 * Process the history directory and maintain the history file map
 * Only handle rotated history files, those history.* that are not an
 * index. For each one that is not in the history file map, create a
 * new HistoryFile, poll it for entries to process, and add it to the
 * map.
    const char *file = NULL;

    // each time through we rebuild our set of inodes
    if (force_reset) {

    Directory dir ( m_path.Value() );
    while ( ( file = dir.Next() ) )
        // Skip all non-history files, e.g. history and history.*.idx
        if ( strncmp ( file, "history.", 8 ) ||
                !strncmp ( file + ( strlen ( file ) - 4 ), HISTORY_INDEX_SUFFIX, 4 ) ) continue;

        HistoryFile h_file ( ( m_path + DIR_DELIM_STRING + file ).Value() );
        CondorError errstack;
        if ( !h_file.init ( errstack ) )
            dprintf ( D_ALWAYS, "%s\n", errstack.getFullText().c_str() );

        long unsigned int id;
        ASSERT ( h_file.getId ( id ) );
        HistoryFileListType::iterator entry = m_historyFiles.find ( id );
        if ( m_historyFiles.end() == entry )
            HistoryFile::HistoryEntriesTypeIterators ij = h_file.poll ( errstack );
            for ( HistoryFile::HistoryEntriesTypeIterator i = ij.first;
                    i != ij.second;
                    i++ )
                process ( ( *i ) );

            m_historyFiles.insert ( id );
* Description: Loads the directoy contents of ~/Documents/Pictures into listview
* Author: Rick Caudill
* Date: Thu Mar 18 20:17:32 2004
void WallpaperChangerSettings::LoadDirectoryList()
	String cDir = getenv( "HOME" );
	cDir += "/Pictures/";
	String cFile;
	Directory* pcDir = new Directory(cDir);
	while (pcDir->GetNextEntry(&cFile))
		FSNode* pcNode = new FSNode(String(cDir + cFile));
		if (pcNode->IsFile())		//if not a dir, link and just a regular file
			ListViewStringRow* pcRow = new ListViewStringRow();
		delete pcNode;
	delete pcDir;
 * Process orphaned index files, those that exist but do not have a
 * corresponding history file.
 * Process all .idx files looking for the corresponding HistoryFile in
 * the history file map.
    const char *file = NULL;

    Directory dir ( m_path.Value() );
    while ( ( file = dir.Next() ) )
        // Skip all non-history index files, e.g. history and history.*
        if ( strncmp ( file, "history.", 8 ) ||
                strncmp ( file + ( strlen ( file ) - 4 ), HISTORY_INDEX_SUFFIX, 4 ) ) continue;

        // XXX: This is ugly because it indicates we know details
        // of how HistoryFile implements index files.

        // The index file is "history.%ld.idx" where %ld is the id
        // of the history file the index is for.

        long unsigned int id;
        int count = sscanf ( file, "history.%ld.idx", &id );
        if ( 1 != count )
            dprintf ( D_ALWAYS, "Error parsing %s, skipping.\n", file );

        HistoryFileListType::iterator entry = m_historyFiles.find ( id );
        if ( m_historyFiles.end() == entry )
            // The index is dangling, remove it.
            if ( !dir.Remove_Current_File() )
               dprintf ( D_ALWAYS, "Failed to remove: %s\n", file );