void setCookies(const KURL& url, const KURL& policyURL, const String& value)
    CFHTTPCookieStorageRef defaultCookieStorage = wkGetDefaultHTTPCookieStorage();
    if (!defaultCookieStorage)

    RetainPtr<CFURLRef> urlCF(AdoptCF, url.createCFURL());
    RetainPtr<CFURLRef> policyURLCF(AdoptCF, policyURL.createCFURL());

    // <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6531>, <rdar://4409034>
    // cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields doesn't parse cookies without a value
    String cookieString = value.contains('=') ? value : value + "=";

    RetainPtr<CFStringRef> cookieStringCF(AdoptCF, cookieString.createCFString());
    RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> headerFieldsCF(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)&s_setCookieKeyCF, 
        (const void**)&cookieStringCF, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));

    RetainPtr<CFArrayRef> cookiesCF(AdoptCF, CFHTTPCookieCreateWithResponseHeaderFields(kCFAllocatorDefault,
        headerFieldsCF.get(), urlCF.get()));

    CFHTTPCookieStorageSetCookies(defaultCookieStorage, cookiesCF.get(), urlCF.get(), policyURLCF.get());
    // FIXME: Deal with the policy URL.
    DeprecatedString str = url.url();
    DeprecatedString val = value.deprecatedString();
    InternetSetCookie((UChar*)str.unicode(), 0, (UChar*)val.unicode());
Beispiel #2
void setCookies(const KURL& url, const KURL& policyURL, const String& value)
    // FIXME: Deal with the policy URL.
    DeprecatedString str = url.url();
    DeprecatedString val = value.deprecatedString();
    InternetSetCookie((UChar*)str.unicode(), 0, (UChar*)val.unicode());
// We strip BOM characters because they can show up both at the start of content
// and inside content, and we never want them to end up in the decoded text.
void StreamingTextDecoderICU::appendOmittingBOM(DeprecatedString& s, const UChar* characters, int byteCount)
    ASSERT(byteCount % sizeof(UChar) == 0);
    int start = 0;
    int characterCount = byteCount / sizeof(UChar);
    for (int i = 0; i != characterCount; ++i) {
        if (BOM == characters[i]) {
            if (start != i)
                s.append(reinterpret_cast<const DeprecatedChar*>(&characters[start]), i - start);
            start = i + 1;
    if (start != characterCount)
        s.append(reinterpret_cast<const DeprecatedChar*>(&characters[start]), characterCount - start);
String cookies(const KURL& url)
    CFHTTPCookieStorageRef defaultCookieStorage = wkGetDefaultHTTPCookieStorage();
    if (!defaultCookieStorage)
        return String();

    String cookieString;
    RetainPtr<CFURLRef> urlCF(AdoptCF, url.createCFURL());

    bool secure = equalIgnoringCase(url.protocol(), "https");

    RetainPtr<CFArrayRef> cookiesCF(AdoptCF, CFHTTPCookieStorageCopyCookiesForURL(defaultCookieStorage, urlCF.get(), secure));
    RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> headerCF(AdoptCF, CFHTTPCookieCopyRequestHeaderFields(kCFAllocatorDefault, cookiesCF.get()));

    return (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(headerCF.get(), s_cookieCF);
    DeprecatedString str = url.url();

    DWORD count = str.length();
    InternetGetCookie((UChar*)str.unicode(), 0, 0, &count);
    if (count <= 1) // Null terminator counts as 1.
        return String();

    UChar* buffer = new UChar[count];
    InternetGetCookie((UChar*)str.unicode(), 0, buffer, &count);
    String& result = String(buffer, count-1); // Ignore the null terminator.
    delete[] buffer;
    return result;
DeprecatedString CharacterIterator::string(int numChars)
    DeprecatedString result;
    while (numChars > 0 && !atEnd()) {
        int runSize = min(numChars, length());
        result.append(reinterpret_cast<const DeprecatedChar*>(characters()), runSize);
        numChars -= runSize;
    return result;
Beispiel #6
String cookies(const KURL& url)
    DeprecatedString str = url.url();

    DWORD count;
    InternetGetCookie((UChar*)str.unicode(), 0, 0, &count);
    if (count <= 1) // Null terminator counts as 1.
        return String();

    UChar* buffer = new UChar[count];
    InternetGetCookie((UChar*)str.unicode(), 0, buffer, &count);
    String& result = String(buffer, count-1); // Ignore the null terminator.
    delete buffer;
    return result;
Beispiel #7
void RegularExpression::Private::compile(bool caseSensitive, bool glob)
    DeprecatedString p;

    if (glob) {
        p = RegExpFromGlob(pattern);
    } else {
        p = pattern;
    // Note we don't honor the Qt syntax for various character classes.  If we convert
    // to a different underlying engine, we may need to change client code that relies
    // on the regex syntax (see FrameMac.mm for a couple examples).
    const char *errorMessage;
    int errorOffset;
    char null = 0;
    regex = pcre_compile(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(p.unicode()), caseSensitive ? 0 : PCRE_CASELESS, &errorMessage, &errorOffset, NULL);
    if (regex == NULL) {
        LOG_ERROR("RegularExpression: pcre_compile failed with '%s'", errorMessage);