Beispiel #1
void HTMLDocument::determineParseMode()
    // FIXME: It's terrible that this code runs separately and isn't just built in to the
    // HTML tokenizer/parser.

    // This code more or less mimics Mozilla's implementation (specifically the
    // doctype parsing implemented by David Baron in Mozilla's nsParser.cpp).
    // There are three possible parse modes:
    // COMPAT - quirks mode emulates WinIE and NS4.  CSS parsing is also relaxed in this mode, e.g., unit types can
    // be omitted from numbers.
    // ALMOST STRICT - This mode is identical to strict mode except for its treatment of line-height in the inline box model.  For
    // now (until the inline box model is re-written), this mode is identical to STANDARDS mode.
    // STRICT - no quirks apply.  Web pages will obey the specifications to the letter.
    bool wasInCompatMode = inCompatMode();
    DocumentType* docType = doctype();
    if (!docType || !equalIgnoringCase(docType->name(), "html"))
        // No doctype found at all or the doctype is not HTML.  Default to quirks mode and Html4.
    else if (!doctype()->systemId().isEmpty() && equalIgnoringCase(docType->systemId(), ""))
        // Assume quirks mode for this particular system ID.  In the HTML5 spec, this is the only
        // system identifier that is examined.
    else if (docType->publicId().isEmpty())
        // A doctype without a public ID means use strict mode.
    else {
        // We have to check a list of public IDs to see what we
        // should do.
        String lowerPubID = docType->publicId().lower();
        CString pubIDStr = lowerPubID.latin1();
        // Look up the entry in our gperf-generated table.
        const PubIDInfo* doctypeEntry = findDoctypeEntry(, pubIDStr.length());
        if (!doctypeEntry)
            // The DOCTYPE is not in the list.  Assume strict mode.
        else {
            switch (docType->systemId().isEmpty() ?
                    doctypeEntry->mode_if_no_sysid :
                    doctypeEntry->mode_if_sysid) {
                case PubIDInfo::eQuirks3:
                case PubIDInfo::eQuirks:
                case PubIDInfo::eAlmostStandards:
    if (inCompatMode() != wasInCompatMode) {
Beispiel #2
void MarkupAccumulator::appendDocumentType(StringBuilder& result, const DocumentType& n)
    if (

    result.appendLiteral("<!DOCTYPE ");
    if (!n.publicId().isEmpty()) {
        result.appendLiteral(" PUBLIC \"");
        if (!n.systemId().isEmpty()) {
            result.appendLiteral(" \"");
    } else if (!n.systemId().isEmpty()) {
        result.appendLiteral(" SYSTEM \"");
    if (!n.internalSubset().isEmpty()) {
        result.appendLiteral(" [");
JSValue jsDocumentTypeSystemId(ExecState* exec, const Identifier&, const PropertySlot& slot)
    JSDocumentType* castedThis = static_cast<JSDocumentType*>(asObject(slot.slotBase()));
    DocumentType* imp = static_cast<DocumentType*>(castedThis->impl());
    return jsStringOrNull(exec, imp->systemId());
Beispiel #4
JSValue* JSDocumentType::getValueProperty(ExecState* exec, int token) const
    switch (token) {
    case NameAttrNum: {
        DocumentType* imp = static_cast<DocumentType*>(impl());
        return jsString(exec, imp->name());
    case EntitiesAttrNum: {
        DocumentType* imp = static_cast<DocumentType*>(impl());
        return toJS(exec, WTF::getPtr(imp->entities()));
    case NotationsAttrNum: {
        DocumentType* imp = static_cast<DocumentType*>(impl());
        return toJS(exec, WTF::getPtr(imp->notations()));
    case PublicIdAttrNum: {
        DocumentType* imp = static_cast<DocumentType*>(impl());
        return jsStringOrNull(exec, imp->publicId());
    case SystemIdAttrNum: {
        DocumentType* imp = static_cast<DocumentType*>(impl());
        return jsStringOrNull(exec, imp->systemId());
    case InternalSubsetAttrNum: {
        DocumentType* imp = static_cast<DocumentType*>(impl());
        return jsStringOrNull(exec, imp->internalSubset());
    case ConstructorAttrNum:
        return getConstructor(exec);
    return 0;
JSValue jsDocumentTypeSystemId(ExecState* exec, JSValue slotBase, const Identifier&)
    JSDocumentType* castedThis = static_cast<JSDocumentType*>(asObject(slotBase));
    DocumentType* imp = static_cast<DocumentType*>(castedThis->impl());
    JSValue result = jsStringOrNull(exec, imp->systemId());
    return result;
void HTMLDocument::setCompatibilityModeFromDoctype()
    // There are three possible compatibility modes:
    // Quirks - quirks mode emulates WinIE and NS4.  CSS parsing is also relaxed in this mode, e.g., unit types can
    // be omitted from numbers.
    // Limited Quirks - This mode is identical to no-quirks mode except for its treatment of line-height in the inline box model.  
    // No Quirks - no quirks apply.  Web pages will obey the specifications to the letter.
    DocumentType* docType = doctype();
    if (!docType)

    // Check for Quirks Mode.
    const String& publicId = docType->publicId();
    if (docType->name() != "html"
        || publicId.startsWith("+//Silmaril//dtd html Pro v0r11 19970101//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//AdvaSoft Ltd//DTD HTML 3.0 asWedit + extensions//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//AS//DTD HTML 3.0 asWedit + extensions//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 1//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 2//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 1//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 2//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.1E//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML 3//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 2//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 3//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 1//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 2//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 3//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//IETF//DTD HTML//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Metrius//DTD Metrius Presentational//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 2.0 HTML Strict//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 2.0 HTML//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 2.0 Tables//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 3.0 HTML Strict//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 3.0 HTML//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 3.0 Tables//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Netscape Comm. Corp.//DTD HTML//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Netscape Comm. Corp.//DTD Strict HTML//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//O'Reilly and Associates//DTD HTML 2.0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//O'Reilly and Associates//DTD HTML Extended 1.0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//O'Reilly and Associates//DTD HTML Extended Relaxed 1.0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//SoftQuad//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 4.0::19971010::extensions to HTML 4.0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Spyglass//DTD HTML 2.0 Extended//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//SQ//DTD HTML 2.0 HoTMetaL + extensions//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Sun Microsystems Corp.//DTD HotJava HTML//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//Sun Microsystems Corp.//DTD HotJava Strict HTML//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3 1995-03-24//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Draft//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2S Draft//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 19960712//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 970421//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML 3.0//", false)
        || equalIgnoringCase(publicId, "-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML Strict 3.0//EN//")
        || publicId.startsWith("-//WebTechs//DTD Mozilla HTML 2.0//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//WebTechs//DTD Mozilla HTML//", false)
        || equalIgnoringCase(publicId, "-/W3C/DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/EN")
        || equalIgnoringCase(publicId, "HTML")
        || equalIgnoringCase(docType->systemId(), "")
        || (docType->systemId().isEmpty() && publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//", false))
        || (docType->systemId().isEmpty() && publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//", false))) {

    // Check for Limited Quirks Mode.
    if (publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//", false)
        || publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//", false)
        || (!docType->systemId().isEmpty() && publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//", false))
        || (!docType->systemId().isEmpty() && publicId.startsWith("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//", false))) {

    // Otherwise we are No Quirks Mode.