bool debug_initialize(const MallocDispatch* malloc_dispatch, int* malloc_zygote_child) { if (malloc_zygote_child == nullptr) { return false; } InitAtfork(); g_malloc_zygote_child = malloc_zygote_child; g_dispatch = malloc_dispatch; if (!DebugDisableInitialize()) { return false; } DebugData* debug = new DebugData(); if (!debug->Initialize()) { delete debug; DebugDisableFinalize(); return false; } g_debug = debug; // Always enable the backtrace code since we will use it in a number // of different error cases. backtrace_startup(); return true; }
void FreeTrackData::VerifyAndFree(DebugData& debug, const Header* header, const void* pointer) { ScopedDisableDebugCalls disable; if (header->tag != DEBUG_FREE_TAG) { error_log(LOG_DIVIDER); error_log("+++ ALLOCATION %p HAS CORRUPTED HEADER TAG 0x%x AFTER FREE", pointer, header->tag); error_log(LOG_DIVIDER); } else { const uint8_t* memory = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(pointer); size_t bytes = header->usable_size; bytes = (bytes < debug.config().fill_on_free_bytes) ? bytes : debug.config().fill_on_free_bytes; while (bytes > 0) { size_t bytes_to_cmp = (bytes < cmp_mem_.size()) ? bytes : cmp_mem_.size(); if (memcmp(memory,, bytes_to_cmp) != 0) { LogFreeError(debug, header, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(pointer)); break; } bytes -= bytes_to_cmp; memory = &memory[bytes_to_cmp]; } } auto back_iter = backtraces_.find(header); if (back_iter != backtraces_.end()) { g_dispatch->free(reinterpret_cast<void*>(back_iter->second)); backtraces_.erase(header); } g_dispatch->free(header->orig_pointer); }
void FreeTrackData::VerifyAll(DebugData& debug) { // Make sure the stl calls below don't call the debug_XXX functions. ScopedDisableDebugCalls disable; for (const auto& header : list_) { VerifyAndFree(debug, header, debug.GetPointer(header)); } list_.clear(); }
void FreeTrackData::Add(DebugData& debug, const Header* header) { // Make sure the stl calls below don't call the debug_XXX functions. ScopedDisableDebugCalls disable; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_); if (list_.size() == debug.config().free_track_allocations) { const Header* old_header = list_.back(); VerifyAndFree(debug, old_header, debug.GetPointer(old_header)); list_.pop_back(); } if (backtrace_num_frames_ > 0) { BacktraceHeader* back_header = reinterpret_cast<BacktraceHeader*>( g_dispatch->malloc(sizeof(BacktraceHeader) + backtrace_num_frames_ * sizeof(uintptr_t))); if (back_header) { back_header->num_frames = backtrace_get(&back_header->frames[0], backtrace_num_frames_); backtraces_[header] = back_header; } } list_.push_front(header); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_); }
void FreeTrackData::LogFreeError(DebugData& debug, const Header* header, const uint8_t* pointer) { ScopedDisableDebugCalls disable; error_log(LOG_DIVIDER); error_log("+++ ALLOCATION %p USED AFTER FREE", pointer); uint8_t fill_free_value = debug.config().fill_free_value; for (size_t i = 0; i < header->usable_size; i++) { if (pointer[i] != fill_free_value) { error_log(" pointer[%zu] = 0x%02x (expected 0x%02x)", i, pointer[i], fill_free_value); } } auto back_iter = backtraces_.find(header); if (back_iter != backtraces_.end()) { const BacktraceHeader* back_header = back_iter->second; error_log("Backtrace at time of free:"); backtrace_log(&back_header->frames[0], back_header->num_frames); } error_log(LOG_DIVIDER); }
void RearGuardData::LogFailure(DebugData& debug, const Header* header) { GuardData::LogFailure(header, debug.GetPointer(header), debug.GetRearGuard(header)); }
bool RearGuardData::Valid(DebugData& debug, const Header* header) { return GuardData::Valid(debug.GetRearGuard(header)); }
bool FrontGuardData::Valid(DebugData& debug, const Header* header) { return GuardData::Valid(debug.GetFrontGuard(header)); }