1-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node2-0^false node2-0^true\", \"0.5 0.5\", \n\t \"node0-0^true node1-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node3-0^false node3-0^true", "0.99 0.01", "node2-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node3-0^false node3-0^true\", \"0.99 0.01\", \n\t \"node2-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node3-0^false node3-0^true", "0.8 0.2", "node2-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node3-0^false node3-0^true\", \"0.8 0.2\", \n\t \"node2-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node4-0^false node4-0^true", "0.99 0.01", "node3-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node4-0^false node4-0^true\", \"0.99 0.01\", \n\t \"node3-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node4-0^false node4-0^true", "0.92 0.08", "node3-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node4-0^false node4-0^true\", \"0.92 0.08\", \n\t \"node3-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node5-0^false node5-0^true", "0.79 0.21", "node3-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node5-0^false node5-0^true\", \"0.79 0.21\", \n\t \"node3-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node5-0^false node5-0^true", "0.65 0.35", "node3-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node5-0^false node5-0^true\", \"0.65 0.35\", \n\t \"node3-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node6-0^false node6-0^true", "0.9 0.1", "node4-0^false node5-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node6-0^false node6-0^true\", \"0.9 0.1\", \n\t \"node4-0^false node5-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node6-0^false node6-0^true", "0.37 0.63", "node4-0^false node5-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node6-0^false node6-0^true\", \"0.37 0.63\", \n\t \"node4-0^false node5-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node6-0^false node6-0^true", "0.21 0.79", "node4-0^true node5-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node6-0^false node6-0^true\", \"0.21 0.79\", \n\t \"node4-0^true node5-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node6-0^false node6-0^true", "0.2 0.8", "node4-0^true node5-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node6-0^false node6-0^true\", \"0.2 0.8\", \n\t \"node4-0^true node5-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node7-0^false node7-0^true", "0.91 0.09", "node6-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node7-0^false node7-0^true\", \"0.91 0.09\", \n\t \"node6-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node7-0^false node7-0^true", "0.22 0.78", "node6-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node7-0^false node7-0^true\", \"0.22 0.78\", \n\t \"node6-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node0-1^false node0-1^true", "0.45 0.55", "node0-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node0-1^false node0-1^true\", \"0.45 0.55\", \n\t \"node0-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node0-1^false node0-1^true", "0.24 0.76", "node0-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node0-1^false node0-1^true\", \"0.24 0.76\", \n\t \"node0-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node1-1^false node1-1^true", "0.51 0.49", "node0-1^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node1-1^false node1-1^true\", \"0.51 0.49\", \n\t \"node0-1^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node1-1^false node1-1^true", "0.29 0.71", "node0-1^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node1-1^false node1-1^true\", \"0.29 0.71\", \n\t \"node0-1^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node2-1^false node2-1^true", "0.98 0.02", "node0-1^false node1-1^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node2-1^false node2-1^true\", \"0.98 0.02\", \n\t \"node0-1^false node1-1^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node2-1^false node2-1^true", "0.4 0.6", "node0-1^false node1-1^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node2-1^false node2-1^true\", \"0.4 0.6\", \n\t \"node0-1^false node1-1^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node2-1^false node2-1^true", "0.2 0.8", "node0-1^true node1-1^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node2-1^false node2-1^true\", \"0.2 0.8\", \n\t \"node0-1^true node1-1^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node2-1^false node2-1^true", "0.5 0.5", "node0-1^true node1-1^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node2-1^false node2-1^true\", \"0.5 0.5\", \n\t \"node0-1^true node1-1^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node3-1^false node3-1^true", "0.36 0.64", "node3-0^false node2-1^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node3-1^false node3-1^true\", \"0.36 0.64\", \n\t \"node3-0^false node2-1^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node3-1^false node3-1^true", "0.23 0.77", "node3-0^false node2-1^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node3-1^false node3-1^true\", \"0.23 0.77\", \n\t \"node3-0^false node2-1^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node3-1^false node3-1^true", "0.78 0.22", "node3-0^true node2-1^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node3-1^false node3-1^true\", \"0.78 0.22\", \n\t \"node3-0^true node2-1^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node3-1^false node3-1^true", "0.11 0.89", "node3-0^true node2-1^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node3-1^false node3-1^true\", \"0.11 0.89\", \n\t \"node3-0^true node2-1^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node4-1^false node4-1^true", "0.955 0.045", "node3-1^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node4-1^false node4-1^true\", \"0.955 0.045\", \n\t \"node3-1^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node4-1^false node4-1^true", "0.42 0.58", "node3-1^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node4-1^false node4-1^true\", \"0.42 0.58\", \n\t \"node3-1^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node5-1^false node5-1^true", "0.57 0.43", "node3-1^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node5-1^false node5-1^true\", \"0.57 0.43\", \n\t \"node3-1^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node5-1^false node5-1^true", "0.09 0.91", "node3-1^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node5-1^false node5-1^true\", \"0.09 0.91\", \n\t \"node3-1^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node6-1^false node6-1^true", "0.91 0.09", "node4-1^false node5-1^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node6-1^false node6-1^true\", \"0.91 0.09\", \n\t \"node4-1^false node5-1^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node6-1^false node6-1^true", "0.13 0.87", "node4-1^false node5-1^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node6-1^false node6-1^true\", \"0.13 0.87\", \n\t \"node4-1^false node5-1^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node6-1^false node6-1^true", "0.12 0.88", "node4-1^true node5-1^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node6-1^false node6-1^true\", \"0.12 0.88\", \n\t \"node4-1^true node5-1^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node6-1^false node6-1^true", "0.01 0.99", "node4-1^true node5-1^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node6-1^false node6-1^true\", \"0.01 0.99\", \n\t \"node4-1^true node5-1^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node7-1^false node7-1^true", "0.39 0.61", "node6-1^false node7-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node7-1^false node7-1^true\", \"0.39 0.61\", \n\t \"node6-1^false node7-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node7-1^false node7-1^true", "0.37 0.63", "node6-1^false node7-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node7-1^false node7-1^true\", \"0.37 0.63\", \n\t \"node6-1^false node7-0^true\");"); net->SetPTabular("node7-1^false node7-1^true", "0.255 0.745", "node6-1^true node7-0^false"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node7-1^false node7-1^true\", \"0.255 0.745\", \n\t \"node6-1^true node7-0^false\");"); net->SetPTabular("node7-1^false node7-1^true", "0.1 0.9", "node6-1^true node7-0^true"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"node7-1^false node7-1^true\", \"0.1 0.9\", \n\t \"node6-1^true node7-0^true\");"); _sleep(1000); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\n ......All distributions are added....\n"); textcolor(WHITE); return net; }
DBN* DBNModel() { DBN *net; net = new DBN(); textcolor(WHITE); net->AddNode(discrete^"Rain-0 Umbrella-0", "True False"); printf("\n net->AddNode(discrete^\"Rain-0 Umbrella-0\", \"True False\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\t\t\t\t\tAdding of nodes is in process...."); _sleep(2000); textcolor(WHITE); net->AddNode(discrete^"Rain-1 Umbrella-1", "True False"); printf("\n net->AddNode(discrete^\"Rain-1 Umbrella-1\", \"True False\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\n ......All nodes are added....\n"); getch(); // arcs textcolor(WHITE); net->AddArc("Rain-0", "Umbrella-0"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"Rain-0\", \"Umbrella-0\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAdding of arcs is in process...."); _sleep(2000); textcolor(WHITE); net->AddArc("Rain-0", "Rain-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"Rain-0\", \"Rain-1\");"); _sleep(1000); net->AddArc("Rain-1", "Umbrella-1"); printf("\n net->AddArc(\"Rain-1\", \"Umbrella-1\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\n ......All arcs are added....\n"); getch(); // distributions textcolor(WHITE); net->SetPTabular("Rain-0^True Rain-0^False", "0.5 0.5"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"Rain-0^True Rain-0^False\", \"0.5 0.5\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\t\t\t\t\tAdding of distributions is in process...."); _sleep(2000); textcolor(WHITE); net->SetPTabular("Umbrella-0^True Umbrella-0^False", "0.9 0.1", "Rain-0^True"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"Umbrella-0^True Umbrella-0^False\", \"0.9 0.1\", \"Rain-0^True\");"); _sleep(1000); net->SetPTabular("Umbrella-0^True Umbrella-0^False", "0.2 0.8", "Rain-0^False"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"Umbrella-0^True Umbrella-0^False\", \"0.2 0.8\", \"Rain-0^False\");"); _sleep(1000); net->SetPTabular("Rain-1^True Rain-1^False", "0.7 0.3", "Rain-0^True"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"Rain-1^True Rain-1^False\", \"0.7 0.3\", \"Rain-0^True\");"); _sleep(1000); net->SetPTabular("Rain-1^True Rain-1^False", "0.3 0.7", "Rain-0^False"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"Rain-1^True Rain-1^False\", \"0.3 0.7\", \"Rain-0^False\");"); _sleep(1000); net->SetPTabular("Umbrella-1^True Umbrella-1^False", "0.9 0.1", "Rain-1^True"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"Umbrella-1^True Umbrella-1^False\", \"0.9 0.1\", \"Rain-1^True\");"); _sleep(1000); net->SetPTabular("Umbrella-1^True Umbrella-1^False", "0.2 0.8", "Rain-1^False"); printf("\n net->SetPTabular(\"Umbrella-1^True Umbrella-1^False\", \"0.2 0.8\", \"Rain-1^False\");"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); printf("\n ......All distributions are added....\n"); getch(); textcolor(WHITE); return net; }