Beispiel #1
//this is a crap load of work... there HAS to be a better way to do this..
PyRep *MarketDB::GetMarketGroups() {
    DBQueryResult res;
    DBResultRow row;

        "SELECT * "
        " FROM invMarketGroups"))
        codelog(MARKET__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str());
        return NULL;

	DBRowDescriptor *header = new DBRowDescriptor(res);
    CFilterRowSet *filterRowset = new CFilterRowSet(&header);
    PyDict *keywords = filterRowset->GetKeywords();
	keywords->SetItemString("giveMeSets", new PyBool(false)); //+
	keywords->SetItemString("allowDuplicateCompoundKeys", new PyBool(false)); //+
	keywords->SetItemString("indexName", new PyNone); //+
	keywords->SetItemString("columnName", new PyString("parentGroupID")); //+
    std::map< int, PyRep* > tt;

    while( res.GetRow(row) )
        int parentGroupID = ( row.IsNull( 0 ) ? -1 : row.GetUInt( 0 ) );
        PyRep *pid;
        CRowSet *rowset;
        if(tt.count(parentGroupID) == 0) {
            pid = parentGroupID!=-1 ? (PyRep*)new PyInt(parentGroupID) : (PyRep*)new PyNone();
            tt.insert( std::pair<int, PyRep*>(parentGroupID, pid) );
            rowset = filterRowset->NewRowset(pid);
        } else {
            pid = tt[parentGroupID];
            rowset = filterRowset->GetRowset(pid);
        PyPackedRow* pyrow = rowset->NewRow();

        pyrow->SetField((uint32)0, pid); //prentGroupID
        pyrow->SetField(1, new PyInt(row.GetUInt( 1 ) ) ); //marketGroupID
        pyrow->SetField(2, new PyString(row.GetText( 2 ) ) ); //marketGroupName
        pyrow->SetField(3, new PyString(row.GetText( 3 ) ) ); //description
        pyrow->SetField(4, row.IsNull( 4 ) ? 
            (PyRep*)(new PyNone()) : new PyInt(row.GetUInt( 4 ))  ); //graphicID
        pyrow->SetField(5, new PyBool(row.GetBool( 5 ) ) ); //hasTypes
        pyrow->SetField(6, row.IsNull( 6 ) ? 
            (PyRep*)(new PyNone()) : new PyInt(row.GetUInt( 6 ))  ); // iconID 
        pyrow->SetField(7, new PyInt( row.GetUInt(7) )  ); //dataID
        pyrow->SetField(8, new PyInt( row.GetUInt(8) )  ); //marketGroupNameID
        pyrow->SetField(9, new PyInt( row.GetUInt(9) )  ); //descriptionID

    return filterRowset;
Beispiel #2
bool ServiceDB::GetAccountInformation( const char* username, const char* password, AccountInfo & account_info )
    std::string _username = username;
    std::string _escaped_username;

    DBcore::DoEscapeString(_escaped_username, _username);

    DBQueryResult res;
    if (!DBcore::RunQuery(res, "SELECT accountID, password, hash, role, online, banned, logonCount, lastLogin FROM srvAccount WHERE accountName = '%s'", _escaped_username.c_str()))
        SysLog::Error( "ServiceDB", "Error in query: %s.", res.error.c_str() );
        return false;

    DBResultRow row;
    if (!res.GetRow( row )) {
		// account not found, create new one if autoAccountRole is not zero (0)
		if(EVEServerConfig::account.autoAccountRole > 0) {
			uint32 accountID = CreateNewAccount( _username.c_str(), password, EVEServerConfig::account.autoAccountRole);
			if( accountID > 0 ) {
				// add new account successful, get account info again
				bool ret = GetAccountInformation(username, password, account_info);
				return ret;
				return false;
			return false;

    /* when any of the text gets are NULL it will fail... I think.. */         = row.GetUInt(0);

    if (!row.IsNull(1))
        account_info.password = row.GetText(1);

    if (!row.IsNull(2))
        account_info.hash   = row.GetText(2);       = _escaped_username;
    account_info.role       = row.GetUInt64(3);     = row.GetBool(4);
    account_info.banned     = row.GetBool(5);
    account_info.visits     = row.GetUInt(6);

    if (!row.IsNull(7))
        account_info.last_login = row.GetText(7);

    return true;
bool EVEStatic::loadStaStationTypes()
    DBQueryResult result;
    DBResultRow row;
    std::string columns = "stationTypeID, dockEntryX, dockEntryY, dockEntryZ,"
            " dockOrientationX, dockOrientationY, dockOrientationZ,"
            " operationID, officeSlots, reprocessingEfficiency, conquerable,"
            " dockingBayGraphicID, hangarGraphicID";
    std::string qry = "SELECT " + columns + " FROM staStationTypes LEFT JOIN extStaStationTypes Using(stationTypeID)";
    if (!DBcore::RunQuery(result, qry.c_str()))
        SysLog::Error("Static DB", "Error in query: %s", result.error.c_str());
        return false;
    while (result.GetRow(row))
        uint32 stationTypeID = row.GetInt(0);
        double dockEntryX = row.GetDouble(1);
        double dockEntryY = row.GetDouble(2);
        double dockEntryZ = row.GetDouble(3);
        double dockOrientationX = row.GetDouble(4);
        double dockOrientationY = row.GetDouble(5);
        double dockOrientationZ = row.GetDouble(6);
        uint32 operationID = row.getIntNC(7);
        uint32 officeSlots = row.getIntNC(8);
        double reprocessingEfficiency = row.getDoubleNC(9);
        bool conquerable = row.GetBool(10);
        // From extStaStationTypes
        uint32 dockingBayGraphicID = row.getIntNC(11);
        uint32 hangarGraphicID = row.getIntNC(12);
        new StaStationType(

    return true;
Beispiel #4
bool APICharacterDB::GetCharacterSkillsTrained(uint32 characterID, std::vector<std::string> & skillTypeIDList, std::vector<std::string> & skillPointsList,
    std::vector<std::string> & skillLevelList, std::vector<std::string> & skillPublishedList)
    DBQueryResult res;

    // Get list of characters and their corporation info from the accountID:
    if( !sDatabase.RunQuery(res,
        " SELECT "
        "   entity.itemID, "
        "   entity.typeID, "
        "   entity_attributes.attributeID, "
        "   entity_attributes.valueInt, "
        "   entity_attributes.valueFloat, "
        "   invTypes.groupID, "
        "   invTypes.published, "
        "   invGroups.categoryID "
        " FROM `entity` "
        "   LEFT JOIN entity_attributes ON entity_attributes.itemID = entity.itemID "
        "   LEFT JOIN invTypes ON invTypes.typeID = entity.typeID "
        "   LEFT JOIN invGroups ON invGroups.groupID = invTypes.groupID "
        " WHERE `ownerID` = %u AND invGroups.categoryID = 16 ", characterID ))
        sLog.Error( "APIAccountDB::GetCharacterSkillsTrained()", "Cannot find characterID %u", characterID );
        return false;

    uint32 prevTypeID = 0;
    bool gotSkillPoints = false;
    bool gotSkillLevel = false;
    DBResultRow row;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> charInfo;
    while( res.GetRow( row ) )
        if( prevTypeID != row.GetUInt(1) )
            if( (!gotSkillPoints) && (prevTypeID != 0) )
                skillPointsList.push_back( std::string("0") );

            if( (!gotSkillLevel) && (prevTypeID != 0) )
                skillLevelList.push_back( std::string("0") );

            gotSkillPoints = false;
            gotSkillLevel = false;
            skillTypeIDList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(1)) );
			skillPublishedList.push_back( std::string(itoa(row.GetBool(6) ? 1 : 0)) );

        prevTypeID = row.GetUInt(1);

        if( row.GetUInt(2) == AttrSkillPoints )
            gotSkillPoints = true;
            if( row.GetText(3) == NULL )
                // Get value from 'entity_attributes' table 'valueFloat' column since 'valueInt' contains 'NULL'
                skillPointsList.push_back( std::string((row.GetText(4) == NULL ? "0.0" : itoa((uint32)(row.GetFloat(4))))) );
                // Get value from 'entity_attributes' table 'valueInt' column since it does not contain 'NULL'
                skillPointsList.push_back( std::string((row.GetText(3) == NULL ? "0" : row.GetText(3))) );

        if( row.GetUInt(2) == AttrSkillLevel )
            gotSkillLevel = true;
            if( row.GetText(3) == NULL )
                // Get value from 'entity_attributes' table 'valueFloat' column since 'valueInt' contains 'NULL'
                skillLevelList.push_back( std::string((row.GetText(4) == NULL ? "0.0" : itoa((uint32)(row.GetFloat(4))))) );
                // Get value from 'entity_attributes' table 'valueInt' column since it does not contain 'NULL'
                skillLevelList.push_back( std::string((row.GetText(3) == NULL ? "0" : row.GetText(3))) );

    return true;