Beispiel #1
NonLinearStatic :: showSparseMtrxStructure(int type, oofegGraphicContext &context, TimeStep *atTime)
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    CharType ctype;
    int i;

    if ( type != 1 ) {

    if ( stiffMode == nls_tangentStiffness ) {
        ctype = TangentStiffnessMatrix;
    } else if ( stiffMode == nls_secantStiffness ) {
        ctype = SecantStiffnessMatrix;
    } else {
        ctype = SecantStiffnessMatrix;

    int nelems = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    for ( i = 1; i <= nelems; i++ ) {
        domain->giveElement(i)->showSparseMtrxStructure(ctype, context, atTime);

    for ( i = 1; i <= nelems; i++ ) {
        domain->giveElement(i)->showExtendedSparseMtrxStructure(ctype, context, atTime);
StaticFracture :: filterSensitivities(ObjectiveFunction *objFunc)
    // Loop through all active elements and compute distance to neighbours

    EngngModel *sp = this->giveSlaveProblem(1);
    Domain *d = sp->giveDomain(1);   
    int numEl = d->giveNumberOfElements(); 
    double radius = 5.0;

    FloatArray oldSensitivities = objFunc->sensitivityList;

    // navie implementation
    FloatArray center0, center, lCoords;
    for (int i = 1; i <= numEl; i++) {
        Element *el = d->giveElement(i);
        lCoords.resize( el->giveSpatialDimension() );; // center of element
        el->computeGlobalCoordinates(center0, lCoords);
        double distSum = 0.0, help = 0.0;
        for (int j = 1; j <= numEl; j++) {
            d->giveElement(j)->computeGlobalCoordinates(center, lCoords);
            double dist = sqrt( center0.distance_square(center) );
            if ( dist <= radius ) {
                distSum += dist;
                help += * dist;

        objFunc-> = help / distSum; // new filtered sensitivity
StructuralEngngModel :: updateInternalState(TimeStep *stepN)
    int j, nnodes;
    Domain *domain;

    for ( int idomain = 1; idomain <= this->giveNumberOfDomains(); idomain++ ) {
        domain = this->giveDomain(idomain);

        nnodes = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
        if ( requiresUnknownsDictionaryUpdate() ) {
            for ( j = 1; j <= nnodes; j++ ) {
                this->updateDofUnknownsDictionary(domain->giveDofManager(j), stepN);

        if ( internalVarUpdateStamp != stepN->giveSolutionStateCounter() ) {
            int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
            for ( j = 1; j <= nelem; j++ ) {

            internalVarUpdateStamp = stepN->giveSolutionStateCounter();
Beispiel #4
NonlocalMaterialWTP :: fastRebuildNonlocalTables()
    Domain *d = lb->giveDomain();
    int n, i, globnum, ie, nelem = d->giveNumberOfElements();
    IntArray localElementDep;
    Element *elem;

    // build nonlocal element dependency array for each element
    for ( ie = 1; ie <= nelem; ie++ ) {
        elem = d->giveElement(ie);
        if ( ( elem->giveParallelMode() == Element_local ) ) {
            IntArray localMap;
            // translate here nonlocElementDependencyMap[_globnum] to corresponding local numbers
            globnum = elem->giveGlobalNumber();
            n = nonlocElementDependencyMap [ globnum ].giveSize();
            for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
       = d->elementGlobal2Local( nonlocElementDependencyMap [ globnum ].at(i) );

            elem->ipEvaluator(this, & NonlocalMaterialWTP :: fastElementIPNonlocTableUpdater, localElementDep);
Beispiel #5
LEPlicElementInterface :: isBoundary()
    int i, nneighbr, ineighbr;
    double fvk, fvi = this->giveTempVolumeFraction();
    IntArray currCell(1), neighborList;
    LEPlicElementInterface *ineghbrInterface;
    Domain *domain = this->giveElement()->giveDomain();
    ConnectivityTable *contable = domain->giveConnectivityTable();
    if ( ( fvi > 0. ) && ( fvi <= 1.0 ) ) {
        // potentially boundary cell
        if ( ( fvi > 0. ) && ( fvi < 1.0 ) ) {
            return true;
        } = this->giveElement()->giveNumber();
        contable->giveElementNeighbourList(neighborList, currCell);
        // loop over neighbors to assemble normal equations
        nneighbr = neighborList.giveSize();
        for ( i = 1; i <= nneighbr; i++ ) {
            ineighbr =;
            if ( ( ineghbrInterface =
                      ( LEPlicElementInterface * ) ( domain->giveElement(ineighbr)->giveInterface(LEPlicElementInterfaceType) ) ) ) {
                fvk = ineghbrInterface->giveTempVolumeFraction();
                if ( fvk < 1.0 ) {
                    return true;

    return false;
NonLinearDynamic :: checkConsistency()
    // check internal consistency
    // if success returns nonzero
    int i, nelem;
    Element *ePtr;
    NLStructuralElement *sePtr;
    StructuralElementEvaluator *see;
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);

    nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    // check for proper element type

    for ( i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        ePtr = domain->giveElement(i);
        sePtr = dynamic_cast< NLStructuralElement * >( ePtr );
        see   = dynamic_cast< StructuralElementEvaluator * >( ePtr );

        if ( ( sePtr == NULL ) && ( see == NULL ) ) {
            _warning2("checkConsistency: element %d has no Structural support", i);
            return 0;

    EngngModel :: checkConsistency();

    return 1;
// needed for CemhydMat
NonStationaryTransportProblem :: averageOverElements(TimeStep *tStep)
    ///@todo Verify this, the function is completely unused.
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    FloatArray vecTemperature;

    for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
        TransportElement *element = static_cast< TransportElement * >( domain->giveElement(ielem) );
        TransportMaterial *mat = static_cast< CemhydMat * >( element->giveMaterial() );
        if ( mat ) {
            for ( GaussPoint *gp: *element->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr() ) {
                element->giveIPValue(vecTemperature, gp, IST_Temperature, tStep);
                //mat->IP_volume += dV;
                //mat->average_temp += * dV;

    for ( int i = 1; i <= domain->giveNumberOfMaterialModels(); i++ ) {
        CemhydMat *mat = static_cast< CemhydMat * >( domain->giveMaterial(i) );
        if ( mat ) {
            //mat->average_temp /= mat->IP_volume;
FreeWarping :: estimateMaxPackSize(IntArray &commMap, DataStream &buff, int packUnpackType)
    int count = 0, pcount = 0;
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);

    if ( packUnpackType == 0 ) { ///@todo Fix this old ProblemCommMode__NODE_CUT value
        for ( int map: commMap ) {
            for ( Dof *jdof: *domain->giveDofManager( map ) ) {
                if ( jdof->isPrimaryDof() && ( jdof->__giveEquationNumber() ) ) {
                } else {

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // only pcount is relevant here, since only prescribed components are exchanged !!!!
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        return ( buff.givePackSizeOfDouble(1) * pcount );
    } else if ( packUnpackType == 1 ) {
        for ( int map: commMap ) {
            count += domain->giveElement( map )->estimatePackSize(buff);

        return count;

    return 0;
NonStationaryTransportProblem :: checkConsistency()
    // check internal consistency
    // if success returns nonzero
    int i, nelem;
    Element *ePtr;
    TransportElement *sePtr;
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);

    nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    // check for proper element type

    for ( i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        ePtr = domain->giveElement(i);
        sePtr = dynamic_cast< TransportElement * >(ePtr);
        if ( sePtr == NULL ) {
            _warning2("Element %d has no TransportElement base", i);
            return 0;

    EngngModel :: checkConsistency();

    return 1;
Beispiel #10
MatlabExportModule :: doOutputMesh(TimeStep *tStep, FILE *FID)
    Domain *domain  = emodel->giveDomain(1);

    fprintf(FID, "\tmesh.p=[");
    for ( auto &dman : domain->giveDofManagers() ) {
        for ( int j = 1; j <= domain->giveNumberOfSpatialDimensions(); j++) {
            double c = dman->giveCoordinate(j);
            fprintf(FID, "%f, ", c);
        fprintf(FID, "; ");

    fprintf(FID, "]';\n");

    int numberOfDofMans=domain->giveElement(1)->giveNumberOfDofManagers();

    fprintf(FID, "\tmesh.t=[");
    for ( auto &elem : domain->giveElements() ) {
        if ( elem->giveNumberOfDofManagers() == numberOfDofMans ) {
            for ( int j = 1; j <= elem->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); j++ ) {
                fprintf( FID, "%d,", elem->giveDofManagerNumber(j) );
        fprintf(FID, ";");

    fprintf(FID, "]';\n");
LinearStability :: terminateLinStatic(TimeStep *stepN)
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    FILE *File;
    int j;
    File = this->giveOutputStream();

    fprintf(File, "\nOutput for time % .3e \n\n", stepN->giveTargetTime() );
    fprintf(File, "Linear static:\n\n");

    int nnodes = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();

    if ( requiresUnknownsDictionaryUpdate() ) {
        for ( j = 1; j <= nnodes; j++ ) {
            this->updateDofUnknownsDictionary(domain->giveDofManager(j), stepN);

    for ( j = 1; j <= nnodes; j++ ) {
        domain->giveDofManager(j)->printOutputAt(File, stepN);

#  ifdef VERBOSE
    VERBOSE_PRINT0("Updated nodes & sides ", nnodes)
#  endif

    Element *elem;

    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    for ( j = 1; j <= nelem; j++ ) {
        elem = domain->giveElement(j);
        elem->printOutputAt(File, stepN);

#  ifdef VERBOSE
    VERBOSE_PRINT0("Updated Elements ", nelem)
#  endif
    fprintf(File, "\n");
     * // save context if required
     * // default - save only if ALWAYS is set ( see cltypes.h )
     * if ((domain->giveContextOutputMode() == COM_Always ) ||
     * (domain->giveContextOutputMode() == COM_Required )) {
     * this->saveContext(NULL);
     * }
     * else if (domain->giveContextOutputMode() == COM_UserDefined ) {
     * if (stepN->giveNumber()%domain->giveContextOutputStep() == 0)
     * this->saveContext(NULL);
     * }

    this->printReactionForces(stepN, 1);
NonStationaryTransportProblem :: updateInternalState(TimeStep *stepN)
    int j, idomain, nelem;
    Domain *domain;

    for ( idomain = 1; idomain <= this->giveNumberOfDomains(); idomain++ ) {
        domain = this->giveDomain(idomain);

        if ( requiresUnknownsDictionaryUpdate() ) {
            //update temperature vector
            UnknownsField->update( VM_Total, stepN, * ( this->UnknownsField->giveSolutionVector(stepN) ) );
            //update Rhs vector
            UnknownsField->update(VM_RhsTotal, stepN, bcRhs);

        if ( internalVarUpdateStamp != stepN->giveSolutionStateCounter() ) {
            nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
            for ( j = 1; j <= nelem; j++ ) {

            internalVarUpdateStamp = stepN->giveSolutionStateCounter();
Beispiel #13
NonLinearDynamic :: estimateMaxPackSize(IntArray &commMap, DataStream &buff, int packUnpackType)
    int count = 0, pcount = 0;
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);

    if ( packUnpackType == 0 ) { ///@todo Fix this old ProblemCommMode__NODE_CUT value
        for ( int map: commMap ) {
            DofManager *dman = domain->giveDofManager( map );
            for ( Dof *dof: *dman ) {
                if ( dof->isPrimaryDof() && ( dof->__giveEquationNumber() ) ) {
                } else {

        return ( buff.givePackSizeOfDouble(1) * max(count, pcount) );
    } else if ( packUnpackType == 1 ) {
        for ( int map: commMap ) {
            count += domain->giveElement( map )->estimatePackSize(buff);

        return count;

    return 0;
NonStationaryTransportProblem :: updateYourself(TimeStep *tStep)
    EngngModel :: updateYourself(tStep);

    ///@todo Find a cleaner way to do these cemhyd hacks
    for ( int idomain = 1; idomain <= ndomains; idomain++ ) {
        Domain *d = this->giveDomain(idomain);
        for ( int i = 1; i <= d->giveNumberOfElements(); ++i ) {
            TransportElement *elem = static_cast< TransportElement * >( d->giveElement(i) );
            //store temperature and associated volume on each GP before performing averaging
            CemhydMat *cem = dynamic_cast< CemhydMat * >( elem->giveMaterial() );
            if ( cem ) {
                cem->storeWeightTemperatureProductVolume(elem, tStep);
        //perform averaging on each material instance
        for ( int i = 1; i <= d->giveNumberOfMaterialModels(); i++ ) {
            CemhydMat *cem = dynamic_cast< CemhydMat * >( d->giveMaterial(i) );
            if ( cem ) {
 #ifdef VERBOSE
    VERBOSE_PRINT0("Updated Materials ", 0)
StaticFracture :: optimalityCriteria(ObjectiveFunction *objFunc)
    FloatArray &x = objFunc->designVarList; 
    FloatArray &dc = objFunc->sensitivityList;

    EngngModel *sp = this->giveSlaveProblem(1);
    Domain *d = sp->giveDomain(1);   
    int numEl = d->giveNumberOfElements(); 
    // Solver paramters
    double l1 = 0; 
    double l2 = 100000; 
    double move = 0.2;
    double averageDensity = 0.0;

    FloatArray xOld = x;
    while (l2-l1 > 1.0e-4) {
        double lmid = 0.5*(l2+l1);
        double totalVolume = 0.0;
        double help = 0.0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= numEl; i++) { // should only be el that contribute
            Element *el = d->giveElement(i);
            // xnew = max(0.001,max(x-move,min(1.,min(x+move,x.*sqrt(-dc./lmid)))));
            double xe = max(0.001, max(, min(1., min( + move, * sqrt( ) )));
            //double xe = max(0.001, max(, min(1., min( + move, * sqrt(-objFunc-> ) )));
            //double temp1 = + move;
        //double temp2 = * sqrt(;
        //double temp3 = min(temp1, temp2);
        //temp2 = min(1.0, temp3);
        //temp1 = - move;
        //temp3 = max(temp1, temp2);
        //temp1 = max(0.001,temp3);
        //// = max(0.001, max(x-move, min(1., min(x+move,x.*sqrt(;
   = xe;
            //objFunc-> = xe;
            double dV = el->computeVolumeAreaOrLength();
            totalVolume += dV;
            help += xe * dV; 
        averageDensity = help / totalVolume; 

        if ( averageDensity - objFunc->constraint > 0 ) {
        //if ( objFunc->designVarList.sum() - objFunc->constraint*20*20 > 0 ) {
            l1 = lmid;
        } else {
            l2 = lmid;

    printf("\n average density %e \n", averageDensity );
StationaryTransportProblem :: updateInternalState(TimeStep *stepN)
    ///@todo Remove this, unnecessary with solving as a nonlinear problem (left for now, since nonstationary problems might still need it)
    for ( int idomain = 1; idomain <= this->giveNumberOfDomains(); idomain++ ) {
        Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(idomain);
        int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
        for ( int j = 1; j <= nelem; j++ ) {
Beispiel #17
NonLinearDynamic :: showSparseMtrxStructure(int type, oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep)
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    CharType ctype;

    if ( type != 1 ) {

    ctype = TangentStiffnessMatrix;

    int nelems = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelems; i++ ) {
        domain->giveElement(i)->showSparseMtrxStructure(ctype, gc, tStep);

    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelems; i++ ) {
        domain->giveElement(i)->showExtendedSparseMtrxStructure(ctype, gc, tStep);
Beispiel #18
StructuralEngngModel :: showSparseMtrxStructure(int type, oofegGraphicContext &context, TimeStep *tStep)
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);

    if ( type != 1 ) {

    int nelems = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelems; i++ ) {
        domain->giveElement(i)->showSparseMtrxStructure(StiffnessMatrix, context, tStep);
MatlabExportModule :: doOutputMesh(TimeStep *tStep, FILE *FID)
    Domain *domain  = emodel->giveDomain(1);

    fprintf(FID, "\tmesh.p=[");
    for ( int i = 1; i <= domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); i++ ) {
        double x = domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveCoordinate(1), y = domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveCoordinate(2);
        fprintf(FID, "%f,%f;", x, y);

    fprintf(FID, "]';\n");

    fprintf(FID, "\tmesh.t=[");
    for ( int i = 1; i <= domain->giveNumberOfElements(); i++ ) {
        for ( int j = 1; j <= domain->giveElement(i)->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); j++ ) {
            fprintf( FID, "%u,", domain->giveElement(i)->giveDofManagerNumber(j) );

        fprintf(FID, ";");

    fprintf(FID, "]';\n");
void StokesFlow :: updateInternalState(TimeStep *tStep)
    Domain *domain;
    for ( int idomain = 1; idomain <= this->giveNumberOfDomains(); idomain++ ) {
        domain = this->giveDomain(idomain);
        if (domain->giveTopology()) {
            // Must be done before updating nodal positions
            this->ts = domain->giveTopology()->updateYourself(tStep);
        int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
        for (int j = 1; j <= nelem; j++ ) {
Beispiel #21
Delamination :: propagateFronts(bool &oFrontsHavePropagated)
    oFrontsHavePropagated = false;
    Domain *d = this->giveDomain();
    TipPropagation tipProp;
    if ( mpPropagationLaw->propagateInterface(* giveDomain(), * mpEnrichmentFrontStart, tipProp) ) {
        // Propagate front
        // Check if nodes are viable for enrichment
        ///TODO: this should actually not inlcude the nodes at the boundary of the delamination, since this will propagate the delamination outside.
        IntArray delamNodes, propNodes;
        for (int CSnum : this->giveDelamCrossSectionNum()) {
            Set *elSet = d->giveSet(d->giveCrossSection(CSnum)->giveSetNumber());
            for (int elID : elSet->giveElementList() ) {
        delamNodes.findCommonValuesSorted(tipProp.mPropagationDofManNumbers, propNodes);
        bool printed = false;
        for ( int inode : propNodes ) {
            //std::list< int > :: iterator p;
            std :: vector< int > :: iterator p;
            p = std :: find( this->dofManList.begin(), this->dofManList.end(), inode );
            if ( p == this->dofManList.end() ) {          // if new node
                if ( !printed ) {
                    printf("\n Enrichment %i - The following nodes will be expanded to:",this->giveNumber());
                    printed = true;
                printf(" %i", inode );
                this->dofManList.push_back( inode );
        printf(" \n");

        std :: sort( dofManList.begin(), this->dofManList.end() );

        oFrontsHavePropagated = true;
StationaryTransportProblem :: checkConsistency()
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);

    // check for proper element type
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        Element *ePtr = domain->giveElement(i);
        if ( !dynamic_cast< TransportElement * >(ePtr) ) {
            _warning2("Element %d has no TransportElement base", i);
            return 0;

    return EngngModel :: checkConsistency();
StructuralEngngModel :: packRemoteElementData(ProcessCommunicator &processComm)
    int result = 1;
    int i, size;
    IntArray const *toSendMap = processComm.giveToSendMap();
    CommunicationBuffer *send_buff = processComm.giveProcessCommunicatorBuff()->giveSendBuff();
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);

    size = toSendMap->giveSize();
    for ( i = 1; i <= size; i++ ) {
        result &= domain->giveElement( toSendMap->at(i) )->packUnknowns( * send_buff, this->giveCurrentStep() );

    return result;
StructuralEngngModel :: showSparseMtrxStructure(int type, oofegGraphicContext &context, TimeStep *atTime)
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    CharType ctype;
    int i;

    if ( type != 1 ) {

    ctype = StiffnessMatrix;

    int nelems = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    for ( i = 1; i <= nelems; i++ ) {
        domain->giveElement(i)->showSparseMtrxStructure(ctype, context, atTime);
int StokesFlow :: checkConsistency()
    int nelem;
    FMElement *sePtr;
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();

    // check for proper element type
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        sePtr = dynamic_cast< FMElement * >( domain->giveElement(i) );
        if ( sePtr == NULL ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING2("Element %d has no FMElement base", i);
            return false;

    return EngngModel :: checkConsistency();
StaticFracture :: optimize(TimeStep *tStep)
    // Main optimization loop

    MinCompliance *objFunc = dynamic_cast< MinCompliance * >( this->objFuncList[0] ); 

    for ( int subProb = 1; subProb <= this->giveNumberOfSlaveProblems(); subProb++ ) {
        EngngModel *sp = this->giveSlaveProblem(subProb);
        Domain *d = sp->giveDomain(1);   

        double cost = 0.0; // should lie in obj fnc
        double dce = 0.0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= d->giveNumberOfElements(); i++) {  
            Element *el = d->giveElement(i);
            cost += objFunc->evaluateYourself(el, dce, sp->giveCurrentStep() ); // add cost for each element

        // Filter sensitivities

        // Update design variables based on some method. For now use the 'standard' optimality criteria

        // Update material parameters
        for (int i = 1; i <= d->giveNumberOfMaterialModels(); i++) {
            DynamicInputRecord ir;
            Material *mat = d->giveMaterial(i);
            double E0 = 1.0;
            double fac = pow( objFunc->, objFunc->penalty);
            ir.setField( E0 * fac, _IFT_IsotropicLinearElasticMaterial_e);

        printf("\n costfunction %e & sum sensitivity %e & sum x %e \n", cost, objFunc->sensitivityList.sum(), 
            objFunc->designVarList.sum() );

NonLinearDynamic :: estimateMaxPackSize(IntArray &commMap, CommunicationBuffer &buff, int packUnpackType)
    int mapSize = commMap.giveSize();
    int i, j, ndofs, count = 0, pcount = 0;
    IntArray locationArray;
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    DofManager *dman;
    Dof *jdof;

    if ( packUnpackType == ProblemCommMode__ELEMENT_CUT ) {
        for ( i = 1; i <= mapSize; i++ ) {
            count += domain->giveDofManager( )->giveNumberOfDofs();

        return ( buff.givePackSize(MPI_DOUBLE, 1) * count );
    } else if ( packUnpackType == ProblemCommMode__NODE_CUT ) {
        for ( i = 1; i <= mapSize; i++ ) {
            ndofs = ( dman = domain->giveDofManager( ) )->giveNumberOfDofs();
            for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) {
                jdof = dman->giveDof(j);
                if ( jdof->isPrimaryDof() && ( jdof->__giveEquationNumber() ) ) {
                } else {

        //printf ("\nestimated count is %d\n",count);
        return ( buff.givePackSize(MPI_DOUBLE, 1) * max(count, pcount) );
    } else if ( packUnpackType == ProblemCommMode__REMOTE_ELEMENT_MODE ) {
        for ( i = 1; i <= mapSize; i++ ) {
            count += domain->giveElement( )->estimatePackSize(buff);

        return count;

    return 0;
NonStationaryTransportProblem :: assembleAlgorithmicPartOfRhs(FloatArray &answer, EquationID ut,
                                                              const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, TimeStep *tStep)
    IntArray loc;
    FloatMatrix charMtrx, bcMtrx;
    FloatArray unknownVec, contrib, intSource;
    Element *element;

    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();

    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        element = domain->giveElement(i);
        // skip remote elements (these are used as mirrors of remote elements on other domains
        // when nonlocal constitutive models are used. They introduction is necessary to
        // allow local averaging on domains without fine grain communication between domains).
        if ( element->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {

        element->giveLocationArray(loc, ut, s);
        this->giveElementCharacteristicMatrix(charMtrx, i, NSTP_MidpointRhs, tStep, domain);
        //contribution from previous boundary convection
        element->giveCharacteristicMatrix(bcMtrx, LHSBCMatrix, tStep);
        bcMtrx.times(this->alpha - 1.0);
        if ( bcMtrx.isNotEmpty() ) {

        if ( charMtrx.isNotEmpty() ) {
            element->computeVectorOf(EID_ConservationEquation, VM_Total, tStep, unknownVec);
            contrib.beProductOf(charMtrx, unknownVec);
            answer.assemble(contrib, loc);
Beispiel #29
StructuralEngngModel :: updateInternalState(TimeStep *tStep)
    int nnodes;
    Domain *domain;

    for ( int idomain = 1; idomain <= this->giveNumberOfDomains(); idomain++ ) {
        domain = this->giveDomain(idomain);

        nnodes = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
        if ( requiresUnknownsDictionaryUpdate() ) {
            for ( int j = 1; j <= nnodes; j++ ) {
                this->updateDofUnknownsDictionary(domain->giveDofManager(j), tStep);

        int nbc = domain->giveNumberOfBoundaryConditions();
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nbc; ++i ) {
            GeneralBoundaryCondition *bc = domain->giveBc(i);
            ActiveBoundaryCondition *abc;

            if ( ( abc = dynamic_cast< ActiveBoundaryCondition * >(bc) ) ) {
                int ndman = abc->giveNumberOfInternalDofManagers();
                for ( int j = 1; j <= ndman; j++ ) {
                    this->updateDofUnknownsDictionary(abc->giveInternalDofManager(j), tStep);

        if ( internalVarUpdateStamp != tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter() ) {
            int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
            for ( int j = 1; j <= nelem; j++ ) {

            internalVarUpdateStamp = tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter();
Beispiel #30
FreeWarping :: estimateMaxPackSize(IntArray &commMap, CommunicationBuffer &buff, int packUnpackType)
    int count = 0, pcount = 0;
    IntArray locationArray;
    Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1);

    if ( packUnpackType == ProblemCommMode__ELEMENT_CUT ) {
        for ( int map: commMap ) {
            count += domain->giveDofManager( map )->giveNumberOfDofs();

        return ( buff.givePackSize(MPI_DOUBLE, 1) * count );
    } else if ( packUnpackType == ProblemCommMode__NODE_CUT ) {
        for ( int map: commMap ) {
            for ( Dof *jdof: *domain->giveDofManager( map ) ) {
                if ( jdof->isPrimaryDof() && ( jdof->__giveEquationNumber() ) ) {
                } else {

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // only pcount is relevant here, since only prescribed components are exchanged !!!!
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        return ( buff.givePackSize(MPI_DOUBLE, 1) * pcount );
    } else if ( packUnpackType == ProblemCommMode__REMOTE_ELEMENT_MODE ) {
        for ( int map: commMap ) {
            count += domain->giveElement( map )->estimatePackSize(buff);

        return count;

    return 0;