Beispiel #1
// Primary entrypoint for the debugger from the VM. Called in response to a host
// of VM events that the debugger is interested in. The debugger will execute
// any logic needed to handle the event, and will block below this to wait for
// and process more commands from the debugger client. This function will only
// return when the debugger is letting the thread continue execution, e.g., for
// flow control command like continue, next, etc.
void Debugger::Interrupt(int type, const char *program,
                         InterruptSite *site /* = NULL */,
                         const char *error /* = NULL */) {
  TRACE_RB(2, "Debugger::Interrupt type %d\n", type);

  DebuggerProxyPtr proxy = GetProxy();
  if (proxy) {
    TRACE(3, "proxy != null\n");
    RequestInjectionData &rjdata = ThreadInfo::s_threadInfo->m_reqInjectionData;
    // The proxy will only service an interrupt if we've previously setup some
    // form of flow control command (steps, breakpoints, etc.) or if it's
    // an interrupt related to something like the session or request.
    if (proxy->needInterrupt() || type != BreakPointReached) {
      // Interrupts may execute some PHP code, causing another interruption.
      std::stack<void *> &interrupts = rjdata.interrupts;

      CmdInterrupt cmd((InterruptType)type, program, site, error);
    // Some cmds require us to interpret all instructions until the cmd
    // completes. Setting this will ensure we stay out of JIT code and in the
    // interpreter so phpDebuggerOpcodeHook has a chance to work.
  } else {
    TRACE(3, "proxy == null\n");
    // Debugger clients are disconnected abnormally, or this sandbox is not
    // being debugged.
    if (type == SessionStarted || type == SessionEnded) {
      // For command line programs, we need this exception to exit from
      // the infinite execution loop.
      throw DebuggerClientExitException();