Beispiel #1
void Fit::setDataCurve(int curve, double start, double end) {
  if (!d_graph)

  if (d_n > 0)
    delete[] d_w;

  Filter::setDataCurve(curve, start, end);

  d_w = new double[d_n];
  PlotCurve *plotCurve = dynamic_cast<PlotCurve *>(d_curve);
  DataCurve *dataCurve = dynamic_cast<DataCurve *>(d_curve);
  // if it is a DataCurve (coming from a Table)
  if (plotCurve && dataCurve && plotCurve->type() != GraphOptions::Function) {
    QList<DataCurve *> lst = dataCurve->errorBarsList();
    foreach (DataCurve *c, lst) {
      QwtErrorPlotCurve *er = dynamic_cast<QwtErrorPlotCurve *>(c);
      if (er && !er->xErrors()) {
        d_weighting = Instrumental;
        for (int i = 0; i < d_n; i++)
          d_w[i] = er->errorValue(i); // d_w are equal to the error bar values
        weighting_dataset = er->title().text();