Beispiel #1
void ManifestCache::save (
    DatabaseCon& dbCon, std::string const& dbTable,
    std::function <bool (PublicKey const&)> isTrusted)
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{apply_mutex_};

    auto db = dbCon.checkoutDb ();

    soci::transaction tr(*db);
    *db << "DELETE FROM " << dbTable;
    std::string const sql =
        "INSERT INTO " + dbTable + " (RawData) VALUES (:rawData);";
    for (auto const& v : map_)
        // Save all revocation manifests,
        // but only save trusted non-revocation manifests.
        if (! v.second.revoked() && ! isTrusted (v.second.masterKey))

               << "Untrusted manifest in cache not saved to db";

        // soci does not support bulk insertion of blob data
        // Do not reuse blob because manifest ecdsa signatures vary in length
        // but blob write length is expected to be >= the last write
        soci::blob rawData(*db);
        convert (v.second.serialized, rawData);
        *db << sql,
            soci::use (rawData);
    tr.commit ();
Beispiel #2
ManifestCache::load (
    DatabaseCon& dbCon, std::string const& dbTable)
    // Load manifests stored in database
    std::string const sql =
        "SELECT RawData FROM " + dbTable + ";";
    auto db = dbCon.checkoutDb ();
    soci::blob sociRawData (*db);
    soci::statement st =
        (db->prepare << sql,
             soci::into (sociRawData));
    st.execute ();
    while (st.fetch ())
        std::string serialized;
        convert (sociRawData, serialized);
        if (auto mo = Manifest::make_Manifest (std::move (serialized)))
            if (!mo->verify())
                    << "Unverifiable manifest in db";

            applyManifest (std::move(*mo));
                << "Malformed manifest in database";
Beispiel #3
SHAMapStoreImp::clearSql (DatabaseCon& database,
        LedgerIndex lastRotated,
        std::string const& minQuery,
        std::string const& deleteQuery)
    LedgerIndex min = std::numeric_limits <LedgerIndex>::max();

        auto db = database.checkoutDb ();
        boost::optional<std::uint64_t> m;
        *db << minQuery, soci::into(m);
        if (!m)
            return false;
        min = *m;

    if(min > lastRotated || health() != Health::ok)
        return false;

    boost::format formattedDeleteQuery (deleteQuery);

    JLOG(journal_.debug()) <<
        "start: " << deleteQuery << " from " << min << " to " << lastRotated;
    while (min < lastRotated)
        min = std::min(lastRotated, min + setup_.deleteBatch);
            auto db =  database.checkoutDb ();
            *db << boost::str (formattedDeleteQuery % min);
        if (health())
            return true;
        if (min < lastRotated)
            std::this_thread::sleep_for (
                    std::chrono::milliseconds (setup_.backOff));
    JLOG(journal_.debug()) << "finished: " << deleteQuery;
    return true;
Beispiel #4
accountTxPage (
    DatabaseCon& connection,
    AccountIDCache const& idCache,
    std::function<void (std::uint32_t)> const& onUnsavedLedger,
    std::function<void (std::uint32_t,
                        std::string const&,
                        Blob const&,
                        Blob const&)> const& onTransaction,
    AccountID const& account,
    std::int32_t minLedger,
    std::int32_t maxLedger,
    bool forward,
    Json::Value& token,
    int limit,
    bool bAdmin,
    std::uint32_t page_length)
    bool lookingForMarker = token.isObject();

    std::uint32_t numberOfResults;

    if (limit <= 0 || (limit > page_length && !bAdmin))
        numberOfResults = page_length;
        numberOfResults = limit;

    // As an account can have many thousands of transactions, there is a limit
    // placed on the amount of transactions returned. If the limit is reached
    // before the result set has been exhausted (we always query for one more
    // than the limit), then we return an opaque marker that can be supplied in
    // a subsequent query.
    std::uint32_t queryLimit = numberOfResults + 1;
    std::uint32_t findLedger = 0, findSeq = 0;

    if (lookingForMarker)
            if (!token.isMember(jss::ledger) || !token.isMember(jss::seq))
            findLedger = token[jss::ledger].asInt();
            findSeq = token[jss::seq].asInt();
        catch (std::exception const&)

    // We're using the token reference both for passing inputs and outputs, so
    // we need to clear it in between.
    token = Json::nullValue;

    static std::string const prefix (
        R"(SELECT AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq,AccountTransactions.TxnSeq,
          FROM AccountTransactions INNER JOIN Transactions
          ON Transactions.TransID = AccountTransactions.TransID
          AND AccountTransactions.Account = '%s' WHERE

    std::string sql;

    // SQL's BETWEEN uses a closed interval ([a,b])

    if (forward && (findLedger == 0))
        sql = boost::str (boost::format(
            prefix +
            (R"(AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq BETWEEN '%u' AND '%u'
             ORDER BY AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq ASC,
             AccountTransactions.TxnSeq ASC
             LIMIT %u;)"))
            % idCache.toBase58(account)
            % minLedger
            % maxLedger
            % queryLimit);
    else if (forward && (findLedger != 0))
        auto b58acct = idCache.toBase58(account);
        sql = boost::str (boost::format(
            (R"(SELECT AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq,AccountTransactions.TxnSeq,
            FROM AccountTransactions, Transactions WHERE
            (AccountTransactions.TransID = Transactions.TransID AND
            AccountTransactions.Account = '%s' AND
            AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq BETWEEN '%u' AND '%u')
            (AccountTransactions.TransID = Transactions.TransID AND
            AccountTransactions.Account = '%s' AND
            AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq = '%u' AND
            AccountTransactions.TxnSeq >= '%u')
            ORDER BY AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq ASC,
            AccountTransactions.TxnSeq ASC
            LIMIT %u;
        % b58acct
        % (findLedger + 1)
        % maxLedger
        % b58acct
        % findLedger
        % findSeq
        % queryLimit);
    else if (!forward && (findLedger == 0))
        sql = boost::str (boost::format(
            prefix +
            (R"(AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq BETWEEN '%u' AND '%u'
             ORDER BY AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq DESC,
             AccountTransactions.TxnSeq DESC
             LIMIT %u;)"))
            % idCache.toBase58(account)
            % minLedger
            % maxLedger
            % queryLimit);
    else if (!forward && (findLedger != 0))
        auto b58acct = idCache.toBase58(account);
        sql = boost::str (boost::format(
            (R"(SELECT AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq,AccountTransactions.TxnSeq,
            FROM AccountTransactions, Transactions WHERE
            (AccountTransactions.TransID = Transactions.TransID AND
            AccountTransactions.Account = '%s' AND
            AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq BETWEEN '%u' AND '%u')
            (AccountTransactions.TransID = Transactions.TransID AND
            AccountTransactions.Account = '%s' AND
            AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq = '%u' AND
            AccountTransactions.TxnSeq <= '%u')
            ORDER BY AccountTransactions.LedgerSeq DESC,
            AccountTransactions.TxnSeq DESC
            LIMIT %u;
            % b58acct
            % minLedger
            % (findLedger - 1)
            % b58acct
            % findLedger
            % findSeq
            % queryLimit);
        assert (false);
        // sql is empty

        auto db (connection.checkoutDb());

        Blob rawData;
        Blob rawMeta;

        boost::optional<std::uint64_t> ledgerSeq;
        boost::optional<std::uint32_t> txnSeq;
        boost::optional<std::string> status;
        soci::blob txnData (*db);
        soci::blob txnMeta (*db);
        soci::indicator dataPresent, metaPresent;

        soci::statement st = (db->prepare << sql,
            soci::into (ledgerSeq),
            soci::into (txnSeq),
            soci::into (status),
            soci::into (txnData, dataPresent),
            soci::into (txnMeta, metaPresent));

        st.execute ();

        while (st.fetch ())
            if (lookingForMarker)
                if (findLedger == ledgerSeq.value_or (0) &&
                    findSeq == txnSeq.value_or (0))
                    lookingForMarker = false;
            else if (numberOfResults == 0)
                token = Json::objectValue;
                token[jss::ledger] = rangeCheckedCast<std::uint32_t>(ledgerSeq.value_or (0));
                token[jss::seq] = txnSeq.value_or (0);

            if (!lookingForMarker)
                if (dataPresent == soci::i_ok)
                    convert (txnData, rawData);
                    rawData.clear ();

                if (metaPresent == soci::i_ok)
                    convert (txnMeta, rawMeta);
                    rawMeta.clear ();

                // Work around a bug that could leave the metadata missing
                if (rawMeta.size() == 0)
                    onUnsavedLedger(ledgerSeq.value_or (0));

                onTransaction(rangeCheckedCast<std::uint32_t>(ledgerSeq.value_or (0)),
                    *status, rawData, rawMeta);
