void test_ClientFilter() {

       	// should fail because there is no session
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientFilter("non-existing-id","test1", "test1" ) == false );

		// add a session so the other attribute checks will pass
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientAttribute("test-session","test1", "value") == true );
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientFilter("test-session","test1", "test1" ) == true );

		// Assert that the value we just inserted is good
		std::map < std::string, std::string > filterList;
		filterList = msdo->getClientFilter("test-session");
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( filterList.size() == 1 ); // the one we just added
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( filterList.find("test1") != filterList.end() ); // make sure it exists
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( filterList["test1"] == "test1" );

		// Add another of the same name, which is effectively an update
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientFilter("test-session", "test1", "updated") == true );
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->getClientFilter("test-session","test1") == "updated");

		// Remove the object
		msdo->removeClientFilter("test-session", "test1" );

		// Make sure it's gone
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->getClientFilter("test-session", "test1" ) == "" );

		// Can't have an empty sessionid or name/key
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientAttribute("","key","value") == false );
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientAttribute("test-session", "", "value") == false );

    void test_ClientAttribute() {
       	// Add an attribute
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientAttribute("test-session","test1", "test1" ) == true );

		// Assert that the value we just inserted is good
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->getClientAttribute("test-session", "test1" ) == "test1"  );

		// Add another of the same name, which is effectively an update
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientAttribute("test-session", "test1", "updated") == true );
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->getClientAttribute("test-session","test1") == "updated");

		// Remove the object
		msdo->removeClientAttribute("test-session", "test1" );

		// Make sure it's gone
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->getClientAttribute("test-session", "test1" ) == "" );

		// Can't have an empty sessionid or name/key
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientAttribute("","key","value") == false );
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT( msdo->addClientAttribute("test-session", "", "value") == false );