Beispiel #1
void DWARFDie::getInlinedChainForAddress(
    const uint64_t Address, SmallVectorImpl<DWARFDie> &InlinedChain) const {
  if (isNULL())
  DWARFDie DIE(*this);
  while (DIE) {
    // Append current DIE to inlined chain only if it has correct tag
    // (e.g. it is not a lexical block).
    if (DIE.isSubroutineDIE())

    // Try to get child which also contains provided address.
    DWARFDie Child = DIE.getFirstChild();
    while (Child) {
      if (Child.addressRangeContainsAddress(Address)) {
        // Assume there is only one such child.
      Child = Child.getSibling();
    DIE = Child;
  // Reverse the obtained chain to make the root of inlined chain last.
  std::reverse(InlinedChain.begin(), InlinedChain.end());
Beispiel #2
void DWARFUnit::updateAddressDieMap(DWARFDie Die) {
  if (Die.isSubroutineDIE()) {
    auto DIERangesOrError = Die.getAddressRanges();
    if (DIERangesOrError) {
      for (const auto &R : DIERangesOrError.get()) {
        // Ignore 0-sized ranges.
        if (R.LowPC == R.HighPC)
        auto B = AddrDieMap.upper_bound(R.LowPC);
        if (B != AddrDieMap.begin() && R.LowPC < (--B)->second.first) {
          // The range is a sub-range of existing ranges, we need to split the
          // existing range.
          if (R.HighPC < B->second.first)
            AddrDieMap[R.HighPC] = B->second;
          if (R.LowPC > B->first)
            AddrDieMap[B->first].first = R.LowPC;
        AddrDieMap[R.LowPC] = std::make_pair(R.HighPC, Die);
    } else
  // Parent DIEs are added to the AddrDieMap prior to the Children DIEs to
  // simplify the logic to update AddrDieMap. The child's range will always
  // be equal or smaller than the parent's range. With this assumption, when
  // adding one range into the map, it will at most split a range into 3
  // sub-ranges.
  for (DWARFDie Child = Die.getFirstChild(); Child; Child = Child.getSibling())
Beispiel #3
void DWARFDie::dump(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned RecurseDepth,
                    unsigned Indent) const {
  if (!isValid())
  DataExtractor debug_info_data = U->getDebugInfoExtractor();
  const uint32_t Offset = getOffset();
  uint32_t offset = Offset;
  if (debug_info_data.isValidOffset(offset)) {
    uint32_t abbrCode = debug_info_data.getULEB128(&offset);
    WithColor(OS, syntax::Address).get() << format("\n0x%8.8x: ", Offset);
    if (abbrCode) {
      auto AbbrevDecl = getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr();
      if (AbbrevDecl) {
        auto tagString = TagString(getTag());
        if (!tagString.empty())
          WithColor(OS, syntax::Tag).get().indent(Indent) << tagString;
          WithColor(OS, syntax::Tag).get().indent(Indent)
          << format("DW_TAG_Unknown_%x", getTag());
        OS << format(" [%u] %c\n", abbrCode,
                     AbbrevDecl->hasChildren() ? '*' : ' ');
        // Dump all data in the DIE for the attributes.
        for (const auto &AttrSpec : AbbrevDecl->attributes()) {
          if (AttrSpec.Form == DW_FORM_implicit_const) {
            // We are dumping .debug_info section ,
            // implicit_const attribute values are not really stored here,
            // but in .debug_abbrev section. So we just skip such attrs.
          dumpAttribute(OS, *this, &offset, AttrSpec.Attr, AttrSpec.Form,
        DWARFDie child = getFirstChild();
        if (RecurseDepth > 0 && child) {
          while (child) {
            child.dump(OS, RecurseDepth-1, Indent+2);
            child = child.getSibling();
      } else {
        OS << "Abbreviation code not found in 'debug_abbrev' class for code: "
        << abbrCode << '\n';
    } else {
      OS.indent(Indent) << "NULL\n";
Beispiel #4
void DWARFDie::dump(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Indent,
                    DIDumpOptions DumpOpts) const {
  if (!isValid())
  DWARFDataExtractor debug_info_data = U->getDebugInfoExtractor();
  const uint32_t Offset = getOffset();
  uint32_t offset = Offset;
  if (DumpOpts.ShowParents) {
    DIDumpOptions ParentDumpOpts = DumpOpts;
    ParentDumpOpts.ShowParents = false;
    ParentDumpOpts.ShowChildren = false;
    Indent = dumpParentChain(getParent(), OS, Indent, ParentDumpOpts);

  if (debug_info_data.isValidOffset(offset)) {
    uint32_t abbrCode = debug_info_data.getULEB128(&offset);
    if (DumpOpts.ShowAddresses)
      WithColor(OS, HighlightColor::Address).get()
          << format("\n0x%8.8x: ", Offset);

    if (abbrCode) {
      auto AbbrevDecl = getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr();
      if (AbbrevDecl) {
        WithColor(OS, HighlightColor::Tag).get().indent(Indent)
            << formatv("{0}", getTag());
        if (DumpOpts.Verbose)
          OS << format(" [%u] %c", abbrCode,
                       AbbrevDecl->hasChildren() ? '*' : ' ');
        OS << '\n';

        // Dump all data in the DIE for the attributes.
        for (const auto &AttrSpec : AbbrevDecl->attributes()) {
          if (AttrSpec.Form == DW_FORM_implicit_const) {
            // We are dumping .debug_info section ,
            // implicit_const attribute values are not really stored here,
            // but in .debug_abbrev section. So we just skip such attrs.
          dumpAttribute(OS, *this, &offset, AttrSpec.Attr, AttrSpec.Form,
                        Indent, DumpOpts);

        DWARFDie child = getFirstChild();
        if (DumpOpts.ShowChildren && DumpOpts.RecurseDepth > 0 && child) {
          DIDumpOptions ChildDumpOpts = DumpOpts;
          ChildDumpOpts.ShowParents = false;
          while (child) {
            child.dump(OS, Indent + 2, ChildDumpOpts);
            child = child.getSibling();
      } else {
        OS << "Abbreviation code not found in 'debug_abbrev' class for code: "
           << abbrCode << '\n';
    } else {
      OS.indent(Indent) << "NULL\n";