Beispiel #1
DMat& chol(DMat& A, bool in_place)
  // Given symmetric positive-definite matrix A,
  // return its Cholesky-factorization for use
  // later in solving (multiple) linear systems.

  int M=A.num_rows(), LDA=A.num_rows(), info=0;
  char uplo = 'U';

  if (in_place) 
    // factorize arg
    POTRF (uplo, M,, LDA, info);
    if (info) { umERROR("chol(A)", "dpotrf reports: info = %d", info); }
    A.set_factmode(FACT_CHOL);  // indicate factored state
    return A;
    // factorize copy of arg
    DMat* tmp = new DMat(A, OBJ_temp, "chol(A)");
    POTRF (uplo, M, tmp->data(), LDA, info);
    if (info) { umERROR("chol(A)", "dpotrf reports: info = %d", info); }
    tmp->set_factmode(FACT_CHOL);  // indicate factored state
#if (0)
    // compare with Matlab
    tmp->print(g_MSGFile, "chol", "lf", 4, 8);
    return (*tmp);
// Numerical {DMat,IMat} and {DVec,IVec}
void dumpDMat(const DMat& M, const char* s) { M.print(g_MSGFile, s, "lf", 4, 8, 51,0,50); }
// simple {DM,IM} and {DV,IV} arrays
void dumpDM(const DM& A, const char* s) { 
  DMat M; M.load(A.num_rows(),A.num_cols(),;
  M.print(g_MSGFile, s, "lf", 4, 8, 51,0,50); 
// bump up details
void dumpDMat2(const DMat& M, const char* s) { 
  M.print(g_MSGFile, s, "E", 2, 10, 101,0,100); 