SparseMatrix NeighborhoodBuilder::buildMatrix_(std::vector<T>& entries, const DenseMatrix& mat) const
		// Make sure, that there are no duplicate entries
		std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.begin() + k_ * mat.rows(), triple_less);
		auto new_end = std::unique(entries.begin(), entries.begin() + k_ * mat.rows(), triple_equal);

		// An iterator for inserting the transposed entries
		// This will also serve as the new end pointer of the
		// entries array.
		auto new_it = new_end;

		// Symmetrize the matrix
		for(auto old_it = entries.begin(); old_it != new_end; ++old_it, ++new_it) {
			*new_it = T(old_it->col(), old_it->row(), old_it->value());

		// Build the temporary matrix for the results
		SparseMatrix result(mat.rowNames(), mat.rowNames());

		// Fill the matrix and convert to CCS
		// new_it points to the end of valid matrix entries.
		result.matrix().setFromTriplets(entries.begin(), new_it);

		return result;