Beispiel #1
/// \brief Based on the way the client configured the Diagnostic
/// object, classify the specified diagnostic ID into a Level, consumable by
/// the DiagnosticClient.
/// \param Loc The source location we are interested in finding out the
/// diagnostic state. Can be null in order to query the latest state.
DiagnosticIDs::getDiagnosticLevel(unsigned DiagID, unsigned DiagClass,
                                  SourceLocation Loc,
                                  const Diagnostic &Diag,
                                  diag::Mapping *mapping) const {
  // Specific non-error diagnostics may be mapped to various levels from ignored
  // to error.  Errors can only be mapped to fatal.
  DiagnosticIDs::Level Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;

    Pos = Diag.GetDiagStatePointForLoc(Loc);
  Diagnostic::DiagState *State = Pos->State;

  // Get the mapping information, if unset, compute it lazily.
  unsigned MappingInfo = Diag.getDiagnosticMappingInfo((diag::kind)DiagID,
  if (MappingInfo == 0) {
    MappingInfo = GetDefaultDiagMapping(DiagID);
    Diag.setDiagnosticMappingInternal(DiagID, MappingInfo, State, false, false);
  if (mapping)
    *mapping = (diag::Mapping) (MappingInfo & 7);

  bool ShouldEmitInSystemHeader = false;

  switch (MappingInfo & 7) {
  default: assert(0 && "Unknown mapping!");
  case diag::MAP_IGNORE:
    // Ignore this, unless this is an extension diagnostic and we're mapping
    // them onto warnings or errors.
    if (!isBuiltinExtensionDiag(DiagID) ||  // Not an extension
        Diag.ExtBehavior == Diagnostic::Ext_Ignore || // Ext ignored
        (MappingInfo & 8) != 0)             // User explicitly mapped it.
      return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Warning;
    if (Diag.ExtBehavior == Diagnostic::Ext_Error) Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;
    if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Error && Diag.ErrorsAsFatal)
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;
  case diag::MAP_ERROR:
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;
    if (Diag.ErrorsAsFatal)
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;
  case diag::MAP_FATAL:
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;
    ShouldEmitInSystemHeader = true;
    // continue as MAP_WARNING.
  case diag::MAP_WARNING:
    // If warnings are globally mapped to ignore or error, do it.
    if (Diag.IgnoreAllWarnings)
      return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;

    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Warning;

    // If this is an extension diagnostic and we're in -pedantic-error mode, and
    // if the user didn't explicitly map it, upgrade to an error.
    if (Diag.ExtBehavior == Diagnostic::Ext_Error &&
        (MappingInfo & 8) == 0 &&
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;

    if (Diag.WarningsAsErrors)
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;
    if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Error && Diag.ErrorsAsFatal)
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;

    // Diagnostics specified with -Wno-error=foo should be set to warnings, but
    // not be adjusted by -Werror or -pedantic-errors.
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Warning;

    // If warnings are globally mapped to ignore or error, do it.
    if (Diag.IgnoreAllWarnings)
      return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;


  case diag::MAP_ERROR_NO_WFATAL:
    // Diagnostics specified as -Wno-fatal-error=foo should be errors, but
    // unaffected by -Wfatal-errors.
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;

  // Okay, we're about to return this as a "diagnostic to emit" one last check:
  // if this is any sort of extension warning, and if we're in an __extension__
  // block, silence it.
  if (Diag.AllExtensionsSilenced && isBuiltinExtensionDiag(DiagID))
    return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;

  // If we are in a system header, we ignore it.
  // We also want to ignore extensions and warnings in -Werror and
  // -pedantic-errors modes, which *map* warnings/extensions to errors.
  if (Result >= DiagnosticIDs::Warning &&
      DiagClass != CLASS_ERROR &&
      // Custom diagnostics always are emitted in system headers.
      DiagID < diag::DIAG_UPPER_LIMIT &&
      !ShouldEmitInSystemHeader &&
      Diag.SuppressSystemWarnings &&
      Loc.isValid() &&
    return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;

  return Result;
Beispiel #2
/// \brief Based on the way the client configured the Diagnostic
/// object, classify the specified diagnostic ID into a Level, consumable by
/// the DiagnosticClient.
/// \param Loc The source location we are interested in finding out the
/// diagnostic state. Can be null in order to query the latest state.
DiagnosticIDs::getDiagnosticLevel(unsigned DiagID, unsigned DiagClass,
                                  SourceLocation Loc,
                                  const Diagnostic &Diag,
                                  diag::Mapping *mapping) const {
  // Specific non-error diagnostics may be mapped to various levels from ignored
  // to error.  Errors can only be mapped to fatal.
  DiagnosticIDs::Level Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;

    Pos = Diag.GetDiagStatePointForLoc(Loc);
  Diagnostic::DiagState *State = Pos->State;

  // Get the mapping information, if unset, compute it lazily.
  unsigned MappingInfo = Diag.getDiagnosticMappingInfo((diag::kind)DiagID,
  if (MappingInfo == 0) {
    MappingInfo = GetDefaultDiagMapping(DiagID);
    Diag.setDiagnosticMappingInternal(DiagID, MappingInfo, State, false, false);
  if (mapping)
    *mapping = (diag::Mapping) (MappingInfo & 7);

  switch (MappingInfo & 7) {
  default: assert(0 && "Unknown mapping!");
  case diag::MAP_IGNORE:
    // Ignore this, unless this is an extension diagnostic and we're mapping
    // them onto warnings or errors.
    if (!isBuiltinExtensionDiag(DiagID) ||  // Not an extension
        Diag.ExtBehavior == Diagnostic::Ext_Ignore || // Ext ignored
        (MappingInfo & 8) != 0)             // User explicitly mapped it.
      return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Warning;
    if (Diag.ExtBehavior == Diagnostic::Ext_Error) Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;
    if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Error && Diag.ErrorsAsFatal)
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;
  case diag::MAP_ERROR:
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;
    if (Diag.ErrorsAsFatal)
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;
  case diag::MAP_FATAL:
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;
  case diag::MAP_WARNING:
    // If warnings are globally mapped to ignore or error, do it.
    if (Diag.IgnoreAllWarnings)
      return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;

    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Warning;

    // If this is an extension diagnostic and we're in -pedantic-error mode, and
    // if the user didn't explicitly map it, upgrade to an error.
    if (Diag.ExtBehavior == Diagnostic::Ext_Error &&
        (MappingInfo & 8) == 0 &&
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;

    if (Diag.WarningsAsErrors)
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;
    if (Result == DiagnosticIDs::Error && Diag.ErrorsAsFatal)
      Result = DiagnosticIDs::Fatal;

    // Diagnostics specified with -Wno-error=foo should be set to warnings, but
    // not be adjusted by -Werror or -pedantic-errors.
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Warning;

    // If warnings are globally mapped to ignore or error, do it.
    if (Diag.IgnoreAllWarnings)
      return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;


  case diag::MAP_ERROR_NO_WFATAL:
    // Diagnostics specified as -Wno-fatal-error=foo should be errors, but
    // unaffected by -Wfatal-errors.
    Result = DiagnosticIDs::Error;

  // Okay, we're about to return this as a "diagnostic to emit" one last check:
  // if this is any sort of extension warning, and if we're in an __extension__
  // block, silence it.
  if (Diag.AllExtensionsSilenced && isBuiltinExtensionDiag(DiagID))
    return DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;

  return Result;