Beispiel #1
static void CreateThumbnailForDoc(Doc doc, DisplayState& ds)
    CrashIf(!doc.AsMobi() && !doc.AsEpub());

    if (!ShouldSaveThumbnail(ds))

    // if there is cover image, we use it to generate thumbnail by scaling
    // image width to thumbnail dx, scaling height proportionally and using
    // as much of it as fits in thumbnail dy
    RenderedBitmap *bmp = ThumbFromCoverPage(doc);
    if (!bmp) {
        // no cover image so generate thumbnail from first page
        SizeI pageSize(THUMBNAIL_DX * 3, THUMBNAIL_DY * 3);
        SizeI dstSize(THUMBNAIL_DX, THUMBNAIL_DY);
        bmp = RenderFirstDocPageToBitmap(doc, pageSize, dstSize, 10);
    SaveThumbnailForFile(doc.GetFilePath(), bmp);
Beispiel #2
static void GetProps(Doc doc, PropertiesLayout *layoutData, DisplayModel *dm, bool extended)
    CrashIf(!doc.IsEngine() && !doc.IsEbook());
    DocType engineType = doc.GetDocType();

    WCHAR *str = str::Dup(gPluginMode ? gPluginURL : doc.GetFilePath());
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("File:"), str);

    str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_Title);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Title:"), str);

    str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_Subject);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Subject:"), str);

    str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_Author);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Author:"), str);

    str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_Copyright);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Copyright:"), str);

    str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_CreationDate);
    if (Engine_PDF == engineType)
        ConvDateToDisplay(&str, PdfDateParse);
    else if (Engine_XPS == engineType)
        ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse);
    else if (Engine_Epub == engineType || Doc_Epub == engineType)
        ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse);
    else if (Engine_Mobi == engineType || Doc_Mobi == engineType)
        ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Created:"), str);

    str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_ModificationDate);
    if (Engine_PDF == engineType)
        ConvDateToDisplay(&str, PdfDateParse);
    else if (Engine_XPS == engineType)
        ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse);
    else if (Engine_Epub == engineType || Doc_Epub == engineType)
        ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse);
    else if (Engine_Mobi == engineType || Doc_Mobi == engineType)
        ConvDateToDisplay(&str, IsoDateParse);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Modified:"), str);

    str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_CreatorApp);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Application:"), str);

    str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_PdfProducer);
    // TODO: remove PDF from string
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("PDF Producer:"), str);

    str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_PdfVersion);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("PDF Version:"), str);

    str = FormatPdfFileStructure(doc);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("PDF Optimizations:"), str);

    size_t fileSize = file::GetSize(doc.GetFilePath());
    if (fileSize == INVALID_FILE_SIZE && doc.IsEngine())
    if (fileSize != INVALID_FILE_SIZE) {
        str = FormatFileSize(fileSize);
        layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("File Size:"), str);

    if (doc.IsEngine()) {
        str = str::Format(L"%d", doc.AsEngine()->PageCount());
        layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Number of Pages:"), str);

    if (dm && dm->engineType != Engine_Chm) {
        str = FormatPageSize(dm->engine, dm->CurrentPageNo(), dm->Rotation());
        if (IsUIRightToLeft() && IsVistaOrGreater()) {
            // ensure that the size remains ungarbled left-to-right
            // (note: XP doesn't know about \u202A...\u202C)
            str = str::Format(L"\u202A%s\u202C", ScopedMem<WCHAR>(str));
        layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Page Size:"), str);

    str = FormatPermissions(doc);
    layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Denied Permissions:"), str);

    if (extended) {
        // TODO: FontList extraction can take a while
        str = doc.GetProperty(Prop_FontList);
        if (str) {
            // add a space between basic and extended file properties
            layoutData->AddProperty(L" ", str::Dup(L" "));
        layoutData->AddProperty(_TR("Fonts:"), str);
Beispiel #3
void OpenMobiInWindow(Doc doc, SumatraWindow& winToReplace)
    const TCHAR *fullPath = doc.GetFilePath();
    DisplayState *ds = gFileHistory.Find(fullPath);

    if (gGlobalPrefs.rememberOpenedFiles) {
        ds = gFileHistory.MarkFileLoaded(fullPath);
        if (gGlobalPrefs.showStartPage && ds) {
            // TODO: do it on a background thread?
            CreateThumbnailForDoc(doc, *ds);

    int startReparseIdx = -1;
    if (ds)
        startReparseIdx = ds->reparseIdx;

    // Add the file also to Windows' recently used documents (this doesn't
    // happen automatically on drag&drop, reopening from history, etc.)
    if (HasPermission(Perm_DiskAccess) && !gPluginMode)
        SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATH, fullPath);

    ScopedMem<TCHAR> winTitle(str::Format(_T("%s - %s"), path::GetBaseName(fullPath), SUMATRA_WINDOW_TITLE));

    if (winToReplace.AsEbookWindow()) {
        EbookWindow *mw = winToReplace.AsEbookWindow();
        win::SetText(mw->hwndFrame, winTitle);
        // TODO: if we have window position/last position for this file, restore it

    RectI windowPos = gGlobalPrefs.windowPos;
    if (!windowPos.IsEmpty())
        windowPos = GetDefaultWindowPos();

    if (ds && !ds->windowPos.IsEmpty()) {
        // Make sure it doesn't have a position like outside of the screen etc.
        windowPos = ShiftRectToWorkArea(ds->windowPos);

    WindowInfo *winInfo = winToReplace.AsWindowInfo();
    bool wasMaximized = false;
    if (winInfo && winInfo->hwndFrame)
        wasMaximized = IsZoomed(winInfo->hwndFrame);

    HWND hwnd = CreateWindow(
            windowPos.x, windowPos.y, windowPos.dx, windowPos.dy,
            NULL, NULL,
            ghinst, NULL);
    if (!hwnd)
    if (HasPermission(Perm_DiskAccess) && !gPluginMode)
        DragAcceptFiles(hwnd, TRUE);
    if (Touch::SupportsGestures()) {
        GESTURECONFIG gc = { 0, GC_ALLGESTURES, 0 };
        Touch::SetGestureConfig(hwnd, 0, 1, &gc, sizeof(GESTURECONFIG));

    EbookWindow *win = new EbookWindow();
    win->ebookControls = CreateEbookControls(hwnd);
    win->hwndWrapper = win->ebookControls->mainWnd;
    win->ebookController = new EbookController(win->ebookControls);
    win->hwndFrame = hwnd;

    win::SetText(win->hwndFrame, winTitle);
    SetMenu(hwnd, BuildMenu(win));

    ShowWindow(hwnd, wasMaximized ? SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED : SW_SHOW);
    win->ebookController->SetDoc(doc, startReparseIdx);
Beispiel #4
void OpenMobiInWindow(Doc doc, SumatraWindow& winToReplace)
    const WCHAR *fullPath = doc.GetFilePath();
    DisplayState *ds = gFileHistory.Find(fullPath);

    if (doc.IsNone()) {
        // TODO: a hack. In LoadDocumentOld(), if current window IsAboutWindow(),
        // we set loadedFilePath to prevent a crash if multiple ebook files are
        // dropped on about window. We need to undo that in case of failure
        // or else the window will be stuck in an invalid state (not about window
        // but not a document window either)
        WindowInfo *w = winToReplace.AsWindowInfo();
        if (str::Eq(w->loadedFilePath, doc.GetFilePath())) {
            w->loadedFilePath = NULL;
            // this is now about window. We don't want to show it if we're already
            // showing other windows (the scenario: dragging ebook file on a window
            // showing a document, we create invisible window for this document and
            // we don't want to show empty window if loading fails
            if (gEbookWindows.Count() > 0 || gWindows.Count() > 1) {
                CloseWindow(w, false);
                if (gFileHistory.MarkFileInexistent(fullPath))
                // TODO: notify the use that loading failed (e.g. show a notification)
        // TODO: notify the user that loading failed (e.g. show a notification)

        // TODO: this is not a great solution. In case of opening
        // file from cmd-line, we create a window but don't show it
        // if loading afils, we have to show the window. If window
        // is already visible, this is a no-op
        ShowWindow(winToReplace.HwndFrame(), SW_SHOW);
        if (gFileHistory.MarkFileInexistent(fullPath))

    if (gGlobalPrefs->rememberOpenedFiles) {
        ds = gFileHistory.MarkFileLoaded(fullPath);
        if (gGlobalPrefs->showStartPage) {
            // TODO: do it on a background thread?
            CreateThumbnailForDoc(doc, *ds);

    int startReparseIdx = -1;
    if (ds && gGlobalPrefs->rememberStatePerDocument && !ds->useDefaultState)
        startReparseIdx = ds->reparseIdx;

    // Add the file also to Windows' recently used documents (this doesn't
    // happen automatically on drag&drop, reopening from history, etc.)
    if (HasPermission(Perm_DiskAccess) && !gPluginMode)
        SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATH, fullPath);

    ScopedMem<WCHAR> winTitle(str::Format(L"%s - %s", path::GetBaseName(fullPath), SUMATRA_WINDOW_TITLE));

    if (winToReplace.AsEbookWindow()) {
        EbookWindow *mw = winToReplace.AsEbookWindow();
        win::SetText(mw->hwndFrame, winTitle);
        // TODO: if we have window position/last position for this file, restore it

    RectI windowPos = gGlobalPrefs->windowPos;
    if (!windowPos.IsEmpty())
        windowPos = GetDefaultWindowPos();

    if (ds && !ds->windowPos.IsEmpty()) {
        // Make sure it doesn't have a position like outside of the screen etc.
        windowPos = ShiftRectToWorkArea(ds->windowPos);

    WindowInfo *winInfo = winToReplace.AsWindowInfo();
    bool wasMaximized = false;
    if (winInfo && winInfo->hwndFrame) {
        wasMaximized = IsZoomed(winInfo->hwndFrame);
        // hide the window instead of destroying it so that
        // windows doesn't set a window from a different
        // process as foreground window instead of the once
        // created below
        ShowWindow(winInfo->hwndFrame, SW_HIDE);

    HWND hwnd = CreateWindow(
            windowPos.x, windowPos.y, windowPos.dx, windowPos.dy,
            NULL, NULL,
            ghinst, NULL);
    if (!hwnd) {
    if (HasPermission(Perm_DiskAccess) && !gPluginMode)
        DragAcceptFiles(hwnd, TRUE);
    if (Touch::SupportsGestures()) {
        GESTURECONFIG gc = { 0, GC_ALLGESTURES, 0 };
        Touch::SetGestureConfig(hwnd, 0, 1, &gc, sizeof(GESTURECONFIG));

    EbookWindow *win = new EbookWindow();
    win->ebookControls = CreateEbookControls(hwnd);
    win->hwndWrapper = win->ebookControls->mainWnd;
    win->ebookController = new EbookController(win->ebookControls);
    win->hwndFrame = hwnd;

    win::SetText(win->hwndFrame, winTitle);
    SetMenu(hwnd, BuildMenu(win));

    ShowWindow(hwnd, wasMaximized ? SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED : SW_SHOW);
    win->ebookController->SetDoc(doc, startReparseIdx);
