Beispiel #1
    This code is shared by six methods.
    Write value of pixel w|h in data to pixel nw|nh in pResBits.
    Antialias if requested.
void DistortionFXFilter::setPixelFromOther(int Width, int Height, bool sixteenBit, int bytesDepth,
                                           uchar* data, uchar* pResBits,
                                           int w, int h, double nw, double nh, bool AntiAlias)
    DColor color;
    int offset = getOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);

    if (AntiAlias)
        uchar* const ptr = pResBits + offset;

        if (sixteenBit)
            unsigned short* ptr16 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(ptr);
            PixelsAliasFilter().pixelAntiAliasing16(reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(data), Width, Height, nw, nh,
                                                    ptr16 + 3, ptr16 + 2, ptr16 + 1, ptr16);
            PixelsAliasFilter().pixelAntiAliasing(data, Width, Height, nw, nh,
                                                  ptr + 3, ptr + 2, ptr + 1, ptr);
        // we get the position adjusted
        int offsetOther = getOffsetAdjusted(Width, Height, (int)nw, (int)nh, bytesDepth);
        // read color
        color.setColor(data + offsetOther, sixteenBit);
        // write color to destination
        color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
Beispiel #2
void DistortionFXFilter::blockWavesMultithreaded(const Args& prm)
    int Width       = prm.orgImage->width();
    int Height      = prm.orgImage->height();
    uchar* data     = prm.orgImage->bits();
    bool sixteenBit = prm.orgImage->sixteenBit();
    int bytesDepth  = prm.orgImage->bytesDepth();
    uchar* pResBits = prm.destImage->bits();

    int nw, nh;

    DColor color;
    int offset, offsetOther;

    int nHalfW = Width  / 2;
    int nHalfH = Height / 2;

    for (int h = prm.start; runningFlag() && (h < prm.stop); ++h)
        nw = nHalfW - prm.w;
        nh = nHalfH - h;

        if (prm.Mode)
            nw = (int)(prm.w + prm.Amplitude * qSin(prm.Frequency * nw * (M_PI / 180)));
            nh = (int)(h     + prm.Amplitude * qCos(prm.Frequency * nh * (M_PI / 180)));
            nw = (int)(prm.w + prm.Amplitude * qSin(prm.Frequency * prm.w * (M_PI / 180)));
            nh = (int)(h     + prm.Amplitude * qCos(prm.Frequency * h     * (M_PI / 180)));

        offset      = getOffset(Width, prm.w, h, bytesDepth);
        offsetOther = getOffsetAdjusted(Width, Height, (int)nw, (int)nh, bytesDepth);

        // read color
        color.setColor(data + offsetOther, sixteenBit);
        // write color to destination
        color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
Beispiel #3
void DistortionFXFilter::twirlMultithreaded(const Args& prm)
    int Width       = prm.orgImage->width();
    int Height      = prm.orgImage->height();
    uchar* data     = prm.orgImage->bits();
    bool sixteenBit = prm.orgImage->sixteenBit();
    int bytesDepth  = prm.orgImage->bytesDepth();
    uchar* pResBits = prm.destImage->bits();

    DColor color;
    int offset;

    int    nHalfW   = Width / 2;
    int    nHalfH   = Height / 2;
    double lfXScale = 1.0;
    double lfYScale = 1.0;
    double lfAngle, lfNewAngle, lfAngleSum, lfCurrentRadius;
    double tw, nh, nw;

    if (Width > Height)
        lfYScale = (double)Width / (double)Height;
    else if (Height > Width)
        lfXScale = (double)Height / (double)Width;

    // the angle step is dist divided by 10000
    double lfAngleStep = prm.dist / 10000.0;
    // now, we get the minimum radius
    double lfRadMax    = (double)qMax(Width, Height) / 2.0;

    double th          = lfYScale * (double)(prm.h - nHalfH);

    for (int w = prm.start; runningFlag() && (w < prm.stop); ++w)
        tw = lfXScale * (double)(w - nHalfW);

        // now, we get the distance
        lfCurrentRadius = qSqrt(th * th + tw * tw);

        // if distance is less than maximum radius...
        if (lfCurrentRadius < lfRadMax)
            // we find the angle from the center
            lfAngle = qAtan2(th, tw);
            // we get the accumuled angle
            lfAngleSum = lfAngleStep * (-1.0 * (lfCurrentRadius - lfRadMax));
            // ok, we sum angle with accumuled to find a new angle
            lfNewAngle = lfAngle + lfAngleSum;

            // now we find the exact position's x and y
            nw = (double)nHalfW + qCos(lfNewAngle) * (lfCurrentRadius / lfXScale);
            nh = (double)nHalfH + qSin(lfNewAngle) * (lfCurrentRadius / lfYScale);

            setPixelFromOther(Width, Height, sixteenBit, bytesDepth, data, pResBits, w, prm.h, nw, nh, prm.AntiAlias);
            // copy pixel
            offset = getOffset(Width, w, prm.h, bytesDepth);
            color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
            color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
Beispiel #4
void DistortionFXFilter::fisheyeMultithreaded(const Args& prm)
    int Width       = prm.orgImage->width();
    int Height      = prm.orgImage->height();
    uchar* data     = prm.orgImage->bits();
    bool sixteenBit = prm.orgImage->sixteenBit();
    int bytesDepth  = prm.orgImage->bytesDepth();
    uchar* pResBits = prm.destImage->bits();

    double nh, nw, tw;

    DColor color;
    int offset;

    int nHalfW         = Width  / 2;
    int nHalfH         = Height / 2;
    double lfXScale    = 1.0;
    double lfYScale    = 1.0;
    double lfCoeffStep = prm.Coeff / 1000.0;
    double lfRadius, lfAngle;

    if (Width > Height)
        lfYScale = (double)Width / (double)Height;
    else if (Height > Width)
        lfXScale = (double)Height / (double)Width;

    double lfRadMax = (double)qMax(Height, Width) / 2.0;
    double lfCoeff  = lfRadMax / qLn(qFabs(lfCoeffStep) * lfRadMax + 1.0);
    double th       = lfYScale * (double)(prm.h - nHalfH);

    for (int w = prm.start; runningFlag() && (w < prm.stop); ++w)
        tw = lfXScale * (double)(w - nHalfW);

        // we find the distance from the center
        lfRadius = qSqrt(th * th + tw * tw);

        if (lfRadius < lfRadMax)
            lfAngle = qAtan2(th, tw);

            if (prm.Coeff > 0.0)
                lfRadius = (qExp(lfRadius / lfCoeff) - 1.0) / lfCoeffStep;
                lfRadius = lfCoeff * qLn(1.0 + (-1.0 * lfCoeffStep) * lfRadius);

            nw = (double)nHalfW + (lfRadius / lfXScale) * qCos(lfAngle);
            nh = (double)nHalfH + (lfRadius / lfYScale) * qSin(lfAngle);

            setPixelFromOther(Width, Height, sixteenBit, bytesDepth, data, pResBits, w, prm.h, nw, nh, prm.AntiAlias);
            // copy pixel
            offset = getOffset(Width, w, prm.h, bytesDepth);
            color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
            color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);