void OCLSample::initOpenCL() {
  cl_int result;

  // First, select an OpenCL platform
  typedef std::vector<cl::Platform> PlatformVector;
  PlatformVector platforms;
  result = cl::Platform::get(&platforms);
  assert(result == CL_SUCCESS && "Failed to retrieve OpenCL platform");
  assert(platforms.size() > 0 && "No OpenCL platforms found");

  // For now, just blindly select the first platform.
  // @TODO: Implement a check here for the NVidia OpenCL platform.
  platform_ = platforms[0];

  // Create an OpenCL context.
  cl_context_properties cps[] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM,
    (cl_context_properties)(platform_)(), 0 };
  context_ = cl::Context(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, cps, NULL, NULL, &result);
  assert(result == CL_SUCCESS && "Failed to create OpenCL context");

  // Retrieve the available OpenCL devices.
  typedef std::vector<cl::Device> DeviceVector;
  DeviceVector devices;
  devices = context_.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>();
  assert(devices.size() > 0 && "No OpenCL devices found");

  // For now, just blindly select the first device.
  // @TODO: Implement some sort of device check here.
  device_ = devices[0];

  // Create a command queue
  queue_ = cl::CommandQueue(context_, device_, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &result);
  assert(result == CL_SUCCESS && "Failed to create command queue");
Beispiel #2
CLContext::CLContext() {
  cl_int         result;
  PlatformVector allPlatforms;

  result = cl::Platform::get(&allPlatforms);
  throwOnError("cl::Platform::get", result);

  if(allPlatforms.size() == 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("No platforms available");

  platform_ = allPlatforms[0];

  //printValue("Platform", platform_.getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>());

  // Create context
  cl_context_properties cps[3] = {

  context_ = cl::Context(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, cps, NULL, NULL, &result);
  throwOnError("cl::Context", result);

  DeviceVector allDevices = context_.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>();

  if(allDevices.size() == 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("No devices available");

  device_ = allDevices[0];

  //printValue("Device", device_.getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>());
void updateValues( BorderSubdType i_BorderSubdType, const DeviceVector< T >& i_Src, const subd::TopologyData& i_Topo, int i_Stride, int i_Offset, DeviceVector< T >& o_Dst  )
	assert( o_Dst.size() != 0 );

	grind::subd::genFacePointsDevice( i_Topo.faceList.size(), i_Topo.faceList.getDevicePtr(), i_Src.getDevicePtr(), i_Topo.facePointsOffset, i_Topo.vertPointsOffset, i_Stride, i_Offset, o_Dst.getDevicePtr() );
	grind::subd::tweakVertPointsDevice( i_Topo.srcVertCount, i_Topo.vertFaceValence.getDevicePtr(), i_Topo.vertEdgeValence.getDevicePtr(), i_Topo.vertPointsOffset, i_Stride, i_Offset, o_Dst.getDevicePtr() );
	grind::subd::genEdgePointsDevice( i_Topo.edgeList.size(), i_Topo.edgeList.getDevicePtr(), i_Src.getDevicePtr(), i_Topo.vertFaceValence.getDevicePtr(), i_Topo.vertEdgeValence.getDevicePtr(), i_Topo.edgePointsOffset, i_Topo.vertPointsOffset, i_Stride, i_Offset, o_Dst.getDevicePtr() );
	grind::subd::genVertPointsDevice( i_BorderSubdType, i_Topo.srcVertCount, i_Src.getDevicePtr(), i_Topo.vertFaceValence.getDevicePtr(), i_Topo.vertEdgeValence.getDevicePtr(), i_Topo.vertPointsOffset, i_Stride, i_Offset, o_Dst.getDevicePtr() );
void updateTopology(	size_t i_SrcVertCount,
                    	const DeviceVector<int>& i_MeshConnectivity,
						const DeviceVector<int>& i_PolyVertCounts,
						subd::TopologyData& o_Topo,
						DeviceVector<int>* o_Id )
	o_Topo.srcVertCount = i_SrcVertCount;

	meshSanityCheck( i_PolyVertCounts );

	o_Topo.cumulativePolyVertCounts.resize( i_PolyVertCounts.size() );
	inclusiveScan( i_PolyVertCounts, o_Topo.cumulativePolyVertCounts );

	o_Topo.vertEdgeValence.resize( o_Topo.srcVertCount );
	setAllElements( 0, o_Topo.vertEdgeValence );
	o_Topo.vertFaceValence.resize( o_Topo.srcVertCount );
	setAllElements( 0, o_Topo.vertFaceValence );

	int face_count = i_PolyVertCounts.size();

	o_Topo.faceList.resize( face_count );

	buildFaceListDevice( face_count, i_MeshConnectivity.getDevicePtr(), o_Topo.cumulativePolyVertCounts.getDevicePtr(), o_Topo.faceList.getDevicePtr(), o_Topo.vertFaceValence.getDevicePtr() );

	int non_unique_edge_count = reduce( i_PolyVertCounts );

	DeviceVector< grind::subd::Edge > d_edges;
	d_edges.resize( non_unique_edge_count );
	int actual_edge_count = buildEdgeListDevice( face_count, i_MeshConnectivity.getDevicePtr(), o_Topo.cumulativePolyVertCounts.getDevicePtr(), d_edges.getDevicePtr(), o_Topo.vertEdgeValence.getDevicePtr() );
	o_Topo.edgeList.setValueDevice( d_edges.getDevicePtr(), actual_edge_count );

	int subd_quad_count = non_unique_edge_count;
	DRD_LOG_INFO( L, "faces before subd: " << face_count );
	DRD_LOG_INFO( L, "faces after subd: " << subd_quad_count );

	o_Topo.facePointsOffset = 0;
	o_Topo.edgePointsOffset = o_Topo.faceList.size();
	o_Topo.vertPointsOffset = o_Topo.faceList.size() + o_Topo.edgeList.size();

	if( o_Id != NULL ){
		o_Id->resize( subd_quad_count * 4, -1 );
		buildSubdFaceTopologyDevice( o_Topo.edgeList.size(), o_Topo.edgeList.getDevicePtr(), i_MeshConnectivity.getDevicePtr(), o_Topo.cumulativePolyVertCounts.getDevicePtr(), o_Topo.facePointsOffset, o_Topo.edgePointsOffset, o_Topo.vertPointsOffset, o_Id->getDevicePtr() );
void clearValues( const DeviceVector< T >& i_Src, const subd::TopologyData& i_Topo, int i_Stride, int i_Offset, DeviceVector< T >& o_Dst  )
	size_t vert_count = i_Topo.faceList.size() + i_Topo.edgeList.size() + i_Topo.srcVertCount;

	if( i_Src.size() != i_Topo.srcVertCount * i_Stride ){
		throw std::runtime_error( "mesh topology doesn't appear to match guide topology" );

	//! should provide a zero value for vec3, vec2, float etc
	const static T zero = T() * 0.0f;

	o_Dst.resize( vert_count * i_Stride );
	setAllElements( zero, o_Dst );
size_t ConvNet::max_iter(DeviceVector<float> v) {
	size_t i = 0;

	float_t max = v[0];
	for (size_t j = 1; j < v.size(); j++) {
		if (v[j] > max) {
			max = v[j];
			i = j;
	return i;
Beispiel #7
ErrorPtr DaliDeviceContainer::handleMethod(VdcApiRequestPtr aRequest, const string &aMethod, ApiValuePtr aParams)
  ErrorPtr respErr;
  if (aMethod=="x-p44-groupDevices") {
    // create a composite device out of existing single-channel ones
    ApiValuePtr components;
    long long collectionID = -1;
    DeviceVector groupedDevices;
    respErr = checkParam(aParams, "members", components);
    if (Error::isOK(respErr)) {
      if (components->isType(apivalue_object)) {
        string dimmerType;
        ApiValuePtr o;
        while (components->nextKeyValue(dimmerType, o)) {
          DsUid memberUID;
          bool deviceFound = false;
          // search for this device
          for (DeviceVector::iterator pos = devices.begin(); pos!=devices.end(); ++pos) {
            // only non-grouped DALI devices can be grouped
            DaliDevicePtr dev = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DaliDevice>(*pos);
            if (dev && dev->getDsUid() == memberUID) {
              deviceFound = true;
              // found this device, create DB entry for it
                "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO compositeDevices (dimmerUID, dimmerType, collectionID) VALUES ('%s','%s',%lld)",
              if (collectionID<0) {
                // use rowid of just inserted item as collectionID
                collectionID = db.last_insert_rowid();
                // - update already inserted first record
                  "UPDATE compositeDevices SET collectionID=%lld WHERE ROWID=%lld",
              // remember
              // done
          if (!deviceFound) {
            respErr = ErrorPtr(new WebError(404, "some devices of the group could not be found"));
        if (Error::isOK(respErr) && groupedDevices.size()>0) {
          // all components inserted into DB
          // - remove grouped single devices
          for (DeviceVector::iterator pos = groupedDevices.begin(); pos!=groupedDevices.end(); ++pos) {
            (*pos)->hasVanished(false); // vanish, but keep settings
          // - re-collect devices to find grouped composite now, but only in a second starting from main loop, not from here
          CompletedCB cb = boost::bind(&DaliDeviceContainer::groupCollected, this, aRequest);
          MainLoop::currentMainLoop().executeOnce(boost::bind(&DaliDeviceContainer::collectDevices, this, cb, false, false), 1*Second);
  else {
    respErr = inherited::handleMethod(aRequest, aMethod, aParams);
  return respErr;