Beispiel #1
 * Check that two maxsum::DiscreteFunction objects have the same domain.
 * Two functions have the same domain, if they depend on the same set of
 * variables.
 * @param[in] f1 First function to compare
 * @param[in] f2 Second functions to compare
 * @returns true if both function have the same domain.
bool maxsum::sameDomain(const DiscreteFunction& f1, const DiscreteFunction& f2)
      return false;

   return std::equal(f1.varBegin(),f1.varEnd(),f2.varBegin());

} // function sameDomain
Beispiel #2
 * Check that two maxsum::DiscreteFunction objects are equal within a
 * specified tolerance. This function returns true if and only if, for all
 * <code>k</code>:
 * <p>
 * <code>
 * -tol < 1-f1(k)/f2(k) < tol
 * </code>
 * </p>
 * @param[in] f1 First function to compare
 * @param[in] f2 Second function to compare
 * @param[in] tol tolerance used for comparing values
bool maxsum::equalWithinTolerance
 const DiscreteFunction& f1,
 const DiscreteFunction& f2,
 ValType tol
   // Iterator over the combined domain of f1 and f2
   DomainIterator it(f1);
      // Check that the difference in value for the current positions are
      // equal within tolerance.
      ValType diff = 1-f1(it)/f2(it);
      if( (diff > tol) || (diff < -tol) )
         return false;


   } // for loop

   // If we get to here, everything is equal within tolerance
   return true;

} // function equalWithinTolerance
Beispiel #3
 * Construct Domain Iterator using domain of a given function.
 * This is more efficient that creating from sratch.
 * @param[in] fun Function whose domain should be copied.
DomainIterator::DomainIterator(const DiscreteFunction& fun)
   : vars_i(fun.varBegin(),fun.varEnd()),    // copy variables
     subInd_i(fun.noVars(),0),               // set all subindices to zero
     ind_i(0),                               // set linear index to zero
     fixed_i(fun.noVars(),false),            // all variables are initially free
     sizes_i(fun.sizeBegin(),fun.sizeEnd()), // copy variable sizes
     finished_i(false)                       // iterator is not done yet
   {}                   // nothing left to do in constructor body
Beispiel #4
 * Make the domain of this function include the domain of another.
 * If necessary, the domain of this function is expanded to include the
 * domain of the parameter fun.
 * @param[in] fun function whose domain we want to expand to.
 * @todo Make this more efficient by using fun.size_i cache.
 * @post domain of this is union of its previous domain, with that of fun.
void DiscreteFunction::expand(const DiscreteFunction& fun)
Beispiel #5
 * Accessor method for factor function.
 * @param[in] id the unique identifier of the desired factor.
 * @param[in] factor the function representing this factor.
 * @returns a reference to the function associated with the factor with
 * unique identifier <code>id</code>.
 * @post A copy of <code>factor</code> is stored internally by
 * this maxsum::MaxSumController and used to form part of a factor graph.
 * @post Any previous value of the specified factor is overwritten.
void MaxSumController::setFactor(FactorID id, const DiscreteFunction& factor)
   // Set the specified factor. (Note: oldValue is created automatically if
   // necessary).
   DiscreteFunction& oldValue = factors_i[id];

   // If this factor is currently related to any variables that it is no
   // longer related to, delete the appropriate edges.
   std::vector<VarID> toRemove(oldValue.noVars());

   for(std::vector<VarID>::const_iterator it=toRemove.begin();
         it!=toRemove.end(); ++it)
      // Remove the redundant edges from the postoffice graphs

      // If the variable is no longer related to any factors, then we remove
      // it from the value list.

   } // for loop

   // For each variable in this factor's domain
   for(DiscreteFunction::VarIterator it=factor.varBegin();
         it!=factor.varEnd(); ++it)
      // Initialise input and output messages between the factor and
      // the current variable
      DiscreteFunction msgTemplate(*it,0);

      // Touch the variable to ensure that it is in the value list.
      ValueMap::iterator pos = values_i.find(*it);

   } // for loop

   // Set the specified factor to its new value.
   factors_i[id] = factor;

   // Tell everyone to recheck their mail. Telling everyone to recheck is the
   // safest option, because the factor graph may have changed.

} // function setFactor