Beispiel #1
void ExtraT::ResolveExtra(EnvBaseT* callerIn)
  // if the subroutine has _REF_EXTRA, explicit keywords override
  // if the subroutine has _EXTRA, _EXTRA keywords override

  // 1. extract own keywords from _EXTRA data (override explicit ones)
  // put all others to extra data
  BaseGDL* extraVal= (envExtraVal != NULL)? *envExtraVal : locExtraVal;

  DSub* pro=thisEnv->pro;

  DSub::ExtraType extraType= pro->Extra();

//   EnvBaseT* callerDebug=thisEnv->Caller();
//   DSub::ExtraType extraTypeDebug= callerDebug->pro->Extra();

  if( extraVal != NULL)
  if( extraVal->Type() == GDL_STRUCT) // _EXTRA
      DStructGDL* extraStruct= static_cast<DStructGDL*>(extraVal);
      DStructDesc* desc=extraStruct->Desc();

      SizeT nTag=desc->NTags();
      for( SizeT t=0; t<nTag; t++)
	  const string& tName=desc->TagName( t);
	  // search keyword
	  KeyVarListT::iterator f=find_if(pro->key.begin(),
				     String_abbref_eq( tName));
      if (f != pro->key.end())
      { // found, _EXTRA always overrides explicit keywords
        SizeT varIx = distance(pro->key.begin(), f);

        thisEnv->env.Reset(varIx, extraStruct->Get(t)); // local
      else // not found -> add tag to extra data
        if (extraType != DSub::NONE)
          listEnv.push_back(extraStruct->Get(t)); // always local
        else if (strict || callerIn != NULL) // always strict if callerIn is set
        { // pro has no (_REF)_EXTRA and _STRICT_EXTRA -> error
          // ... unless keyword is a warnkey!
          // search warn keyword
          IDList::iterator wf=find_if(pro->warnKey.begin(),
				     String_abbref_eq( tName));
          if (wf == pro->warnKey.end())
            thisEnv->Throw("Keyword " + tName +
            " not allowed in call to: " +
  else // _REF_EXTRA
      if( extraVal->Type() == GDL_STRING) // _EXTRA
	  DStringGDL* extraString= static_cast<DStringGDL*>(extraVal);
	  EnvBaseT* caller;
	  if( callerIn == NULL)
	    caller = thisEnv->Caller();
	    caller = callerIn;

	  // GDL_STRING only works, if the *caller* has _REF_EXTRA
	  if( caller->pro->Extra() == DSub::REFEXTRA)
	      // caller's extra member holds the actual data
	      assert( caller->extra != NULL);

	      ExtraT& cExtra=*caller->extra;

	      SizeT nStr=extraString->N_Elements();
	      for( SizeT t=0; t<nStr; t++)
		  const string& kName= StrUpCase( (*extraString)[t]);
		  // get data from caller
		  int  dataIx=cExtra.Find( kName);
		  if( dataIx != -1) 
		    { // found

		      // search keyword
		      KeyVarListT::iterator f=find_if(pro->key.begin(),
						 String_abbref_eq( kName));
		      if( f != pro->key.end())
			{ // found, _EXTRA always overrides
			  SizeT varIx=distance(pro->key.begin(),f);
			  // global, caller is owner
			  thisEnv->env.Reset( varIx, &cExtra.listEnv[dataIx]);
		      else // not found -> add to extra data
			  if( extraType != DSub::NONE)
			      listName.push_back( kName);
			      // global
			      listEnv.push_back( &cExtra.listEnv[dataIx]);
			  else if( strict)
			    { // pro has no (_REF)_EXTRA) and _STRICT_EXTRA -> 
			      // error
			      thisEnv->Throw( "Keyword "+kName+
						  " not allowed in call to: "+
		    } // dataIx != -1
		} // for
	    } // caller->pro->Extra() == DSub::REFEXTRA)
      	} // extraString != NULL
  // all keywords are now overridden in the actual environment
  // listName/listEnv holds all _EXTRA data, which is not used by this 
  // subroutine

  // 2. if pro has (_REF)_EXTRA:
  // combine additional keywords and the (remaining) _EXTRA data to pro's 
  // (_REF)_EXTRA value
  if( extraType == DSub::REFEXTRA)
    { // make string array
      SizeT nEl = listName.size();
      if( nEl > 0)
	  dimension dim( &nEl, 1);
	  DStringGDL* extraString = new DStringGDL( dim);
	  for( SizeT i=0; i<nEl; i++)
	    (*extraString)[i] = listName[i];

// 	  assert( thisEnv->env.Loc(static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx)) == NULL /*|| thisEnv->env.Loc(static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx)) == NullGDL::GetSingleInstance()*/);
// 	  assert( thisEnv->env.Env(static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx)) == NULL );

	  delete thisEnv->env.Loc(static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx));
 	  thisEnv->env.Set( static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx), 
// 	  thisEnv->env.Reset( static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx), 
// 			      static_cast<BaseGDL*>(extraString));
	  assert( thisEnv->env.Loc(static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx)) == NULL);
	  assert( thisEnv->env.Env(static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx)) == NULL);
  else if( extraType == DSub::EXTRA)
    { // make structure
      SizeT nEl = listName.size();
      if( nEl > 0)

	  DStructDesc* extraStructDesc;
	  DStructGDL*  extraStruct = NULL;

	  // from back -> _EXTRA overrides additional keyword
	  for( int i=nEl-1; i>=0; --i)
	      if( listEnv[i] != NULL) // if undef just skip (pass by value) 
		  if( extraStruct == NULL)
		      extraStructDesc = new DStructDesc( "$truct");
// 		      extraStruct = new DStructGDL( extraStructDesc, dimension(1));
		      extraStruct = new DStructGDL( extraStructDesc);

//		      extraStructDesc->AddTag( listName[i], listEnv[i]); 
// 		      extraStruct->AddTagGrab( listEnv.Grab(i));
		      extraStruct->NewTag( listName[i], listEnv.Grab(i));
		    if( extraStructDesc->TagIndex( listName[i]) == -1)
			extraStruct->NewTag( listName[i], listEnv.Grab(i)); 
//			extraStructDesc->AddTag( listName[i], listEnv[i]); 
// 			extraStruct->AddTagGrab( listEnv.Grab(i));
//			extraStruct->AddTag( listEnv[i]);
	  // look if equal is already there (very possible eg. _EXTRA in loops)
// 	  DStructDesc* oStructDesc=extraStructDesc->FindEqual( structList);
// 	  if( oStructDesc != NULL)
// 	    {
// 	      extraStruct->SetDesc(oStructDesc);
// 	      delete extraStructDesc; 
// 	    }
// 	  else
// 	    {
// 	      // insert into struct list // NOT ANYMORE!!!
// 	      structList.push_back( extraStructDesc);
// 	    }

	  //	  structList.push_back( extraStructDesc);

	  assert( thisEnv->env.Loc(static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx)) == NULL);
	  assert( thisEnv->env.Env(static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx)) == NULL);

 	  thisEnv->env.Set( static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx), 

// 	  thisEnv->env.Reset( static_cast<SizeT>(pro->extraIx), 
// 			      static_cast<BaseGDL*>(extraStruct));
Beispiel #2
  // call only once in main
  void InitSysVar()
    // for very sensitive compilers (which need a SizeT for dimension())
    const SizeT one=1;

    // !NULL
    NullGDL* nullInstance = NullGDL::GetSingleInstance();
    DVar *nullVar = new DVar( "NULL", nullInstance);

    // !TRUE
    DByteGDL* trueData = new DByteGDL(1);
    DVar *true_logical = new DVar( "TRUE", trueData );

    // !FALSE
    DByteGDL* falseData = new DByteGDL(0);
    DVar *false_logical = new DVar( "FALSE", falseData );
    // !PATH
    //    DString initPath(""); // set here the initial path
    DStringGDL* pathData=new DStringGDL( "");
    DVar *path=new DVar( "PATH", pathData);

    // !PROMPT
    DStringGDL* promptData=new DStringGDL( "GDL> ");
    DVar *prompt=new DVar( "PROMPT", promptData);

    // !EDIT_INPUT
    DIntGDL* edit_inputData=new DIntGDL( 1);
    DVar *edit_input=new DVar( "EDIT_INPUT", edit_inputData);

    // !QUIET
    DLongGDL* quietData=new DLongGDL( 0);
    DVar *quiet=new DVar( "QUIET", quietData);

    // !C
    DLongGDL* cData=new DLongGDL( 0);
    DVar *c=new DVar( "C", cData);

    // !D defined in Graphics
    DVar *d=new DVar( "D", NULL);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( d); // make it read only

    // plotting
    // !P
    SizeT clipDim = 6;
//    DLong p_clipInit[] = { 0, 0, 1024, 1024, 0, 1000};
    DLong p_clipInit[] = { 0, 0, 639, 511, 0, 0};
    DLongGDL* p_clip = new DLongGDL( dimension( &clipDim, one));
    for( UInt i=0; i<clipDim; i++) (*p_clip)[ i] = p_clipInit[ i];
    SizeT multiDim = 5;
    SizeT positionDim = 4;
    SizeT regionDim = 4;
    SizeT tDim[] = { 4, 4};
    DStructGDL*  plt = new DStructGDL( "!PLT");
    plt->NewTag("BACKGROUND", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    plt->NewTag("CHARSIZE", new DFloatGDL( 0.0)); 
    plt->NewTag("CHARTHICK", new DFloatGDL( 0.0)); 
    plt->NewTag("CLIP", p_clip); 
    plt->NewTag("COLOR", new DLongGDL( 255)); 
    plt->NewTag("FONT", new DLongGDL( -1)); 
    plt->NewTag("LINESTYLE", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    plt->NewTag("MULTI", new DLongGDL( dimension( &multiDim, one))); 
    plt->NewTag("NOCLIP", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    plt->NewTag("NOERASE", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    plt->NewTag("NSUM", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    plt->NewTag("POSITION", new DFloatGDL( dimension( &positionDim, one))); 
    plt->NewTag("PSYM", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    plt->NewTag("REGION", new DFloatGDL( dimension( &regionDim, one))); 
    plt->NewTag("SUBTITLE", new DStringGDL( "")); 
    plt->NewTag("SYMSIZE", new DFloatGDL( 0.0)); 
      DDoubleGDL* tmp = new DDoubleGDL( dimension( tDim, 2));
      (*tmp)[0] = (*tmp)[5] = (*tmp)[10] = (*tmp)[15] = 1;
      plt->NewTag("T", tmp); 
    plt->NewTag("T3D", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    plt->NewTag("THICK", new DFloatGDL( 0.0)); 
    plt->NewTag("TITLE", new DStringGDL( "")); 
    plt->NewTag("TICKLEN", new DFloatGDL( 0.02)); 
    plt->NewTag("CHANNEL", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    DVar *p=new DVar( "P", plt);

    // some constants

    // !ORDER
    DLongGDL *orderData = new DLongGDL( 0 );
    DVar *order = new DVar( "ORDER", orderData);
    orderIx     = sysVarList.size();
    sysVarList.push_back( order);

    // !GDL_WARNING (to be used in VOIGT() and BeselIJKY() to warm on
    // different behaviour between IDL and GDL
    DLongGDL *gdlWarningData = new DLongGDL( 1 );
    DVar *gdlWarning = new DVar( "GDL_WARNING", gdlWarningData);
    gdlWarningIx     = sysVarList.size();
    sysVarList.push_back( gdlWarning);

    // !GDL (to allow distinguish IDL/GDL with DEFSYSV, '!gdl', exists=exists )
    DStructGDL*  gdlStruct = new DStructGDL( "!GNUDATALANGUAGE");
    gdlStruct->NewTag("RELEASE", new DStringGDL( VERSION));

    // creating an explicit build date in !GDL (also exist in !version)
    gdlStruct->NewTag("BUILD_DATE", new DStringGDL(BUILD_DATE));

    // creating and Epoch entry in order to have a simple incremental number 
    int CompilationMonth =0, CompilationYear=0, CompilationDay=0;
    string MyDate= BUILD_DATE;
    string SCompilationYear;
    string SCompilationDay;

    // for the months, it is more difficult
    if (MyDate.find("Jan")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=1;
    if (MyDate.find("Feb")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=2;
    if (MyDate.find("Mar")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=3;
    if (MyDate.find("Apr")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=4;
    if (MyDate.find("May")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=5;
    if (MyDate.find("Jun")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=6;
    if (MyDate.find("Jul")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=7;
    if (MyDate.find("Aug")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=8;
    if (MyDate.find("Sep")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=9;
    if (MyDate.find("Oct")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=10;
    if (MyDate.find("Nov")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=11;
    if (MyDate.find("Dec")!=string::npos) CompilationMonth=12;
    //cout << SCompilationYear << " "<< CompilationMonth <<endl;
    //cout << CompilationYear<< endl;
    struct tm t;
    time_t t_of_day;
    t.tm_year = CompilationYear -1900;
    t.tm_mon = CompilationMonth-1;           // Month, 0 - jan
    t.tm_mday = CompilationDay;          // Day of the month
    t.tm_hour = 0;     
    t.tm_min = 0;
    t.tm_sec = 0;
    t.tm_isdst = -1;        // Is DST on? 1 = yes, 0 = no, -1 = unknown
    t_of_day = mktime(&t);

    // printing Epoch on the Command Line $   date +"%s"
    // printf("seconds since the Epoch: %ld\n", (long) t_of_day);

    gdlStruct->NewTag("EPOCH", new DLongGDL((long) t_of_day));
    gdlStruct->NewTag("GDL_NO_DSFMT", new DByteGDL(0));
    gdlStruct->NewTag("GDL_USE_WX", new DByteGDL(0));
    gdlStruct->NewTag("MAP_QUALITY", new DStringGDL("CRUDE"));

    DVar *gdl        = new DVar( "GDL", gdlStruct);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( gdl); // make it read only

    // !DPI
    DDoubleGDL *dpiData = new DDoubleGDL( (double)(4*atan(1.0)) );
    DVar *dpi = new DVar( "DPI", dpiData);
    sysVarList.push_back( dpi);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( dpi); // make it read only

    // !PI
    DFloatGDL *piData = new DFloatGDL( (float)(4*atan(1.0)) );
    DVar *pi = new DVar( "PI", piData);
    sysVarList.push_back( pi);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( pi); // make it read only

    // !DTOR
    DFloatGDL *dtorData = new DFloatGDL((*piData)[0] / 180.);// 0.0174533);
    DVar *dtor = new DVar( "DTOR", dtorData);
    sysVarList.push_back( dtor);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( dtor); // make it read only

    // !RADEG
    DFloatGDL *radegData = new DFloatGDL(180. / (*piData)[0]);// 57.2957764);
    DVar *radeg = new DVar( "RADEG", radegData);
    sysVarList.push_back( radeg);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( radeg); // make it read only

    // !CONST
    // source :
    DStructGDL *constantList   = new DStructGDL( "!CONST");
    // Fine structure constant
    constantList ->NewTag("ALPHA", new DDoubleGDL(7.2973525698e-3));
    // Astronomical Unit [m]
    constantList ->NewTag("AU", new DDoubleGDL(1.49597870700e11));
    // Speed of Light in Vacuum [m/s]
    constantList ->NewTag("C", new DDoubleGDL(299792458.));
    // Degrees to radians
    constantList ->NewTag("DTOR", new DDoubleGDL((*dpiData)[0] / 180.));
    // Elementary Charge [Coulon]
    constantList ->NewTag("E", new DDoubleGDL(1.602176565e-19));
    // Electric Vacuum Permittivity [F/m]
    constantList ->NewTag("EPS0", new DDoubleGDL(8.854187817e-12));
    // Euler's number
    constantList ->NewTag("EULER", new DDoubleGDL(2.7182818284590452));
    // Faraday constant NAe [C/mol]
    constantList ->NewTag("F", new DDoubleGDL(96485.3365));
    // Gravitation constant [m^3/kg/s^2]
    constantList ->NewTag("G", new DDoubleGDL(6.67384e-11));
    // Earth standard gravity [m/s^2]
    constantList ->NewTag("GN", new DDoubleGDL(9.80665));
    // Planck constant [Js]
    constantList ->NewTag("H", new DDoubleGDL(6.62606957e-34));
    // h_bar (h/!pi) [Js]
    constantList ->NewTag("HBAR", new DDoubleGDL(1.054571726e-34));
    //Imaginary number 
    complex<double> imaginary(0., 1.);
    constantList ->NewTag("I", new DComplexDblGDL(imaginary));
    // Boltzmann constant (R/NA) [J/K]
    constantList ->NewTag("K", new DDoubleGDL(1.3806488e-23 ));
    // Light-Year distance [m]
    constantList ->NewTag("LY", new DDoubleGDL(9.4607304725808e15));
    // Mass of the Earth [kg]
    constantList ->NewTag("M_EARTH", new DDoubleGDL(5.972186390e24));
    // Mass of the Sun [kg]
    constantList ->NewTag("M_SUN", new DDoubleGDL(1.98841586057e30));
    // electron mass [kg]
    constantList ->NewTag("ME", new DDoubleGDL(9.10938291e-31));
    // neutron mass [kg]
    constantList ->NewTag("MN", new DDoubleGDL(1.674927351e-27));
    // proton mass [kg]
    constantList ->NewTag("MP", new DDoubleGDL(1.672621777e-27));
    // magnetic vacuum permeability [N/A^2]
    constantList ->NewTag("MU0", new DDoubleGDL(12.566370614e-7));
    // Loschmidt's number NAp0/(RT0) [m-3]
    constantList ->NewTag("N0", new DDoubleGDL(2.6867805e25));
    // Avogadro constant NA [mol-1]
    constantList ->NewTag("NA", new DDoubleGDL(6.02214129e23));
    // Standard atmosphere Pression [Pa]
    constantList ->NewTag("P0", new DDoubleGDL(101325.));
    // Parsec distance [m]
    constantList ->NewTag("PARSEC", new DDoubleGDL(3.0856775814671912e16));
    //golden ratio ((1+sqrt(5))/2)
    constantList ->NewTag("PHI", new DDoubleGDL(1.6180339887498948));
    // Pi
    constantList ->NewTag("PI", new DDoubleGDL((*dpiData)[0]));
    // molar gas constant [J/mol/K]
    constantList ->NewTag("R", new DDoubleGDL(8.3144621));
    // Earth radius (assuming spherical) [m]
    constantList ->NewTag("R_EARTH", new DDoubleGDL(6378136.6));
    // Radians to degrees
    constantList ->NewTag("RTOD", new DDoubleGDL(180./(*dpiData)[0]));
    // classical electron radius [m]
    constantList ->NewTag("RE", new DDoubleGDL(2.8179403267e-15));
    // Rydberg constant R∞ [1/m]
    constantList ->NewTag("RYDBERG", new DDoubleGDL(10973731.568539));
    // Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m^2/K^4]
    constantList ->NewTag("SIGMA", new DDoubleGDL(5.670373e-8));
    // Standard temperature [K]
    constantList ->NewTag("T0", new DDoubleGDL(273.15));
    // unified atomic mass unit [kg]
    constantList ->NewTag("U", new DDoubleGDL(1.660538921e-27));
    // Molar volume, ideal gas at Standard temperature and Pression (STP) [m^3/mol]
    constantList ->NewTag("VM", new DDoubleGDL(22.413968e-3));

    DVar *constant = new DVar("CONST",constantList);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back(constant); // make it read only

    // ![XYZ]
    SizeT dim2  = 2;
    SizeT dim60 = 60;
    SizeT dim10 = 10;
    DStructGDL*  xAxis = new DStructGDL( "!AXIS");
    xAxis->NewTag("TITLE", new DStringGDL( "")); 
    xAxis->NewTag("TYPE", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("STYLE", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("TICKS", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("TICKLEN", new DFloatGDL( 0.0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("THICK", new DFloatGDL( 0.0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("RANGE", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( &dim2,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("CRANGE", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( &dim2,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("S", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( &dim2,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("MARGIN", new DFloatGDL( dimension( &dim2,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("OMARGIN", new DFloatGDL( dimension( &dim2,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("WINDOW", new DFloatGDL( dimension( &dim2,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("REGION", new DFloatGDL( dimension( &dim2,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("CHARSIZE", new DFloatGDL( 0.0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("MINOR", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("TICKV", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( &dim60,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("TICKNAME", new DStringGDL( dimension( &dim60,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("GRIDSTYLE", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("TICKFORMAT", new DStringGDL( dimension( &dim10,one))); 
    xAxis->NewTag("TICKINTERVAL", new DDoubleGDL( 0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("TICKLAYOUT", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    xAxis->NewTag("TICKUNITS", new DStringGDL( dimension( &dim10,one))); 
    (*static_cast<DDoubleGDL*>( xAxis->GetTag( 8, 0)))[1] = 1.0;
    (*static_cast<DFloatGDL*>(  xAxis->GetTag( 9, 0)))[0] = 10.0;
    (*static_cast<DFloatGDL*>(  xAxis->GetTag( 9, 0)))[1] = 3.0;
    DVar *x            = new DVar( "X", xAxis);
    xIx                = sysVarList.size();
    DStructGDL*  yAxis = new DStructGDL( "!AXIS");
    (*static_cast<DDoubleGDL*>( yAxis->GetTag( 8, 0)))[1] = 1.0;
    (*static_cast<DFloatGDL*>(  yAxis->GetTag( 9, 0)))[0] = 4.0;
    (*static_cast<DFloatGDL*>(  yAxis->GetTag( 9, 0)))[1] = 2.0;
    DVar*        y     = new DVar( "Y", yAxis);
    yIx                = sysVarList.size();
    DStructGDL*  zAxis = new DStructGDL( "!AXIS");
    (*static_cast<DDoubleGDL*>( zAxis->GetTag( 8, 0)))[1] = 1.0;
    DVar*        z     = new DVar( "Z", zAxis);
    zIx                = sysVarList.size();

    // !VERSION
    DStructGDL*  ver = new DStructGDL( "!VERSION");
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef __MINGW32__
    typedef void (WINAPI *GetNativeSystemInfoFunc)(LPSYSTEM_INFO);
    HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryW(L"kernel32.dll");
    GetNativeSystemInfoFunc GetNativeSystemInfo =(GetNativeSystemInfoFunc) 
      GetProcAddress(hModule, "GetNativeSystemInfo");
    const char* SysName = "Windows";
    SYSTEM_INFO stInfo;
    GetNativeSystemInfo( &stInfo );
    DStringGDL *arch;
    switch(stInfo.wProcessorArchitecture) {
      arch = new DStringGDL("x64");
      arch = new DStringGDL("x86");
      arch = new DStringGDL("ARM");
      arch = new DStringGDL("unknown");
    ver->NewTag("ARCH", arch); 
    ver->NewTag("OS", new DStringGDL(SysName));
    ver->NewTag("OS_FAMILY", new DStringGDL(SysName));
    ver->NewTag("OS_NAME", new DStringGDL(SysName));
    struct utsname uts;
    ver->NewTag("ARCH", new DStringGDL( uts.machine));
    const char *SysName=uts.sysname;
    if (strcmp(SysName,"Linux") ==0) SysName="linux";
    if (strcmp(SysName,"Darwin") ==0) SysName="darwin";
    ver->NewTag("OS", new DStringGDL(SysName));    //correct IDL order
    ver->NewTag("OS_FAMILY", new DStringGDL( "unix"));
    // AC 2018-sep-07
    if (strcmp(SysName,"darwin") ==0) SysName="Mac OS X";
    ver->NewTag("OS_NAME", new DStringGDL(SysName));

    ver->NewTag("RELEASE", new DStringGDL( "8.2")); //we are at least 6.4
    ver->NewTag("BUILD_DATE", new DStringGDL(BUILD_DATE));
    ver->NewTag("MEMORY_BITS", new DIntGDL( sizeof(BaseGDL*)*8));
    ver->NewTag("FILE_OFFSET_BITS", new DIntGDL( sizeof(SizeT)*8));
    DVar *v            = new DVar( "VERSION", ver);
    vIx                = sysVarList.size();

    // !Mouse
    DStructGDL*  MouseData = new DStructGDL( "!MOUSE");
    MouseData->NewTag("X", new DLongGDL( 0));
    MouseData->NewTag("Y", new DLongGDL( 0));
    MouseData->NewTag("BUTTON", new DLongGDL( 0));
    MouseData->NewTag("TIME", new DLongGDL( 0));
    DVar *Mouse      = new DVar( "MOUSE", MouseData);
    MouseIx          = sysVarList.size();

    // !Make_dll
    DStructGDL*  MakeDllData = new DStructGDL( "!MAKE_DLL");
    MakeDllData->NewTag("COMPILE_DIRECTORY", new DStringGDL("/tmp/"));
    MakeDllData->NewTag("COMPILER_NAME", new DStringGDL("GCC"));
    MakeDllData->NewTag("CC", new DStringGDL("gcc %X -fPIC -I%Z -c -D_REENTRANT %C -o %O"));
    MakeDllData->NewTag("LD", new DStringGDL("ld -shared -o %L %O %X"));
    DVar *MakeDll      = new DVar( "MAKE_DLL", MakeDllData);
    MakeDllIx          = sysVarList.size();

    DStructGDL*  eStateData = new DStructGDL( "!ERROR_STATE");
    eStateData->NewTag("NAME", new DStringGDL( "IDL_M_SUCCESS"));
    eStateData->NewTag("BLOCK", new DStringGDL( "IDL_MBLK_CORE"));
    eStateData->NewTag("CODE", new DLongGDL( 0));
    eStateData->NewTag("SYS_CODE", new DLongGDL( dimension( &dim2,one))); //idl 8
    eStateData->NewTag("SYS_CODE_TYPE", new DStringGDL( ""));
    eStateData->NewTag("MSG", new DStringGDL( ""));
    eStateData->NewTag("SYS_MSG", new DStringGDL( ""));
    eStateData->NewTag("MSG_PREFIX", new DStringGDL( "% "));
    DVar *eState       = new DVar( "ERROR_STATE", eStateData);
    errorStateIx       = sysVarList.size();
    //    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back(eState);

    // !ERROR
    DLongGDL *errorData = new DLongGDL( 0 );
    DVar *errorVar = new DVar( "ERROR", errorData );
    errorIx            = sysVarList.size();
    sysVarList.push_back( errorVar);
    //sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( errorVar); !error is (no more?) a readonly variable.

    // !ERR
    DLongGDL *errData = new DLongGDL( 0 );
    DVar *errVar = new DVar( "ERR", errData );
    errIx              = sysVarList.size();
    sysVarList.push_back( errVar );
    //    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( errVar);

    // !ERR_STRING
    DStringGDL *err_stringData = new DStringGDL( "");
    DVar *err_stringVar = new DVar( "ERR_STRING", err_stringData );
    err_stringIx        = sysVarList.size();
    sysVarList.push_back( err_stringVar );
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( err_stringVar); //!err_string IS a readonly variable!

    // !VALUES
    DStructGDL*  valuesData = new DStructGDL( "!VALUES");
    if( std::numeric_limits< DFloat>::has_infinity)
			   new DFloatGDL( std::numeric_limits< DFloat>::infinity())); 
#ifndef _MSC_VER // Can be ignored, because the windows version of limit has infinity()
	valuesData->NewTag("F_INFINITY", new DFloatGDL((float)1.0/0.0)); 
#ifdef NAN
    valuesData->NewTag("F_NAN", new DFloatGDL(NAN));
    valuesData->NewTag("F_NAN", new DFloatGDL(sqrt((float) -1.0))); //sign depends on the architecture, dangerous way to define a +Nan!

    if( std::numeric_limits< DDouble>::has_infinity)
			   new DDoubleGDL( std::numeric_limits< DDouble>::infinity())); 
#ifndef _MSC_VER // Can be ignored, because the windows version of limit has infinity()
	valuesData->NewTag("D_INFINITY", new DDoubleGDL( (double)1.0/0.0)); 

#ifdef NAN
    valuesData->NewTag("D_NAN", new DDoubleGDL(NAN));
    valuesData->NewTag("D_NAN", new DDoubleGDL(-sqrt((double) -1.0))); //sign depends on the architecture, dangerous way to define a +Nan!
    DVar *values       = new DVar( "VALUES", valuesData);
    valuesIx           = sysVarList.size();
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( values);

    // !JOURNAL hold journal file lun
    DLongGDL *journalData = new DLongGDL( 0);
    DVar *journal = new DVar( "JOURNAL", journalData);
    journalIx     = sysVarList.size();
    sysVarList.push_back( journal);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( journal);

    // !EXCEPT
    DIntGDL *exceptData = new DIntGDL( 1);
    DVar *except = new DVar( "EXCEPT", exceptData);
    sysVarList.push_back( except);

    // !MAP
    DStructGDL* mapData = new DStructGDL( "!MAP");
    mapData->NewTag("PROJECTION", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    mapData->NewTag("SIMPLE", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    mapData->NewTag("FILL_METHOD", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    mapData->NewTag("UP_FLAGS", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    mapData->NewTag("UP_NAME", new DStringGDL( "")); 
    mapData->NewTag("P0LON", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));  
    mapData->NewTag("P0LAT", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));  
    mapData->NewTag("U0", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));  
    mapData->NewTag("V0", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));  
    mapData->NewTag("SINO", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));  
    mapData->NewTag("COSO", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));  
    mapData->NewTag("ROTATION", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));
    mapData->NewTag("SINR", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));  
    mapData->NewTag("COSR", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));    
    mapData->NewTag("A", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));    
    mapData->NewTag("E2", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));    
    mapData->NewTag("UV", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( 2)));
    mapData->NewTag("POLE", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( 7)));
    mapData->NewTag("UV_BOX", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( 4)));
    mapData->NewTag("LL_BOX", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( 4)));
    mapData->NewTag("SEGMENT_LENGTH", new DDoubleGDL( 0.0));  
    mapData->NewTag("P", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( 16)));  
    mapData->NewTag("PIPELINE", new DDoubleGDL( dimension( 8, 12)));  

    DVar *map=new DVar( "MAP", mapData);
    sysVarList.push_back( map);

    // !CPU
    // init independent of OpenMP usage
#ifdef _OPENMP
    CpuTPOOL_NTHREADS = omp_get_num_procs();

    DStructGDL* cpuData = new DStructGDL( "!CPU");
    cpuData->NewTag("HW_VECTOR", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
    cpuData->NewTag("VECTOR_ENABLE", new DLongGDL( 0)); 
#ifdef _OPENMP
    cpuData->NewTag("HW_NCPU", new DLongGDL( omp_get_num_procs())); 
    cpuData->NewTag("HW_NCPU", new DLongGDL( 1)); 
    cpuData->NewTag("TPOOL_NTHREADS", new DLongGDL( CpuTPOOL_NTHREADS));

    //if use DLong64 below, please update basic_pro.cpp (function cpu()) and
    //add an 'assureLong64Kw()' function in envt.cpp. Otherwise the program will
    //crash in cpu(). (should have been done on 2014 March 18 by AC (tested).)
    cpuData->NewTag("TPOOL_MIN_ELTS", new DLong64GDL( CpuTPOOL_MIN_ELTS)); 
    cpuData->NewTag("TPOOL_MAX_ELTS", new DLong64GDL( CpuTPOOL_MAX_ELTS)); 

    DVar *cpu=new DVar( "CPU", cpuData);
    sysVarList.push_back( cpu);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( cpu);

#ifdef _OPENMP
    if( omp_get_dynamic())
	omp_set_dynamic( 1);
#if defined (_WIN32)

#define realpath(N,R) _fullpath((R),(N),_MAX_PATH) 
// ref: Keith Marshall 2005-12-02

    // !DIR
#define EXEC_PREFIX ""
    DStringGDL *dirData = new DStringGDL( EXEC_PREFIX);
    string gdlDir=GetEnvString("GDL_DIR");
    if( gdlDir == "") gdlDir=GetEnvString("IDL_DIR");
    if( gdlDir != "") 
	delete dirData;
	dirData = new DStringGDL( gdlDir);
    DVar *dir = new DVar( "DIR", dirData);
    sysVarList.push_back( dir);

    // !GDL_MAPS_DIR 
    string tmpDir=GetEnvString("GDL_MAPS_DIR");
    if( tmpDir == "") tmpDir = string(GDLDATADIR) + "/resource/maps/";
    char *symlinkpath =const_cast<char*> (tmpDir.c_str());// is the path a true path ?

#ifdef _MSC_VER
//patch #90
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX 4096
    char actualpath [PATH_MAX+1];
    char *ptr;
    ptr = realpath(symlinkpath, actualpath);
    if( ptr != NULL ) tmpDir=string(ptr)+lib::PathSeparator(); else tmpDir="";
    DStringGDL *GdlMapsDataDir =  new DStringGDL( tmpDir);
    DVar *GdlMapsDir = new DVar("GDL_MAPS_DIR", GdlMapsDataDir);
    // !STIME
    DStringGDL *stimeData = new DStringGDL( "");
    DVar *stime = new DVar( "STIME", stimeData);
    sysVarList.push_back( stime);
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( stime); // make it read only

    // !WARN
    DStructGDL*  warnData = new DStructGDL( "!WARN");
    warnData->NewTag("OBS_ROUTINES", new DByteGDL( 0)); 
    warnData->NewTag("OBS_SYSVARS", new DByteGDL( 0)); 
    warnData->NewTag("PARENS", new DByteGDL( 0)); 
    DVar *warn = new DVar( "WARN", warnData);
    warnIx     = sysVarList.size();

    static const int col[]={240,248,255,250,235,215,0,255,255,127,255,212,240,255,255,245,245,220,255,228,196,0,0,0,255,235,205,0,0,255,138,43,
    int ncol=147;
    int i,k;
    DStructGDL*  colorData = new DStructGDL( "!COLOR");
    for (i=0, k=0; i<ncol; ++i){
     colorData->NewTag(coln[i], new DByteGDL( dimension(3)));
     for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) (*static_cast<DByteGDL*>( colorData->GetTag( i, 0)))[j] = col[k++];
    DVar *color = new DVar( "COLOR", colorData);
    colorIx     = sysVarList.size();
    sysVarRdOnlyList.push_back( color); //Is Readonly.  